80 Ft wm" SSollenberger Silos Corp. A Niltflh v(si ■ Bob Francis 229-1 Molly Pitcher Hwy S 717-262 2907 Office Chamhorsbuig, PA 17201 71 7-263-6383 Evenings Poured Concrete Silos Since 1908 bwoi«* fnmng, Saturday, Apm H. itp-Dll H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 140x200 Clear span steel building, taken down, nice condition, $25,000 loaded on your truck. 908-537-6130 2x4's, 2xB's, 2xlo*B, 4x4’*, Ix 7 shiplap, more, by trailer load. Wanted for same, shareholders, stor age space, maybe for lum ber bank for future needy, lire victims, etc. could in clude job at your home. HFS, 613 Noble Rd. 610-593-1140. 30 locust fence posts, 7*-7V4 * long, 6x6 wide on taper, $5/ea. 717-949-3215. 3/4* Select hard maple hardwood flooring. Totally re-machined, sanded. Per fect school floor. $1.90 sq.ft, coverage. Write: 53 N.Ramona RD., Myer stown, PA 17067 »3 pine boards, 1*x12"x10-15 , f $2.25/oach. Must take 25 or more. 717/764-8337. (8) Laminated beams . x22’, 30'. $125/ea 080. Maple hardwood flooring, $1.25 sq.ft. Metal bar joist, 18-27'. John Rsher, 1090 Kirkwood PK, Quarryville, PA 17566 Accepting bids you dis mantle 45x60 oak bam. Greencastle, PA area. 717-375-2700 All steel buildings, 21'x24' to ISo'x3oo‘. Factory de als. Save Big) Quality con struction. 717-367-2668 Antique building materials, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/249-2304 Arenas, Barns, Shops, save I,ooo's on spring fac tory specials. 24x36 thru 70x150. Rishel Construc tion. 814-349-5587. Ends April 30. Bxl6 shed, good oondhion, $4OO. 12x20 shed w/floor HJI by Black Besf Struc tures, $BOO. 717-687-6497 BARN FLOORING: new, kiln dried, T&Q Y-pine 2xB's for floors and stalls, ■lso plain 2xB’s 2x6‘s 2x4's. Noah Shirk Sawmi, 717/354-0192. Baoct TSS 2T single and tenoner. Tilting tables, pneumatic hold downs, ex cellent condition, reedy to work, see it run. Offers or trades. 717-677-0707 Bam frame, 40x45 all hand hewn timbers, also hand hewn rafters. 10,000* used metal roofing. 5 big cupo las. 717/768-8354. Concrete expansion joint compound slitter, cuts plastic, cork, etc. in stripe, gas or electric, $l2OO. 302-324-0646 Flooring, 4-12* wide plank, T&G, timbers, Cypress de cking, siding, fence boards. See our display ad. 610/565-6038. Rorecent lights, $5/piece and 50 square slate roof tiles. (717)464-2354. FOR SALE: Stone wall 10'xlOO'. Large limestone hand cut (814)669-4175. FREE 10x60 mobile home, good for storage. You movel (717)336-0476. Qebhart's Quality con structed pole buildings, garages, horse bams, ad ditions, and commercial buildings. We also do demo, take down old build ings. Call today so we can plan your projects. (717)259-9438 or 1(800)537-1480 General lathe, model 280, 60* bed, speed selector, very good condition, offers or trades. 717-677-0707 Hendey lathe, 12x5,3-jaw, 4-jaw, taper attachments, 3-phase converter to con vert to single phase, $550. 610-488-7414 Harmance motder 4-head, excellent running condi tion, belt drive with or with out electric conversion. Very large assortment of knives and heads can be sold with machine or sepa rate. Come run it Offers or trades. 717-677-0707 Hydraulic cold press, Fran cis, 20x41, 1-platen, side loading, good condition, of fers or trades. 717-677-0707 IGB International gredh house, gutter style, heavy duty, 42x120 w/ngid plastic covering w/fans. House down and ready to go, blue prints to reconstruct Must sell) $7,500. Ask for Tom. (610)869-3521. Masonry work: brick, block, stone, concrete. New A re paired. 25 years experi ence. Small jobs wel comed. Contact Richard Jones, Delta, PA, 717-456-7523. New cedar siding; used 40x80 bam frame; used roofing; BxB floor joists; hand hewn floor joists; to bacco rails; steel beams; barn flooring. 717/768-3722, best in eve., 717/737-1757 Wed. after 10am. Old barn boards for sale. No paint Random width & length, 40x76 bam. Make offer. 610-593-0321 leave message. Old bam flooring up to 16'. Leave message at 717-656-2179. OUTDOOR FURNACES Classic stoves are a safe efficient answer to your heating needs. Please call for free literature. Installa tion and accessories avail able. Ken Stauffer (717)539-4606, (688)539-4606, (717)539-4703 fax. PAYING UP TO $2.50/sq.ft for wide walk smooth attic floor. We re move. Also paying $.50-$l.OO for pins and oak siding 1' & thicker. 800/765-3966.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers