B244jncatl*r Farming, Saturday, April 11, 1998 Sale Reports HORST SALE Antique and mod ern firearms, rifles, shotguns, BB guns and hunting acces sories were sold Saturday at a public auction held at Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. There were 258 registered bidders. Items sold included three Winchester model 12 12-gauge shotguns, $l3O, $l5O and $220; two Winchester model 77 .22 rifles, $2OO and $180; a Winchester model 74 .22 rifle, $140; a Winchester model 45 .410 shot gun, $525; a Winchester model 50 12-gauge shotgun, $180; a Winchester .22 rifle, $200; a Winchester model 93 .30-30 rifle, $375; a Winchester 1897 12- gauge shotgun, $220; an L.C. Smith 16- gauge shotgun, $250; two A.H. Fox 12-gauge shotguns, $230 and $150; and AM .22 pis tol, $170; a U.S. Springfield 1870 rifle, $250; two U.S. Springfield model 1898 .30-40 rifles, $l7O and $160; and a U.S. Springfield 1873 .45-70 rifle, $250. Also sold were two U.S. Springfield model 1903 .30-60 rifles, $l6O each; a Remington model 722 .308 rifle, $200; two Remington model 1100 12-gauge shot guns, $l4O and $130; a Remington model 1100 12-gauge shot guns, $l4O and $130; a Remington model 1100 12-gauge shot gun, $330; a Remington model 870 20-gauge shotgun, $120; two Marlin 39A .22 rifles, $l6O each; a Marlin 20A .22 rifle, $180; a Russian model 1940 military gun, $180; a Stevens Marksman .22 rifle, $135; a Stevens Walnut Hill .22 rifle, $440; a German model 98 Bmm gun, $150; a Savage model 1914 .22 rifle, $130; a Parker Bros. 12-gauge shot gun, $260; a Mossberg model 44 U.S. .22 rifle, $155; and a .22 rifle, $165. The sale was con ducted by Horst Auctioneers, Ephrata HEFFNER SALE A public sale was held Saturday, March 28, for the late Dale Heffner at 423 Jamison Road, Windsor. There were 450 registered bidders and buyers. Highlights included a 1931 Model A Ford coupe, $8,700; a 1926 Model T dump truck, $4,000; a Fordson Super Major backhoe with front-end loader, $4,650; a Ford 8N tractor, $2,300; a Ford Custom 350 dump truck, $3,000; a 1969 Ford Ranchero, $1,700; a stone rake, $460; a two-bottom plow, $290; two piles of scrap metal, $260 each; piles of scrap iron , $BO, $7O, $95 PUBLIC AUCTION MAY 2, 1998 9:00 AM 100TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY SALE FOR ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE LOCATED: New Berhnville, 8 miles North of Pottstown on Route; 100; 1 mile North of Boyertown; 20 miles South of Allentown Route 100; watch for sale signs. TRACTORS Oliver 1550; Gas w/f (engine & clutch over hauled); Ford 2000, gas w/Loader; MF 235 Gas Turf Special; Farmall H; Farmall Super H; Two Farmall Cs; Farmall Cub Lowboy w/Blade & Chains; Four Farmall Cubs w/Mowers, IH 404 Gas w/Turf Tires; IH 154 w/Sickle Bar; Cub Lowboy w/Sweeper Broom & 60” Belly Mower; Parts Tractors; IH 444, IH 275, Jacobson FlO Commercial. COLLECTOR TRACTORS Farmall Cub 1950 White Demo Model; JD M w/Loader; MH 30; Farmall F2O Restored: Farmall W3O; Farmall A 1 PT; Farmall B w/ Buck Saw, Case 400 Gas, (restored) TRUCKS & CARS 1959 Ford Pick-up, 6 cyl. Stick (restored); IH 1700 4x4 Gas Dump Bed, 26,000 GVW (needs work); 1978 GMC 15 Pick-up Diesel; Mercedes 280 Automatic (needs work). NEW DEMO EQUIPMENT New Case IH 8521 Bale Thrower; Case IH 415 Cultimulcher 10 1/2’; Befeo 2 Starr Tedder; SES Rhino 5’ Pull-type Deck; FMC 3 Pt. 55 Gal. Sprayer; Rhino 72" Box Blade. RIDING MOWERS &COMMERCIAL MOWERS JD 260 w/Deck; Cub Cadet 782 w/44” Mower, Dickson ZTR 30” Mower w/Bagger; Cub Cadets; 1020, 1615, 1250, 1610, 1106 w/Tiller, 382, 782 Two 108 s; 5 Roxy Gang Mowers; G 14 Bolens w/Blade & Blower; Monte Carlo 8; Airens YTIZ; Craftsman 14; Ag FAB Mower w/Vac; ATI 800 Preseeder; Gravely pro 18 w/50" Deck; Gravely 12H Commercial; Grasshopper 1822 w/52” Deck; Grasshopper 721 w/61” Deck; Simplicity 7014; Dynomark 1136; Bolens 770 & Ql7; Woods Mow Machine 61” Cut Kubota Engine: Woods F 35 Deck; MF 5’ 3PT Rotary Mower; IH 3260 Deck; 3 Pt. Saw Buck; 3 Pt 72” Mott Mower; Two Cub Belly Mott Mowers; Post Hole Digger; Spike Harrow. PUSH MOWERS: JD, Lawn Boy, Cub Cadet EQUIPMENT NH 411 Disc Bine; NH 479 Hay Bine; IH 440 Baler w/Thrower; Hesston 4500; Wire Baler w/Thrower; IH 744 Corn Head for parts; MF 44 Corn Head; Cub Pull Disc; Cub 2 Way Plow; 3 PI Log Splitter; Ford Bale Thrower; IH Bale Thrower; Donahue 21’ Trailer; Cub 1 PT Rear Cultivator; Kubota MR4BOO Deck; IH 2BT Plow; Misc. Cultivators; 2 Axle Trailer Frame; 1 Pt. Farmall Plow; 100 & 120 Dynobalance Mowers; 2 Bt Oliver Trailer Plow; JD Ground Driven Spreader; 2 Pt. Disc Plow; 2 Bt Trailer Plow MISC. PARTS Disc Planters; Mowers; Combine Parts; Bolts; Loader Buckets; Wheels & Tires & Scrap Iron. “Parts special 10% off over counter sales: Cash & Carry, In Stock; 4/30, 5/1, 5/2, 5/4 Loading and trucking available. AUCTIONEER NOTE: LOTS OF EQUIP MENT SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!! List subject to change Terms: Cash or PA Check, unless known by Auction Firm or Erb & Henry. Erb & Henry Equip. Inc. (610)367-2169 Fax (610) 367-6715 WOLGEMUTH AUCTION Dennis (#2357) (717) 656-2947 and $75 each; an iron light post, $9O; two Model A fenders, $170; old radiators, $35 and $4O; a pump, $100; a pile of split wood, $B5; a Biro No. 22 meat saw, $500; a Wellsaw meat saw, $135; an old hand-operated sheer, $105; a 10-by-20-foot storage building, $900; a Springfield pump gun, $310; a Savage gun, $300; a Premier .22 pump gun, $185; an old gas pump, $160; a small New Holland mill, 4110; a small wheel barrow, $140; a butch er kettle, $B5; and a wheelbarrow, $9O. The sale was con ducted by Jacob A. Gilbert and Brian L. Gilbert of Gilbert & 2 DAY AUCTION CULPEPER STONE CO., INC. APRIL 23, & 24th, 1998 Having sold the business, will be selling all excess equipment from two locations. DAY ONE -In Haymarket, VA -11:00 am ph. 120-208 v, M/N 315 G, S/N 40R5615; CAT DIRECTIONS; From Rt. 15 at I-66. Take Rt 55W, P°^® r unit w/clutch sleeve, M/N D 343, S/N 62P approx Imi to Ist right on Antiock Rd Approx. 2 J9ua mi., turn right, at Mountain View Camp Ground entrance. Continue approx 100 yds to sale site QUARRY EQUIPMENT ELJAY 54” five cone crusher, 200 h.p , elec, motor, S/N 354; Custom made Pug Mill w/2 25 ton bins, (2) bin vibrators, (2) F44C vib feeders, 36"x90’ con veyor w/35 degree idlers & 40 h.p. mill motor; Plant auto Ctrl panel & Etheridge maximizer; CARDINAL MTS trk scales, 60’ long, 100,000 lb. cap w/numer ical readout, S/N 8801-100; 75’Antenna mast; 40’ Office trl - used for scale house; LINKBELT vib screen w/36" under screen conveyor, 6’xl6’ dbl deck, S/N 2616; SYNTRON T-440-CDT vib feeder, S/N 654 742888; ERIZ SE74O magnet, S/N A -61566-1; SIMPLICITY primary feeder w/Gnzzly 50"x16’ Toshiba fluid coupling w/30 hp motor; SYNTRON feeder F 44 w/30"x60” pan; ALLIS CHALMERS dbl. deck screen conveyor, s’xl6’, S/N A-74312-2, LINKBELT single deck rinsing screen w/bypass slot, S/N 820553-65670-1180; 42”x35’ custom conveyor w/30 h.p. motor; 36”x130’ con veyor w/catwalk w/40 h.p. motor; 30”x60’ conveyor w/catwalk & 20 h p motor; 24”x50’ cable stayed, center leveled conveyor w/Catwalk & 20 h.p motor, 24”x40’ cable stayed, center leveled conveyor w/15 h.p motor, 30”x145’ channel framed & 20” truss conveyor w/20 h.p motor, 30’’x80' 24” truss con veyor w/10 h p motor; 24”x120’ cable stayed con veyor w/44” truss & 10 h p. motor, 36"x10' convey or w/7-1/2 h.p motor, 24”x110' custom conveyor w/20” truss & 7-1/2 motor, 36"x100 radial stacker conveyor w/20 h.p motor - This unit has sth wheel pm and rubber tired dollies; Lg quantity of steel frames & other parts removed from this machinery during the disassembly of the machinery. Auctioneers note: ALL COMPONENTS & EQUIP MENT TO BE SOLD ARE DISASSEMBLED AND WILL BE SOLD AT THE QUARRY WITH NO EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR LOADING (RIG GER REQUIRED). DAY 2 - In Culpeper, VA - 9:00 AM DIRECTIONS: From Rt. 29: Take Rt 3 - East about 5 mi to Sale site on right From Fredericksburg: Take Rt. 3 West through Stevensburg to Sale site on left. HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS KOMATSU PC 120-3 LC hyd exc, S/N 20940, 1995 CAT 311 hyd exc, low hrs. WHEEL LOADERS & CRANES 1979 CAT 980 C rubber tired Idr w/5 yd bkt, S/N 63X1309, 1981 CAT 9888 rubber tired Idr w/7 yd bkt, S/N 5803, CASE 621 wh Idr, S/N JAK0022062, KOBELCO LKBSO II r.t Idr, Erops, GP bkt, S/N LK 802-1039, KOMATSU WA-350 wh Idr, S/N 10310 T; WALTON 5000 art Idr, S/N 14744; PETTIBONE 25 Ton Rough Terrain crane w/Detroit dsl, S/N 56-2- A 659, AMERICAN 375-BT, 25 Ton trk crane, 50’ boom w/walkeshaw gas engs up & dwn. BACKHOES CASE 580 E, Erops, E-stick; 1994 CAT 4268, T.L.B, 4x4, Erops, E-stick AIR COMPRESSORS & DRILLS & ROLLERS GARDENER DENVER air track drill, PR 123 ham mer, GARDENER DENVER 600 cfm air compres sor; (2) SULLAIR 185 cfm air comp w/JD dsl, I.R. SPS6DD vie roller 84” smooth drum, drum drive, GM dsl. END DUMPS 1978 EUCLID R-35 end dump, S/N 207FD63737, 1974 EUCLID R-22 end dump, S/N 207-FD 64892, 1973 EUCLID R-22 end dump, S/N 207FD63737; TROJAN D 23.2 art dump trk, 6x6, 82,00 hrs., good con, S/N WFN3K23DBIXOOOSOB. ROAD TRACTORS & FLUSHER TRUCK 1987 TRANSTAR 4200 T/A, Detroit dsl, 13 spd, S/N 42747DGA1444C; 1989 INTERNATIONAL S -1900 w/Etnyre 3000 gal. tank flusher, plbd for 4- flusher heads VEHICLES 1995 CHEVY S-10 Blazer LT, 4 dr, 4x4, leather & CD, 57,000 mi; 1993 CHEVY 1500 p.u. w/A.C., 5 spd trans, 1994 FORD Ranger, A C., 5 spd trans. TRAILERS FONTAINE 35 ton lowboy trl, S/N 294; 1989 INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRY 10 Ton T/A lowboy trl, dual wh, like new; 1977 AMERICAN 35 Ton detachable; 1970 AMERICAN 9 Ton Trl/A lowboy trl; 1980 DORSEY container trl; BUTLER 5500 gal tank trl, S/N 56102239 M; TRAILMOBILE tank con tainer w/(2) 3000 SS tanks; 40' Sea Land storage container. GENERATORS & POWER UNITS CAT 600 kw gen. w/pony & air start, M/N D39OH, S/N 500 5H97, mtd on 40' trl; CAT 540 kw gen., 3- Gilbert Auctioneers, Wrightsville. TAYLOR SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment was held April 4 by Donald L. Taylor, Craley Rd., southern York Co., Pa. Some prices were: Case 1845 C D skiSd loader $15,600; I.H. 656 D hydro tractor $5200; Farmall M tractor $1700; J.D. 45 combine $1350; Case Int. #BO snow blower $1300; N.I. PTO spreader $2500; Ontario grain drill $520; I.H. #56 2-row pull-type corn planter $550; set of I.H. flat top fenders $580; STEEL BRIDGE & SCREENER 43’ Span, 12’ Wide, Portable, Very good condition, ROYER M 360 portable topsoil screener w/JD dsl. PARTS TRUCK & MACHINES (2) A.C. TL-20 wheel Idrs, (2) HOUGH 100 straight frame wh Idrs; GALION Motor grader, S/N 118-C-6- 06277; TROJAN 114 wh Idr, HOUGH 90 wh Idr, MICHIGAN 175-A wh Idr; BUCVRUS ERIE front shovel, #38B; DETROIT power unit w/clutch & PTO; IHC water trk, WHITE constructor water trk, WHITE Rd Boss tractor; (5) WHITE constructor concrete mixer trks, SULLAIR 750 air comp, GARDNER DENVER 600 air comp; GARDNER DENVER 3000 series wagon drill, Lg quantity of trk & machine parts, wheels, drums, frames, cabs, bodies & motors; (2) R5O Euclid transmissions, (3) Trk transmissions & Maxidyne engine FARM TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT INT 656 farm tractor, 380 hrs; FORD 2000 farm tractor; 844-S INT enc cab; JD 1010 wide front; 6' bushhog rotary mower; 5’ Rotary mower. MACHINERY COMPONENTS Steel dump trk body; (19) assort Idr bkts, 2-7 yds, Fits Michigan, Cat, Trojan and others. (2) BUCVRUS ERIE 1-1/2 yd bkts; 24" rebuilt bkt for Cat 225 exc; YOUNG Erops cab for 275 Michigan Idr; Chevy p.u bed, new style, Assort trk & equip motors, Assort tires mcl trks & heavy equip. MACHINE SHOP TOOLS GREAVES LUSMAN eng lathe, 24" swing & 8’ bed w/16" 4-jaw cushman chuck, JET 35 ton hyd press, Prat Whitney facing lathe, 48" swing & 8’ bed w/48" 4-jaw chuck; ALLEN starter/generator teSt stand, MAKITA 14” abrasive chop saw w/stand; CRAFTS MAN 6" dbl end pedestal grinder, MILL RITE MVN vert milling machine w/1 hp. head & 32" table, SOUTH BEND machine lathe, 16" swing & 6’ bed w/8" 3-jaw chuck, CINCINNATI single gear shaper w/3-sided “T” slot table, SIBLEY drilling machine w/Morse taper chuck; CHICAGO rivet & machine co. brake shoe relming machine; Continental pedestal drill press, 4 spd, (2) pedestal type dbl end grinders, Bacharach rotary engine stand; DOALL 18”x24”x3” granite surface plate; CHALLENGE 12"x16"x2-1/2 steel surface plate; 18"x36” cast sur face plate, KANSAS INSTRUMENTS glass bead blasting cabinet, M/N 635, S/N 11429; A-Bec sand blaster, M/N PBM-16, S/N 1707. WELDING MACHINES LINCOLN 300 amp portable wldr; LINCOLN DC constant voltage wldr, M/N RDS-400; LINCOLN M/N LW-8 multi-purpose wire feed, LINCOLN M/N R3M-400 arc wldr, P & H 300 A AC, DC arc wldr, M/N DA3OO-HF.-SG, S/N A22463-H; SHIELD ARC SAE 300 arc wldr. SHOP SUPPORT TOOLS & EQUIP (5) 6" heavy duty vises, (2) Die tables, Assort lad ders, 2-wh hand trks, Cutting torch set, Assort size steel work tables; (4) skid mtd fuel tanks, assort steel cabinets, parts washer, 2-battery chargers, assort chains & slings, (7) assort size pigeon hole bolt bins, personnel lockers, Ig amt of hand tools, assort power tools, grinders, drills, impacts and lots of items too numerous to list. TERMS OF SALE: COMPLETE PAYMENT SALE DAY with CASH or CASHIERS CHECK. Personal or Company checks accepted only if accompanied by a VALID BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEED PAYMENT - See your bank to obtain letter. Now accepting VISA/MASTERCARD. A 5% administra tive fee will be charged on all non-cash/non-check purchases. PRE-FINANCING AVAILABLE; Through Telemark, Inc., with 5 days notice, prior to sale date. Contact Telemark, Inc. at 800-451 -3322. SALE CONDUCTED BY; (600) 443-9580 • (301) 698-0340 CORPORATE OFFICES 9801 Hansonville Rd. Frederick, MD 21702 VAA.F. #l2B TO BE OFFERED AT 12 NOON in CULPEPER VA VALUABLE INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE - 11 ACRES w/IMPROVEMENTS hand meat sheer $330; old 3pt backhoe attachment $700; J.D. & I.H. riding plows $425 & $450; 1962 GMC dump truck $BOO and 1966 Ford Thunderbird 2-door car $2400. Rick Foreman and Ralph Brenneman were the auctioneers.
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