832-Lancaster Farming. Saturday, February 21. FEB 21 , 9 AM Rt 15 Auc . tion Center, 9801 Hansonville Rd Frederick MD Farm Machinery Auction Consign accepted 301 896-9899 Trout Aucls, Inc Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT FEB 21 - 9AM 412 Miller Grantsville Pa Auto Auction Rd approx ImiN o( Marion PA -Keystone Auto Auction 1/2 mi Wofßl 11 Signs Farm SAT FEB 21 ■ 9AM Wolfe Ind equip collectibles Hh goods Aucts, 9801 Flansonville Rd tools equipment &misc By Helen Frederick MD Skidsteers & Dennis Miller Lynn A Dietrich & trenchers compressor rollers roll- EdgarJ Stull Aucts pack trailers & rental equip By SAT FEB 21 9AM 314 Chest Marlow Rentals Wolfe Ind Aucts nut St York PA (formerly Pantry Inc Antiques) Advertising antiques & sat FEB 21 -9AM 14 S 9th St collectibles By Bill & Tara A kron Lane Co PA Hh goods Albright Nevin B Renlzel Auct antiques 2 pc Dutch cupboard SAT FEB 21 -9AM Keystone high dry sink & more By Ellen PUtt Auto Auction Exit 28 off Rt 81 in Estate Dale L Putt, Auct WOLGEMUTH AUCTION FARM &' CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAT., MARCH 21,1998 AT 9:30 AM for Gerald A. Barrett 329 Lakedale Rd., Winslow Twp., NJ 08009 Complete Line of Farm Equipment Tractors, Trucks, Tools, Antique Tractors Consignments are welcome. For info: 609-767-0444. WOLGEMUTH AUCTION (#2357) Call Dennis (717) 656-2947 FAX (717) 656-6011 BRENNEMAN’S CONSIGNMENT SALE Sat., February 28, 1998 @ 8:00 AM LOCATION: Southern Yoik Co , Dallastown, PA Fiom 1-84 exit 6E lake Rt 74S I mi to Campbell’s Musk. Stole Turn L& go I 1/2 on Oak Rd to Sale OR FROM DALLASTOWN, take Fimllyn Di towaid Raah s Fiuit Faim Turn L& go 1/2 mi on Oak Rd to sale Follow signs MF 2745 Dsl w/WFE, cab. 150 HP, dual whis, 4 pt, 4 way hyd, standaid 8 spd tians- NICE Oliver 1150 Dsl w/WFE, 4 pt, fenders 1949 JD AW 5ch#634382-NICE. 1949 JD GN w/dual hyd 801 hitch-NICE 1960 JD 630 w/PS, 4pt hitch-NICE 1949 JD GN-not running Zetor Mod. 3320 4 cyl Dsl w/WFE, 2240 HD Bushog loadei-one ownei -LN MH 22 NH LXBBS Turbo skid loadei w/2 spd rear, super boom, new eng (less than 100 his), new hyd pumps, 6" material bucket-860 hrs - NICE Oliver Orchard Standard Supei 77 Dsl JD 50 w/PS & Kelly frt end loader JD A’s styled/unstyled for parts. Ford 9N. Farmall A. Ford BN. Case VAC. FARM EQUIPMENT NH 477 haybine-LN, JD K gind di manuie spreadei, JD R manuie spieadei-NICE, JD F 125 4pt 4 btm 16" trpbk plow, ID RWA 8' tisp disk, NH 256 iake-LN. JD 4 btm 16” trpbk trl plow, JD 42-blade tisp disk-NICE, JD 407 6’ pull type ictaiy mowei LN, JD 4 pt 2-sec hanow-NICE, JD 400 tolohoc. Woods Bios single row tom picket JD 45 loaders, NH 7' til mower, JD 4 sec spring hanow, IH drag disks, IH & JD 2-btm til plows. IH 56 4-row com planter w/msect boxes, NI I2A manure spieadeis, Bnllion 14'trsp cultipackei, NH 10’Lime dull, JD 1207 haybme, IH coin bindei, Bli//aid silo filler, hay teddeis, flatbed wagons, AC manuie spieader, NI l iow coin pickei, 2-iow steel whl potato planter, IH pto I-row potato digger, JD hay tlultei Woods 4 pt T mlaiy mowei. Saudei & Alps hyd loadeis. Little Giant drag elecatoi JD side del rake on tubbei. IH 2 btm spring back plow JD 4 pt |4" 4 btm tibk plow. 4 pt 7-tooth chisel plow Faiquhai I-row potato planter-NICE, ID 4B belt di coin shellei-NICE, AC Dyna Balance trl mower-NIC, Pittsbmgh 4 pt hanow, 8 ton dump wagon, JD 246 2 low coin planteis-NICE, Ford 4 pi 2-iow cultiv, JD drag disks Ohvei & JD 4 pt 2 him plows, Fold 4 pt 4 & 4 btm plows, JD 5 1/2’ 4 pt 2- slage snowblowei-LN JD 5()4 4 pi mtaiy mowei, Centuiy 4 pi 6!) gal spiayei w/pump. Woods 4 pt 5’ finishing mowei, Held 750 4 pi bioadcastei. Kubota 4 pt 5’ lototillei, Harley Rake seed bed preparator w/3 pt. & hyd angle, Fold 9IBH 7’ flail mowei Land Pride 4 pi 5' tiller-LN, MM gram dull w/seed box, Woods CBO pull type rolaiy, IH 16’ disk w/fold up wings-NICE, 9’ cultipackers, JD 227 mtd corn pickei, IH hay cmnpei, 4 pt 4 sec mtohoe, JD 2-row mtd cultiv tor 520-740 ele \atois 1970 Ford 8000 single axle tiuck w/10' dump body, 15.000GVW, air line equipped toi tiailer, 1 160 CAT eng. 5 spd/2 spd 1969 Chevy 80 dump w/4x4, 6 cyl gas, 5 spd, 31,000 GVW, air brakes, w/snow plow hookup & cent hyd system 1978 IH 1854 w/10,000 GVW, V 8 gas, 5 spd/2 spd 1979 Chevy 1/2 ton 4x4 pickup w/AT, AC, PS, PB Meyer 7 1/2’ powet angle blade to be offered separately 1972 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup w/1 spd, PB Car Mate 14’ 1000 GVW tandem axle trailer w/drop tailgate & sides Nomanco 7 l/2’x24’ tnaxle 7500 GVW trailer 14’ triaxle Special Construction trailei w/1’ beavei tail, 18,000 GVW 18’ tandem axle trailer 5000 GVW 8’ single axle tilt trailei 1000 GVW Stainless Steel 10’ hyd fert. spreader for truck w/divider. CONSTRUCTION ITEMS Contech hyd Crusher-fits any backhoe, Dalmar demo saw, Worthington 90 CFM tow comp. 10’ tool utility body-NICE. MOWERS, SNOW BLOWERS, JD ITEMS, MISC JD 180 17 Hp mower w/bagger-NICE, JD 112 I OHp mower w/hyd lift, Yazoo 50” frt mower wAVisc 2 cyl eng ,JD 210 mower Cub Cadet, Toro & Snapper riding mow ers Snow blowers, rotary mowers, rototillers. Gravely Mod L tractors, Gravely attach 42” sickle bar mower, 30” brush mower, gang mower Locust posts-square & iound, pipe gates, I-beams, tire changer, Honda 1982 XLIBSS motorcycle, 200 X 3- wheeler, 23 1 x 26 rims, welders, generators, oak lumber, JD items: 1 1/2 Hp gas eng, side wts for M or 430, rear whl wts for A-B-G, pto tire pump, wrenches, front wts for 50-730, front flat wts, snow bucket for 45 loader-NICE, 45 loader boom, 801 hitch, girls 3 spd bikes. Craftsman 2-pc 16-drawer tool chest, Carlisle LP steam cleaner AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is only a paitial listing **ABSOLUTELY NOTH ING ACCEPTED AFTER WED., FEB. 25 UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGE MENTS MADE W/AUCTIONEER/ NO TIRES, HOUSE ITEMS OR JUNK!! **BLIZZARD DATE: MONDAY, MARCH 2 @ 8:00 AM.** TERMS: CASH, TRAVELERS OR CASHIERS CHECK, PERSONAL CHECKS MUST BE CLEARED W/AUCTIONEERS! AUCTIONEERS: RICK FOREMAN Lie 1163 L RALPH BRENNEMAN Lie 708 L 717-757-5130, 741-1728 RF FRI SHMPNTS SLRVI D OWNI RS & AIK TIONhF RS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDLNTS TRACTORS, SKID LOADER TRUCKS, TRAILERS SAT FEB 21 9 30AM Tack 11AM, Horses Belleville Lvst Mkt Belleville, PA Horse Sale For more mfp Gene Ghck, 717-667- 2703 or Sale Barn, 717 935 2146 SAT FEB 21 -9 30AM Llewellyn Ave, Richland NJ Tractors, veg etable farm equip , farm equip , & more By Bucci Farms Newfield Auction Co SAT FEB 21 9 30AM R D Port Treverton Snyder Co PA 9mi S of Selmsgrove off Rt 11 &15 at Hilshers Store W on Peiffer Valley Rd L to McNess Rd sale on R Signs Shop tools hardware com pressors, mowers 8 rototillers By Martin Saw Service Wolgemuth Auction 717-656-2947 SAT FEB 21 - 9 30AM Woodvllle Rd , Umonville MU - Golden - Acres Farm Dispersal SAT FEB 21 -9 30AM Lampeter milking herd & farm machinery By Comm Bid, Lampeter, Lane Co, Ronald & Angie Mathews Conti- PA at square on Rt 741 behind nental Auct Svc , John Trout Lampeter Fire Hall Antiques, cok Anr . t lectibles, furniture, Roseville, old jkT re Bm SSS SsVaS'ESfpS Shoppes) Walk-in van. wood -- --- working equip machine ship SAT FEB 21 -10 AM PC Parts, equip , hand & power tools, lum- Inc, Whse, 1800 Paxton St, Har per By Old World Enterprise. nsburg, PA Computer Auction. David A Botterbusch. Owner PC Parts Inc .Aucts. 1-800-666- Reddinq Auction Service 9373_ JOHN DEERE DEALERSHIP USED EQUIPMENT AUCTION GALLUP & TEN HAKEN CLYMER, N.Y. FARM TRACTORS, COMBINES, HARVESTERS, HAY & FORAGE EQUIP MENT, LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS SAT., MARCH 7,1998 @ 9:00 A.M. USED INVENTORY FROM 4 JOHN DEERE STORES NOTICE After only 1 year under new owneiship this dealeiship has increased volume & growth The auction repre sents recent trade ms on new equipment sold from this store as well as the 3 other stores under the same own ership LOCATION The Clymer store is located on Rt 474 just west of Clymer, 20 miles south east of Erie, PA or 20 miles south west of Jamestown, N Y Take exit #6 (Sherman) Rt 17 & proceed south to Clymer SELLING FARM TRACTORS JD 4450 MFWD, duals, cab, JD 7800 MFWD w/cab & PS 42" rubber, 2500 hrs , JD 7700 MFWD w/cab, PS , new tires, 2700 hrs , JD 2020 diesel, JD 1020 diesel, JD 2010, JD 3010 D w/ldr, Oliver 1650, Oliver 1650 w/ldr. Ford 3000 D, Ford 801 w/ldr, JD 2240, IH 986 w/cab, MF 2135 w/forkhft, White 4-210 4WD S.P. HARVESTER JD 5820 w/4R head, 7' PU head & kernel processor, sharp COMBINES JD 6600 w/443 corn head & 213 platform, Gleaner K combine w/2 heads, JD 918 platform, like new FARM EQUIPMENT New, demo - Bnllion Land Commander chisel plow, JD 375 round baler, excellent, Hardi TRBOO sprayer w/85' boom, electric contiols, like new', JD 7000 4R liquid planter, H&S 4 wheel bi-fold rake, NH 411 dis cbine, several spreaders including Case 540, NH 514, Gehl 312 Scavenger, N 1 213, Gehl 175 & other, approx (II) used forage wagons, some fair, some excellent tandem roof units, JD 8’ disc, JD 12' disc, JD 950 roller harrow, MF 12’ disc, JD 4B plow, 2B 3 pt plow, JD 3970 harvester w/2 heads, like new, JD 3800 chopper, JD 8350 drill, very nice, Patz big bale chop per, JD 336 baler w/ejector, NH 326 baler excellent; Gehl 7200 flail chopper, JD 1209 MoCo, Hesston PT7, NH 488, nice, several silage blowers, Kuhn tedder, Zweeger tedder, Richardton 700 dump wagon, several JD chopper heads, Frey front loader, JD 260 loader, H&S 10’ stock trailer, H&S utility trader, Gehl grinder mixer SKID STEER LOADERS Bobcat 763, Bobcat 553, NH 553, JD 24. 50 LAWN TRACTORS, 4 GATORS, 6 SNOWMO BILES, (5) 4 WHEELERS Large quantities sell at 9 a m JD 420 tractor w/72” deck, JD 935 front mower w/72” deck, Cub 184 w/deck & blower; Cub 140; JD 400, 116, 110, STX 38, 170, 160, 180, 172, 186; Cub Cadet, Ford YTI6, Deutz 1613; also Wheel Horse, Dynamark & others, (4) brand new Sabres, hedge trimmers; rotolillers, several snowmobiles; Honda & Polaris 3 & 4 wheelers; Kawasaki Mule, Kawasaki 300 4 wheelers; JD AMT, JD 622 AMT & many more A Great Selection - Come See! TERMS Full settlement auction day, cash or good check. JD credit is available by contacting sales person 3 days before auction (716) 355-4236 NOTE; Some advertised items may change due to daily busi ness No sales from auction line after March 4 RoyTeitsworth, Inc. (716) 243-1563 FAX (716) 243-3311 6502 Barber Hill Road Geneseo, New York 14454 TO BE SOLD AT BRENNEM.jN’S CONSIGNMENT SALE 1986 Dorsey Tri-Axle Alum. Dump Trailer w/Roll Tarp 39’ Long, 36-Box, 48” Sides. Extra Nice Ralph Brenneman, Auct. FENIX DAIRY DUTCH HILL FARMS THE SEASON’S FINEST CROP FARM & DAIRY EQUIPMENT AUCTION Friday, February 27,1998 Ingall’s Corner Rd., Canastota, NY EQUIPMENT, MACK SILAGE TRUCKS NOTICE A part of this excellent line belongs to Dutch Hill - a large dairy operation, the balance is owned by Fenix - the crop management enterprise that grew crops foi Dutch Hill & other farmers The field contracts have changed and this equipment must be sold You will be impressed with the quality here LOCATION Auction will be held at the farm 5 miles south of Canastota 15 miles east of Syracuse, 6 miles south ol Rt 90 Take NY thruway exit 34 pioceed south on Rt. 13 thiough Canastota, cross Rt 5 & continue south on Oxbow Road for 3 miles & turn right on Ingalls Corners Road to the farm SELLING (11) TRACTORS JD 8770 new in 97, 675 hours, 20 8x42 duals, JD 8430 w/duals & 3 pt., excellent; JD 4760 MFWD w/cab & duals; JD 4755 MFWD, cab; JD 4650 MFWD, JD 4450 P.S. w/cab; (2) JD 4450 MFWD P.S. w/cab; JD4240 w/cab; JD 4620 w/JD 260 loader, JD 4320. COMBINE JD 9600 w/893 com head & 220 flex head. (3) SKID STEER LOADERS & BULLDOZER JD 8875, new in 97 like new; JD 675, Bobcat 743; Cat D6C dozer w/st -tilt blade. (6) SILAGE TRUCKS & TRACTOR TRAILER 1989 Mack w/22’ silage body; 1981 Mack w/22’ silage body; 77 & 78 Macks w/22’ silage bodies; Mack & Autocar w/20’ silage bodies; 1975 Mack S/A tractor w/Brown single drop trailer equipped w/1500gal polytanks for spraying. (3) PICKUPS (2) 1988 Ford Flsos, 1990 Ford Fl5O FORAGE & HAY EQUIPMENT JD 100 32x32x8 square baler, new in 97; JD 4890 windrower w/16' head, like new; JD 3430 windrower, JD 1600 MoCo, New Holland 2450 12’ windrower w/300 hours, (3) JD 3970 har vesters w/3R corn & 7’ hay head, all in very good condition, JD 1424 mower conditioner, (3) Richardton 700 dump wagons, H&S Bi Fold rake. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT JD 3600 8B plow; (2) JD 2800 7B plow variable width; JD 2700 7B plow; JD 3600 5B plow; JD 3600 4B plow; Case 6B plow; JD 970 21’ flat fold roller harrow; Kewannee 24’ cultimulcher; JD 635 24’ disc; JD 235 20’ disc; NH OD 200 offset Disc; (3) JD 1010 field cultivators, 20’, 24’, 32’; JD 724 30’ soil finisher; JD 714 chisel plow, 13 shank; JD 950 21’ roller harrow; JD 1710 A 13 shank chisel plow; Glenco 11 shank chisel plow; Case 1H 6R cultivator; Case IH 16’ rotary hoe; JD 1050 48’ field cultivator. IRRIGATION AND MANURE EQUIPMENT Doda slurry pump; Husky 3850 liquid spreader; Husky 4000 liquid spreader; NH 680 spreader; Cadman 4500 hose reel. DRILLS & CORN PLANTERS JD 1780 8R liquid vacuum planter; JD 7000 8R planter; planter trailer; JD 8300 drill w/grass seed. ALSO JD 1418 rotary mower; John Blue 8R side dress er; Shulte RS32O rock picker; Shulte RWS rock rake; Degelman 16’ blade, (Now on 8770); IH “Floater” spray truck w/60’ booms; Peerless PTO roller mill & other misc. items. TERMS Full settlement auction day, cash or good check, & AU-708L At 10:00 A.M. (Syracuse) LATE MODEL JOHN DEERE RoyTeitsworth, Inc. (716) 243-1563 FAX (716) 243-3311 6502 Barber Hill Road Geneseo, New York 14454 'l' A ■<a>
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