North Atlantic Shell Eggs February 19, 199€ Atlanta, Ga. PRICES FOR PHILADELPHIA MEDIUMS WERE UNCHANGED TO THREE CENTS HIGHER. BOSTON MEDIUMS WERE UNCHANGED TO TWO CENTS HIGHER. NEW ENG LAND EXTRA LARGE AND LARGE PRICES WERE ONE CENT LOWR, NEW ENGLAND MEDIUM AND SMALL PRICES WERE ONE CENT HIGHER. ALL OTHER PRICES WERE UNCHANGED. THE MARKET TONE WAS STEADY TO WEAK FOR THE LARGE SIZES WITH BROWN EGGS IN THE WEAKEST POSITION, AND STEADY TO FIRM FOR THE LIGHTER WEIGHTS. DEMAND WAS MIXED, MOSTLY MODERATE, AND BEST WHERE FEATURED. SUPPLIES OF LARGE SIZES WERE AT LEAST ADEQUATE. AND LIGHT WEIGHT EGG SUPPLIES WERE MIXED FROM TIGHT TO ADEQUATE. BREAKING STOCK SUPPLIES WERE ADEQUATE FOR THE LIGHT TO FAIR DEMAND AND THE UNDERTONE WAS USUAL LY STEADY. LIGHT HEN OFFERINGS WERE SUFFICIENT FOR PLANT SCHEDULES. PHILADELPHIA: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN: EXTRA LARGE .69 .72; LARGE .67-.70; MEDIUM .4854 -.59. Delmarva Broiler ATLANTA, GA. FEBRUARY 18, 1998 DELMARVA BROILER/FRYER MARKET. FEDERAL-STATE Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds Pennsylvania Agricultural Commodities Marketing Association, Inc. FORWARD FEED INGREDIENTS Corn Soybean Meal Soybeans Distillers Grains Wheat ,f* ' Hominy Soybean Meal >/ ' j Cottonseed Cottonseed ' ~'j Hogs ' ) Cattle 1 / ' RISK MANAGEMENT CASH GRAIN MAR|CET/ . < Hedging Services Feed Grains 1 : ‘' > Market Consultation Wheat -i-Min./Max. Contracts Oilseeds Specialized Contracts t f ’ A privately held full service commodity merchandising firm. Call today to see how PACMA can broaden your marketing efforts whether you're BUYING or SELLING Agricultural Commodities Rail Facilities are available at Green Castle fit Palmyra. PA 475 East High Street, Palmyra, PA 17078 800-PACMA Inc. • 717-838-7050 1-800-722-6246 Started by Producers for producers v totin'it vw tv u was light and typical of mid-week activity. Sella offerings remained in a range of ful ly adequate to Instances short on the small er sizes. live supplies were mostly mod erate; weights were mixed and irregular. Processing schedules were moderate to moderately heavy. Less than trucklot ask ing prices were unchanged at 51 to 65 cents. Trade sentiment was fully steady to firm on the unda 3 pound sizes; steady on the larger sizes. In the parts complex, sup plies were generally adequate for the light and selective buying interest ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 02/18 02/1602/1602/1102/09 .3331,601 4.90 2,362 4. 97 ♦BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGO TIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 47-65 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 54.11 NO. OF BOXES 8,922 *8 of 9 plants reporting. NY Phila Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. FEBRUARY 13, 1998 EASTERN REGION FROZEN EGGS. FEBRUARY 13, 1998. FEDERAL STATE Prices were unchanged to lower for whites, and lower on the balance of items. The market tone was barely steady to weak, but began to stabilize as the week progressed. Demand was light to moderate. Supplies were at least adequate. Liquid and frozen eggs (ingredients included) pro- cessed under federal inspection In the East ern region for the week ending February 7, 1998 were 1% greater than the previous week, and 4% more than the same week last year. Raw material supplies were at least adequate, and prices were lower than last week. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 48-51 49-50 52-62 BLENDS (/) TFEWR 63-75 WHITES 35-37 37 38-50 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 78-80 78-79 81-89 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 74-76 76 77-86 (I) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER. GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. N£ Chicken Parts 1&2 ATLANTA, GA, FEBRUARY 18, 1996 NORTHEAST BROILER/FRYER PARTS - PART I FEDERAL-STATE Trucklot buying activity was mostly light Offerings were generally sufficient to cover the irregular demand. Retail and distributive movement was no better than fair and not expected to improve much as we enter the latter part of the month and the beginning of the lentin season. The market tone was unsettled. PRICES PAID PER POUND, ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS. DELIV ERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN TITIES. ITEM CURRENT NEGOTIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S 155-160 BREAST - WITH RIBS 79-80 BREAST - LINE RUN Lanchester Milling M Feed Grinding - Cattle, Poultry, Sheep, Swine, Horses M Formerly FRANK KURTZ MILLING ' Now taking on New Customers Weekly routes servicing the following areas- Honey Brook, Coatesville, Parkesburg, Atglen, Christiana, Quarryville, Kirkwood, Strasburg, Kmzers, Gap, Paradise, Gordonville, Ronks, Bird-In-Hand, New Holland, Morgantown, Elverson, Narvon CALL ANYTIME TO LEAVE MESSAGE Jeffrey A. Feister- owner/operator Toll Free -1-888-273-3236 or Local calls - 610-273-3220 BEFORE 6 A.M. OR AFTER 7 P.M. TO SPEAK TO JEFF Xi Serving The Agriculture Industry For Over 29 Years 151 E. Farmersville Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 • (717) 354-4 79 LEGS 41-42 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 28-29 DRUMSTICKS 34-35 THIGHS 36-37 WINGS (WHOLE) 73-74 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 12-14 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 20-25 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 45-50 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY MET ROPOLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY. MASSACHUSETTS, CON NECTICUT, RHODE ISLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). * TODAY’S NEGO TIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M. Belleville Poultry BeHeville, Pa. Wednesday, February IS, 199 S Report supplied by Auction Geese: 1.00-3.00 ea. Hukeya: 8.00-14.00 ea. Guineaa: 4.25 ea. Roosters: 2.25-7.75 ea. Bantami: 3.00-5.00 ea. Heavy hens: 5.00 ea. Silkies: 3.2 S ea. Muscovy hens: 5.00 ea. Muscovy drakes: 10.00-11.00 ea. Mixed ducks: none. Bam pigeons: 2.00-2.50 ea. While birds: 4.00-6.00 ea. Fancy birds: none. Peacocks; none. Pheasants: none. Doves: none. Quail: none. Guinea Pigs: 2.50-3.25 ea. Rabbits: under 4 lbs. 2.25 ea., 4-6 lbs. 4.50-6.50 ea., over 6 lbs. 7.00-11.50 ea. For more information phone 717-242-2898. National Grain Market SL Joseph, MO Wed, Feb 18, 1998 USDA-MO Dept Ag Market News DAILY NATIONAL GRAIN SUMMARY Grain and soybean bids finished steady to slightly higher at today’s close. Fair ’ng to expand or update? ith Agri-Inc. where quality is our standard. FREE STALL BARN INTERIOR Site layout, building design & construction. • Dairy complexes and replacement stock facilities • Horse stall barns and riding arenas • Workshop and machinery storage buildings • Timber column buildings for light commercial AGRI-INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998-AS overnight sales cf wheat to South Korea put some strength into wheat bids along with reports of some tenders coming up. Com bids were stronger on light fund buy ing on the board and slow fanner selling. Bean bids were up slightly due to improved crush margins and higher soy- bean oil demand. However, export demand con tinues very slow for all commodities, limit ing gains. Wheat mostly steady. Com steady to 2 cents higher. Sorghum steady to 1 cent lower. Soybeans 1 to 5 cents higher. U.S. Export Sales: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DEL DATE South Korea 11.7 pet protein Hard Red Winter 4,400 Apr-May 14.0 pet protein Dark Northern Spring 3,000 10.0 pet pro tein Soft White 6,600 9.5 pet protein Soft White 2,500 TOTAL; Wheat 16,500 tonnes Date Change Year ago Truck Bids: 02/18/98 02/17/98 02/19/97 Wheat: Kan sas City (HRW, ORD) 3.43-3.45 unch 4.364.40 Minneapolis (DNS. 14%) 3.93 3/4 up 1 1/2 4.14 Portland (SW) 3.48-3.50 unch 4.174.18 St Louis (SRW) 3.15-3.21 unch-dn 1 3.48 Com, US 2 Yellow: Kansas City 2.64- unch 2.82-2.85 Minneapolis 2.42 3/4 up 2 3/4 2.61 1/2 Southern lowa 2.65- unch 2.75-2.79 Omaha 2 JO-2 SI unch-up 1 2.67-2.68 Soybeans, US 1 Yellow: Kansas City 6.69-6.70 up 3 7.69-7.71 Minneapolis 6.46 3/4 up 5 1/4 7.43 Southern lowa 6.71-6.74 up 1-3 7.64 Cent IL Processors 6.71 3/4-6.84 3/4 up 2 1/4 7.76-7.79 Futures: Kansas City (Mar) Wheat 3.37 3/4 up 1/4 4.19 Minneapolis (Mar) Wheat 3.68 3/4 up 1 1/2 3.91 1/2 Chicago (Mar) Wheat 3.22 dn 1/4 3.59 1/2 Chicago (Mar) Com 2.67 3/4 dn 1/4 2.83 1/2 Chicago (Mar) Soybeans 6.71 3/4 up 2 1/4 7.71 Export Bids: Barge or tail, Port of New Orleans or North Texas Gulf. US 1 HRW Wheat. Otd. Protein: 3.72 3/4-3.75 3/4 up 1/4 4.61 US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat: 3.37 dn 2 1/4-4 1/4 3.87 1/2 US 2 Yellow Com: 2.86 3/4-2.88 3/4 up 1 1/4-1 3/4 3.06 1/2-3.07 1/2 US 2 Yellow Sorghum: Rail 5.05 unch 5.08 Barge 5.05-5.08 unch-up 1 5.24-5.28 US 1 Yellow Soybeans: 7.00 3/4-7.02 3/4 up 2 1/4-1 1/4 8.04-8.06 The’Construction Professionals DAIRY COMPLEX MEMBER 271
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