Field application system using conventional spreader tank One pump transfer and agitate system from existing confinement buildings Belleville, PA Everett. PA 800-310-9333 814-652-2934 Rory Peachey, Mgr. Frank Samuel, Jr., Mgr. The reaulta you may achieve with your Harveatore® Syatem depend primarily upon your management akllla and may vary from aucceaaful reaulta achieved by othera. Any application In a particular (arming operation require! I advice of qualified ezperta and la aubject to tlmitationa of good management, weather or other condition! preunt at the Individual location. Harveatore ii a regiatered trademark of AO. Smith Engineered Storage Product! Co. SLURRYSTORE ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES Push-off ramp filling Pre-owned and new structures available. For your convenience now accepting BFarm Plan. A Service of FPC Financial The Charge Account for Rural America 1 M PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC. YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER 7 • NEW Berlin, PA 800-434-3308 Joe Simpson, Mgr. Gravity filling (where terrain permits) One pump PTO fill, agitate and empty Pits inside barns emptied periodically and pumped into bottom of structure; liquid can be brought back from structure for flushing same pits. Bio-cover added to surface to help manage odor. LAN PA 17557 • 717-354-41 Newville, PA 717-776-3397 Maynard McCullough, Mgr. SYSTEM > “ Columbus. NJ 609-298-7136 Charles Van Mater, Mgr. In Maryland 800-354-4052
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