azMjncwy Flam, sauna,, ftbm«y a, hm Aii SM>m „ a , umnum 28' trailer, nice condition Make good hunting trailer - $2500. Call after 6pm 610-746-0360 Northamp ton Co -■ I— MAIIBOV MARKET FOR SALE* Holstein heifer, due to freshen end of Marfch 717- 597-9026 Franklin Co Two-horse bob sled, two hole com shelter, one small com shelter - $3OO for all 814-842-6140 Bedford Co Glenco field cult - $375,14' cultpacker - $395, JD494 corn planter - $295, Centu ry sprayer - $125, Bale thrower wagon - $295 717- 653-5926 Lancaster Co Steel wheels off JD 2030, front and back - $5OO 717- 445-4649 Lancaster Co Acorn barn cleaner parts, good Ihp instant reverse motor, Farmeck shaker feeder, 3hp mforo, 3surge milk meters Evenings 717-677-8096 Adams Co Two-horse trailer, walk through, good floor, new mats - $950 717-665- 2922 Lancaster Co Farmall A, 1940 home made hydraulics, grader blade, wheel weights, good rubber, crank start, leaks oil - $6OO 080 973-839- 9053 NJ Ritchie Thrifty King cattle fountains, 2 double hole, 1 single hole Also, 1 Sentry 2 hole All $l2OO 301- 371-5040 Fred Co, MD 1964 Pontiac Catalina, 4dr, good condition, 98,000 miles - $l5OO 301-662- 1902 Frederick Co Sperry-New Holland Model 31OT baler - $3500 Smok er farm elevator, 3/4hp - $3OO Oliver haybine, mod el 129 - $lOOO 717-238- 9423 Dauphin Co 1000 bales bright, clean wheat straw, no rain - $1 75 each 80" Howard rotova tor, very heavy-duty - $BOO 717-486-7499 Cumb Co John Deere 45 loader, manure and 6' material bucket, exc - $BOO Two seat frame for JD two-cylm der 908-996-6959 Hun terdon Co Clean bright oat straw - $B5/ton Horse hay - $lOO/ton Girton 400 D bulk tank - $4OO Delaval Vac pump 717-788-1470 Luzerne Co Cast iron kettle, garden tractor with snowblower, garden plow, mower and 3stage craftsman snow blower, swing set 717- 354-3091 Lane Co Free to caring home only, Aust Terriers, 10-3 yrs Also, Dasch , 9-3 yrs Most AKC Must go together 717-665-9793 Lane Co Ipr black Molly mules - $l6OO Reason for sale - less acres Samuel Seller, 600 May Post Office Rd, Stras Lancaster Co New insulated Bxl2 stor age shed or shop, chicken house or whatever - $550 172 Black Creek Rd, East Earl, PA 17519 1983 FI 50 4x4 VB-302, auto engine, 29K miles on rebuilt engine, good condi tion - $4OOO Call after 6pm 717-334-0750 Adams Co Antique Auto Club of Amer ica magazines, 225, vol 21 to 60,1957-97, good cond - $l5O 717-797-3793 North'd Co Farmall 140 w/cult and side dresser Farmall 140 w/6' sickle mower Farmall 140 row crop sprayer w/ss tanks 914-651-7546 Oranae Co Mastiff puppies - $3OO Dam, Spanish. Sire, Neapolitan Ready 2/27. Taking deposits now Last litter 27“ h shoulder, 6mos Old. 717-222-4657 Susq Co John Deere 2-row corn planter, 3pt, excellent - $5OO 3-bottom 14", 3pt hitch plows - $375 Evenings. 814-344-8447 Cambria Co Commercial mowers, front deck rider, Exmarks Turf Ranger, 50" Gravely walk behmd Nordic Trac, Walk Fit-$2OO 080 610-588- 1444 Northampton Co Grass hay, good quality - $145/ton Delivered in 5- ton loads in Lancaster Co and nearby 717-336-8703 Lancaster Co JD N manure spreader, 1978 Dodge Aspen car, good cond 250 gas tank, clean 904-453-3544 War ren Co Metal cab for farm tractor, rear entry door - $3OO Far mall H tractor - $lOOO 410-848-1913 Carroll Co, MD Farmall Super A with culti vators and plow, needs some work - $l7OO Firm 50* steel wheels, duels, bands - $2OO 717-966- 4992 Union Co 1991 Toyota 4x4, sspd, 93K mi, AM/FM Cass, air, Leer cap, good condition, good little truck - $6500 080 717-834-9667 Perry Co New wood columns with bases and caps New cost - $4OO/pair, will sell for $2OO/pair 717-776-3023 Cumberland Co Self-serve ice storage cab mes, used in front of busi ness to store and sell ice, works perfect - $3OO 717- 652-5928 Dauphin Co 74 C-50 Chev dump truck, 14ft bed, inspected, new tires, good condition - $2BOO 080 2480 Juniata Co 717-436- Ford truck seat, XLT, power lumbar bench with arm rest, fits 1970 to 1997 full size, like new - $250 717- 292-4067 York Co AKC German Shepard female, lyr, rare red/black, breeding quality, indoor/ outdoor, good home only, must sell - $2OO 717-361- 9030 Lancaster Co Wheat straw, square bales, Ontario gram drill, 13 disks, steel wheels 717-567- 3891 Perry Co JO 95 com special com bine with rebuilt 303 engine, with small gram head, corn head throat - Best offer 717-334-1279 Adams Co Straw bales, large wire, tied for archery target - $lO/bale About 351 b each 717-244-2954 York Co Vermont casting model vili giant wood burner, was $llOO Asking $4OO Used 3yrs Call after spm 732- 964-2004 Middlesex Co Saw buck, with 28 inch blade, is in very good con dition - $lOO 610-693- 5624 Berks Co Baler Case 230 thrower, excellent wood splitter, three point heavy-duty bale wagon with racks, 23 1x26 1 tires, rims 717- 784-1746 Columbia Co Bullion 10ft Sure Stand seeder with transport tires Like new, only 129 acres, always in barn - $2900 610-298-2443 Lehigh Co 1989 Bronco Eddie Bauer, high miles - $3900 New Holland manure spdr, bro ken sprocket, pto driven - $2500 080. 320i's 215- 234-9240 Montg Co JD4420, 213 Flex header, chopper, Oial-a-matic, A/C, AM/FM, 2450 hrs, looks like new, excellent condi tion 301-872-5612 St Mary's Co 1986 GMC 18' flatbed 366, sspd 2spd rear - $4500 080 9 ton deck over equip frailer-$l4OO 080 610-582-0626 Berks Co Buffalo forge corrosion resistant cast iron blower, 7.25" inlet, 7" outlet, 1/2hp, 230/460, 3ph BB motor - $250 215-679-3012 Berks Co Reg Holstein bull, born 9/97 and read and white grade Holstein bull born 11/97 518-851-2274 Columbia Co St Bernard pups, AKC, 3 months, one male and female, shots, wormed, loves children, big bones, beautiful - $l5O. 610-593- 2436 Chester Co 2 large mechanical iron workers - best offer, case 580 4NI loader bucket - $950, Wfsc V465D - $950 Call late evenings 717- 249-0026 Cumberland Co Custom built barn trusses for a 24x36 building 717- 274-0089 Lebanon Co Recreational cabin, Pequ ea PA, on Susq river, direct access to 6,500 acres, PP&L land, hunting, fish ing, hiking - $BOOO 080. 410-638-1579 88 Ford F 250, 4x4, rough - $lOOO, NH 1469 and 469 haybmes, Badger manure pit pump, all rough, but work 717-741-5695 York Co By owner, Farmette, 11 + acres, 3 bedroom frame house. 30x70 block barn, new furnace, motivated seller, Lewisburg area 717-568-1038 Union Co Farm for sale, 48 acres, barn, cow shed, wagon shed, very good condition house, 3 bedrooms, fire place - $229,000 717- 776-3947 Cumberland Co PTO mechanical lift from unstyled JD, hydraulic lift from JDA, early? F2O case seat mounting with tin seat 717-741-0274 York Co Ford 600 tractor plus 6' Ford Mott mower on back, runs but needs some work - Best offer 610-593-6874 Lancaster Co Huge pile of firewood - $3OO Also, 1978 Plymouth Sapporo for parts or fix up - $75 And pedal tractor 717-235-2444 York Co Registered Angus cows and yearling bull Perfor mance tested Spring calv ing to top A 1 and nautral herd sires 717-292-1547 York Co For sale old farm equip ment, three drag harrows, three plow, hayrake, dou ble cultpacker, 8' day Day time 717-244-6203 Eves 717-244-6032 York Co Old window sash with 6 10“x13" panes 717-292- 3245 York Co Steel wheels, fronts 22", center 40" high, back 28" center, 53" high with rubber blocks for 4wd - $l2OO 717-445-6558 Lane Co 1937 F2O Farmall, good condition, good looker, good rubber - $lBOO 080 717-786-7590 Lane Co 580 D ex-hoe, shuttle trans mission in good shape, ready to go - $15,500 1964 Ford dump, good shape - $lOOO 717-684- 6555 Lancaster Co Stihl chain saw 031 AV 16m bar 3 chains - $250 080. 6xB tilt trailer, new tires - $395 717-354-7452 Lan caster Co 6yr old Belgian-App mare in foal to Belgian, rides and drives - $2200 neg 717- 865-6712 Lebanon Co Early wheel horse lawn tractor, model RCJ-7 - $2OO 080. Good restora tion project 717-949-3364 Lebanon Co JD tiller attachment for 300 series garden tractors - $lOOO 717-872-1800 Lancaster Co JD 3010 gas, rebuilt engine, new paint - $4600 2row cultivator for JDH - $lOO Btooth IH chisel plow $650 Inyder Co 717-374-6913 1989 Dodge 350, 10ft, flatbed, metal racks, 70K mi - $5OOO 7' MM3pt snow blower - $2OO Holland cup transplanter - $550 717- 837-3568 Snyder Co Oliver 1650 strong tractor, gas Also, IHBI6 haybme, needs minor repair 717- 444-3748 Juniata Co 3-ton feed bln, needs boot - $2OO Shenandoah, wood stove - $lOO. 717-367- 6147 Lancaster Co MF loader, purchased new 1996 off 135MF, fits 135MF thru 1045MF includes front mount pump - $3500 080 717-539-2116 Snyder Co Two 275 g tanks, with pumps - $lOO each 225 amp Lincoln welder, 30' wheels cables - $125 717- 776-3766 Cumberland Co 1986 Ford Broncoll, 60,800 miles, 5-speed, cruise, tilt, power locks/wmdows, new tires, serviced 3,000 miles, garaged 717-866-5215 Lebanon Co White 18' field cultivator, 16' rock flex disk, Bullion 12' packer with 4' pups 717-665-6914 Lane Co AC Mod B and C with equipment. Call after 6pm. 717-382-4155 York Co Teenagers carriage, good condition, recent paint job. Ane Fisher, 542 Mt Vernon Rd, Gap, PA 17527, 717- 442-8835 Lancaster Co Oliver 88 N-F gas tractor, new paint - $2200. 717- 776-3098 Cumberland Co Targhee cross rams. Sheep fleeces for spinning/ crafts 100% wool yard for weaving/knittmg. Spinning wheels, weaving looms 717-362-4315 Dauph. Co Pr sorrel work horses, 7 & 8 yrs old, good workers, 17 hands, ready for work 76 Locust Ln, Quarryville, PA 1987 Ford Escort, diesel, 67,000 miles, good condi tion - $2250 717-752- 3946 Columbia Co 5530 Hesston round baler, good condition $3OO David Jay Miller, 637 Win ter Hill Rd, Strasburg, PA 17579 Lancaster Co Three row finger feed transplanter with water tank, Also, 1963 Ford 750 dump truck for parts Danville, PA 717-275- 2009 North'd Co Treaded 2" galvanized pipe, 30' roof trusses, cypress boards, building materials, 7yr gelding trot ter, man’s horse Leave message 717-442-9173 Lancaster Co Gooseneck hitch setup for pickup - $6O Log chains, two 20ft - $25/ea One 16ft - $2O Fence controllers, 6volt - $2O/ea 717-993- 3775 York Co Belgian gelding, Syr old, good steady worker, sound, sorrel. white star/mane, worked mimes & jockey stick - $l5OO. 717-354-4374 Lane Co 2 new pony harnesses 1 new bridle for carnage or buggy New' driving har ness parts, leather No Sundays 717-445-4709 Lancaster Co Alum topper for 89 Chevy Bft bed, charcoal gray, 30" high, good cond - $250 Bedlmer - $5O 717-354- 8287 Lancaster Co Ear corn, approx 14-ton - $lOO/ton 717-349-7551 Franklin Co 9000# GVW gooseneck trailer, ramps, sideboards - $l9OO Wanted multi-row cultivator for Allis-Chalmers G tractor 717-367-9494 Lancaster Co 1985 Honda 4-wheeler 250, good condition. 717- 653-5807 Lancaster Co 1985 F 350 2WD, with 8' bed, 79L diesel, needs work, 4spd, dual wheel, 11,000 GVW-SISOOOBO Jay S. - 717-569-2702 Pfaff Sewing Machine, Model 1151, Multi-stitch, portable, excellent condi tion Asking $4OO Call Marylee 9-5 daily. 1-800- 888-5552 MF1705, 120 hp, 24spd, power shift, w/loader, MFIO2O compact tractor, w/mower, ACdl7, JD44O gas, Nl 4whl spreader, orchard sprayer. 717-528- 7747 Adams Co. Misc Case skidloader parts for 1500 or 1700 series Case. 2cyl Deutz air cooled, diesel, runs. 717- 626-5159 Lancaster Co Dauphin County Conserva tion District annual seedling sale. Evergreen seedlings, hardwood seedlings and wildflower seeds. Call for more info 717-921-8298 Dauphin Co Pipefitters tools, 1.5"x2.5" stocks, dies. Misc. pipe wrenches, strap pipe vise, lead chisels, soldering irons, bunsen burners, more 717-464-2720 Lan caster Co Rambler, 1966, two-ddor, HT, good condition, antique tags, can be dnven home - $lBOO 717-566-0234 Dauphin Co Pair black Molly mules. Pair gray Jack mules, smooth mouth, 17h, all line broke. 159 Laurel Rd, East Earl Lancaster Co. Trailco 26' aluminum dump trailer Call after 6pm 717- 533-3031 Dauphin Co 375 hp 866 V 8 Mack motor combat - $l5OO. Other Mack parts available. 717- 566-8973 Dauphin Co NH 55 rake with dolly wheels, 925 JD 8200 gram drill No grass or fert. Dou ble disc openers 717-637- 1031 York Co 702 gas uni tractor, good shape - $6OO. Wooden hog scalding troughs, some refinished as book shelves. 717-867-2995 Leban. Co Llama, reg. bred, female - $l2OO firm. Also, antique Dr's buggy, good condition. 717-677-7616 Adams Co Lumber 2x16, 10ft - $4 Hardwood, other sizes available, fresh sawn. Phone evenings 717-677- 8037 Adams Co International TD9 crawler w/bucyrus blade, good shape - $3OOO 080 Mod el 424 Owattana grinder mixer w/scales, good con dition 717-445-6880 Lan caster Co Land Pride, 12ft finish mower, hyd told up, like new cond - $5BOO 1837 Case skidloader, forks - $750 717-758-7137 North Co 1996 Ford F 250 Supercab, 4x4, XLT, powersfroke, diesel, auto, PS/PB/AC, cap, bedlmer, running boards, white, cloth, 70K - $25,900. 215-673-7886 Phila Co Shenandoah Valley, Staun ton Virginia 78.7 ac pas tureland, 8 perked, sur veyed parcels, outstanding views, all or part 540-886- 3157 Augusta Co, VA 11987 Gooseneck stock trailer, 18' long, good condi tion - $2600 908-534- 4766 Hunterdon Co 4 Westfalia Visitrons 5/8" hose and new boards - Best offer 717-898-7028 Lancaster Co AC D-17 diesel repair, parts, and owners manu als, Jensens, like new - $45 717-993-6589 York Co Agn-metal, 3pth bale shop per for paper or straw, steel wheels for 240 farmall - $lOO UV light 717-626- 1386 Lancaster Co Home grown clover seed -I would ask our customers to place oders, our supply is limited Norman Burk holder. 610-682-6429 Berks Co Deerborn corn picker husker - Asking $275 or best offer 215-257-7424 Bucks Co Backhoe 680 G ROPS, new tires, motor, rans RebuifC nice shape - $14,000 735/a pump truck Ford L9OO, 534 gas - $6500 good 717-432-0435 York Co New Holland 510 manure spreader, parts machine or rebuildable, weak axle, soft floor Asking $2OO Please leave message 412-668- 2709 Westmoreland Co 3-4 yr sorrel work horse, works in lines, stand 17 hands. Jerry Martin, 716 Spruce Rd, /few Holland, PA. Lancaster Co Ford 3910 tractor, only 355 hours, like new condition, fine woodworking maga zines, 1 to present After 6pm 717-672-2688 North'd Co Ford 8N tractor with 2-bot tom plow and sft Brushhog, repainted, good condition - $2850 Hand pallet jack, 5,0001 b lift 215-679-3406 Bucks Co Band saw, 14m, total shop, new condition. 610-792- 0132 1953 Dodge, 1/2-ton pickup, all original, completely res tored, show winner - $6500. 609-845-8586 Gloucester Co, NJ Oliver five-bottom hydraulic reset plow, hillside hitch, gauge wheel - $l5OO Also, saddle tanks and mounting brackets - $450. 814-766- 3436 Bedford Co Operators manuals, JD model A - 420 crawler, 440 diesel crawler, 831 loader, AC HD 5. TS-5 tracto shov el. 610-488-6084 Berks Co John Deere 2-14 trailer plow on rubber, h-draulic lift, 9ft cultipacker, double roll. Johnson snobllle cutter sleigh. 717-637-7451 York Co Chevy Citation, 81, 4dr, 6cyl, 4spd, PS. PB, AM/FM radio, one owner. 717-546- 5764 Northumberland Co 2 Franco Beige stoves - $3OO each. Oliver Raydex 16 in 3-bottom plow, pull type-$3OO. 717-865-2529 Lebanon Co 1951 JD-A HiCrop rest ored, very good condition JD33O restored, excellent cond, serious inquiries only. Call evenings after 7. 717-745-3660 Lye Co 1989 Dodge 2whl pickup, Cummins, 178 K, work truck, new parts, depend able, weekend Evening till 11. Best offer over $5500 717-345-2126 Registered Chow puppies, cmn, shots, gentle disposi tion, smart - $3OO or trade for’ Satin rabbits, pedi greed, pet or meat 215- 928-9557 Phila Co Farmall C with cultivators, very good • condition - $1650. Farmall H, needs minor work - $l2OO Must sacrifice both 215-493- 4108 Bucks Co Disc blades, 14-17", 14- 16", 15“ center hole, used - $5 each 717-786-4791 Lancaster Co Sliding windows for pre 96 Wrangler soft top, spice in color, excellent condition, new $3OO, asking $175 717-385-0248 Schuy. Co Brand new 20 piece stain less stell cookware set, life time guarantee, extra durable, and easy to clean. Great Pnce' 610-670-1470 Berks Co Large pony or Holflinger size, complete cutunder spnng wagon, good shape - $BOO 080 Alvin Beiler, 32N Little Bntam Rd, Quar ryville, PA Lancaster Co NH 1012 bale pickup wag on 1650, NH 479 haybme 1000, NH 68 super haylmer baler 700 After 6pm. 717- 266-5728 York Co Hay and straw small bales, large quantity, peach bot tom slate approx 50 square 7x14, Bxl4 sizes After 6pm 717-872-5788 Lan casler Co NH 258 raker with dolly wheels, excellent condition - $2OOO. 16' wooden bale wagon - $5OO JD2IO 15' disc - $lOOO. 717-456- 5771 York Co Goodyear 4ply 4"x4o' end less flat drive belt ■ $5O Two new Oregon chainsaw bars, part NO. 33592 - $25 717-235-6733 York Co Horse and pony carts on steel or rubber. 200 Blank Rd, Narvon, PA 17555 Lancaster Co Ferguson To-30 wide front tractor with front end loader, runs good. 717- 624-7691 Adams Co Black Hackney pony geld ing. 12.1 hands, 16 years, dnves, sound and sensible, always in the ribbons - $2500 080 717-469- 2230 Dauphin Co 4 handsome young Barred Rock roosters, hand raised, tame and gentle, can possibly delivery them, to good home. 609-299- 1657 Salem Co. NJ Badger Bft manure pump, use with 65hp tractor Gideon Fisher, 61-C Old Leacock Rd. Ronks, PA 17572. Lancaster Co Flight conditioned pheas ants, chickers, quail. Tak ing orders now for fall stocking. Call now to reserve birds 610-562- 4370 Berks Co Truck, Chevrolet, 4x4, 1986, 80K original, fullsize shortbed, 4-speed, cap, extras - $6150 080. 717- 246-1337 York Co New Ideal manure spread er Model 17, ground driven, excellent condition 717- 229-2755 York Co - Cocker Spaniel AKC female puppy, Chocolate/ white, tan markings, shots, wormed - $3OO. 717-484- 4623 Lancaster Co AKC lab pups, shots and wormed, 8 wks old 610- 932-4796 Chester Co Foley auto carbide saw grinder, exc cond - $2lOO Firm 717-993-6573 York Co fJohn Deere, lOhp, high back mower tiller, snow plow cultivator, moldbroad plwo lawn sweeper, runs good - $l2OO 410-848- 0617 Carroll Co. MD L-Tec plasma- cutter, 40amp, 1/2" cap, inverter - $llOO 35-ton punch press - $l5O. 506 Paradise Lane, Paradise, 17562 Lane. Co 1990 Deruse trailer, 14x70 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, appliances, air, 10x30 roofed deck, Bxlo shed, excellent condition. 717- 834-3517 Perry Co Steel wheels, 61* high, 15' wide, open center - $l5O Lincoln 600 amp, 3-phase welder with leads - $250 Can deliver 717-345-8179 Schuylkill Co Chev Nova 88, 4dr, auto, great car, one owner, 95K hyw miles - $l5OO 080 215-343-9061 Bucks Co 1972 Ford 4000 diesel, new tires, new paint, exc mechanical cond $5500 717-697-8078 Perry Co Wmdbreaker tractor heater for Cub Lo-Boy, good con dition, cost over $2OO new, will sell for $75 717-566- 2133 Dauphin Co JD adj WF off of 730 JD - $lO5O 730 std rear wheel weights - $125 each. Call between 7-9 pm. 717-292- 6620 York Co One-row McCormick Deer mg cultivator, good condi tion, with weed controller, like new. 530 Union School Rd, Oxford, PA 19363 Chester Co 6 items, poultry coops, White high pressure wash er. Dosmatic Medicator, 8' fountains, emergency tights, 7 5' steel truck tool box. 717-865-4329 Lebanon Co 2,000 pound Baker forklift, solid tire - $5OO Wide front end off Oliver 770 with hubs - $725 717-469- 0434 Dauphin Co Hereford bull, 14mo old, Buellmgo bull, 2yrs old, proven, 9mo Dorset ram - sire- Nix Besser, Case 230 baler. 717-274-1317 Lebanon Co Young white New Zealand rabbits, will be excellent breeding stock 717-865-
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