Cook’s Question (Continued from Pago ANSWER—Ruth Ann Greathouse, Lititz. wanted a recipe to make communion crackers or wafers. Thanks to Mrs. Burk holder for faxing a recipe. Communion Bread 4’/« to 4Vt cups flour 1 pound butter, softened 1 quart milk 1 egg Measure flour, add butter (homemade works best). Slowly add milk, mixing in portions of milk, use as much as needed. These ingredients should make about five cakes, about 1 'A pounds each. Knead bread. Roll out to about eight inches wide and % -inches thick. Make seven strips (about a yard stick width) to each cake. Then cut each strip partially through with paring knife. Jag each strip with forks. Slightly cut strips again with paring knife. Beat one egg and apply to top, being careful not to get in the knife cuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. ANSWER Margie Cunfer, Lehighton, wanted a recipe for homemade chicken croquettes. Thanks to a Mrs. Burkhol der, address unknown, for faxing a recipe. Chicken Croquettes 2 tablespoons butter 2 Vi tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 2 cups minced cooked chicken 1 teaspoon salt %teaspoon onion juice or V* cup minced onion '/> teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons minced parsley or celery 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup dried bread crumbs Make a white sauce: Melt butter, add flour and stir in milk. Add finely chopped chicken and seasoning. Cool thoroughly, then shape into balls. Dip in crumbs, then beaten eggs, and again into crumbs. Fry in deep fat for 3 to 5 minutes. Serves 6. Quick method: Omit cooking; drop in skillet, and fry like pancakes. Good with catsup. Freezes well. Put in tight con tainer. When ready to use, place on cookie sheets and cover with aluminum foil. Bake at 350 degrees util hot. This is delicious with leftover barbecue chicken. Spring Savings Call or stop by today! Herb Workshop SPRINGFIELD (Delaware Co) - Herbs-Growing, Cooking and Medicating will be taught at Penn State Cooperative Extension in Smedley Park, in Springfield, Delaware Co. on Tuesday, February 24th from 1 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and repeated on February 26th form 7:00 p.m. to 9: p.m. Deb Hatton, a Penn State Master Gardener, will discuss growing herbs indoors and class participants will pot several herbs to take home. Registered dietitian, Fran Alloway will highlight some of the herbs that have been pro moted medicinally and discuss the validity of the health claims. Recipes supporting the use of herbs in cooking will be part of the handouts. Cost: $lO. Register now to reserve your spot by sending a check made out to Delaware County Cooperative extension and mail to Delaware Co. Cooperative Extension, 20 Paper Mill Road, Smedley Park, Springfield, PA 19064. For further information, call (610)690-2655. • QUALITY • SERVICE Biglerville Tire & Auto Biglerville, PA 17307 717-677-8338 Rhodes Farm Supply Williamsburg, PA 16693 814-832-2491 Fulmer Bros Tire Service Wysox, PA 18859 717-265-6159 Histand's Farm & Flome Service Rome, PA 18837 717-744-2371 Kantner’sTire Service Shoemakersville, PA Miller TireS Auto Blooming Glen, PA 18911 215-257-4307 Al's Tire of Barnesboro Barnesboro, PA 15714 814-948-7880 Dunkle & Gneb Centre Hall, PA 16828 814-364-1421 S 6 Lewis & Sons West Grove, PA 19390 610-869-2214 Stolzlus Farm Service Cochranville, PA 19330 610-593-2407/2408 SAFEMARK CALL 1-800-PFB- TIRE For Dealer Nearest You Lancaster Arming. Saturday, February 21, 1998-B9 Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser Even the winter seems to be passing by quickly. I’ve looked through the brightly colored seed catalog but I have not placed an order. This year two of our children gave me gift cer tificates, so I can really place a big order. The problem is to take the time to sit and do it. So far my list includes mostly flowers. You see, I save many vegetable seeds from my own plants. I'll admit that some ornamental gourds and some squash have crossed over the years in which case I never know what to expect from the seeds. But, that is part of the fun in having a garden. One year I have a bumper crop of cucumbers and the next one practically none. One year we have lots of peanuts and the next one I must save the nuts for seed. EDE SHfi 19555 610-562-2567 Lately I've been meeting a grandchild at his bus each evening as he has a corn-grow ing project in our basement under lights. He is so very exu berant as he hops off the bus and runs to meet me. He and his siblings run and jump and play in our house and even move big rugs out of place. One thing that they enjoy doing with me is cleaning the goldfish bowl. But, I must watch them closely as I’ve caught them holding the fish out of the water, upside down, by its tail. We four often sit on the floor and play with a soft ball on the kitchen floor. The other evening they enjoyed a box of "Krazy Ikes" and we all made odd little fig ures. The same books that I read to my children decades ago are now read to the grandchil dren. —iliHHul II M Steve Shannon Joe's Battery & Tire Tire Co , Inc AHentown, PA 1810 3 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 610-437-4961 800-343-TIRE Steve Shannon Tire Co, Inc Route 487 Benton, PA 17814 717-925-2821 mam Barnck Tire Sales Newville, PA 17241 717-776-5762 ms Long’s Tire Service Halifax, PA 17152 717-896-2215 Mifflmburg PA 17844 Burns Tire Service 717-966-3114/3115 Waynesboro PA 15370 412-627-8263 mm Allegheny Farm Service Marion Center, PA 15370 412-397-2660 Leola Tire Service Leola, PA 17540 717-656-2574 mm Lebanon Valley Implement Inc Richland, PA 17087 717-866-7518 firestone TII I | I Al> I P IN IMF I I I I I' • DEPENDABILITY • ECONOMY Rovendale Supply Watsontown PA 17777 717-538-5521 or 717-742-7521 Smith Farm & Equipment Newport PA 1707' 717-567-3562 Charles Snyder Inc Tamaqua PA 18252 717-386-5945 Mifflmburg Farm Supply Inc mnm J&M Machinery Co reensburg PA 156 i 412-668-7850 Wagners Mobile Repair Shrewsburg PA 17361 717-235-5094 |B & Su Farmers Brokerai Allentown NJ 08501 609-259-7324 Tire King Sussex, NJ 07481 201-875-5250
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