Lebanon Valley National Bank Holds Last Ag Seminar NORTH CORNWALL (Leba non Co.) Last week at the Lebanon Expo and Convention Center, Lebanon Valley National Bank (LVNB) Agri Lending Group held its last annual agricul ture seminar for its customers. It was the last LVNB ag seminar because, as of March 27, the bank's holding company is to be merged with another bank owned by Fulton Financial of Lancaster to become the 13 th banking concern brought under the Fulton umbrella. Stockholders are expected to approve the merger during a Feb. 17 meeting. The newly formed Lebanon Valley Farmer’s Bank (LVFB) will hold its first annual agricultur al seminar next year about the same time, most likely at the Leba non Expo Building. Speaking to 500 customers and friends invited to attend the semi nar, Albert B. Murry, CEO of LVNB, said that effective March 27, LVNB will merge with Fulton actually with ate of Fulton's earlier acquisitions, the Farmers Trust Bank to form a new organization, Lebanon Valley Farmers Bank (LVFB). Farmers Trust Bank, already owned by Fulton, has about $lBO million in assets. Combined with LVNB’s assets, the result should be a $650- to $7OO-million bank. The 11-member board of direc tors with LVNB are to merge with the nine-member Farmers board to create a new 20-mcmber board of directors for LVFB. The new LVFB organization is to be a subdivision in the Fulton banking system and Murry is to serve as its chief executive officer. In all, those with accounts at Fulton Bank, Great Valley Savings Bank, will be equal to customers with accounts at LVFB. Those familiar with the LVNB Agri-Lending Group should be familiar with Michael Firesline, a bank vice president in charge of the group who also has been involved with beef promotion and different agricultural activities. Under Firestine, the LVNB Ag Paul B SGDGDCmfraEIEI Loop Stalls Designed For Durability Finished with baked on TGIC Polyester Powder Coating Superior to Epoxy! • Protection from rust & corrosion • Resists acid & chemicals Wide Front Loop Stalls | Versatile design offers greater cow comfort Generous lunge space for/iead & neck between top & bottom of loop Loop Stall Construction Features. Heavy Duty Construction with 2 3/8” outside diameter high yield steel tubing with 12 gauge (108) wall Spray arc transfer method used on welds Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc. 295 Woodcorner Rd. • Lititz, PA 17543 • 717/738-7365 1 mile West of Ephrata Hours Call or write for additional information Mon - Fn ; 7-5 and the name of your nearest dealer Sat; 7-11 Lending Group has been a consis tent supporter of 4-H and FFA livestock sales and programs, including local sales and the Farm Show sale of junior livestock animals. According to Muny, LVNB has a portfolio of $l3O million in ag loans, while Fulton has a portfolio of $lOO million in ag loans. Under the new organization, the agricultural lending responsibili ties are to be split between loans made to family farm operations and those made to agribusiness. Fires tine is to handle the family farm lending for Fulton, while John Moose, currently the agricul tural lending officer with Fulton, is to handle the agribusiness lending. Murry said that customers should expect to receive not only the same customer service empha sis and products, but expanded products that previously were not available. He said the newly merged bank ing institution is to offer new ser vices as well, such as leasing for automobiles and farm equipment At the same time, Murry said LVNB customers should expect to see mostly the same people provid ing service at most of the existing LVNB branches after the change over occurs. Murry specified more details of some of the changes in names that are planned for the branch offices, as well as some of the consolida tions. (Such as in Schaefferstown, where the Farmers branch along Rt 501 is to be closed and merged into the existing, LVNB branch near the square, where an automa tic teller machine (ATM) is to be added.) He said the new LVFB head quarters will be the LVNB head quarters building at 555 Willow St., in Lebanon. In general, Murry said that name changes will reflect customer reg ions (LVFB is to be the name in Lebanon and Schuylkill counties), but the name changes shouldn't be a cause for concern by customers. Rather, he said that since the whole Fulton banking system is Conventional • Chip resistant • Smooth finish stays cleaner From the left, agricultural economist H. Louis Moore stands with Mike Firestine of Lebanon Valley National Bank and Robert Yonkers, Penn State University professor of ag economy and rural sociologist. under one roof, LVFB customers would be able to conduct all their banking at any Fulton-owned bank, branch or main office. Furthermore, as those who use ATMs frequently have discovered, banks have taken to charging non account holders at least a $1 fee to withdraw money through their ATMs. Since LVNB customers who stay with LVFB join the rest of the Fulton system, and all account hol ders in any of the Fulton subdivi sions can use all Fulton ATMs at no charge. That considerably expands the range of opportunity to make cash withdrawals without paying the extra fee. j» Im Im Xk Hi PPS ii Invites You To The Keystone Pork Expo Wednesday, February 11 - Booth 25 at Lebanon Expo SALE ON GOOD USED PRESSURE WASHERS USED HOT WATER UNITS NE2IIO Self contained hot water Mi-T-M skid 2200 PSI @36 GPM. . $2500 NE2299 Hotsy project unit with extra parts (make one out of two) $5OO NE2327 Chemex 3 7 GPM @ 1200 PSI Electric 220 Volt Oil fired $llOO ff I '- if fe i# USED COLD WATER UNITS CAM SPRAY 1000 PSI with new pump 1 1/2 HP 110 Volt. NE2251 Karcher HDB2OSWS 3 GPM @ 1300 PSI 2 HP 220 Volt NE2339 Karcher HD655 2 6 GPM @ 1500 PSI 2.5 HP 220 Volt NE2244 Camp Spray GDISOO 3 GPM @ 1500 PSI 3 HP 220 Volt NE2289 Aqua-Blast P42OOEC 4 GPM @ 2000 PSI Belt drive 220 Volt 5 HP Rebuilt motor on this unit NE2336 Aqua-Blast P3I6OEC 3 GPM @ 1600 PSI, 3 HP 220 Volt motor NE2328 11 HP 1C Briggs 4 GPM @ 2200 PSI on cart NE2314 10 HP Briggs 2800 PSI @ 4 GPM on cart NICE PROGRESSIVE PRESSURE SYSTEMS 1248 E. NEWPORT RD., LITITZ, PA. 17543 717-626-5511 or FAX 626-5098 E-MAIL “progpressOredrose.net” WEB SITE “www.lancastercounty.com/pps” In other LVNB news, it was announced that Bob Donaldson, a 15-year-member of its Agri Lend ing Group (17 years with LVNB), has decided to leave the banking industry and go into partnership with a brother on a family farm horticultural and landscaping busi ness in New Jersey. Opening the ag seminar was state Secretary of Agriculture Samuel Hayes Jr., who made brief remarks about the direction and support for agriculture in Pennsyl vania by the state. The LVNB ag seminar has annually featured economic fore casts, and this year H. Louis Moore, Penn State University pro- PROGRESSIVE PRESSURE SYSTEMS FEBRUARY SPECIAL ROTO MAX TURBO NOZZLE s49°° fessor emeritus of agricultural eco nomy, returned to provide an out look for livestock production. Robert Yonkers, Penn State pro fessor of agricultural economics and rural sociology, provided an outlook for the dairy industry, including an overview of U.S. Sec retary of Agriculture Dan Glick man's proposal for consolidating federal milk marketing orders. (Sec Moore’s report in this issue. See Yonkcr’s dairy report in the Feb. 14 issue.) H eLP V °<JRsEl- f $295 $795 .$495 ,$749 .$949 $650 .$649 $B5O to
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