D22-Lancastwr ‘ Firming, Saturday, April 4, 1998 Fresh and springing young Holsteins (heifers and cows), Al sired, from a dairy that is going out of business. (717)284-3562. Fullblood Limousin Bulls: yearlings and calves (red) a few polled, good blood lines and EPD’s. Call Le nape Limousin, (215)723-2906. Fullblood Simmental, more meat, more milk, more ma ternal. Visit Warren Point See our '96 calves. Breed ing fullbloods 20 years. Bulls & females for sale. 610/469-1766. Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers, also Ca nadian Herds. For further info, (717)671-5990. , Grade Holstein Heifer, bred, due 4/12/98, $950. 215/679-0321 evenings. Herd of 56 Jersey and Holsteins, SCC 175,000, 4.4 test average for last 2 years, $750/ea. 717-485-5421 leave message. Highlanders: Bull and bred heifer, reg. Best 0ffer.{717)252-1221 Jersey Bull, Service Age. Dams milk 20,000 lbs. 610-869-4477 8-9 am Large Dairy Wants To Buy Holstein Heifers, due within 3 months. 410-358-0412. LIMOUSIN CATTLE/ FULLBLOOOS: Heifers and bulls of all ages. West minster, MD (410)857-0176. Pasture for rent Bedford Co., PA. 814-735-4736 Pastures for rent for cattle, Berks County. 610-582.4591. Peidmontese Bulls for sale. 6 available, $l5OO & UP for top Italian bloodlines! Wea nling weights as high as 725#, birth weights 70-80#. You won't find better bulls. 301-895-3250 301-895-3269 Piedmontese full-blood bull, will trade for another full-blood. IVi blood Pied., 1-3/4 Pied, heifer, both open. (410)486-5970. Polled purebred Simmen tal open heifers, A 1 sired, domlnator, x339u, bold charger. 717-865-4420. Purebree Reg. black Li mousin heifer and cow for sale. 732-308-9853 Quality yearling polled Hereford bulls, Lancaster County, daytime (717)898-7271 evenings (717)653-8955. Red Limousin bull, yearling polled Angus cows with Li mousin X-calves. North umberland Co. 717/286-7382. Red & White Heifer, fresh 2 weeks, milks nice, 3-teated. 610/286-6007. Reg. black purebred polled calving ease Simmontal bull 3C Wally yearling. 717/896-8541. Reg. Holstein bulls from popular sires and strong cow families. 25,0001 b herd avg. All homo raised. Select your herd sire direct from the breeder. We al ways have a pen full. Vista Grande Farm, Berks Co. 610/944-0541. Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 mßk. 1,200 fat Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. Reasonable prices. (717)637-3090. Registered Brown Swiss herd, ail Al and only top bulls have been used. (717)284-3562. Always Wanted complete Dairy Herds Have Immediate Buyers Waiting Give us a call also groups of open and bred heifers. Quality Herds for Sale at All Times Happy Hollow Farms John H. Wetmore 717-253-5329 house 717-253-6995 barn 717-470-3364 car Reg. Red Angus yearling heifers, extra nice. Call 717-726-7889 Service age Reg. Holstein butt; Dam EX94 9Y 39,020 3.8 1484 3.3 1302, 2nd dam EX96 GMD, 3rd dam EX9O GMD. 717/548-2597. Service age Reg. Holstein butt. Dam EX9O, 46, 365, 37,961. 4.1, 1568, 3.2, 1229, proven breeder. 717-285-7426 Sexed Angus bull em broys. Sired by Whitestone Widespread. As pictured on December cover Angus Topics. Out of Skymere cow. Flush mate to the 1996 I 1997 Angus bull of the year! Dave Holloway 717-235-6966 Simmentals; 2 registered yearling heifers, sired by Alpine Polled Proto, Stretch X, $BOO each. (410)679-0882. Top-quality heifer boarding available. Balanced ration. Heifers must be vaccinated & healthy. Lancaster 717/656-2995. Two registered Angus cows, bred Al for Spring calving, $675 each. (908)459-5022. Two registered Polled Hereford bulls for sale. Twelve and fourteen month old. Lebanon Co, (717)867-4860. WANT: 500-800 lb open Holstein heifers. (814)542-2102 or (814)542-9507. WANTED; Crossbred dairy cows for grazing, to freshen this spring. 717-687-0968 WANT to BUY Holstein heifer calves, 3 days old. (717)865-3488 after 4pm. Wanted certified organic pasture for rent or lease starting April. Joseph Stdt zfus, 130 Salem Road, Kirkwood, PA 17536. Yearling Jersey service bulls, good stock, $450 each. Call 717/444-2232. Young dairyman looking for herd of cows w/owner financing. 717-561-2910 If you are looking for FEEDER CATTLE rf Call Willier, Inc. 717-626-3113 Fresh and Springing cows and heifers. Reg. and grade. 300 on hand. Perry Co. (717) 789-3241 WANT Worn Out and Crippled Cows (717) 789-3689 SiBWMPIIiai FOR SALE Open Shortbred and springer Holstein heifers 717-789-3003 v TRIPLE RING r A CATTLE CO. A 18 TEXAS LOMBHOBWS Long on Horns Short on Cash Let’s Make a Deal This Spring! Gettysburg, FA | (0)717-334-4908 j i. (H) 717-334-4136 J E&E Bam Spraying Introducing “All White” barn spraying Easy clean up. Compatible with fly sprays. Disinfects. Washes off windows & pipelines with ease. 717-949-3212 HIGHLAND CATTIM D ° y»" have grades that arc as For free info v) good as Registered Holstems? i from: ]L If so, why not prove it by registering them. MID-ATLANTIC jl Increase the value of your Holsteins! We HIGHLAND yj have several new software programs ASSOCIATION Jk available and have reduced prices on our write to: 11 Registry program. Hugh Wilson <Cj * , u , . RD 3, Box 181 L Ik We can also help you buy or sell your Sunbury, PA 17801 W Holsteins or call yj Clarence Stauffer 717-738-2406 (717)286-7952 ]k or David Lentz 717-834-6786 or Dave Paddon 716-584-8145 r FOR ( FLOAT-A-COW \ 1 , -1. m \ - i i With The Aqua-Cow Rise system j \ Get that down cow up on her feet with warm A V water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a i r cow stretcher - a well designed caii to get \ f down cows out of barns. * \ For More Information: t LEE-MAR FARM 1 2724 Conestoga Creek Rd. if Morgantown, PA 19534 i v (610) 286-9052 J CUSTOM SEMEN COLLECTING Bulls collected on your farm. Semen frozen in French straws at $1.45 per unit 14 years freezing experience. Complete mobile lab. and will travel. ZIMMERMANS CUSTOM FREEZING 131 Redwell Road, New Holland, PA 17557 1-717-355-2048 Evenings l-800-472-2641 Evenings r LIVESTOCK HAULING "1 To & From New HollancTSales, Areas slaughter plants, etc. "ALSO DOWN & CRIPPLE CATTLE" Serving Berks, Bucks, Chester, Lancaster, Lehigh & Northhampton Counties, PA TOM MULVANEY JR. & SON I-800-7»9-"COWS" 0*697) 7-DAY SERVICE BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop jgg-- pay for itself in profits from increased weight gams Our special TOX-A-WIK Insecticide is 1 edwin hoover edmund dutterer compatible with the animals natural 'seo indiantown rd 2340 frizzelburg rd body oils, skin and hair and keeps [ ephrata, Westminster, them free of flies, lice, grubs, ticks, , PA 17522 md 21157 mange and pinkeye i 717-733-8313 410-848-8638 • Insecticide tank wick feeds automatically, no 1 valves, jets or pumps to clog 1 • Mineral feeder 1 to 4 applicators per unit I TOX-O-WIK Insecticide is the only insecticide I recommended for TOX-O-WIK Cattle Oilers. I Dairy units also available. t 1998 Pa. Grasstime ju Hereford Sale |j Saturday, April 18,1998 Bedford County Fair Grounds Featuring over 40 lots of quality customer friendly cattle from some of the premier Hereford programs in the state. Including: Cows w/calves, bred cows, bred heifers, open heifers, performance tested bulls. For more information or catalogs contact Paul Slayton 814/623-0772 MWPernsytv/crta WSREFORD BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. * WELK-CREST HOLSTEINS Matthew T. Welk 717-548-2597 SLICK CONCRETE? Scabbling is the answer. Groove 2” wide 2-1/2” apart will provide good footing for years to come Floor texturing and 1 ’ groove available The Scabbier Man Discount * >• 800/692-0123 June 30^ Call Anytime a Service and Rentals s Breeding Age Angus Bulls For Sale with complete performance and ultra sound records and semen test. Let the numbers speak for themselves: -101% calf crop - These were part of a crop of 153 calves from 152 cows. - 96% unassisted births - Only 6 cows out of the 152 needed help to calve. - 704 lb. average adjusted weaning weight on these bulls without creep feed. -1228 lb. average adjusted yearling weight on these bulls. - 91.3% Choice - On 149 carcasses graded in 1996 & 97 from our program. Fed cattle also available year round SOUTH BRANCH FARMS 717/428-3526 (Home) or TOX-O-WIX PRODUCTS. PARTS AND SERVICE □AVID MARTIN S. MARKET ST, P.O BOX 134 SCHAEFFERSTOWN, PA 17088 717-949-2411 TOLL FREE: 1-800-530-5759 12 Noon AVAILABLE FROM
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