Mycotoxins: What Are They, Why Should We Care? (Continued from Page 9) presence of molds. It is important to remember that the maximum recommended levels of mycotoxins listed in Table 1 assume that only the listed mycotoxin is pre sent. If two or more mycotoxins are present, they may have an additive ef fect, dramatically reducing the maxi mum allowable level of contaminated forage in the animal’s diet. If a producer does encounter a prob lem with mycotoxin contamination, it is recommended that the affected for age be discarded. If this is not possible or feasible, the forage should not be what’s new when hauling commercial hay Bale sizes: 4 feet wide, 3to 6 feet in diameter Bale weights: up to 1900 lbs * Vermeer 5051 - Maximize your bale size, even with smaller hp tractors Bale sizes: 5 feet wide, 3to 5 feet in diameter Bale weights: up to 1400 lbs * baler and take the weather out of making hay' Bale sizes: 4 feet wide; 3 to 5 feet in diameter Bale weights: up to 1900 lbs*. * Bolt i night dtpsnds on moislurt conditions ... from the people who specialize in hay! PENNSYLVANIA BLOOMSBURG W.F Welliver 717-437-2430 DAMASCUS Rutledge Repair 717-224-4319 FREEBURG Glenn Beidler 800-774-0796 LIBERTY Bohnert Sales & Service 717-324-2431 fed to lactating, pregnant, or rapidly growing animals. Dilulting the con taminated feed with uncontaminated feed is highly recommended and feed ing 3-6 ounces of sodium bentonite per animal per day may reduce the se verity of the toxin. It is also important that the attending veterinarian and your nutritional consultants be informed of the problem immediately. By taking mycotoxin contamination seriously, the producer will insure that feed intake, animal performance, and long-term health of his valuable beef and dairy cattle will not be put at risk. “on command”; 38’H x 46'W bales, up to 9 feet in length, weights up to 1600 lbs *, capacities up to 45 tons/hr . and the ability to transport up to 33% more bales on a standard flatbed trailer vs 4 x 4s! PEACH BOTTOM Triple H Equipment Inc. 717-548-3775, 800-675-2019 (Fax) 717-548-4079, SAXTON Bob Wilkins 814-635-3392 WYALUSING William Beebe 717-746-3435 6 feet in diameter Bale weights: up to 2400 lbs* WEST VIRGINIA AUGUSTA D&G Equipment Sales Inc. 304-496-8685 MORGANTOWN King & Sons Equipment 304-296-0180 / Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7, 19911-Page Current PFGC Officers And Board HERS HEY (Dauphin Co.) The following is a list of the current offi cers and board of directors of the PFGC. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions on how the PFGC could serve you better, please contact one of these people. President Richard Kauffman (717)653-9381 Sec.-Treas. Richard Hann (717)534-3507 Exec. Vice Pres. Marvin Had (814)663-1019 Board Of Directors Producer Edgar Rita* John Thompson David Hileman ywigfr The Hay Specialist. Officers (717) 734-3745 (412) 533-3282 (814) 684-1498 ow MIXER uw FEEDERS “P” SERIES Since 1979 luci^ now Mixer Feeders have been recognized as one of the most dependable and strongest built mixers in the field. To enhance its existing line of Mixer Feeders, introduces the “P” Series of Mixer Feeders with six models ranging in size from the Model 300 with a mixing capacity of 310 cubic ft., to the Model 575 with a mixing capacity of 625 cubic ft. The Large diameter augers in all the “P” Series Mixer feeders are capable of giving the mix required, from rations with well cured, long stemmed legume-type hay, to mixes with green grass, and mixes with silage and commodities. Better milk production, better weight gains and greatly improved animal health are just some of the results of a finely-tuned feed ration. GET DETAILS ON THE ENTIRE RANGE OF UJCI MIXER FEEDERS CANTON, PA HESS FARM EQUIPMENT RR 3, BOX 160 CLIFFORD, PA NORTHEAST DISTRIBUTORS A EQUIPMENT ROUTE 106, WEST CLIFFORD, OFF 181 GREENCASTLE, PA MEYERS IMPLEMENT 400 N. ANTRIM WAY (HD 100 Stover Drive Carlisle, PA 17013 717/249-6720 Serving Farmers Throw Public Dennis Buckmaster* Paul Craig Duane Pysher Industry Richard Kauffman* Richard Adams Ed Konde ‘last year of currant term LEOLA, PA M.M. WEAVER & SONS FREDERICK, MD 169 NORTH GROFFOALE ROAD DOODY MECHANICAL SERVICE PO BOX 3773 LOYSVILLE, PA McMILLEN BROS. RD#l - BOX 134 LINEBORO, MD MARTINSBURG. PA WERTZ FARM WINELAND EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT, INC. poboxts R.D. #2. ROUTE 164 EAST ru BU * MIFFLINBURG, PA HESS EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE RR 3. BOX 160 Distributed By: CUMMINGS and BRICKER, Inc. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 100-120 Lehigh Ave. - P.O. Box 928 Batavia, New York 14021-0928 716/343-5411 merit Dealers Since 1961 ih Farm Equh 205 (814) 865-3392 (717) 921-8803 (717) 782-4458 (717) 653-9381 (717) 355-3655 (717) 299-2571 MASSEY, MD JONES DAIRY SERVICE 12667 MASSEY ROAD
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