Wheel horsetractorT4B inch deck; 10hp Kohler; hydraulic lift, older machine in excellent condition, ready to go 610-935-4945 Chester Co 0 1950 Ford four speed tran mission, Ford three speed transmission, 1973 Ford tormo rear, 2 8' shop lights. 717-235-4041 York Co L 8 walk-behmd Gravely w/elec start, 30m brush hog, w/sulky, not running, $250 Interior doors, like new, ssea. 732-928-5029 Ocean Co, NJ Gravely tractor, 20G, vg condition, new 20hp engine, with 2 year warran ty, 60” deck, $4BOO. 610- 857-3191 Ohester Co 1982 1086 Int. tractor, 20.8-38 tires, CAH, $13,000 firm. Also, com plete Westfalia pipeline system. Mueller 1000 gal lon tank. 814-847-2789 Bedford Co Registered Cheviot ram, "Erd Load", champion 1996, proven, selling because don't want him to breed with daughters. $l5O. 717-865-5596 Lebanon Co Farmall cub, loader, trip bucket, scraper blade, side bar mower, plow After 6pm. 717-626-7435 Lan caster Co 12 laying geese, 12 sixlme pullets, new horse clipper, good western saddle, Bx2o fuel tnak, also goats 717- 354-5039 Lancaster Co Two Allis Chalmbers model B parts tractors, both hand start, plus many spare parts All $6OO. 717-933- 5398 Berks Co N-Tech liquid manure spreader, 2800 gal, $5OOO Dion self-unloading silage wagons, $l9OO each 717- 762-2986 Franklin Co IH7IO 4x16" plow, ARS, semi-mounted, $l9OO Nh276 baler w/thrower, work good, $2OOO. NH27I baler w/chute, good, $BOO 717-665-5993 Lane Co JD 24T baler w/kicker, $7OO. Hay wagon, wooden racks, $5OO JD hay rack, $3OO JD 2010, $2OOO. 717-361-9296 Dauphin Co GMC big wheels, diesel, liquid manure truck, stain less steel tank, very good condition, $6500. 215-679- 8280 Montgomery Co Beautifully restored horpe w/24a, barns, views, 2-3 b, 2car garage, 2-bath, every thing new, between Bath and Homell NY, $119,000 814-435-6666 Potter Co JD 7200 6R30 vac, no till, mom, corn planter, less than 500 acres, $13500. 610-688-2786 Chester Co 79c30 p/u p/w, p/l, ac, 8" lift. 38* tires, 396 88, 425 hp, SSK into motor, $4500. 71 Camaro 201-434-5651 Hudson Co, NJ Iyr old combination model, platic mulch layer, with drip attachment, $875 4x4000 plastic mulch, 63.00 Bml 7500 t-top. 717-532-5918 New Holland model 311 baler, like new. 717-656- 9733 Lancaster Co 2-Ford Jubilees, 1-belt dri ve mower, 1-pitman mow er, 2 2-bottom plows, Saud er loader, 3pt harrow, dirt scoop, buck saw. 717-425- 2743 Northumberland Co VH4D Wisconsin engine, out of Ford skidloader, runs, extra starter, $BOO 080. Days 610-286-0391. Eves 610-286-0279 Lan caster Co 1970 F 750 Ford dump truck, 3981 eng, 5x2 trans, 10' bed, very nice, $3900. Winchester, 37 blookgun, $352. 717-834-3882 Per ry Co AC 60-60 tractor w/cab, air, heat, new tires, w/400 AC loader, with hyd bucket, 2460 hrs. 717-436-2765 Juniata Co German Shepherd male pup, $4O 080. Amos Lapp, 251 Conner Rd, Oxford, Pa. 19363. Chester Co JD 1710 A 12' disk chisel $3250. JD 230 Rock-Flex 24' disk, like new $7OOO. 24' oultipakcer $2250. 215- 536-5182 Bucks Co NH 276 baler/58 thrower, original paint, nice, martin bird house, 2yr old flashing covered. No Sunday calls 814-766-2754 Bedford Co Angus steers and heifers, 400#, 4yr Angus bull, Cub Cadet mower & bagger, 12 hp. 610-286-5422 Berks Co Reg. Simmental cattle, bred cows, open yearlings, will breed yearlings for you. 610-926-2446 Berks Co Complete shop manuals 3514 Int backhoe nad Mel row Bobcat 2600, Mobile GE Phonex 2-way com mercial 2-way radios. 610- 865-4635 Northampton Co Seven Anderson windows, welded glass with screens - make offer. 814-652-2851 Bedford Co 2 row BB cultivator with shields $6OO 080. 1 row cultivator $l2O. Christ King, 703 Lewisville Rd, Oxford, Pa. Chester Co Grade 2RR ties Samuel F. Stoltzfus, 170 Cata mount Rd, Oxfod, Pa 19363. Just off Rt 10. Chester Co GQF chick hatcher, Sports man model 1250 with elec tronic thermostat and glass door, good used condition $250. 717-687-5143 Lan caster Co Plow shares, Ford 12/14/ 16", Massey Ferguson 12", Oliver 14", IH 14/16". 44 each. Cast Iron shares $lO each. 717-547-2476 Lycoming Co JO 336 baler with #3O thrower, NH 489 haybine, NH 256 hay rake, Gehl 99 hi throw blower. 717-274- 3350 Lebanon Co For sale or rent, 68a farm, good buildings, level land, will subdivide, will finance, immediate possession. 717-445-6453 Lane. Co JD7OOO SRN com planter, liquid fertilizer, Yetter nitro gen side dresser IH 16DD gram dnll with grass, fertil izer boxes. 410-848-7050 Carroll Co. MD Dove tailed copper kettle, rough $2OO. Fire wood $2O pickup. Amos Stoltz fus, 499 Shady Rd, New bury, Pa 17240. Cumber land Co Arabian stallion, five years $lOOO. MM Jet Star tractor $2900. Oliver 3-18 plow, three point $250. Call after 4pm. 717-328-3244 Franklin Co JD 450 C crawler loader, in good condition, $12,900 rEady to work. Call 717- 867-1959 Lebanon Co Sewing mach, commercial Singer model 143WZ, 110 v straight and zig-zag stitch, single phase $175. Other domestigs. Harrisburg. 717-564-3892 Dauph Co 12 year old sorrel work horse, acclimated, works anywhere. Christian King, 47 Friendship Church Rd, Cochranville. Pa. 19330 Bnllion cultipacker seeder, 3pt dual box wheel rakes, 33 acres on meter, like new $3OOO. 5-9 pm. 973-875- 1597 Sussex Co. NJ New Idea #215 pto, 3-beat er spreader, exc. cond. $l9OO. JD #5O side mount ed sickle mower, exc. cond. $450. 410-374-4917 Car roll Co, NJ Cab for 1755, 1855 Oliver tractor. 2.5* boiler tubing and pipe rack. 1995 Shirk flat trailer, 10K GVW. 717- 933-5501 Berks Co Patz barn cleaner unit, heavy duty, with some nght hand chain, good condition $7OO 0 80. 717-423-5132 Cumberland Co Reg. Border Collie pups, bl/wh , yellow/wh 609- 758-7439 Ocean Co, NJ Five yearling Hereford Lim ousin cross, two polled Hereford cows 1986 Ford Mustang, good condition $950. 717-729-7495 Wayne Co N 0.9 trailer, regular gear mower and 8' grain binder $2OO each. Good condi tion. 1057 Mondale Rd. Bird-In-Hand, Pa. 17505 Lancaster Co Winco generator, 20K watts, uses PTO $1650. McCormick harvester thresher #42 useable or collectible, best offer. Call evenings. 717-684-5510 Lancaster Co NH276 baler w/thrower, works good $2OOO. NH27I baler w/chute, works good $BOO. IH 710 5x16 ars plow $2OOO. 717-665- 5993 Lancaster Co Pony brood mare, due to foal in June $375. Also, 2yr gelding rides and drives, very nice $425 610-857- 3560 Chester Co Parts, Oliver 77, axles, hubs, hull gears, crank shaft, rods, cam,' head, clutch, pressure plate fly wheel, bell housing, 1850 governor. 973-875-4233 Sussex Co, NJ Smldley hog feeders with stainless steel bottoms, best offer. Levi Z. Fisher, 520 Cains Rd, Gap, Pa. 717-442-8835 Lancaster Co. JD 400 rotary hoe, new wheels $lOO. Gehl 920 rebuilt $3900. Gehl 970 vg $6400. 301-582-4135 Washington Co, MD Pomeranlam pups, small and very cute, make nice house pets, Bwks. Isaac Stoltzfus, 1718 Valley Rd, Christiana Pa 17509. Lancaster Co. Martia Equalizer-manure auger for manure thats too soupy to scoop and too thick to pump $3OO 080. 717-263-0080 Franklin Co McConnell 2-row potatoe planter, Cummins potatoe cutter, Ford 2-14" 3pt plow JD KBA disk, cullvators, 6' 3pt disk. 215-493-6446 Bucks Co 1989 GMC 2500, 3/4t pick up, V 6, at, bedlmer, tool box, topper, 154 K, engine trouble $l5OO. 717-792- 8860 York Co Used water softener, will take offer 717-354-7984 Lancaster Co IH 1066, 20.8-38, 85-95% MC 7ft grain binder, vg tread, new paint, sharp $5OO. 2 Belgian colts 9010 looking; 12'Oliver disk; 300 mo. Daniel Stoltzfus, 408 gal boom sprayer w/ace Pequea Valley Rd, Kinzer, pump 717-444-2187 Per- Lane. Co. 17535 ry Co Scottish Highland cattle, 6 Quality young Brown Swiss adult cows, 2 bulls & 1, bull, proven quiet $675. 7mo old calve. Call Aaron. 717-445-7191 Lane. Co 610-857-5452 Used roof slates. After 3pm. 610-998-0857 Chester Co Baby pygmy goats, ready for Easter, one year old males available $25-$5O 717-993-6623 York Co Original Ford top link $25 Ml 24* 8-lug wheel $2O 717-235-6733 York Co 25 ton feed bin, made of galvanized steel, with six legs $350. 610-269-6472 Chester Co 1981 Ford F 250 4x4 with 8' Western plow $l5OO. After 6pm. 609-466-0751 Mer cer Co. NJ 7' snow plow with power angle and lights $5OO. Call evenings between 6-9 pm 717-776-4446 Cumb. Co Northwest crane model 25, 45' boom, Murphy dlsel, good condition $5OOO. 717-646-8870 Monroe Co 6 corn boxes for 7240 vacumm planter; radar monitor or same: Narrow front end for 544 w/wheels, tires. 717-993-6146 York 10 Calf-Tel hutches w/fence and pail holders, white 28316' transport har row with wings $6OO. 717- 673-5182 Bradford Co New and used reel mower Complete sharpening ser vice Steve's Sharpening. Steven Seller, RR3, Box 618 F, Mill Hall, Pa. 17751 JD63O, JDS2O, both nice condition, ps, hyd, 3pt, NF, good tires, JDUNB runs, make offers. 609-259- 2567 Monmouth Co, NJ JD 4400 combine, 2100 or 80. 4-18* white, left plow bottoms, new, Cub disk 75, INt. truck, nights. 215-968- 4808 Bucks Co _ •' iv” Viv i's'> j'i'-' i,, , f ',-p |, -< fp JD 300 $l5OO. Cub lid $l2OO. Troybilt super Tom ahawk chipper, Bhp electric start $650. Hi wheel mower $550 302-834-0918 New Castle Co, DE Ford 1710 off set high clearance tractor with culti vators, 1950 hrs $9500. 609-467-3315 Gloucester Co. NJ Dalmation, female and 8 puppies, wormed, shots, ready May 10 $6O each Call early. Set steel tractor wheels 717-445-4540 Lancaster Co Com silage, delivered in your silo, blower furnished if needed. 717-656-6352 Lancaster Co JD 2350 FWD, Hi/Lo shift, 4800 hrs, good condition $13,800. 717-354-6829 Lancaster Co 10 red pullets, starting to lay. 12 geese laying. New horse clipper, 10x20 fuel tank, western saddle. 717- 354-5039 Lancaster Co Syr black Standardbred trotter, 16 Ih, mare, traffic safe, sound $l5OO. Call eves. 717-355-2919 Lan caster Co Atco garden tiller, 12' wide cut and edger accessory $175. 717-394-7798 Lan caster Co ELS 675 spreader with auger, good condition $llOO. Ben Beiler, 171 Newport Rd, Leola, Pa. 17540. Lancaster Co NH 27 blower, good cond. 600. agri metal 3pth pto bale shredder 700. steel for 240 farmall 100 717- 626-0034 Lancaster Co lot. 650 forage harvester, 2RN com head, 6 foot hay head, good cond, field ready. 717-665-7155 Lan caster Co Electric phase converter run, 3 phase equipment on 1 phase electric $125 can adapt to any hp motor. UPS ok. 914-482-3000 Sullivan Co, NY Four year old Belgium gelding and filly, broke to drive, can be registered, horse equipment (harness cart. etc.). 607-656-9492 Chenango Co., NY Western arab saddle, silver tnm. 15" barrel saddle. 17" all-purpose saddle, Stubben German model, nice' from $2OO. 717-259- 7721 York Co For rent, Lancaster silo roller mill blower, are you buying silage or putting large pile in silo? 717-442- 1024 Lancaster Co 311 baler $3975 276 baler w/new Kohler engine, excellent $5695. Badger harvester $950. NH/JD grassheads and corn heads. 610-593-2753 Lancaster Co NH2SB rake w/dolly wheels, excellent condition $2OOO 16' wooden hay wagon $5OO. JD rotary pull type mower $lOO. 717-456-5072 York Co 2 250 gallon air tanks $5O each or $9O for both. Levi Lapp, 2952 Irishtown Road, Ronks, Pa. 17572. Lancaster Co PUC milker bucket, rack with accessory tray, new. Also, pressure treated swingset, treated with red wood stain, like new. 717- 768-0241 Lancaster Co H Farmall, runs good, needs tires, good sheet metal $7OO. 717-927- 6229 York Co 4&5 yr old Percheron geld ings, good broke, good workers $2OOO both. Nor man Martin, 1090 Kramer Mill Rd, Denver, Pa Lan caster Co 17 roof trusses, mono pitchy, 16'long $l6 060. Metal roofing Jesse Huyard, Stauffer Rd, New Holland, east, Lancast. Co Utility trailers, haul your lawn mower, firewood, more Various sizes, low prices, 6.5'x12' with land scape gate only $920. 717- 336-0896 Lancaster Co Lambs, black, white, reg Romney and crossbred, beautiful fleeces, a few bot tle babies, yearlings & old er ewes. 717-235-6036 York Co BN, 9N Ford tractors, extra rebuilt Ford engines, Ford 9N gen set, new & used Ford parts. 814-839-9440 Bedford Co AKC Golden Retrievers, 9mnth old, male dog, good for breeding. Leave mes sage. 717-786-6080 Lan caster Co Syr old Saddlebred car nage horse, 10m old sorrel molly mule, 14h. 231 Cooks Landing Rd, Peach Bottom, Pa. 17563. Lan caster Co 30 heavy feeder cattle, mostly Angus, 1050-11001 b AKC puppies, Cockers and Shellies, shots and wormed. 717-442-9371 Lancaster Co 12ft Mortiz stock trailer less than 1000 miles, radial tires $l7OO or 80. 315-595- 6673 Yates Co. NY 65 Ford FlOO flatbed $l5OO. Lincoln gas welder $1250. Coins, shotguns, rifle, pisto9ls, saltwater rods, reels, torchs. 908- 735-6501 Hunterdon Co, NJ New Idea 10A4 wheel manure spreader. MD 214* mechanical lift, trailer plow. 717-966-2104 Union Co Boumatic double 6, take offs, meters, airgates, par lour, Patz conveyor, Van- Dale stainless shaker feed er, wide fornt 4-2cyl JD 717-222-4432 Susque hanna Co Winchester shotgun pump 410 model 42, full choke, excellent condition $l2OO firm. 717-865-2504 Lebanon Co JD 3940 chopper $4900 JD 215 disc $3BOO. Wlnco 25 KW generator $l9OO 610-589-2160 Berks Co Fetter diesel P-600-2 25 horsepower, good condi tion. 717-445-4008 Lan caster Co Orchard grass hay, some timothy, good quality, no ram, first cutting. $2.75 bale. 717-336-2748 Reamstown, Lane. Co Hit and miss engine, Asso ciated Mfrs Co., Waterloo lowa, 3hp, on buggy - $l4OO. 610-863-9412 Northampton Co 34' bale elevator, IH tract loader model 500 C with 4ml bucket, 3 bottom 16“ plow 3pt tnp bottom 908- 735-5471 Hunter Co. NJ H&S manure spreader model 235, with tailgate, single axle, used 5 years, good condition 610-346- 8218 Bucks Co 1996 3200 Hustler mower, 72“ deck, 206 hrs, 175 bu gravity bin on gear, Killbros 400 bu bin on gear. 717- 665-4743 Lancaster Co 65 pieces 2xBxl6' treated lumber, grade 2 $14.60 each. 717-768-3729 Lan caster Co New Idea 5-bar hay rake, fair condition $4OO. Brillion 9' double roller transport cultl packer $5OO fast hitch drawbar. 610-488-0736 Berks Co 1 Steward sheep clipper, 1 Steward cattle clipper. 717-336-6528 Lancaster Co Taurus LX, great condition. White sewing machine, old hinges. Kerosene heater. Punch bowl w/cups. Paperbacks. Moving, must sell. 610-367-4904 Berks Co 1-ton Dodge box van - $7OO. 100 pieces 3/8 rein forcing rod - $lOO. 1979 Cadillac motor and trans, good - $l5O. 717-652- 5928 Dauphin Co Saddlebred driving horse, 7 yr old, needs lots of dri ving Joshua Zook, 1064 Georgetown Rd, Paradise, PA. 717-786-1720 Lan caster Co "VfjSo" SRfc 6000, 18 foot bed, 4ft _ arts tractor with front end removable sides, 19,200 f oader 717-754-7208 GVW $6OOO or best offer. Schuylkill Co 717-3! reom 1066 Farmall tractor, new rear tires, set of dual rear wheels, repainted, low hours, one owner $lO,OOO. Eves. 860-354-6760 Litchfield Co, CT Front mounted cultivators, for VF Avery or Clectrac general. General parts tractor $3OO for all. Gen. set $lOOO. 717-386-3143 Schuylkill Co Five foot sickle bar mower for power king economy tractor, used very little $l5O. 301-884-0780 Charles Co, MD 1957 Chevy car, 1976 Monte Carlo, no rust, maroon, white top, Bcyl, auto, air cond. Troyer tele potato piler. 413-665-3304 Deerfield Co. MA For sale; western fringe Jacket, men's size 40, beautiful condition $275 or best offer. Assorted women's, child's clothing. 410-374-4758 Carroll Co, MD 1987 Ford utility trailer, good shape, asking $4OO 080. Has title, call after spm leave message. 717- 382-4002 York Co 275 gallon fuel tanks, 2 with hand pumps $75 each. Water pump with Wiscon sin engine $7OO. 410-584- JD999 2-row plateless corn 2942 Baltimore Co. MD planter with disk openers, plesSr SSSm m* a " M R a, UMr Co plant, good condition NH 273 baler with engine - $l9OO complete, will sepa- $2250080. Spring wagon rate. 410-398-4313 Cecil - $550. elam M. Stoltzfus, Co, MD 5270 Amish Rd, Klnzers, Int. power unit on wheels, 120+ hp, turbo clutch John A. Stoltzfus, HC 1, Box 26, Rebersburg, Pa. 16872. Centre Co. Michigan 4x4 wheel loader model 75AG SM Detroit diesel eng., machine runs and works good $2500. 215-638-0824 Bucks Co Storm front carriage, blue Interior, extra lights, 2.5 yrs old, exc. cond. Leroy Smucker. 717-656-8420 Lancaster Co Oliver 66 tractor, needs work, 2 Oliver 88 diesel tractors, parts or aes Oliv er 60 parts tractor. 610* 932-3883 Chester Co NH355 grinder mixer flota tion tires, long auger, scales, hammers never turned, good condition $3450 080. No Sundays. 717-336-6280 Lane. Co Farm, 187 acres, dairy barn, loose housing shed, 1985 Ford F 250 4x4, 302, silos, bunk feeder, gram 14K miles on new motor bin, pipeline milkers, with trailer hitch $3lOO machine shed, house, neg. 717-752-7009 814-542-3319 Hunt. Co Columbia Co Five 12hp tractors with Farm bell, cast iron, heavy mowers $425 each, 'foru weight, great sound, use it snow blowers two stage 26 to call them home for din cut 6hp $275 each. BOs. ner. Call 215-822-8066 215-355-8324 Bucks Co Montgomery Co IH model 201 wind rower Pygmy goat kids, polled $425 080. Patz left hand Hereford bred cows and barn cleaner unit $685. HD feeder heifer calves, with shp motor. 610-488- Before 9pm. 908-735- 6957 Berks Co 4019 Hunterdon Co, NJ White 543 6-row no-till corn JD AW disk harrow 14' planter w/monitor. Wanted: Less than 50 acres on new heads for 351 GMC V 6 disk blades, good condition engine. 717-438-3205 $llOO. 717-244-6312 York Perry Co Co 1H504 wide front $5OO. AKC Sheltie pup, male, 18.4x34 IH rlms/tires $225. sable, shots and wormed, 1H37 11' disc w/cylinder started training, parents on $475. lOObu bin wagon premises $250. 717-867- $350. 215-654-0344 2008 Lebanon Co Montgomery Co Bxl6 hay kicker wagon $775. Case 1737 skid loader $3OOO. Bobcat 500 skid steer $2900. JD9O skid loader. 717-445-4348 Lancaster Co Snapper 11hp rear engine rider, 32 inch cut, gd cond. Also, lawn edger, like new cond. 717-733-2264 Lan caster Co Pigmy goats, order now, ready in April. Also, whole families for sale. Calla fter spm. 717-336-7448 Lan caster Co Encyclopedias, World Book, 22v0l complete sets, 1979, 1982, 1989, $6O-70 per set, good condition, can delivery. 717-336- 5696 Lancaster Co DXI3O 4WD Deutz, 135 hp, 80% fires, all weights on front tires, loaded with Cal cium, Cab, Air, Heat - $11,500. 717-966-6154 Union Co Black Quarterhorse geld ing, 5 year old. 2 mo. prof, training, quiet, great show prospect - 42500 Neg. 814-448-3269 Hunt. Co Yazoo mower, 3hp Clinton - $65. Dandy-Boy, Simplicity 2-wheel tractors, no engines - $75/ea. John Deere 110 - $550 717- 567-3549 Perry Co Rissler conveyor, 16' with motor, like new - $450 Feeder house, chopper for John Deere 6600 sldehlll combine. 717-872-9194 Lancaster Co Closed carnage & trailer. Also, braking cart to sell at auction 509. Amos Zook, watch sale bill. Strasburg, Lane. Co. 717-786-0389 JD4400 gas combine with grain head, com head, good condition, good paint - $3700. 610-395-2732 Lehigh Co 19 old wood house shutter, good condition-$l5O. Dan Yoder. Rt #l, Box 193, Thompsontown, Pa. 17094. Juniata Co 15. Lancaster Co Sawmill Frick complete and planer. 717-244-1444 York Co Nl 2RN corn picker, w/sheller. Jl Case 9' trans port disc, 9' cultlpacker Three section harrow. 717- 445-0319 Lancaster Co '97 Honda Prelude, black, sspd, 14K miles, 75,000 warranty, extras $22,000 717-284-3811 Lane. Co 24' round Esther Williams pool, sand filter, pump, solar and winter covers $950. 717-741-3060 York Co 1200 gal poly tank, used 1 yr - $4OO. 610-273-3474 Chester Co John Deere 1520 gas trac tor, with 48 loader, good condition $6295. 717-899- 6098 Mifflin Co 10 feeder steers, 3pt hitch bar model IHCIOO $4OO. 610-346-7709 Bucks Co Gravely L. elect start, 30" mower, blade, chains, excellent, $350. Single bottom plow for IHI4O trac tor, $l5O. 410-489-7668 Carroll Co. MD IH 1026 strong engine weak hydro, good pto trac tor $4500. 301-733-6553 Wash. Co, MD JD 35 harvester with hay head, JD 24T baler for parts, knotter complete, 20 Showcase stations, syrs old. 814-224-5442 Blair Co - Front end loader, fits Far mallHorM. F 54 Fox pull type head, 2 hay heads. 814-793-2977 Blair Co _
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