Page 4—Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 Reducing The Potassium Content Through Forage DR. MARVIN H. HALL Extension Forage Specialist Penn State In recent years, potassium (K) con tent of forages has become a major concern on dairy farms because it plays a major role in cation balance of the feed ration which is contributing factor for milk fever. Increasing K level in the soil, be cause of current manure management strategies and excessive K fertiliza tion, has resulted in relatively high K levels in many of our forages. High K content of forages increases the difficulty in balancing the ration with respect to divalent cations such as magnesium and calcium. However, there are a few manage ment practices that can be imple mented to reduce forage K content and minimize the potential problem before it occurs. • Apply manure or potassium-con taining fertilizers only where they are recommended through soil testing. When soil potassium exceeds recom mended levels, it accumulates in for age plants without a concurrent in crease in forage yield. This situation results in forages with excessively high K content. • Allow forages to mature as much Grazing And Forage Conference To Feature Irish Grazing Specialist parasite buildup in pastures, poison ous weeds in pastures, pasture produc tion during the “summer slump,” ap plying manure to pastures, no-till re novation of pastures, or which pasture plant species are best for your farm. If you have interest in any of these top ics, make plans to attend the Grazing Conference at the Holiday Inn in Grantville. Many of the presentations will be given by grazers who have years of experience dealing with these issues. #1 Forage and Turf Company in the U.S. Brings you an outstanding selection of Alfalfas designed to fit your needs. 2 yr. total 12.76 T/A Dry Matter Basis Penn State Trials Grand Mean = 12.40 Landisville 4 yr. Total Penn State Trials Rock Springs 4 yr. Total Penn State Trials Rock Springs 4 yr. Total Penn State Trials Rock Springs Brand new on the market ABT 227LH - A Leaf Hopper Resistant Variety With Excellent Yield and Excellent Disease Package. ABT 405 Max 329 Splendor Prism II BEACHLEY-HARDY SEED COMPANY 454 RAILROAD AVE., SHIREMANSTOWN, PA 17011 1-800-442-7391 717-737-4529 FAX 717-737-7168 Of Forages (Continued from Page 1) AgrißioTech'lnc. B. Management as possible before harvest. There are some obvious forage quality trade offs associated with this practice. However, K levels can be reduced by about 25 percent (e,g. 2.3 to 1.8 per cent) if alfalfa is allowed to mature from bud to 25 percent flower before harvesting • Harvest the forage as low to the ground as possible. The tops of forage plants contain higher concentrations of K than the base of plants. Harvest ing close to the ground will result in lower K content forage. • Practices that keep more leaves in harvested forage will reduce K con tent because K tends to accumulate in the stem. • Include a grass the forage mixture. Grasses tend to have lower K content than legumes. However, on soils with excessive K levels grasses can also contain excessive amounts of K. For all of these management prac tices to be effective, a good system of forage monitoring and inventory must be in place. Segregating forages based on K content and matching this with the needs of animal groups is essen tial. If high forage K levels persist, then substituting some low K forage, such as com stalks, for the high K for age can help bring the total forage K content to a more manageable level. In addition to the structured educa tional program, there will be a trade show and company representatives available to showcase the latest in grazing technology. If it is New Zea land-style milking facilities, fence in sulators, or the newest plant species for pasture that you are interested in, you can learn all about it at the trade show. For more information, contact the Grazing Research and Education Cen ter at (814) 863-2543. 19.75 T/A Dry Matter Basis Grand Mean = 19.21 19.62 T/A Dry Matter Basis Grand Mean = 19.21 20.13 T/A Dry Matter Basis Grand Mean = 19.21 Quality haymaking The New Holland Model 1465 Haybine® mower conditioner features a new header with a five-bat reel for more uniform crop flow. You get a cleaner cut and less scalping in a proven design. And the “1465” can be ordered with a mechanical tongue shift or hydraulic tongue shift. Other great features include: • A torsion-bar roll-pressure system • Chevron-design rolls for thorough, gentle conditioning and fast drydown • 100% bolted knife assemblies When performance, reliability and durability count, you can count on the “1465”. There aren’t many things in life that are perfect. Except, of course, a New Holland Roll-Belt™ round bale. Come see the Model 654 round baler and you’ll understand why. The “654” consistently makes bales that have the density, capacity and quality appearance that you demand. And it’s loaded with features that will make your job easier. So stop by today and see why the “654” A? jR is a superior baler. Watch For Our CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE m „ , • (3) NH 489 Haybmes • IH 584 Tractor . v,/, u„„k.;L kmi i oi ji i •NH 488 Haybine • NH LX565 Skidloadcr . MU r . uiTcinci ii i ij.ii.i •NH 412 Discbine • Gehl 3510 SkidloadclaiSiSfil . mu a i i •NH 900 Harvester W/919N3 3 Row . JD , 2)9 Mower e Condltloner P • (3) NH 256 Rake • NH 770 Harvester • NH 162 Tedder ' a Harvester • NH 144 W.ndrow Inverter ' Hoo .Tm W u . P *NH 310 Baler w/Thrower MU N Com Hcad * (2) NH 326 Baler w/Thrower ’mu n ° Wer * Hesston 555 T Round Baler •MU fnnuf ,M o • Deutz-Allis GP23O Round Baler •MU IfiQ u ay K " e M P R » I •JD27 14 ft. Flail Chopper • NH 489 Haybine, New Rolls & . JD g 25() Grain Dnl| palnt » AC 2300 13 ft. Disc Get perfect 4x6 bales every time Coming In February & MW HOLLAND NEWHOLLAW
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