Page 16—Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 Name Address County Phone Occupation (check one) Fanner lndustry Scientist/Educator Membership Classification (check one) lndividual or Youth Group ($2O) lndividual ($9O) Scientific/Professional Society ($2O) Supporting Organization (Industry) ($75 or more) Life memberships of $l5O per member will be accepted until Dec. 31, 1997. Make check payable to Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council. Detach this application and mail along with your check to Richard Harm, Executive Director, PFGC, P.O. Box 355, Her shey, PA 17033 VA e lAJ o PFGC Memberships Accepted Membership Application 1998 5 years FREE T-SHIRT WITH EVERY MOTOR PURCHASE NEW OR USED. V S7Jt* r: S»TO^ Motors •Leeson «GE •Baldor ‘Vanguard •Leland Faraday ‘Pasco •Leeson & GE Farm Duty Controls •Leeson ‘Benshaw Pumps •Star •Little Giant •Hayward Pool & Spa Accessories •Bases ‘Capacitors •Carbon Brushes *Pump Seals •Start Switches ‘Float Switches •Bearings ‘Brake Kits Rewinding •AC & DC Motors »Coils •Hermetics ‘Transformers •Generators Services Electrical e Contracting loard Repair ‘lndividual Wiring s ‘Equipment Installation HERS HEY (Dauphin Co.) Pen nsylvania Forage and Grassland Coun cil (PFGC) has announced new mem bership rates for 1998. The Council, with your membership and support, can accomplish much toward a better forage industry, envi ronment, and community. It’s a big challenge and the PFGC needs your help. By becoming a mem ber now, PFGC can serve an even more active role in support of the forage industry. The PFGC, formed in 1960, is made up of individuals and organizations that are interested in forage and grassland-based agriculture. The PFGC is dedicated to the production Forage Variety Trials Report Available STATE COLLEGE ( Centre Co.) —The 1997 Penn State “Forage Vari ety Trials Report” is complete. Copies are free and are available through your county extension office. This year’s report contains variety Silo Unloader Technology Takes a Giant Leap Forward! CALL NOW FOR SPRING SPECIALS on 'S' J •Premier Silo Unloader Experts LEASE IT TODAY WITH ONE PAYMENT DOWN! uantum SYSTE M SIMPLY THE BEST! , You know tower silos are the best Hr f* way to store feed. Now Jamesway® * I m S* ves y° u best way to fill and i|- feed fast, with great reliability, i ■ Plus, you get; • Better Feed Quality • A Clean Chute The all-new industrial-design Big Jim QUANTUM System can be installed in any type of 20’ to 30’ forage 5i10... conventional or oxygen limited, md since it ;quires little maintenance ai has no doors to change, you eliminate trips up and down thi silo. The Star Silo’s Many Big Jim Customers Are Satisfied Customers Ask Us Why!!! ★ STAR SILOS ★ 717-866-5708 or 1-800-431-7709 630 E. Lincoln Ave., Myerstown, PA 17067 and utilization of quality forage and grassland. The PFGC works in a variety of ways to promote the industry, through publication of Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland News, through the publication of Foraging Around , and sponsoring individual workshops, training events, field days, Ag Prog ress Days, leadership, and other activities. Every member receives the Pen nsylvania Forage and Grassland News, the Hay and Forage Grower magazine, and a PFGC membership directory. So to become part of a growing industry, use this membership form included here to sign up now. performance information on alfalfa, red clover, and many cool-season grass species. If you will be seeding forages during the next year, this re port will be a valuable asset in your species/variety selection process. • More Feed Storage
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