SILO REPAIR WORK Shotcrete For Strength Now is the Time To Get Readly For Haylage • Fill Pipe • Distributors • Chutes • Roof CROWN SILOS 72 Mt- P,easant Rd - Paradise, PA 17562 SBISI 717-687-8013 | HMjim |AI Leave a message We’ll get back to you within 24 his. H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 250 used 8' cement blocks, 30* each. (2) 4x6x54 Nn tels, $4.50 each. (2) 4x8x64 lintels. $6.50 each. Call Dwain (610)286-5045. (30)Bucks scaffolding. Ask for Tom, (717)782-4743. #3 pin# boards, 1"x12'x10-15 > l $2.25/each. Must taka 25 or more. 717/764-8337. (40) 208V-250W hy-bay metal-ha-lita 2x2 Hght fix tures. Ask for Paul, (717)782-4743. 7V4 ‘xl4‘ steel truck body w/bam style roof, excellent generator shed, $5OO 080. Mon-Sal calls, (717)626-8213. All steel buildings, 21'x24' to ISO'xSOO 1 . Factory de als. Save Bigl Quality con struction. 717-367-2688 Antique building material, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/249-2304 BARN FLOORING: new, kiln dried, T&G Y-pine 2xB's for floors and stalls, also plain 2xB's 2x6's 2x4‘s. Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717/354-0192. Barn 32x58 antique tim bers, wide boards, good condition, you remove en tirely, best offer. 215-362-6030 Barns, Factories, Ware houses, Log Cabins WANTED for Salvage. We buy building. Fully insured since 1983. Call 717-993-9037 B grade glassboard and fastening accessories. Glenn Beidler, Freeburg, Snyder Co., PA, (717)539-8993. BUYING Boards and Logs. 1' boards, Oak and White Pine. $l-$1.50 bd.ft. Chestnut $2-$2.50 bd.ft. and UP. Buying timbers and logs. Call for quote 717-993-9037 Building for sals. Antiqus post and beam, bam frame available to rebuild on your property. Other restoration materials. (888)261-4284 CECO... KIRBY... CORLE... Steel buildings and components. Retrofit steel re-roofing. Com merce, Industry, Ag. Supply or supply erect. Standard or custom. Com plete or addition. Certified permit drawings. Building YOUR business is OUR business. A.S. HOOVER, INC. 3125 Manor Rd., Coatesville, PA 18320. 610-942-2581 1-800-042-2591 Voice Mail or Fax Whits Cedar Log Home. Build yourself! Cali for log prices. 717/354-3106. WANTED TO BUY: Old at tic flooring and log houses. Lane. Co. 717/626-4520. Chain Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 8-gauge galvanized. 3' 80«/ ft; 3%’ $1 /ft; 4' $1.20/ft; S a $1.50/ft; 6' $1.60/ft; T $l,BO/ft; 8* $2.00/fL Vinyl coated also available. (717)822-7820 7-Bam or after spm, leave message. Flooring, 4-12* wide plank. T&G, timbers. Cypress de cking, siding, fence boards. See our display ad. 610/5 $5-6038. FOR SALE: Stone wall 10‘xlOO*. Large limestone hand cut (814)668-4175. FREE must be removed by 4/30, 114 story summer house. 717/246-3216 after Gebhart's Quality con structed pole buildings, garages, horse bams, ad ditions, and commercial buildings. We also do demo, take down old build ings. Call today so we can plan your projects. (717)258-8438 or 1(800)537-1480 Heart pine lumber. 16' planks, 2V, m thick. 7-10" wide, ex. structural or cus tom cut. Call (717)373-3138 Log house 24'x30', 2 story, to be removed. (717)382-4878. Morton pole bam, 42x75, 14' eaves, uninsulated, you remove, best offer. 215-362-6030 OUTDOOR FURNACES Classic stoves are a safe answei ficienl heating needs. Please call for free literature. Installa tion and accessories avail able. Ken Stauffer (717)539-4606, (888)539-4606, (717)539-4703 fax. PAYING UP TO S2.SO/6q.fL for wide walk smooth attic floor. We re move. Also paying $.50-$ 1.00 for pine and oak siding 1" 4 thicker. 800/765-3966. Structural repairs of bams, houses, garages. Call Woodford Bros. Inc. for straightening, Jacking, ca bling, foundation and weather related repairs. Free estimates 800/653-2276 odford Taking bids for dismantel ing and removal of barn and outbuilding w/cheetnut and oak woods. (6 1 0)932- 7045. (717)529-6760 evenings. WANTED FOR SALVAGE old bams, mills, houses and outbuildings. (410)357-5236 WANTED: Large tobacco shed to take down. Samuel M. Hoover, 898 Reading RD., East Earl, PA 17519 Paint $4/gallon, interior and exterior, latex and oil. Call (717)944-5389. Plywood, some light stains, Luwan, 4xB sheets: 3/4*. $2O, 3/16- ss,'/. * $6, Y. m s2l.'/«" oak sliced 4xB $9. X * Fir CDX 42x90 $7.50, X* $lO, X’ $l2. Mah. $2O. Call for skid lot prices. 717/354-3105. Pre-engineered steel build ings for Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs. Au thorized Gulf States Dealer. We will build from your plans or will design. WEAVER CONSTRUC TION, East Earl, PA. 717-445-5165. Saw Dust Needed, large quantity over summer. (410)838-1282. Steel buildings. Factory clearance. Sava thousands on *97 hold overs. Will de liver, can erect Sale ends 4-30. 610-217-9518. John Koser’s FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS t l WANTED TO BUY: Locust Fence Posts, 3*x6', 7" or B'. Paying $5.75 410-833-9091 WANT: Old bams and mu shroom houses to disman tle for building material. (610)367-8193. Warehouse for rent. 125x58, 14x20 overhead door, 10 minutes for 1-81. Newville. 717-776-6664 Will buy old 'White' Oak barn beams, must yield 9“-14’ boards when sawn. Buying Chestnut beams. 717-334-0249 DON'T IGNORE IT RESTORE ITI Masonry/Resto ration specializing In restpring old stone/brick houses and bams. Also doing all types of Stone work JftJ Restoration 717-442-4773 & Residential Metal Roofing & Siding Low cost, Fast delivery, Free info. Call (610)670-6523 ting Spring, PA 19608 130 Bran Rd, Sml WANTED • Chestnut - Need Thousands of S.F. monthly • Original House Floors 0 (860)868-1764 505 STEELSTOWN immmmaM ROAD J&o/L, MEWVILLE, PA BUILDING PRODUCTS • Metal Roofing & Siding Sales • Specializing in Custom Trim PHONE 1-800-782-2712 -717-776-5951 Equipment Sheds Horse Barns Garages Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 4,1M&-Dl3 (' Allgyrer’s 298 Meetinghouse Rd. Gap, PA 17527 717-768-7446 Att: Aaron Complete remodeling and new construction of Agricultural and residential buildings. SBn|is«S“ CONSTRUCTION Constructlon Heiler Bams • Equipment Sheds • Garages • Decks Metal Siding and Roofing Jerri Rohrcr 2459 Noble Road phone 717-529-0936 Kirkwood, P* 17536 fax 717-786-7872 SsßSSalb SMUCKER CONSTRUCTION AGRICULTURAL - RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIZING IN POLE BUILDINGS DAN SMUCKER 135 CHURCHTOWN ROAD 717-768-8606 NARVON, PA 17555 FAX 717-768-3264 We Specialize Pole Buildingi Arenas Financing Available
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