840-bnc*st«r' Faming, Saturday, ~XpHT lTj‘ lW' Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT APR 25 - 9AM Near New Farm Market, Church Rd & Hart- Bloomfield, Perry Co, PA Inven- ford, Rd, Medford, NJ Farm lory Reduction Sale, I beams, Machinery & Antiques Auction steel, equip, truck parts Consign- Marker's Auct Co, Inc, 609-268- menls welcome No Hh goods 0396 please 717-582-8902 By Greg Diemler Rick Foreman 8 Linn Lenker, Aucls SAT APR 25 -10 AM PC Parts Whse, 1800 Paxton St, Harris burg, PA Computer Auction PC Parts, Inc, 800-666-9373 Jim Chamberlin & Troy flenwick, Aucls SAT APR 25 -10 AM Johnson’s SAT APR 25 -10 AM Rt 234 W of York approx 7 mi or E of Easl PUBLIC AUCTION of Valuable Real Estate 3 Partials - 2 3/4 Acre mil Farmette; 21/4 Acres m/l Open Lot; I Acre m/l w/Mobile Home Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, HH Goods, Longaberger Baskets, Tractor, Farm Related Items, Very Lg. Selec. of Tools Real Estate: 2 pm ~ Tractor: 12 Noon ~ Longaberger Baskets: 1 PM Sat., April 18,1998 • 8:30 AM Real Estate • 2PM ~ Tractor *l2 Noon -Longaberger Baskets • IPM 922 Newport Rd., Manheim, PA, Penn Twp., Lancaster County Dir: From Lancaster take 501 N thru Lititz. Turn left on Newport Rd. Sale Approx 7 mile on right between Elm & Penryn REAL ESTATE: Partial I: Consists of 2 3/4 Acres m/l 2-1/2 Story Log & Frame Dwelling w/Front Porch, Attached Breezeway and 3 Car Garage w/Daylight Basement 2 Story Frame Barn Approx 32’ x 65’ w/1 Story w/Atlached Shop Area & 5 Horse Stalls Partial II; Consists of 2-1/4 Acres m/l Excellent Open Building Lot w/200' Road Frontage Partial III; Consists of 1 Acre m/l Lot w/Mobile Home -100’ Road Frontage PARTIALS I, II & 111 WILL BE OFFERED SEPARATELY AND AS AN ENTIRETY. - Good Investment Property w/Country Setting OAK CHEST OF DRAWERS, DOVETAILED BLANKET CHEST, MAHOG. CHINA CLOSET-SERVER & EXTENSION TABLE, OAK HIGHBACK DOU BLE BED W/CARVING, VICTORIAN STYLE DRESSER W/HANKIE BOXES & SHELVES, Trunk, 3 Pc Dep Bedroom Suite w/matchmg Chifferobe, Dep Dresser & Chest of Drawers, Vanity w/Rd Mirror,Wardrobe, Iron Double Bed, Cribs, Bassinet, Baby Coach, Kneehole Desk, Philco Floor Model Radio, Youth Bed, Dropleaf Table, Old Wicker & Other Porch Furniture, White Kitchen Cabinet, Assort Of Chairs, Pictures & Frames CHINA DISHES, PRESSED & PATTERN GLASS, Candlewick, Assort of Tumblers GLASS BASKETS, Carnival Chicken on Nest, Milk Glass Compote, Milk Bottles me Ka-Vee-Golden Guernsey & Graybills Half Pint, Utensils, Pots & Pans, Cookware, Stainless Steel, Ice Cream Dipper, Ricer, Knives, Corn Shredder, Crocks, Canning Jars, Lard Cans, Agateware, Cigar Boxes, Adv Boxes & Tins, Assort of Books, Women's Household Mag , Calendars, Sewing Basket, Bedding, Fish Aquarium, Canes, Old Valentines, Records, Maps, Fans, Avon Bottles, Glass Banks, Wmross Trucks, Toys & Games, Candles & Craft Items, Planter, Coolers LONGABERGER BASKETS; 1998-1995 Christmas Series me Pomsettia- Seasons Greetmgs-Bayberry-Jmgle Bell & Cranberry, 1989-1997 Inaugural Baskets, 1995 Tradition Collection, 1995 Family Basket, Protectors & Liners GUNS: Mossberg 22 Bolt Action w/Clip Model 14, Harrison & Richardson 20 Ga Single Shot Gun, Stevens 22 Single Shot Model 668, Springfield 22 Model 15, German 22 Calibre Pistol w/Holster ALLIS CHALMERS C TRACTOR W/2 WAY PLOW-CULTIVATORS-DISC HIRE & CULTIPACKER, TROY-BILT ROTOTILLER, Strhl 20” Cham Saw w/Case, Air Compressor, Craftsman Table Saw, 2 HP RADIAL ARM SAW, Shop Vise, 9000 BTU Reddy Heater, B & D Circular Saw, ROCKWELL 4”JOINTER, Elec Fencer & Battery Chargers, Echo Weed Eater, Gilson Tiller, JD Power Mower, Lawn Roller, Bikes, Feed Chest, Single Cultivator, Dirt Pan, Pony Cart, Youth & Full Size Western Saddles, Bridles, Halters & Harnesses, Brushes VERY LG. ASSORT. OF LOG CHAINS - ALL SIZES & LENGTHS, LG. ASSORT. OF CHAIN BINDERS, VERY LG. ASSORT. OF HAND TOOLS, Open & Box End Wrenches, Wood Pulleys, Saws, Screwdrivers, Crow Bars, Levels, Brace & Bits, Hatchets, Leather Punch, Come-A-Longs, Socket Set, Grease Guns, Oil Cans, Grinding Wheel, Lg Pipe Wrenches, Elec. Cords, C-Clamps, Old Jacks, Lots of Claw & Ball Hammers, Lots of Iron & Hardware-Nuts-Screws-Bolts, Organizer, Tool Carrier, Helmets, 150 AMP WELDER, Lug Wrenches, Shop Bench, Milk Can EXPRESS WAGONS, FLEX FLYER SLED, Wheelbarrows, Hog Feeder & Scraper, Spotlights, Truck Mirrors, Gas Cans, Pipe Fittings, Hard Hats, Tie Down Straps, Fire Ext., Yard Ornaments, 2 Cycle Oil, Rope Brooms, Fork, Shovels, Galv Watering Can, Stove Pipe, BEAN SCALE, WIRE EGG BAS KET, CHICKEN CRATES, Elec Fixtures, Hunting Knives, Single Strand Elec Wire, Hoses, Dog Chains, Trouble Cords, Ashley Wood Stove, Incubator, Meyers Water Pump, 100 FT Tape, PLATFORM SCALES, Old License Plates, Hubcaps, Cl Pulley Wheel LG. ASSORT. OF LUMBER, 6 Cord Firewood, Locust Posts, RR Iron, 20 Ft Ext Ladder, Single Ladder, Wooden Boat. Sale Order Farm Items, Tools &HH Goods; Furniture Large Sale*Lots of items too numerous to mention* Selling w/2 Auctioneers No Out-of-State Checks* Not Responsible for Accidents Call (717) 687-6857 or (717) 665-7392 for appointment. TERMS; 10% down, balance on or c . _ before June 18, 1998 bale hor ' ATTORNEY: Susan Young Nicholas Miriam W. Lehman & Young & Young The Late Glenn L. Lehman MILLER & SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (717) 687-6857 AU-1723L SAT APR 25 -10 AM 50 N Cameron St, Harrisburg, PA Appalachian Brewery Auctkm/Brew Fest Rest equip, regng, air cond, HVAC, brewing equip, bldg supplies, tools, lum ber, office equip & more Con tact “Boh" Man, 717-221-1080 Mark Baranowski. Auct Berlin approx 4-1/2 mi Thomasville, PA Farm Machm ery By Richard L Bufflmgton Mike Stermer, Auct SAT APR 25- 10AM 3255 San tee Rd. Bethlehem, PA Antique autos, garage tools & equip brochures & manuals, antiques 8 coll, Farmall Super C Ted Maur er. Auct.6lo-323-1573 SAT APR 25 - 10 30AM Kutz town Produce Auct, Oak Haver Rd, Fleetwood, PA Benefit Aut lion for Rebecca Ringler For info 610-682-6429 or 610-682-6094 SAT APR 25-11 AM 4 mi S of Canfield, OH or 3 ml N of Salem, on St Rt 62 to farm at comer of Rt 62 & Calla Rd, South Range Schools, Green Twp, Mahoning Co, OH Real estate, 154 acre farm or 13 parcels, Hh goods, antiques & farm machinery By J C B Thomas Farm Jim Baer, Auct. 330-227-3236. SAT APR 25 -11 AM Midway btwn Hba & State College at the Port Royal exit of Rt 322, Juniata Co, PA Auto Auction, open to dealers & public Long's Auto Auc tion For info, call Monica 717- 436-9565 SAT APR 25-4 30PM Lancast er’s Farm & Home Center, off Rt 72, Lane, PA Farm Toy Auction Farm Toy Show - 9AM till 2PM R Harry & R Stoltzfus. Aucts SAT APR 25 -10 AM & SUN APR 26 - IPM The Scotch Val ley Ski Ctr, Rt 10 N, 2-1/2 mi from Stamford, NY 3000 acres -64 parcels, Catskill Mt area By Prospect Farms, Inc Mel Man asse & Son, Aucts, 1-800-MAN ASSE SUN APR 26-12 Noon Waver ly, Tioga Co, NY sth Ann Pro Public Auction April 13,1998 3:00 PM E.M. Murry Auction Emporium 23 N. Water Street/Lititz, PA 17543 Auction for: Bea & William (Bud) Lindeman - Et’ai Spring cleaning brought a nice clean lot of dishes, glassware, collectibles, and furniture, 4-15’ church pews, 5-21” self pro pelled Lawn Boy mowers, 1 - John Deere push mower (like new), hand and garden tools Box lots begin at 3 00 PM 10% Buyer Premium Reminders: April 20 - Drag In (call for table # and information) April 27 - No Sale June 8 - Antique Sale (consignments now being accepted) LICENSE NO. 649-L / 23 North Water Street (717) 62M175 or (717) 626-2636* LHHz, Pennsylvania 17543 FAX (717) 627-6757 APPRAISERS and ADVISORS PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS Alex Kolodinsk Mr; Public Auction Susquehanna County Take Lenox Exit (#64) of Rte. 81 and go South 2 miles on Rte. 92; 8 miles North of Nicholson, PA, off Rte. 92. Watch for Auction Arrows. Sat., Apr. 18,1998-10 A.M. }KRi ;sel Tractor with lor with Full C.ih and Front Fnd ■Syt) Allied I oader (5|5 hrs looks like new) International 574 (Fas with Front Knd Loader O 174 hrs looks stood) tpt Belaurs 75 h h WS2 Backhoe Attachment (Looks like new) John Deeie 128 Square Baler with Thrower (like new) Heston PT 10 Ha\hme Pahr 14 Teddei (Looks good) NH 2% Rola Bar Rake (2) 18 \8 Square Steel Bale Thrower Wagons (I ike new) 1 Pi o forks Bucket I orks WIFO Hvdiauhc Round Bate Clamp T pt h 7 Brush Hog N H SJ9 Manure Spreader with Lilt Gale (Ver> Goodk 40 Little Giant Flcvator (Like new) 7 Trailer Lime Spreader with 17\20 Flotation Tires WAC 1010 Fertilizer Spreaders 12 Transport Disc 6 Disc 1 Bottom 1 Pt h Plows 12x85 Bed Wagon. 20 Feeder Wagon 2 Round Bale Hay Racks Cattle Shute with Head Lock INDUSTRIAL: Hobart Champion 18-250 Amo. PC Gas Welder with Onan Engine (Like new). Welding Cable Helmet, D-6 Model 9U Caterpiller Dozer with Blade (work- ing condition), running condition) H D7G Allis Chalmers for Paris. Clark 2 7 Ton Forklift with Gas Engine (Runs good) VFHICI.KS: 1974 Chew 24’ Rollback Truck with 900x20 Rubber (Looks good) 1972 International T ivel All. 1978 Buick 2 Door Coupe--3 8 Turbo, Ford Pinto (as is), Subaru (as is). Military Trailer, V 8 Ford Truck Engine ALSO: 14 hp Economy Tractor with Cultivator and Rotary Mower, 4’ Lawn Lime Spreader, 10 h p American Legend Shredder (Like new). Antique Century 15' Wooden Boat with Trailer. Western Saddle TOOLS: Husquavama Cham Saw, Craftsman and Arco Air Compressors, Air Tank, Tire Changer, Bench Grinder, Drill Press, Acetylene Torches, RR Jack, Bam Jacks, Floor Jack, Jack Stands, Elec Drill, Vises, Many new Tools, 3/4 Sockets, Torque Wrench, Come Alongs, Hammers, Ropes. Tarps, Bale Wrap. Metal Tool Boxes, Wheelbarrow, 6" Planer, Water Pump, Tractor and Log Chains, Miles and miles of New and Used Elec Fence Wire, Metal and Fiberglass, Posts and Accessories Fence Chargers, Barbed Wire, Hose and Reel, Poulsen Weed Eater, Bam Fan, Woven Wire, Nails, Bolls, Hardware BUILDING MATERIALS: Enough new material to build a nole harn-Red and White Steel Sheeting, (13) 40' Trasses, Plywood, Treated Poles Other Treated Boards, Quantity of 2”x4”x 16, 1 -1/2"x6” Tongue and Groove Boards, Large Amount of Stacked Lumber, Nails and Siding Screws, (12) I4’x2"x4" Metal Studs, 2"x3” Pipe in Long Lengths, Scrap Iron HAY 1,000 Square and 80 Round Bales of Hay Terms: Cash or Approved Check Owner: Mrs. Alex Kolodinsky Executrix: Debra Brazitis ay* Kingsley, PA 18826 Phone: 800-366-4531 or 717-289-4533 Plan now to attend this large auction. The farm equipment and tools are new or m like new condition duction Sale, 40+ lots of regis tered Simmental Pirrung Aucts, Inc. 716-728-2520 MON APR 27 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction Inc MON APR 27 - 3PM 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Special Restaurant Sale, com plete liquidation By The Petite Palate John Hess & Dennis Wol oemuth. Aucts. 717-664-5238 MON APR 27-4 PM 94 Cream ery Rd , Myerstown, PA Wood working tools, bass boat. 3-wheel er & mower By Diane Spang Stan Bucher & Elvm Aucts. 717-867-4165 Ingncl 4 W.D. ihn Deere 7S h. ihn Deere .335 Round Baler (Good :rs Bi Lunch AU7O4L iphubmc saile AUCTIONEERS; Terry L. Shelter AU-002951L Kelly A. Shelter AA-002110 Ph: 717-264-3885 Sat., Apr. 18,1998 Beginning at 9:00 a.m. 100 Woodysway, Fayetteville, PA Rt. 30 East of Chambersburg just past intersection of Rt. 997 & Rt. 30 at Greenwood Hills Bible Church (parking available at chapel) TOOLS: Craftsman transit w/legs, Berger transit & legs, 4’ potto brake (used one time). Emglo air compressor, Enco drill press, Lowe’s 10” belt sander; Shopmaster 6” joiner, Rockwell radial arm saw: Rockwell 9” contractor table saw, Dewait 12” miter saw; Craftsman bench grinder, Porter cable router, Dewalt & Black & Decker jig saws, 1/2” B&D ham mer drill, Dewalt 1/2” hammer drill, 5 Paslode Signode air nailers, 22 cal Ram shot gun, Rockwell belt sander; Dewalt 4 1/2” grinder; Stanley 4” paneling saw, 2 Rockwell circular saws, Dewalt circular saw, Rockwell reciprocating saw, Dewalt deck screwdriver; Dewalt 3/8” drill, 2 B&D 1/2” drills,Craftsman 3/8” dull; 1/2” Skill Driver drill, Dewalt 3/8" HD cordless drill, B&D hammer drill, 6” B&D disc sander, Rockwell porta-planer, Rockwell bench grinder, Porta-Cable belt sander, Skil caulking gun; 2 soldering guns, staple guns, Dou-fast electric lacker, other circular saws, hand saws, sev eral c-clamps; shop lights, squares & levels; crow bars, sledge hammers, shovels, digging irons, shingle shucklers, wrenches (box, open & pipe wrenches), socket sets, chisels; punches, ext cords, saw blades, Craftsman tool chest, etc AUTOMOBILES/EQUIPMENT: 1989 Chevy Silveraldo pickup w/cap, 32,000 Ongmal miles, garage kept, 1990 Chevy Caprice car, Cub Cadet 1630 hyd garden tractor and the following attachments sold separately, cab snow blower, snow plow, wheel weights & chains, Harley Davidson gas engine 3 wheel golf cart w/canopy, 4xB utiltiy trailer w/racks, 20’ alum ext ladder, wooden step ladder, 2 wheelbarrows, several boxes of new hardware, chains, organizers, metal shelving, tool boxes, pile of cherry lumber, large safe, other misc tools & accessories NOTE: Cash or good cheek. Sorry, no out-of-stalc cheeks. Tent if inclement weather. Lunch stand reserved. This is a fine selection of quality tools in excellent condition. Plan on attending. Mrs. Olive Plasterer & 'iPOTiLH C 3AILIE 0 Of new John Deere parts plus advertising items from 1941 thru 1965 Sale will be held at the place of business of the late Frank M Peck, John Deere dealer Location turn west at the cross roads in the Village of Needmore, PA onto Thompson Rd., go approx. 2-1/2 miles to stop sign, turn left to sale, watch for signs SAT., APRIL 18, 1998, TIME 8:30 AM J D toy banks & other J.D. toys, New #IB J.D 1 hole corn sheller, #2O Syracuse plow (plowed 1 acres); Tractor parts including fend ers, hoods, radiators, blocks, heads, mufflers, crank shafts, fuel tanks, air cleaners; illumi nated 4x6 4-legged J.D. sign; J.D. 4-legged banners; large tin 4-legged J.D. sign; new 1530 J.D. rims, numerous J.D. equipment manuals - literature & parts manuals from 1938 & up; new steel wheels for J.D. Mod. R manure spreader; few lawn & garden parts; J.D. 10A Hammer Mill parts; Letz Feed Mill parts; Mod. 51 J.D. backhoe attachment (parts only); 8 Speed roadranger transmis sion; corn planter parts for 246 - 290 - 490 - 999; baler parts for 14T -24 T - 214; Manure spreader parts for H L M R; J.D. plow parts me. steel wheels - cast points - mole boards - landslides; J.D. planting attachments: can vases & sickle for grain binder; corn binder & picker parts; PTO air pumps; J.D. gram drill & disc, parts; combine parts for J.D. 12A - 40- 45- 55; J.D. hayrake - mower & forage Harvester parts; baling wire for stationary baler; Hyd. Cyl. parts; Wooden nail kegs, Single trees; new handles for Syracuse plow; numerous items not listed. Mr. Frank M. Peck started this John Deere business in 1941 and was a family run busi ness until 1985. All parts have been kept in dry. If you are a collector or need parts for older machinery, don’t miss this sale; we already have 7 wagon loads and more to go. Terms: Cash Not Responsible for Accidents Lunch Reserved ID required for bidder No. Telephone: 304-258-6405 (after 6:00 PM) Lyle Reed, Lie. #AU-000-746-L Auctioneer OWNERS; the late Ira Plasterer Warren Peck (Owner)
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