Double Flowers, Winter Warms Spell... Gardeners I meet often ask lots of questions. Some of these questions are quite easy to answer while others take some researching and asking around. Here's two for this month's col umn. Where do double flowers come from? Answer provided by Tim Elkner, Lancaster County Horticulture Agent. As garden ers, we tend to collect attractive or unusual plants for our yards. One type of plant that fits this description is a double-flowered form of a common plant like camellias, zinnias, chrysanthe mums and others. Frequently, these double forms are more attractive and often they are sterile (which can be both good Quality Assured Case IH Parts BEST PARTS.... BEST DEAL.... BEST VALUE When You Need Parts, eCall SALEM For FAST Courteous Service. Express Service To Your Farm.... Please Call Today. fSALEM Sk I I FARM SUP PI Y J Route 22; Salem, NY 1-800-999-FARM (3276) FAX: 518-854-3057 CASE CREDIT CARD - FARM PLAN - VISA - MASTERCARD - DISCOVER IV T - ,M 1 ' ' V, , CASEJH Feel Great! Lose Weight! I lost 52 lbs on NEW IMAGE PRODUCTS Everyone I knew wanted to try the ■■■■ products so I became a distributor lam a single Mom and really needed an extra n't income My first check from the company was 07 and last months check was VqgM over $5,000 The products have helped my diabetis, depression, arthntis, migraine * * headaches, vancose veins, high blood pressure, cholesterol, fibromyalgia, high before tnglycendes, also my twin boys with bronchitis, asthma and ADD Nil does not after make any health claims this is slnctly personal testimonies of product users Joy Morris aii Herbs fj 0 j)^ . Exercise No Skipping Meals Big Energy Mineral! 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The author stated that the double plants we so admire frequently have a genet ic mutation that causes this con dition. In the mutant plants there are generally no extra flower organs or missing flower organs. Instead, some of the flower organs have developed into the wrong organs. Let me discuss an example. You may have noticed a dou ble form of bloodroot in some garden catalogs. Bloodroot, san guinaria candensis, is a common name for a perennial native herb common in North America. It blooms very early in wood lands producing a simple, white blossom on a fleshy root. It is sold for shaded wildflower gar dens. Upon comparing the double form of the flower to the simple bloodroot, the author of the arti cle noted that both types con tained the same number and arrangement of the eight outer petals on the flower However, where the regular bloodroot con tained about 36 stamens and carpels on the flower's inside, the double form had no carpels or stamens but instead had up to 48 petals, some of which were fused at the base. The double flowers are sterile since they are missing . the reproductive organs. However, not all double flow ers are sterile. There are double forms of roses and columbine which do develop extra rows of petals without losing carpels and stamens. Note: The carpel contains the ovaiy, style and stigma. The stamen has the male reproductive organs of the flower. Do warm winter days cause injury to plants? Answer pro vided by J. Robert nuss, exten sion specialist, horticulture at PSU. Damage may have result ed from the high temperatures a few weeks ago. Reports indicat- r UIKUHITIED FREIGHT CO.' lUQUIMHOII SdLESiNC, SOFA LOVESEAT CLOSEOUT We’ve Extended This ] Holiday Special! ll Retail $2,499 95 SPECIAL CLOSEOUT $649.95 SOFA & LOVESEAT CLOSEOUT Arbor Green CLOSEOUT PRICE Reg Ret CASH PRICE j- h ■« ■« $2lOO $74995 SfO&OmiJa ’j; Cp T h 'S Va'ujtte Coupon 3 i BEDROOM CLOSEOUT 1 Arm., Dresser, Mirror, Nightstsnd, & 1 Headboard. Get 2nd Nightstand _jEXSflbi| FREE WHILE THEY LAST i $369.04 Reg. Retail 1 $1699.95 1 I 4 DRAWER CHEST \ I Pine Finish and Brass Hardware ggSglfc i [ Reg Ret $149 95 i ! OUR WITH COUPON hsgsSjj ' : c S9 p 5 rice 539.04 |gp: ed forsythia and lilac buds began to expand and show color. Flowering quince, privet, bar berry and some viburnums may also have responded in like fash ion. The extent of opening will govern the potential degree of damage that is possible on these plants. We will know by early spring if severe damage occurred. There is really nothing that can be done to prevent potential injury to expanding (growing) plant tissue as a result of tem perature fluctuations at this time of the year. Any buds that have shown a significant open ing will be killed during the remainder of the winter and will not open during the normal spring glowering season. If tern GLOUCESTER, Va. - The Daffodil Mart, an international ly acclaimed trial garden and working hybridizing farm, will be open for guided public tours March 17 - April 15. The tours will feature the largest variety of spring flowers found on the East Coast, and are available by reservation only four days a week, adding an extra day to accommodate the high public demand The tours will be held on Tuesdays, S&*» -mnacr tWIN/DOUBLE “ ’ FUTON BUNK BED; Trailer Load • Dealer Refusal with , 8' Futon Mattress . Red - Black - White , Reg Ret $899 95 , Reg LowPnce . •*“ $279.95; Lancaster naming, Saturday, February 7,1998-B5 peratures do drop rapidly after a mild day and remain reasonably stable, partially expanded buds may retain some dormancy and survive. Time will tell on these. . Dormancy, the number of chilling days, and the tempera ture levels around the plants all govern how they will respond to recent conditions. Plants in pro tected, shaded locations may very well come through the cur rent season with little or no damage as compared to similar plants in bright, warmer, sunny locations on the same property. Any questions regarding the above article can be addressed to Tom Becker, Penn State Cooperative Extension at (717)840-7408. Daffodil Offers Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at a cost of $5 per person. Tour times for each specified day are 10 a.m., 12 noon, and 2 p.m. Reservations for this one-month limited engagement can be obtained by calling (804)693-3966, Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Daffodil Mart is a whole sale/retail mailorder flower bulb business and the farm, owned by Brent and Becky Heath, is locat ed in Gloucester County, Virginia. MATTRESS BLOWOUT Pc. Mattress Set King Only Mad* lor Large Hotel Chain Reg Retail $l,OOO Our Price $249.95 King Mattress Only iatu*£ rrtH | Manufacturer Closed Local Factory Reg Retail $599 95 Olir FtiCC $129.95 UNBELIEVABLE PRICES! Sold As Is V I I Reg Retail $2109 95 I Cash Price $739 95 $<3».»5 Cl. RECLINER | Reg. Ret. i - $329.95 OUR CASH PRICE I $129.95 j \\L -ft) WITH COUPON * Xrj $89.88 i BIG SELECTION OF WOOD SC METAL BUNK BEDS HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMSI 3019 H»mpl»nd Ro«d, Lancaster 397-6241 We are a five stora chain not affiliated with any other atoras Stores In LANCASTER • YORK • CARLISLE, PA LANCASTER STORE HOURS Mon -Frl *-• • Sat • Sun Noon-8 • No Rotunda • No Exchanffas For purchoooo wNh a chock, brio* FINANCING mmmm • No Exchanges drlvars llcanaa and phono numbara AVAILABLE ill ” * • Caah A Carry I M Nl r»»pon»fcW (of lypQQ<»P*»col »rwx» Wt r—ry f>fh< fc) »ut>»Wut« giO l>»m» Farm Tour T ! BEDROOM CLOSEOUT Etched Mirrors Brass Fixtures ." 1 Beautiful Bedroom Suite ieout Price
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