(Continued from Pago A 10) l'ii(la>, l c'l>rnai> 13 Pa. Com and Soybean Conference, Holiday Inn, Grantville, 9:45 a.m.-3 p.m. Mercer County Crops Day, Mercer County Career Center, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Junior All-Breeds Convention, Days Inn Penn State, State Col lege, thru Fbb. IS. Kutztown Produce Auction Annu al Educational Meeting, Fleet wood Grange Hall, 11 a.m. Dairy Financial Management Workshop, University of Mary land Cooperative Extension, Frederick. Milker Training School, Gap Diner, 9:30 ajn., also Feb. 20. Wayne County Dairy Day. Hones dale High School, 9:30 sth Annual Southeast Pa. Crazing Conference. Lancaster Host Expo Center, Lancaster, thru Feb. 17. Elk Creek Watershed Association Forum and Open House, Elk Township Building, Lewisvil le, 7 p.m.9:30 p.m. Potter/McKean Crops Day, Coudersport Elementary, Coudersport, 9:45 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost Discovery For Beef Produc ers and Beef Management, Montoursville Presbyterian Franklin County Financial Man agement Forum, The Light house Restaurant, Chambers burg, 9:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. PaTMid-Atlantic Direct Market ing Conference and Trade Show, Willow Valley Resort and Trade Show, Willow Val - ley Resort and Conference Cen ter, Lancaster, thru Feb. 20. Franklin County Fruit Growers Meeting, Savoy Restaurant, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Southeast Region Council Young Cooperators Conference, Wil low Valley Resort, thru Feb. 18. LIKE NEW OFFICE FURNITURE SAT., FEB. 14,1998 • 10 AM Selling for Royal Harvest, Inc. 123 Locust St, (at Lime), Lancaster, PA Global and Hon Furnishing, executive desks, creden zas, salesman desks, partitions, top quality secretarial and executive chairs, loveseat, waiting room furniture and electric pallet jack, hand pallet jack, shelving, stor age tables, (4) portable warehouse ladders. 100’s of vinyl 3 ring binders. (1) Toshiba Satellite Pro 430 CDT Notebook Computer, CD Rom, Floppy drive, 33 6 modem, 32 MB Ram, Serial, Parallel, Keyboard, Speaker, & Microphone ports, Battery, AC adapter, 16 bit sound w/head set, Windows 95, Office Pro 97, Carrying case (1) Computer Network Server HP, 2 - Pentium 200’s mirrored, both 4 gig. 1-2.5 gig, hot swap, CD ROM, single pentium, dual pentium ready (1) Novell 3.12 Network software system (1) APC oderly shutdown battery back up Pro 650 (2) HP advanced 24 port Stack smart Hub *lnterTel 256 telephone system (DSP) technology fSODCQi 268 Marietta Avenue Mount Joy, PA Call for Brochure - Fax or Mail ❖ Farm Calendars New York State Dairy Princess Pageant and AD ADC Annual Meeting, Four Points Hotel Sheraton, Liverpool, N.Y., 6 p.m„ annual meeting through Feb. 18. Dairy Farm Financial Analysis, Howard Johnsons, Millington, Md.. 11 ajn.-2:30 p.m. Equine Mini Series-Pasture Man - agement, Holiday Inn, Carlisle, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Human Resource Management Workshop, Erie County Exten sion office, Erie, also Feb. 24. Greenhouse Dairy Bams and Bare- Bone Parlors, Karen and Rus sell Tomlinson Farm, Wells boro, 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Specialty Hybrid Com Program, Clarion County Extension Office, 1 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Dairy-MAP Human Resource Management Workshop. Erie County Extension office, also Feb. 24. Bucks County Conservation and Pest Meeting Update, Nesha miny Manor Center, Doyles town. also Feb. 24. Passing On The Farm Woikshop, Clinton County Cooperative Extension. Delmarva Corn/Soybean and Broiler Conference, Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, Salisbury, Christmas Tree Short Course, Penn State Conference Center, University Park, thru Feb. 20. New York AD ADC Annual Meet ing. Four Points Sheraton, Liverpool, 8 a.m. Maryland Dairy Industry Associa tion Pastures Along The Infor mation Superhighway, Harford County Extension office. Fore st Hill, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. South Jersey Fruit Meeting. Mas so’s Crystal Manor, Glassboto, NJ. Northwest Pa. Livestock and Grazing Management Work shop Series, Wesley Grange, Barkeyville, 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. MUN, Hoss’s Restaurant, Wil liamsport, 10 a.m. Johnc’s Disease Meeting, Ag Sci ence and Industries Building, University Park. 1:30 p.m. SlhlMi!lklhlMblMhlHkUa!iETKUaSiaSl!3Hl!aSlKU3HiaKlH!=lHKUa!ilHSia!il!a| | Bobby Oldham and I i Coastal Leaf Tobacco | o Buyers of 609 Tobacco g g We are currently buying non- | g contract tobacco on a || SI day to day basis. | | If you would like to deliver tobacco, | please call for pricing | and delivery time. | g QUARRYVILLE | Behind Ross' o Feed & Grain | 27 N. Church St, AU-00476L | (717)786-0397 ii>iii3uii3mi3U|iami3i!muiauii3iaauiiaL-iiamiaiaumii:|ummi>:imj|Uia^l (Continued from Pag* A 2) SLAUGHTER STEERS; HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1200-1500 LBS. 65.25-6830. CHOICE 2-3 1100-1500 LBS. 63.25-66.50. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 975-1500 LBS. SB.DO-64.50; ISOO-166S LBS. 57.00-61.00. SELECT 2-3 1080-1500 LBS. 56.50-62,50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: COU PLE HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-3 1435-IS2O LBS. 61.25-61.50. CHOICE 2-3 1275-1700 LBS. 55.00-60.35. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-312001725 LBS. 51.00-5730. SELECT 1-2 11001670 LBS. 46.0055.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; CHOICE 2-3 11001425 LBS. 62.50-65.25. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 975-1460 LBS. 57.25-63.75. FEW HEIFERETTES COMMERCIAL AND STANDARD 2-3 10501550 LBS. 48.0054.50. COWS: BRKG. UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 2-3 LOW DRESSING 35.25-37.25, BULK 37.00-43.00; CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 1-3 LOW DRESSING 32.0035.75, BULK 35.0039.75, HIGH DRESSING 39.00- CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 1-2 LOW DRESSING 27.25-33.25, BULK 32.00- BULLS; YIELD GRADE 1 1000-2150 LBS. 46.00-56.00, FEW 58.50. YIELD GRADE 2 1000-2250 LBS. 40.75-48.00. CALVES: COMPARED TO LAST WEEK’S CLOSE, VEALERS ENDED THE WEEK MOSTLY STEADY IN A LIGHT TEST AND THERE WERE NOT ENOUGH SLAUGHTER CALVES SOLD TO ESTABLISH A TREND. OVER 90 PERCENT OF THIS WEEK’S SUPPLY RETURNED TO THE FARM WITH GOOD DEMAND ON PRICES 5.00-10.00 HIGHER. VEALERS; GOOD AND CHOICE 80-125 LBS. 20.00-32.00, FEW EARLY IN THE WEEK 42.00-60.00. STAN DARD AND LCW GOOD 70-85 LBS. 15.00-21.00, FEW 60-75 LBS. 12.00-15.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: GOOD AND CHOICE 250-400 LBS. 80.00-110.00; 350-600 LBS. 65.00-85.00. UTILITY AND GOOD 235-600 LBS. 48.00-72.00. RETURNED TO FARM: HOLSTEIN BULLS 95-125 LBS. 100.00-135.00, FEW TO 140.00; 80-95 LBS. 72.00- SMALL FRAME CALVES 70-125 LBS. 45.00- FEW WEAKER CALVES 30.00-55.00. HOLS TEIN HEIFERS 95-125 LBS. 75.00- SMALL FRAME CALVES 70-100 LBS. 3000-75.00. got milk? it u c G G G G PARADISE I 24 Meadow Lane Bj Paradise, PA □ (717)687-7665 g c call either location ou may Mon.-Fri. 8 AM - 4 PM 2 Locations: farm Ford 9N tractor w/loader Ford 1520 23HP4WD Ford 841 Gas Ford 4630 55 HP Ford 5000 Tractor w/ Cab Ford 6610, 72 HP Ford 66405, 76 HP Ford 7710 2WD, 86 HP Ford 3000 Tractor Ford 655 TLB 4WD, Cab w/A/C Ford 345 C w/Loader Ford 550 TLB Ford 777 B Loader Attachment NH 465 Skid Steer Loader NH LX 665 Skid Steer NH 553 Skid Steer (2) NH L 555 Deluxe Skid Steer (2) NH L 785 Skid Steer AC 190 XT Tractor w/Loader AC 5040 Tractor AC 6080 Tractor AC 6080 w/Loader Bobcat 641 skid steer Case 5808 Tractor Loader Case 1835-B skid steer Cub 154 Lo-Boy Int. 656 Gas Tractor JD F 912, Frt Cut Mower w/60” Deck Kubota G 5200 w/48” Mower, 14 HP Mitsubishi 650 G Tractor w/ Front Blade Yale Forklift, 5000 Lb Lift HAY & FORAGE NH 70 Thrower NH 273 Baler w/54 thrower NH 2115 Self Propelled harvester NH 1495 Haybme, Gas, Hydro NH 276 Baler w/58 thrower NH 258 Rake Ford 5000 Tractor w/cab 1970 NH 575 Baler ' 4 V rs o| d Bale Case Diesel Front Bumper Ext & 1/4 Turn Chute - Real Clean public= y~n 6.9 ACRE COUNTY REAL ESTATE HOUSEHOLD GOODS COLLECTIBLES LOCATION Rt 2 Jonestown, Union Twp , Leb Co Pa From traffic light at Rt 72 in LicKdale N 3 1/2 miles to Moonshine Rd , Rt. 443 left 1-8 miles to lane on right across from Camp Bashore From Indiantown Gap, Asher Mine Rd - E 4 miles on Rt 443 to lane on left 6 9 acre country real estate w/3 bedroom aluminum sided ranch style house w/attached 1 car gaiage Full basement w/garage area Lots of mature trees & stream thru property Land mostly pasture and a hay field Various frame outbuildings Real estate to be offered at 12 00 1 0% down payment auction day w/balancc due at settlement within 45 days Inspection by calling 865 6708 Legal mfor mation by Attorney C V. HENRY 274 3644 HARRY H. fRACHMAN IP 138 College Avenue, Annville, Pa 17003 (717) 867-1809 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, Ftbruary 7,1W6-A43 NH 320 Baler w/70 Thrower (2) NH 415 Discbme w/Swivel Hitch NH 451 Sickle Bar Mower NH 463 Disc Mower NH 489 Haybine NH 495 Haybine (2) NH 499 Pivot Tongue Haybine NH 575 Baler NH 1034 bale wagon NH 770 Harvester 2RN & WPU NH 849 Round Baler NH 892 Harvester NH 939 N 4 Corn Head Case 8455 Round Baler Deutz 360 Rake Hesston 1010 Hydroswing Haybine Hesston 1150 12’ Haybine Kuhn GMD 66 HD Disc Mower MC Rotary Scythe MISCELLANEOUS BH 257 7" Rotary Mower Case Int. 475 12’ Rock Flex Disc Cub 41/2’ Pull Type Disc Bullion 12’ Packer w/ (2) 5’ Pups JD 3 Bottom Plow JD 4 Bottom Plow NH 510 Spreader Bolens FT 120 lawn tractor Ber-Vac 24’ Field Cultivator Cushman 5’ front cut mower Vermeer TS6O truck mount tree spade >EL ESTATE LILLIAN E. CASSEL & ROSEMARIE BELL P.O.A. FRIDAY MARCH 6,1998 10:00 A.M. TOOLS Auction by
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