024-L«ncMtar Firming, Satutttey, April 4,1998 Jack Russell Stfid Service I Exceptional Color 1 and Confirmation, | I Outstanding I f Temperment | |j[7l7) 872-8602 j tUI SHEEP A WKM GOATS Adorable pigmy goats, only 14* high full grown, kids fit in baseball cap. Males, fe males, kids. Dehorned, shots. Chester County. (610)695-9797. Alpine Milking Goat, just fresh, excellent milker. 717/299-2272. Angora kids ready to go. Ail colors available. Prices start at $75. Call after 6pm 717/2499517. La Mancha and Alpine buck and doe kids for show or dairy, from one of PA's top herds. Reasonable prices. 215/5391161. Oberhasli Goats: 2 kids, 2 yearlings, 2 does, $lOO each. Centre County, (814)364-1035. Purebred Doset Ewes 6 Ram. 717-8396191 after 6pm. Pygmy Goat magnificent caramel buck, w/homs, ex cellent quality and tomper ment, $75 080. (610)259-4444. Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids lB, Lowellville OH Great lambs from a flock with Pa proven show record. Attractive Lots of fun. Spend a day on the farm with 4-H clubs from as many as five states. Competition at 9:45 am; Sale at 1:30 pm. Near major interstates. Mail bids accepted, k For more information or to register for a call 330/536-6531 R9j)L 330/536-6776 (nights) by April 10 Barbados Ram Yearling, $25. 610/469-6911. Boer Goats: registered 50% to 100%, reasonable prices, must see, (410)9699324. Boer Goat Kids: full blood and percentage, South Af rican and New Zealand bloodlines, good selection of 98 weanlings. (717)9996660. Boer Goats; kids, 1/2, 3/4, and purebred. Carroll Co, MD, (410)7790325. Boer Goat Kids: full blood and percentage, South Af rican, New Zealand and Australian bloodlines. Bing Crest Farm, (717)272-6023. Boer goat starter herd for sale, 10 halfblood, 10 V* blood, $4500. Clean 6 healthy! HIS KIDS. 717/7491664. Dorset Ewes for sale, due May, commercially man aged flock, Cornell breed- omerset ing. ; 814-7993881 Dorset ewe and ram lambs, excellent blood- lines, good size and confir mation. Rams ready for Spring breeding. (410)848-0171. Half blood Boer Kids, 6 months old, 10 Billies, 4 Nannies. 10 Half blood Boer Ist kid nannies wA4 blood kids; 3 full blood Boer bucks. South African stock 8 months to 3 years old. 717/363-2106 evenings. Jacob ram, one year old, excellent markings, two horns, good disposition. Also Jacob lambs for sale or trade. (717)738-3747. Nubian Goat Kids Small, clean herd Outstanding stock Wonderful Pets Reg., DHIA Walnut Bank Dairy 610-942-3667 Registered kids; Alpine, Toggenburg bucks, Nubian buck and doe. Bom Feb- Mar. Alpine buck-3. $lOO-$2OO. 717-7795878. Reg. Jacob sheep. Diverse bloodlines. 2 and 4 horned. Lambs and ewes. Excel lent markings. Variety of fleece types. S ton eh edge 610/845-0393. Reg .Tunis lambs, excep tional quality, bom 3/8/98. Ram lamb $2OO. Ewe lamb $275. Lancaster Co. 717/284-3129. Reg. Tunis lambs, excep tional quality! Bom 3/8/98, ram lamb $2OO, ewe lamb $275. Lancaster. 717-284-3129 Romonav lambs, young rams & ewes. WANTED; Romonav ram. 717-786-7736 leave message 0 f or r® > April 18, 1998^v at 6:30 p.m. Bedford County Fair Grounds Aw Bedford, PA Approximately 40 Quality Club Lambs Good Selection of Ewe Lambs CONSIGNERS: Myers View Farm, Bedford, PA Trestles Livestock, Red Lion, PA MSB Suffolks, Volant, PA NEW CONSIGNER: Northern Star Livestock Services, Shakopee, MN For more information contact: Sale Organizer: Rodney Fisher 814-623-7778 SWINE CORNMAN'S DUROCS Private Treaty Pig Sale April 18, 1998 12-2 pm 40 selected Barrows & Gilts Durocs, Yorks & Crosses Directions: Exit 12 off 1-81, Right on to 465, make Left at light on to Rt. 11, South 2.5 mi., turn Right on to Greason Rd. go 1.9 mi, Farm on Left. Watch for signs. Michael & Michelle Comman 296 Greason Rd. Carlisle, Pa. 717-243-0772 BLU-ACRE OPEN HOUSE SALE SATURDAY - APRIL 18,1998 10 AM -3PM at the farm - Robesonia, PA TOP SHOW PROSPECTS & BREEDING STOCK Hampshires • Southdowns • Crosses Market Lambs • Yearling Ewes • Ewe Lambs Yearling Rams»Ram Lambs * Stud Rams 10 AM-12 NOON Market lambs will be sold on silent bids (All bids will be placed by noon) Breeding sheep sold on first come - first sold basis. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY Guest Consignor of market lambs Dan & Chris Schhchter Families, Ohio Clyde & Dorothy Brubaker Tim & Sarah Fleener 610-589-2137 610-589-2588 Full-blooded Boar Goats (717)485-5372 (717) 485-3)1 (SI (717)485-5579 lax bokul.oat.skcvn nict SWINE SWINE 20 bred gilts, Irish York cross and Landraoe cross, bred to 3/4 Pietrian boars, $230 each. Bred sows, large White to Irish York, $175/ea. (1) 3/4 Pietrian boar, $350. (717)637-7946. (7) AG Star hog feeders, 2 & 3 ring, like new, $175/ea. Gestation stalls, farrowing crates, SS nursery feeders, call for prices. 717-637-0192 BENNECOFF HOGS; Or der 4-H project pigs, boars, gilts; Hampshires, Berk shires, Polands, Ourocs and Crosses. (610)285-6582. * Duroc * Yorkshire * Spoiled II * Chester * I-andracc Ij * Hampshire * Pietram j) * Bred Gilts & Boars for sale Ij Bred gilts arc bred for purebred & crossbred litters Also. Club Pigs for sale PRV & Bruc validated herds Calvin Lazams & Sons 610-799-3375 ' Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 BERKSHIRES Industry'* Meat Quality Leader PRV Herd #l4 Bruc Free Herd #135 Stress Free Herd Boars & Gilts for Sale Scan Figures Available Innersfs Beriubirea Greg & Beth Innerst 5140 Deer Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356 717-246-1731 Will Deliver Ouroc and Yorkshire boars w/scan figures. Priced to •oil t James Parlett, (717)862-3610. For Sale, nice lean Land race boars. Rocky Acres Farm 610/298-2342. Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 931-364-7050 HOLLOWAY PARLETT HOLLOWAY CLUB PIG SHOWCASE APRIL 18 th - 6:80 PM SOLANCO FAOUMOmDS QUARRYILLE.PA 12S CLUB PIGS HAMPS-OUROCS YORKS CROSSBREDS HENRY JIM DAVE HOLLOWAY PARLETT HOLLOWAY 410/457-4960 717/842-3610 717/235-6966 t!908 RUSSELL KEGG’S “tBOWN OF QUALITY” FEEDER PIC * PRODUCTION SALE SAT.,APRIL 25, IiOOPN BEDFORD FAIRGROUNDS 150 CLUB PIGS • 30 OPEN GILTS 5 BOARS SPOTS - HAMPS • DUROCS PtETRAINS • YORKS • CROSSBREDS BUSSELL JIM RALPH KEGO PARLETT WILLIAMS 814/623-8881 717/862-3610 814/623-8153 Notice!! Many AI Utters Sired By Top Boars - In Both Salesl Gilts, ready to farrow, $2OO. JD 5x16 plow. NH rake, $1,300. 030 skid loader. Lime and fertilizer spreader, $650. (724)445-3336. Hampshire service age boars. Charles Bomgard ner (717)867-2890 Club Pigs 50-60 Lbs. $l/per lb. Order early. Large white boars. Excellent Bloodlines. Super boars at super prices. 717-345-8035 717-345-8070 (fax) BEDFORD, PA
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