G 1992 4dr, white, 106 K, 9/98 insp., excellent condition, airbag - $7OOO 080, 717' 653-0688 Lancaster Co Locust posts. John K Sell er, 709 Hilldale Rd. Holt wood. North of Route 372, West of Buck. 17532. Lan caster Co 85 F 250 tire service truck, 6cyl, auto engine mounted air compressor tool boxes, lift gate, runs good - $3500 215-752-2121 Bucks Co Set of rubber wheels off 323 cornpicker, almost new 4 cylinder JH Wis engine, running cond. - $550. 717- 656-7089 Lancaster Co 12yr Saddlebred horse, good driver - $975. 8' pit pump - $lBOO. Holstein bull, Emory son - $9OO. 7 30-7:45am. 717-627- 1939 Lancaster Co 12ft steel truck bed with 3/4" cable winch, pto dri ven 610-693-5221 Berks Co Old blacksmith bellows, complete - $l5O. 410-239- 7434 Carroll Co. MD Retiring after 35yrs in plumbing, heating busi ness Everything must go, good prices. Trucks, tools, equip., brake, business property 610-489-2188 Montgomery Co 1939 Farmall A, one owner, will run, has plow cultiva tors, sickle bar - $llOO Leave message 410-287- 9414 Cecil Co, MD 5”x60" 20-ton hyd cyl - $l5O Also, s'x3' mortar mixing box - $2O 6 9 00x20" tires on CMC wheels - $lOO. 717-665- 3586 Lancaster Co Firewood - $6O/cord, you haul, all hardwood, cut your own - $lO/pickup load Route 895 East. 717-943- 2331 Schuylkill Co Hobart large potatoe peel er, 3 phase - $295. Stain less steel restaurant exhaust hood, 6x4' - $495. Eduland bakers scale - P 5. 717-467-267 l 9 Schuylkill Co Qehl Scavenger 11, 315,. 4 years old, nice - $5BOO 18- *•34 duals - $2OO 717- 933-4112 Berks Co Golden * • Pheasants, Peafowl, young Black Swans, young Wild Boars, Fainting Goafs, female Barbados lambs, Doves, Flying Roller Pigeons 717-733-2425 Lane Co. 94 sooner G-H 15,800 18' 10.OOOGVW equipment hauler $2695. 98 2h 3p alum $6395 20' cattle trail er 610-756-4257 Berks JAY ZEIGLER Standing Seam Metal Contractor Pygora buck goat, proven breeder - $5O or trade for same, different bloodlines. 717-567-6787 Perry Co 970 Case tractor with transmission trouble, will sell for most reasonable offer. Call 717-272-5390 Lebanon Co 3pt blade, 4 s'w - $75. LGavely tractor. 30" try dual wheels - $5O. DBradley 2tractors garden plow wheel weights sickel - $5O 610-286-9944 Chester Co Make your own sweaters with Passap Duomtic knit ting machine, manual, knits up to four colors. 717-665- 5513 Lancaster Co Registered Celsius (170H4) bull, born 1/15/97, dam Belltone with records of 30,000 1000 fat 1000 protein. 717-664-41-77 Lancaster Co Rotary hoe, has good points - $285, Also, Read ing shick stove boiler. Make offer. Also, 10gal electee water heater 717- 656-9523 Lancaster Co Supreme TMR mixer, elec tronic scales, shp motor, 4" and 6“ augers, 20' long; upright mixers; tube fans 7-17-653-4748 Lane Co 110 v motors with reduction for large conveyors, etc, variable speed, for/rev - $5O/ea 3ph motors, Ihp -10hp - $lO/hp. 717-282- 1047 Lacka Co IHC 225 wmdrower - Best offer over $lOOO Gehl 1060 chopper with all the extras, like new, used 2mos. ' 717-698-5238 Wayne Co MF plow, 2-bottom, 14m, 3pf hitch, good condition - $275 717-656-8511 Lan caster Co For sale: 6 lug steel wheels for tractor front end, spring mounted wheels 717-661- 7343 Lane. Co. Massey Ferguson 427 no till gram drill, 10ft grass seeder attachment, excel lent condition. Leave mes sage. 724-569-5239 Fayett Co Window shadqs (60), .used, good to fair, 4rwxBB"l, commer. grade. Very H D. vinyl. White. $5/ea. 080. Evenings. 215-639-6331 Bucks Co J.D 318 lawn tractor, 18hp, hydro, ps, 46" deck, low hrs, nice condition - $3600 No Sunday calls. 717-872- 5575 Lancaster Co 93 Bobcat 231, excavator, 1400 hrs, nice condition, needs tracks, external hydraulic hookup, real workhorse. Sacrifice first - $15,500 717-677-7166 Adams Co Since 1963 “Simply The Very Best Roof Available” FREE Estimates • Roof can last for 100 years - cost efficient • Can be installed over existing roof (Asphalt, roll roofing, wood shingles) • Is environmentally safe • Beauty - colorful (galvanized, 40 lb terne, terne-coated stainless, and painted steel in over 20 different colors.) sauKa.'rss SW^bstss 261-1015 Northampton Co rSi 40 ni a "'° r ’ rnrn Simmental buff, 2 year - ntantar tart hSlh ’p,fmon s9so ' M,lk W3 9 on ™bber planter, fast hitch, Pitman- t|res d conc || t | on . toss mower, very good con- $ lOOO 61 q-754-6032 Montq Co 6To- S 7M d -704 r 5 m - Montgomery Co Home grown oats and spring barley for seed, cer tified last year, nice bright color, good weight. Schuylkill Co. 717-345- 8980 Meek narrow leaf tobacco seed for 1998. Can send by mail. John E Miller, 202 Ashville Rd , Oxford, PA 19363, Lane. Co. Bobcat 600 skid loader $3700. Case 1830 skid steer $4BOO. Nl ground dri ve 12A manure spreader, only hauled 175 loaders $l7OO. Lane. Co 717-354- 0266 SS twin tubs $BO. Model 995 micro design, very good $lOO. Union Co. 717- 966-2306. New 2x4s, 8 ft, 12 ft. $3.00 - $3 50 ea. Large dog - Boxes, insulated floors $45 ea Lane. Co 717-738- 2985 Good hard wagon tongue - double trees Small silo dis tributor Female pure bred alpine goat, 4 yr 3 new Case plow shins, half price Lane Co. 717-859-2374 Two speed differential for Ford 700 Also 82 Interna tional Combine Calumet 2250 vacuum tank, excellent condition, shedded, used less than 500 loads, Adams County (717) 528-8428 J O A on steel wheels, good running condition $l5OO Berks Co 610-682- 4283. (2) JD 110’s-(1)64 3 Sp. 38” deck; (1) 67 4 Sp , 38” deck Both VG Cond. $6OO obo, Frederick Co., MD 301-865-3324. 1937 Unstyled John Deere “A” with cultivators, hand start, runs good $2OOO or best offer. Call 610-377- 4065 Carbon Co. Gravely 50" commercial walk behind mower, 14 HP, V-Twm electric start, very good cond., $1450. Chester Co 610-857-3191. Pumps (2) Gorman irriga tion with 5 HP 230 V oil well motors and relays, $2OO each set, $3OO for all. Bucks Co. 215-345-6222 New bent greenhouse gas heater, 100,000 btu 36” shutters $57 with motor opener $llO. s'x24’ culvert pipe $240. Lane. Co. 717- 354-5697. MB SB SBy Light Commercial. ADVANTAGES: PO Box 231 Rehrersburg, PA 19550 (717) 933-4666 (717) 933-5305 FAX/PHONE Bulk tank stainless steel, approx 400 gallons ice bank compressor available will deliver - $3OO Ca'l 9- 9'3oam 610-498-2604 Northampton Co Bobcat 825 skid loader Also, Brittany pups, AKC, shots and wormed. Matos s2oo Female-$225. 717- 354-5682 Lancaster Co 32 inch fiberglass shower, 6 feet high, glass door - $5O 080. 717-336-5258 Lan caster Co Ford 3pt mower. sft - $3OO 080. 410-357-5720 Balt Co, MD Woodstove, Sierra hearth stove, T2OOO right side load, large glass front, like new condition, with all extras for hookup. 410- 573-1188 Anne Arundle Co, MD English pointer female, hv er/white, 2yr, to good home due to health. She needs work, litter reg, not gun shy 814-754-4364 Somer set Co Case 1537 skid loader - $lOOO New Idea snow blower, 3pt h, double auger, 7' - $lOOO 2-14-9- 24 fire, rims - $lOO 814- 926-2389 Somerset Co Fork lifts for sale White 60001 b pneum. tire - $4500 Clark GLC 30001 b cushion tire - $3OOO After 6pm 610-432-9623 Chester Co DoAII vertical milling machine, 3-axis, 2hp, 9“x49“ bed, CNC head needs some repair - $2500. Call Sam - spm. 610-269- 6777 Chester Co Ford 1210 tractor, diesel, 1986, 2wd, sft under belly mower, turf tires, 3pt hitch, low hours - $5500. 610- 358-0725 Del Farm equipment; rake, cul tivator, harrow, disk, culti packer, manure spreader & more. Samuel Blank, 203 Churchtown Rd, Narvon, PA. Lancaster Co Westfalia Bio - milker bot toms, new claw inserts, rubber - $375/ea Track steel wheels, 65" h, 18" w, 38" center - $l5OO. 717- 445-5969 Lancaster Co New Idea 354 manure spreader, 390 bu, IH TDIB bulldozer with tyvo blades Wanted someone that builds glass greenhouses, 10'x30' 610-683-8074 Berks Co Call For Information IT ' 1 i ■s "f?" • Can be installed on flat roof with as little as 1/2” pitch per foot. • Good for homes, farm buildings, garages, commercial buildings. • Sheet in continuous length installed with concealed fasteners with double lock seam for water tight application. 30" caloric gas stove, very good. 717-445-7117 Lan casler Co s’x7' utility trailer - $l5O. New Goulds submersible pump, 1/3hp, with switches and alarm for sandmound - $2OO 717-367-1933 Lan caster Co New Idea 3518 manure spreader, 190 bu capacity, top beater, endgate, splash guard, ex cond - $2OO 610- 488-1476 Berks Co Silkie, cross bantams, Pea cock males and females, two turkeys silkies - $2/ea Bantams - $1 Two blue Peacocks - $175. 732- 938-2593 Monmouth NJ White, 588 plow, automatic spring reset, 4xlB, ex cond - $2BOO 080 Call after 6pm 717-529-2386 Lan caster Co Emglo shp air compressor, Honda-$3OO Waffle mak ers - $25/ea Table top grinder w/stuffer attach ment - $5OO Band saw - $lOOO 717-445-4890 Lancaster Co Pequea manure spreader with tall gate, good cond Also, dust connector blow er 524 Mt Pleasant Rd, Quarryville, PA. Lane Co Ox cart with army escort wheels, also light 2-wheel cart 717-354-8970 Lan caster Co Hoi heifers, 12 springing high moisture, shelled corn Jamesway cast water bowls Eve after Bpm 717-528-4863 Adams Co 2 heifers due Feb and March, iron kettle good condition Samuel Allgy6r, 55A South Vintage Rd, Par adise, PA 17527. Lane Co Set of wheels. 18.4-34, 6ply, 16" rim Also, 6 weights for rear tractor wheels - $l5O/each 610- 593-2309 Lancaster Co From our Char, herd, 15 head Char Angus feeder steers, very gentle, 650 lbs approx av. wt. Evenings 717-345-4489 Sch. Co We now have steel and wooden horse hitches Also, tongues, silage, gram carts. 1718-A Valley Rd, Christiana, PA Lancaster Co Stone mortar mixer, Bhp, Honda motor, 1 1/2-2 bag size highway tires, adjustable axles, excellent cond., used once - $2200 717-684-8781 Lane Co JD 3x16 rollover, JD 3x16 hyd reset, JD 4x16 hyd reset, NH 451 sickle bar mower, 3pt 717-284-4283 Lancaster Co l-v' Reroof w/Metal Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 7,1995-821 Camper (Sunline), 8' slide in, heater, stove, 3-way fridge, good condition - $BOO 080. Also, 1970 Chevy truck parts. 717- 362-4595 Dauphin Co 6yr Standb., broke, road ready, boys horse Mascot stove with water jacket - $125 Levi King, 1851 Mine Rd, Paradise, Lane Co Fox 3300 chopper, elect controls, 6.5' hay head - $2200 Reartire for Allis G., good tread - $4O. Fuel tank. 717-272-0041 Lebanon Co. "Iron Age" potato plows, New Holland sawbuck w/belt, American sawmill parts, 400sq.ft. concrete forms, 16’ tandem trailer. 717-567-3470 Perry Co 77 Int'l cabover, 10spd, air nde, 444 Rockwell rears, 11R245 tires, 400 Cum mins, jake brake, motor needs work. Make offer 717-374-1005 Snyder Co 1954 Chevy stake body, old restoration, new exhaust - $B5O 1930's Evmßude Elto senior speedster boat motor - $275 717-456- 6256 York Co Calf hutches, made with pressure treated plywood, excellent - $75/each Gehl windrow merger - $2500 good condition 914-651- 4398 Orange Co, NY Ml 362 manure spreader, 14' Silomatic silo unloader, NH 411 discbme, Ford 151- 4bt plow spring reset No Saturday Calls 914-469- 6419 Orange Co, NY 1985 Toyota utility truck - $5OO 2500 watt generator - $350 Job box - $5OO Assorted "A" ladders - $25/each 610-372-0151 Berks Co Barn to tear down 1800's hand hewn beams, wide boards - Best offer Locat ed PA/NJ border 908-859- 2348 Warren Co, NJ Tont dust collector Want ed blacksmith and tinsmith tools, Mandrel cones, leg vises, hardes, hammers, anvils, circle shears, etc 610-562-8561 Berks Co 1989 35' motorhome, loaded, 20,000 original miles, like new, everything works Paid $29,500 - must sell, sacrifice $23,000 080 610-670-1260 Berks Co Registered Yorkshire boars, service age, aggres sive, sired by A I boar Also, open gilts from vali dated herd, priced reason ably 717-243-0772 Cum berland Co 5 Eskimo pups John Fish er, 41 Mt Pleasant Rd, Par adise, PA 17562 Lancast er Co 1 086 acre, perked lot, on Mossier Rd, Rapho Twp Lancaster Co 717-664- 2489 IH vibershank, 9' field culti vator, 3pt hitch 18 4x34 tractor tires on rims, fits JD2750, good condition 610-286-3767 Lane Co Viola, Russel Wright dish es, Fostona, wheat pattern dishes, punch bowl, stan dard carpet sweeper, tea urn, tea set -BO 610-559- 5756 Northampton Co NH 258 hay rake, rubber teeth, nice - $2OOO NH 316 baler. 75 hyd kicker, electric controls, nice - $6OOO 610-767-2049 Lehigh Co Fiberglass boar, 18ft w/trailer, no motor - $4OO Wanted antique guns, especially double- and three-barreled guns 717- 993-0357 York Co 36x106 post and beam four story barn with barn clean er 814-274-9339 Potter Purebred ’Border Collie puppies, good bloodlines, born on 11/29/97, males only-$175 717-358-3177 Bradford Co Nolts 16” vegetable washer Bedhner for 6 . bed sma „ brusher sponge water pickup . $5O 51/2'diame abosrber slmger unit, used j er wood wire reels VW very little excellent condi- d|ese j m j ec t lon p U mp and r irn° P alternator 717-428-0250 717-458-4201 Col Co York Co 1928 Model "A" Ford Tudor, 65% complete, most parts included to finish, good winter project - $2950 Firm. 610-746-0362 Northamp tonCo Two IHT-9 crawler tractors, with cherry picker booms, not running but complete, for parts or repair 412- 775-3814 Beaver co 1965 Ford ClOOO C+C 33k GVW AB, VB, sx2spd, 5k miles on motor and trans mission, needs paint - $1950. 610-262-3674 Lehigh Co 1979 Chev pickup truck with 82 diesel engine, no inspection, good for parts, with cap. 610-593-6661 Chester Co Allis Chalmers, clam shell fenders - $lOOO Ford wheel weights, 3 bolt, mou untmg - $lOO. Ford 8N in good working order - $2OOO 973-839-9053 NJ 1994 Sundowner alu minum 3-horse slant G N trailer, dress & tack rooms, drop windows, awning, camper hook-up, excellent $12,900 080. 610-837- 7645 Northampton Co 50mpg 84 Honda CRX, 1 3L, new inspection, sspd, A/C. white, one owner - $895 08 0 717-986-5681 Dauphin Co. Used parts for 224 SiloMat ic unloader, 24' augers with knives, like new, fiberglass chute, blower assembly, cllector ring 717-284-3111 Lancaster Co Blacksmith forge, cast iron bed, double action blower - $3OO 717-733-1934 Lan caster Co 1956 Dodge, 1-ton truck, cab and chassis Ideal for restoration After 6 410- 877-1895 Harford Co, MD Registered polled Hereford bred heifers Sired by top sires and bred to top polled Hereford sires $650 - $B5O 717-866-4185 Womelsdorf Pigeons for sale, fair price, great for target practice Call anytime, ask for Keith or Jason Hurry' 610-298- 8325 Lehigh Co Leroy jackhammer air com pressor at Diffenbach Auc tion, New Holland, sale date Feb 13,98 717-733- 4456 Lancaster Co Chev 1-ton dump truck, Olds conv, 2desks, 2 table saws, wood vise, rototiller, 3-wheel bike After spm 717-397-1186 Lane Co A C wheel weights, front and rear, 10ft single culti packer, 2-row cultivators forACD-12A.C plow 717- 786-7143 Lancaster Co Three farrowing crates - $5O for all Four 235/15 M&S tires, 50% tread - $5O/set 610-926-4722 Berks Co Round bales grass hay, free delivery to Southern Lancaster, Chester, York Counties $9O/ton Good steer, heifer hay 410-836- 2706 Harford Co, MD Surge 2" stainless steel pipeline, 3“ vacuum line, complete unit, 4 mm onbit milkers with pulsators 717-865-4546 Leb Co St Lawrence Co, NY, 70 acres, mostly wooded with sugarbush, 3-bed mobile home, great huntmg/snow mobilmg area - $44,900 717-636-2840 Luzerne Co Beagle gun dog, broke - $250 610-754-6298 Montgomery Co Printing equipment, multi lith presses with stackers, Bostitch wire stitcher, Pit ney Bowes folder-FM, Pit ney Bowes collator, plus more 215-257-4044 Bucks Co 1977 Dodge supercab, 4x4 pickup, needs inspection - $950 Farmall Cub tractor, snowplow, belly mower, engine, rebuilt - $2500 610-631-1890 Montg Co
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