ULSTER (Bradford) - The Pennsylvania Ayrshire Breeders Association has announced plans for its spring convention and sale, set to be held March 27 and 28 in Towanda. According to the association, the convention dinner and princess contest are to be held March 27 at the Williamston Inn in Towanda, while the annual meeting and spring sale are to be held March 28 the meeting at the Inn, the sale at the Valley Stock Yards, in Athens. During the convention the PABA will announce its Hall of Fame inductee. That is scheduled to occur at 6:20 p.m., March 27. Those PABA members who know of someone who has contri buted to the Ayrshire breed and who should be considered for the prestigious award should call Don Gable by March 18 at (610) 286-2967, or write him at RD2 Box 76, Elvetson, PA 19520. The selection and crowning of a new state Ayrshire princess is to be done during the convention, and applications can be made until March 18. The contest is open to any young woman aged 13 years to 20 years old who has an active interest in promoting the Ayrshire breed and the willingness to attend breed functions, show and activities, as well as any other dairy related function at which Ayrshire could be promoted and represented. Those interested should send two photographs of themselves, a brief biography, and reasons why they would like to serve in the pos ition of Ayrshire princess, to: Sha ron Nolan, RD 1, Box 10, Cochranville, PA 19330; or Bon nie Wentworth, 1026 River Rd., Quarryvillc, PA 17566. The association is also seeking Ayrshire maids, open to girls aged 8 to 13 years old. Those interested Ayrshire Spring Convention Registration Form NAME: DINNER REGISTRATION Dinner w* be in all-you-can eel buffet. Fieh wi be made available lor the same price listed, but prompt registration is required. There is no charge (or meals lor children aged 4 or younger. I would like children (5-8 years of age) meals at $lO each I would like BREAKFAST BUFFET Af-you-can eat breakfast bullet. Children aged 4 years or younger eat free. Other adult and children prices the same. I would like DEADLINE MARCH 13 Send this form by Match 13,1998 to; Ben Hillyard, RD2 Box 235 A Ulster, PA IMSO, or cat (717)( 596-4371, or lax (717) 596-4371. Can (717) 265-8882 lor room reservations at the Williamston Inn. Rates are $56 lorone double bed lor two people; $63.00 for two double beds, and two people; and $4 for each additional person. Child ten aged 8 or younger ate (tee. Cribs and cots can be rented hr $7 each. Ayrshire Spring Convention, Sale March 27-28 should submit the same materials required for Ayrshire princess con sideration to Nolan or Wentworth. For more information on those programs, call Nolan at (610) 469-3124; or (717) 548-3896. The princess contest is to be held from 6 p.m. to 6:20 p.m., March 27. The crowning of the new state Ayrshire princess is to be done at 7:30 pan.. Ayrshire youth production awards are also awarded during the two-day convention. The presentation of awards is to be made starting 7:40 p.m. March 27. Any Pennyslvania, New Jersey or West Virginia junior Ayrshire member who Las owned any regis tered Ayrshire cow before the cur rent calendar year, that is tested by the Dairy Herd Improvement Association or has DHIR tests, and the name of the junior member along or in partnership is on the registration, is eligible to submit the records for the production contest Production records made on three-times-per-day milking arc to be considered the same with twice per-day milking. Award classifications are for senior yearling, 2-year-old, 3-year-old, 4-year-old, and 5-year old and older cows, for total pro duction and lifetime production. Certificates are to be presented to each applicant and plaques are to be awarded to the top winners in each class for milk production, fat production, protein production, total production and lifetime production. Application deadline is March 2, and shou'd be made to Amy Wolfgang, Ayrshire youth direc tor, and sent to her at 287 Hillcurch Rd., Bcchtelsvillc, PA 19505. For an application or more information, call Wolfgang at (610) 367-1050. adult meals at $l6 each meals at $S each REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio Beginning in February, a new multi-trait animal model will be used to calculate gcnttic evalua tions for type. The AJCA is among the first U.S. dairy breeds to use the multi trait animal model. The multi-trait model takes advantage of ad vanced technology which results in more accurate information for breed improvement. Because the correlation (0.8) between the new mult-trait animal Total An “Anything Goes Auction” is also to be held during the conven tion to raise money for the Pen nsylvania Ayrshire Youth Fund for 4-H and FFA youth across the state. It also helps sponsor the state Ayrshire dairy bowl team. As the name implies, anything can end up being auctioned in sup port of the youth programs. The Pennsylvania Ayrshire WHEREAS, Future Farmers of America (FF4) is one of the largest youth organization in the world with 449,814 members, and more than 8,400 members and 149 chapte.rs in Pennsylvania; ay.d WHEREAS, the FFA, established in 1929 in Pennsylvania, makes a difference in the lives ofthg Commonwealth’s youth through agricultural education, leadership and personal growth, preparing them to succeed as agril usin.-ss professionals; and WHEREAS, agriculture remains the Commonwealth's number one industry, employing the latest in modern technological advances to increase crop productivity, improve the food supply and provide food and fiber for citizens here and abroad; and WHEREAS, for 69 years, FFA has been preparing our youth for the. future by inspiring them to achieve excellence academically, professionally, and personally. THEREFORE, J, Tom Ridge, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do hereby proclaim February 21 - 2ft, 1998, as FFA Week in Pennsylvania. I encourage all Pennsylvanians to recognize the contribution this organization has made to the future of our youth and to a strong agricultural economy in the Commonwealth. New Type Evaluations For Jerseys dairy bowl team has done “a fan tastic job representing Pennsylva nia in past national conventions and will be going again this year to lowa,” according to an association news release. The auction is set to be held 8 p.m. March 27. On March 28, from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m., a breakfast buffet is sche duled to start the day, followed by the association’s annual meeting. ~ e , “ r t- ~<f! ( f’. .V*' i“ •si (Sauenutr’H ODfficc PROCLAMATION FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA WEEK February 21 - 28, 1998 model and the old sire model are not equal, there will be some te ranldng of bulls and cows. Reasons why the re-ranking may occur 1. The new multi-trait model considers the entire pedigree of the animal. Under the sire model system, the only contribution from the dam’s side was through the maternal grands ire; 2. Thke multi-trait model re- GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Governor, at the City of Harrisburg, this' twenty-first day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight and of the Commonwealth the two hundred and twenty-second. —- TOM RIDGE Governor quires a first lactation appraisal. Appraisals after the second lacta tion are not used; 3. Both males and females will be evaluated simultaneously. 1° the site model, males were calcu la ted first then those number! were used to evaluate females. 4. The new multi-trait mode ntiliyj* new heritability estimate!, genetic correlations, and age ad justment factor*. The sale is sechduled x start at 11:30 a.m. at the Valley Stock Yards with Bo Elliott set to serve as auctioneer, and Kristen Russell to read pedigrees. Any potential consignments for the sale should be directed to Ben Hillyard, sale manager, (717) 596-4371. This year, the sale is accepting all ages of calves, heif ers and cows.
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