STOP RAINING ON THE ANIMALS It has been raining on animals since a horse plowed the first furrow. Condensation form ing under the roofs of farm buildings is the reason. And that’s because there’s never been a perfect insulation product for farm buildings. Until now. Introducing Thermax® AG Therm™ Insulation/Finish Board from Celotex. w A ELg"* All* BY CELOTEX AG Therm stops the rain and stops the ele ments. AG for agriculture. Therm for thermal. It works for all kinds of buildings. No matter who’s in it or what’s in it. Install it in new buildings or improve old ones. Celotex made it for you. The animals will thank you. For information where to purchase AG Therm, call Celotex at 1-800-556-4215. V jr 1 -J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers