Page 2—Foraging Around, Lancaater Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 (Continued from Page 1) ers Contest sponsored by PFGC back in the 1980 s. That contest provided al falfa growers with valuable informa tion that pushed productivity to a higher level. I thought it would be interesting to look back to 1987, using information that producers supplied to the Penn sylvania Agriculture Statistics Service in Harrisburg, and examine the changes in alfalfa production. Many of you are completing the 1997 U.S. Census of Agriculture forms this winter, and this is an ex ample of how the information that you provide can be used. Here’s a trivia question: which county in Pennsylva nia has the most acres of alfalfa? In 1987, fanners in Pennsylvania harvested 850,000 acres of alfalfa. The average yield was 3.2 tons per acre. An additional 1,180,000 acres of “other” hay was harvested. The aver age yield from those acres was 2.1 tons. Several years later in 1990, farmers harvested 810,000 acres of alfalfa with an average yield of 3 tons per acre. The reported “other” hay acreage was 1,090,000 acres, averaging 2.1 tons per acre. In 1996, the acres of al falfa dropped to 750,000 acres, with a state average yield of 3.1 tons. #1 Yielding Alfalfa at Penn State University From Barenbrug BARALFA 54 ALFALFA Baralfa 54 from BARENBRUG is a synthetic variety selected for exceptional yield and excellent disease resistance Baralfa 54 is a vigorous high yielding variety with very fast regrowth after cutting. Baralfa 54 displays above average leafiness and is very persistant. 1996 STAND Vanet y 5^— 10/11/96 . Seeded Aprl | 20, 1995 Baralfa 54 7.88 84.0 * Yields (tons per acre at 12% moisture) 5454 7.60 84.2 * Yields indicated represent the sum of four DK 127 7.43 88.6 cuttings Mariner 738 86.1 'Grand mean CV, and LSD values IMF Generation 713 86 3 represent 64 total entries Multiqueen 7.10 80 6 'Varieties are listed by rank for 1996 yield WL324 7,08 84 6 „ yyi_323 705 82 0 CV - Coefficient of variation LSD - Least significant difference Dividend 698 81.3 Preferred 697 85.8 Table 9 Magnum IV 6.93 85 4 1995 alfalfa variety tnals-Landisville ABT 405 6 91 90.7 Haygrazer 689 80.9 Dealers Wanted Please Call 5312 689 86 8 1-800-435-5296 WL 332 SR 6.88 82 8 Excahbur II 6.86 84.9 Prism 2 684 85.9 FT j 7 . . - . I wl 252 hq 6.81 815 In Latest 1997 Trials innovator +Z 6.76 53.3 «« Supercuts 6.76 83.3 03X31X3 54 Saranac AR IJT S?l Yielded 38 MllCh AS SSSniiHM. SS 8.07 Tons Per Acre 8H330 +Z I'll lls Baralfa 54 Is palatable, Grand Mean 6.95 84.3 digestible, profitable... CV (%) 435 4.0 An#j PROVEN! LSD (pmos) 0.42 4.7 ARO PHUYEWI You will find Baralfa 54 very competively priced Baralfa is pre-mnoculated & certified. Barenbrug is also a producer of: * Barcel & Dovey Tall Fescue * Brassica & Turnips * BG-34, BG-14, Tetra-Plus Perennial Ryegrass * Baralfa 321 Q Alfalfa * Cambria & Pizza Orchardgrass * White and Red Clovers * Improved high yielding Annual Ryegrass * Horse Master & Stock Master Improved Blends Call Barenbrug for more information and (Nearest distribution center at 1-800-435-5296 or write to: Barenbrug Northeast, pO Pox 99, Ogdentburg, NJ 07439 Using the information that alfalfa growers supplied, we can see that al falfa acreage has declined about 12 percent over the past 10 years. Grow ers have reported that alfalfa yields have not increased, and total tons of alfalfa hay has declined. Who is making up for the shortage of alfalfa hay in Pennsylvania? Just look at the prices of alfalfa hay at the hay auctions. I propose that there ate more opportunities in this state to pro duce alfalfa hay and make a profit do ing it New Voile’s alfalfa acreage has de clined at a faster rate, and Pennsylva nia now harvests more acres of alfalfa than our neighbor to the north. Since New York and Pennsylvania rank #3 and #4 respectively for numbers of dairy cows, there will always be a good market for alfalfa hay. Alfalfa hay growers have been in creasing their yields during the past 10 years. While the ag statistics do not suggest an increase, I think that the improvements in genetics and better management practices have given growers better harvests. The fact is, most hay growers don’t know what their yields are, and are estimating. They may be thinking as they fill out the statistics report, “I only got three cuts this year, that’s three tons per UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Growers’ Comer is your oppor tunity to ask questions and share tips that lead to successful forage produc tion and management Please send your questions and/or tips to PFGC News, C/O Dr. Marvin Hall, Agronomy Dept., Penn State Univ., University Park, PA 16802. Question: Why don’t we grow cool-season grasses and warm-season grasses in a mixture? This combina tion would provide forage throughout the summer. Answer: Several cultural con siderations arc involved with why this mixture isn’t recommended. Most cool-season grasses (orchardgrass. acre,” The 1997 Forage Triasl Report was recently released. Alfalfa yields in 1997 at Rockspring average from 5.22 tons per acre in a 4-year-old trial to 7.76 tons per acre in a 1-year-old stand. At Landisville, yields went from 6.34 tons per acre to 7.15 per acre. There is profit producing alfalfa. The answer to that trivia question; Lancaster County, with 54,500 acres of alfalfa harvested in 1996. Bradford County was second with 36,000 acres. Hey, go plant some hay this spring! * Chicory * Custom Blends Share Your Tips SHARP PERFUMERS Choose between seven cutters from 4 to 7 feet: 13 Series Economy line for light cutting chores; 16 Series medium-duty cutters; 09 Series for heavy-duty jobs; 717 General Purpose Cutter We Made A TRUCKLOAD QUANTITY PURCHASE and pass on the Truckload discount to you! Huny in - Pick your size, 4 Ft. to 15 Ft. Cutter* In Stock oFarm Plan A Service of FPC Financial "The Charge Account for Rural America' timothy, etc.) are much faster estab lishing than warm-season grasses (switchgrass or big bluestem). There fore, the cool-season grasses will crowd out the warm-season grasses during establishment. Even if you could get the cool- and warm-season grasses established in a mixture, there is a problem with har vest management. Warm-season grasses begin to grow in the early summer after the cool-season grasses have been growing for some time. The cool-season grasses are ready to har vest for the first time when the warm season grasses have just grown a little and their root energy reserves are low. Mowing the mixture would weaken or even kill the warm-season grasses. With these difficulties in mind, it would not be wise to plant both cool and warm-season grasses in a mixture. JOHN DEERE ► 711686 Unibody™ cutters feature full-frame, continuous seam design for extra strength ► Clean-deck design keeps water out; trash buildup on the deck to a minimum lohn Deere Day Thursday, Feb. 12 Parts Discount Up To 15%
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