ip' Firewood: cut not split, _ I nimßiiec i i wanted jj [LIVE GAME FISH Fingerlmgs and Adults. Large and Small Mouth! £ l v^Jl*l v IE A 5S 'i n .Tmuno —— oidmat Fi»h Bass, Spotted and Rock Bass, Bream Crappies, Trout, ¥ S-, rUPrIES 5) 7; — T~, —~~ ~r~: Channel Cals, Bullheads, Walleyes, Perch, Minnows, £ iim X ‘ Pure A Mivnrl , Hood for JD tractor, model Norlherns, Pickerel, Muskies, Red Gills. Mullets, Carp, £ wANTe D S ’ , . M, MT, MC, excellent con- • Eels, Turtles, Frogs, Israeli Carp Also Aquatic Plants * 1 S l( utter lots for ? rijH-- 610-682-2071 ' and Water Lilies COLORFUL CATALOG S2QO £ AKC OF £ 1 resale for j( . ————— Truck, Air and Parcel Post Delivery £ mivcH hronH £ ' companion pets 7 Lathe, Leblond Regal. •Rw'V specialist* zetts fish hatcheries ?; mixed oreea £ '■ JACK’S 14x48, greet condition, drifting, penna. 1M34 g Looking for % • dog farm ,? ""■jy ac ff Phone: 514-345-5357 A exotic I l i 3-phese, 610-262-7029 _ £ animal c alaol ¥ or ~ Molding sender, 2 heed, | animals also. £ Z 1 5 .7664840 power feed, $2500. y rj) % - Call - I : if. 717/354-3105, W FOR SALE V 2l 5«997>8686 £ Tues,-Sat.9am-spm Myers jet water pump, 1 • (50) used 2 tube 8’ fluorescent light fixtures S illllf BVVV S , ~ •> horsepower model, direct with shields drive with 3.5 hosepower „ xn pieias Honda engine, *2oo tin duct _ _ _ and 60 foot double water * Used oil fired hot air furnace / wwt m MTr|f .tTx \ line included, good condi- • Iron bleacher frames l/11/ml a. a. M2/U , <»n, 100 gal. blue Call Harry Bachman | I expansion tank. $lOO. AKC Reoistered Rottweiler Le_ave __message firn. t?I7J 867-1809 I Pups Top Prices Paid I 717 768-7577 „ Old license plates sought _ . ] 1-800*34-9-9970 I bycotlector. Especially un- If you have Rottweiler puppies for JUJj rSTORETIOUIDATION I sale, call us before 8 a.m.. I lain permits, non vehicle aiUJV£ ' . cat out t j.| s a€ j , licenses etc. Also many to Red Devil Paint Shakers, Paint Table, > , -j _ / sell or trade. John Harbil Color Dispenser, True Value Color —* ” s— mm. (610)358-5955 Center, Moo Key Cutter, Fletcher Glass rw n..nn ia e ———— PAYING UP TO Cutter. Belsaw Grinder with attachments, make excellent farm dogs $2.50/sq.ft ter wide walk- Venfone Electronic Transfer and Printer, or family pets, $l5O-$2OO fCiiLnupi inroc smooth attic floor. Wo re- Childs Fixtures, True Value Endcap and (717)235-3843. maoism r-i/icn* move. Also paying Aisle Signs Plastic Bolt Bins Everything J.ch Ruse.l., nicety B == —= JfJliS ? must go. Priced to sell. marked, shots & wormed, 6 interactive. Windows 800765-3966. Call Steve (717) 662-3276 days aSf ba *? d; mapping, pes- Peerte6S #2 surfacer shp> or (717) 549-4663 eve. Le& PA 17540* ’ r ®°°/ c l k ff p i n Eu Crop sandpaper 16” wide w/ rotations, full featured ac- extra Banc |p a per, $750. ■ m I merit, % 717/35 4 '310 5' ea*******A;*iA A* ******** At AuM' management planning! Or- Plastic barrels, closed and t r\_|i_ in// Arm Cmu ? der yours (or a demo CD), opened tops w/hds. 30 and ■ C D6ltQ 12 RdCllQl AITH SOW > - 1(800)270-0047 nsia, Inc. ” : £ Three Blades, Excellent Condition \ I rg~zr Sliding Table Panel Saw SC3>; | mmfISCELLAIEOUS 717/354-3105 $ With Extension Table j IH==== i BnsemeyerFence 10" Blade > 18"x80" metal lathe, w/ $18,500 delivered * 3" Scoring Blade j. taper attachment. Call installed. 717/354-3105. .} j. 71 . : —— Radial arm saw, Porter < Grizzley 20" Planer J asss;TSKu'Ssss i i each 080.(215)654-9237. Wade, 'newer teed, $l2OO. ( _ . . ? (5) Larger size sawdust 717/354-3105. For More Information, jj; blowers, no motor, w/intols, Sander, 16 1 block w/(2) 8” -1 Call (717) 748-1095 > b 15*-23’, good condition, Shp/head fair - C * ' )|- $5OO/each. 717/354-3105. CO nditiin. $1650. ♦>AAUAmt¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥W# Abrasive belt sender 8‘ 717/354-3105. 11 Aprasive ceil sanooi, o ■■■■l wide belt feed, carborun- surface Grinder 8 - x24’ w/ 1(^8^ Se :- chuck. Brown & Shape #3^, cln $5 500 WoM ANTIQUES ial #65039, Mhp. Sph, Mod ', 5> 19 61 p)n"iSss^ ,^ a a a a a needs repairs, 52500. iin/457-5762 (well t001ed)..59,750/both 9 • 717/354-3105. Surface grinder 8x24 $2,000 7-7 Thin Band sawmill, port- (4) electric welders For sale: 3HP Galloway hit ft _ Air compressor, lOhp ab(e 15 . trac x w /3‘ log (175-600 AMP) and mies engine on cart, SP’T WANTED Speedaire, $1,200. Hard- d ■ 3q- d X l2' log 6Spindiedriiipress..si,soo m ns well, $llOO. FIRM. ,T | Puppies !X !l) CO Stv?e P e e n a B°5 n P*ci£ 9hp, Demo Sale #2^[“ a .'. $1 , 250 (610)358-5955 t> L For Pets I (800)774-3734. ’ 33500 717 ~ 564 ' 9112 Lan l^y linder 9rind $ e l r, 80 0 JD com shefter, PTO drive, V* * a|*i in T i_ i.lii. rnnTlii Turret Lathe. Warner b«s cylinder grinder* ’ o ood condition, $375. >l cJ 'K » e Jl 80 ! 0 ?.. F c af '^ ll Swesv M 3400. 1958, 4”xS 4 ” 1. .’52,500 717-692-4759 r-12, Parmall r-2U, *pono 7 vertical shaper $5OO . . ... _ Purphrpri McCormick Dealing 10-20. * zzo °- 717/354-3106. spot welder 17KVA $5OO JD power unit model LUC mi-Ih i i»Lre’ Call after spm. Two speed differential for Spot welder, 20KVA $650 w/dutch reduction, sheilds or Mixed Utters. (757)331-1520. They all Ford 700; also 82 Interna- Ce " t "L®“ grinder ’ l?* nn O.K. shed kept, $B5O 080. Please call when run excellent condition. tional pull-type combine. Cincinnati#;?production 717-692-4759 4to 5 weeks old. Babbin Blower, size 31 g17)527-4028 Ju- Jj"™— *B5O ©alt Table w/5 legs^6 mrwmmmwwrrnrfUm type MEP, Serial heads .„....$375/ea chairs, best offer. Must seHl #3816-1069, 31* inlet. 3 WANTED: Used tools and Lathe, 19 ”x6' (717)993-6627. 7/16 shaft, no motor, good machinery. Buy. Sell, „ Le8i0nde..............56,500 . condition, $950. Trade, Consign or Finder. Ga ™ invertlcalmlM , Kn wmmmmm 717/354-3105. B.J.TOOL&SUPPLY,_RT Band»'.wwelder^ ; '’ P|lp|||Hhh ojj-_ rrvuninn im - 422 W. Myerstown, PA. capacity $4OO W*gMncCntAnONAL rlrafygwaa 1-800-772-9845. 30” sheet metal r0115....5350 WKM VEHICLES ao.oooib, 90 span. Leßiondelathe Stud service available 717/354-3106. Wide belt sender, 50* Lin- 24”x3" $1,250 for manubreeds nm i crThfl pavq den, 2 head, air tracking. Excello2hp 1995 Shadow Cruiser for many breeds. COLLECTOR PAYS (2 ) 50hp mo- finder $1,200 pickup camper. 9.5'. sleeps *%> "V tors, good condition. Private - all like new 4, excellent condition, used $B5OO. REDUCED TO . OAOA _ only 2-4 times per year. /VVWVWSA books, and •nd TV *5500 717/354-3105 215-674-2424 Days AC, AM/FM cassette ste* > qttai ttv nor, \ * how !T/.i 215-674-3536 Eves reo. queen size bed, A&E S yUALIiX POP > mg pmback buttorw and Wood Hog Biotherm #112 ; other items available rooftop storage pod, bath < KENNELS > pocket mirrors, picturing bio-jet 40hp 3ph. 18’ room w/shoWerVTV an sports stws, comic charac- screen kke new, $2750. kmna. Will lit heavy-duty tors and prpdurt adverts- 717/354-3105. ha)f ton sgsoo. l"0- Jlm 717/653-9762. (908)362-1396. R 1 Coolant: wafer sofebte mih ¥ WOODEN JMJrECREATIONAL chining coolant, synthetic# I CLOTHES WKM VEHICLES tion, sleeps 6. $5OOO. 1 CABINET/LOCKER 717/235-2446. * w ' : I |yy//yw/////z/z/////////2777y////////7ZZ7 Diehl 69 jointer, 6hp/hoad, I2' wide x2’ deep x7' high [ wmm } S AND < power toad, (air condition. I If J < > 717/364-3106. R Stained and finished. I J <• Galvanized Tubing > FOR BALE: U#od desks, I Many Available. I ; RKgS” f | .nd m -■ '■* >• Insulated Dog Boxes? «crew#at99Wlb. 26' Forge W HOTR-W8 | > Suzuki #230 quad Sport, J Wnnei Awnings "J \\ over hauled last year \ \ (717) 385-7100 (717)445-8617. F,n> ? ! MSB or best offer / < Quality S ■ . hi Nice Colorful Koi to I « W,PM 07 0651 OTTer < FenciS > {TSS; S beautify your pond \\ Suzuki #lB5 runs good J S & Supply > (1) 1? $7O OW-toshioned W 2”-6" Starting at $550 or best Offer J \ VV J < bathtub w/dew feet, good W $l.OO 1 ; . T_T MaaaM * > 147 A Amlshtown Rd. < condition, not chipped, W | / /7171 3SftA2lB ' } Nek Holland, PA < $BO. 610/682-2286 Bam- 215-536*6076 \ * \ MEM f VWlTllfilll » Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998-D3l Coleman pop-up, 1997, Santa Fa, sleeps 6, many extras, excellent condition. used 5 limes. $4500 FIRM. (215)639-6331 Call even ings for details. Bucks Co. luJ AUTOS 'B9 Ford Probe turbo, good condition, new clutch, needs trans., $750. 717-529-3199 Diesel Volkswagen 1980, good shape, $5OO. Kent Co.. MO 410-778-0113 * ‘BB JEEP 4-WD GRAND WAGONEER * ▼ New Factory Motor, New Rear Window ▼ ▼ Regulator, New Tires, New Paint, ▼ " New Brakes, New Bells/Hoses, W W New Axle Bearings, Seals & Joints ▼ W Many More New Items too numerous to list W V A TRUE LUXURY VEHICLE V ▼ Equipped with Power Steering, Power Seals, W Power Windows, Power Brakes, Air Conditioning, Auto Transmission Silver and Wood Giam Exterior laroon Alum. Rims, 2 & 4 Wheel Dnve U Electric Rear Window, AM/F-M/TAPE Radio U Over $lO,OOO Invested - will sell for $7,500"" V V Call 410/838-1470/452-5660 ext. 15 after 6 p.m. call 717/456-7497 jejsj TRUCKS * TRAILERS 1966 Chevy C6O 14' grain dump, $lBOO OBO; 1976 CMC C4C, Detroit diesel, $2OOO 080. Schuylkill Co. 717/739-4650. 12'x8' aluminum cattle body, side door & ramp, roll-up, back door ramp. $3500 Must Sell I 717-345-8035. 1961 Mack Thermodyne 8422, gas, very nice condi tion, $1,500 firm. Eager Beaver 9 ton tri-axle trailer, VG condition, $2,500. (914)566-9184. 1962 867 Thermodyne Mack diesel, twin cylinder dump, 18' Midwest grain body, $5OOO good condi tion. 302-396-8754 1967 Brockway S/A dump truck, NTC 230 Cummins, 9-speed, excellent running condition, $3OOO. 410-592-7800 1970 Ford Lewisville dump, 477 gas, 35,000 GVW, good cond , $3500 (717)957-2693 1970 Mack Tri-axle, 237 engine, Jake brake, 16' alum. bed. Main rods, cam, bearings, elect, wipers all new. Tires. $9500. 717/428-2737. 1972 While tractor w/V8 GMC 371 engine, single axle, including fifth wheel; Smithco lowbed equipment trailer, 20/25 ton capacity w/tandem axle and rear loading ramps. Both tractor and trailer in operating con dition. $3500 080. 717/938-2241. 1973 1700 Loadstar IH truck, 14' grain body 9 hoist, axcellent shape, shed kept 717-734-3836 after 7:3opm ‘97 Dodge 1-ton dually 4x4, ext. cab, SIT Laramie Black, Cummins diesel, new tires, loaded, gooseneck hitch, trailer towing package, 5 6,000 miles, 5-spd , 25,000 lb combination license; also' 25’ gooseneck trailer, ‘96 model $32,500 - will separate L 717-336-7375 No Sunday Calls CHEVY’S, FORD’S, etc. Care and trucks. Over 300 vehicles. Every Monday 6:3OPM. PUBLIC AND DEALERS. YORK SPRINGS PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION, RT 15. York Springs, PA 1-800-222-2038. fOwr 1909 DsMcHl SacQtatS (Middy ith & Le, lenor. 1973 International 2070, twin screw, double frame, fair cond. Call Bret at (908)534-1129 1973 International dump truck, 44,000 GVW, gas, air brakes, pintle, in spected, recent valve job, ( 4 2 5 0 /080. 717-834-9111 good land scape truck, reliable. 1974 auto car tn axle dump truck, 350 Cummins en gine, jake brake, good run ner, $10,500. (717)334-8353. 1974 Ford L-9000 with 1200 gallon John Blue liq uidator system, 55 foot booms, ground driven pump. 410-778-0767 1976 Hiab Knuckle Crane Model *1165, $5250. 219/223-2289 evenings 1977 Ford F7OO, 389 gas, 2nd owner, original paint, garage kept since new, 27,500 GVW, excellent. 717/354-5867. 1978 Ford, 5400 GVW. Henderson walking beam, 13 spd. driver rears, 3208 CAT diesel w/Diller 4250 gal. tank. (717)445-4685 1978 Int Scout II 4WD. great condition inside & out. Must see. 90,000 miles. $4600. 610/793-3557. 1979 GMC General, 80,000 GVW, big cam 290, 9 speed, RR, 11R22.5 on aluminum Budds, 60,000 on overhaul, new radiator, PTO mechanically sound, good condition, ready to work $9200. 717-464-0835 1980 Chevy G-70 dump truck, new 366 Good Wrench motor, 5X2 man ual trans, 27,000 GVW, complete w/large plow, low miles, $8,750/nog. (717)921-9031
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