Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Tburaday at 4:00 pjn. Jeraey Short, Pa. Report (uppHtd by Auction Thunday, Fab. 5, 199$ RETURN TO FARM CALF 50.00-112.0 a GOOD VEAL: 300049.00. COMMON VEAL: 8.00-29.0 a CHOICE STEERS: 62.00-65 JO. SELECT STEERS: 52.00-61.00. COMMON STEERS: 39.00-51.0 a COMMERCIAL COWS: 35.0041.0 a CANNBRS-CUTTBRS: 27.00-34.0 a SHELLS: 2000-26.00. SELECT HEIFERS: 50.0062.00. COMMON HEIFERS: 42.0049.00. GOOD FEEDERS: 60.0072.00 COMMON FEEDERS; 35.0059.00 BULLS: 44.0052.00. Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Wayneaburg, Pa. Thun, Feb. 5, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE: SL. COWS: UTHJTY A COMMERCIAL32.SO-40.00; CUTTER A BONING UTILITY 28.00-34.00; CAN NER A LOW CUTTER 25.00-2930; SHELLS 25.00 A DOWN. BULLS; YIELD GRADE 1 Isoo#-2000# 37.00-48.50; YIELD GRADE 2 1000#-1400# 30.0040.00. FEEDER STEERS: M&H 300-500# 50.0088.00; 250-280# 66.00-92.00, M 600900 LBS. 54.0074.00. HEIFERS M l&L-l 300-500# 40.00-82.00; L-l 400650# 38.0079.00. BULLS M&H 300620# 42.00-87.00. CALVES: VEAL.. PRIME 40.0080.00; CHOICE 38.00-72.00; GOOD 35.0048.00. FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90120# FEW 35.0069.00, #2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 80-100# FEW 20.0040.00, BEEF X BULL&HFRS7HD. 20.0055.00. TL 1 Cr 1 . . | . nr 1 hankscrCongratulations to Hal-Bent Form... Harold, Robert 6 Bernard Bailey Io6*xl2l’ Slatted Free Stoll Bom - 153 Cows KING CONSTRUCTION CO, 601 Overly Grove Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 |9. 717-354-4740 Phil Van Lieu Home: 717-259-9077 EMPIRE AGRI-SYSTEMS, INC, 7240 Grant Ave. Auburn, NY 13021 315-253-3256 HOGS: BARROWS A GILTS #l-2 210255# 35.5048.00; #2-3 255-280# 33.0039.00; SOWS #l-3 300500# 27.0038.00. FEEDER PIGS: 1-3 15-20# 5.00- 17.00/HD.; 1-3 25-35# 10.0034.00/HD. LAMBS: HIGH CHOICE 80100 LBS. 72.00108.00; CHOICE 70-90 LBS. 74.00- 127J0; FEEDER LAMBS GOOD 80.00100.00; SHEEP 20.0048.00; FAT SHEEP 30.00 A DOWN. GOATS: LARGE 70.00100.0tyHD.; MEDIUM 30.00-57.00/HD.; SMALL 10.0029.00/HD. HORSES: 35.00-60.00, PONIES 20.0041.50. Four States Livestock Bipnbm, Md . February 4,199 t Report wppM by Auction LIGHT SALE DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER. SLAUGHTER COWS: 29 HEAD. UTILITY 35.00-39.00; CANNBRS 30.0035.00; SHELLY 30.00 DOWN. BULLS: NONE. FED STEERS: 55 HEAD. HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1300-1550 LBS. 64.0066.00; CHOICE #2-3 1200-1550 LBS. 61.25-64.00; LOW CHOICE 58.0061.00; SELECT 53.0057.00 FED HEIFERS: HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1101400 LBS. 64.0065.75; CHOICE #3*4 60.00-63.00; LOW CHOICE 900 LBS. TO 52J0. VEAL CALVES: 79 HEAD. CULLS 85-110 LBS. 28.0035.00, 6080 LBS. 20.0028.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 95-120 LBS. 95.00110.00, PEW TO 12000; 85-95 LBS. 40.0095.00 HOLS TEIN HEIFERS FEW 90-110 LBS. 80.00105.00 BEEF X BULLS FEW TO 70.00. BUTCHER HOGS: NO TOP WEIGHT- S OFFERED. #l*3 300-340 LBS. 39.0042.00. STOCK CATTLE: FEW OFFERED. Roaring Spring, PA... Blair County Keystone , concrete! PRODUCTS Waffle Slat Mfg. Concrete Post & Beams H&J Bunks Hog & Cattle Slats Bunker Silos HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Agriculture Secretary Samuel E. Hayes Jr. hailed Gov. Tom Ridge’s 1998-99 budget request as a strong indication of the Ridge Administration’s support for Pennsylvania agriculture. ’Gov. Ridge’s recommendation makes for the best agriculture budget in many years. The Gover nor has advanced initiatives that will allow Pennsylvania’s produc ers and agri-businesses to be suc cessful at home and competitors in the global economy.” Hayes said. proposed budget will signi ficantly increase our ability to meet the needs of our agricultural community as well as ensure the safety of our citizens and their en vironment.” Hayes noted that Gov. Ridge recommended more than $3 mil lion to support the implementation of nutrient-management regula tions, which took effect Oct 1. Nutrient-management plans man age animal wastes in a manner that is economically and environment ally feasible. Ridge’s budget calls for plan ning and implemantation grants which will provide funds for farm ers to prepare certified plans. “This public policy will help pro tect a person’s opportunity to farm and help protect a neighbor’s wa- 477 East Farmertvllls Rd., New Holland, PAI7SS7 (717) 355-2: Agriculture Secretary Hails Ridge Budget Increase ter supply." Hayes said. There has been a $432,000 increase in funds for agricultural promotion, education and exports, including support for internation al-trade events. “Exports are an important and growing part of Pennsylvania’s agricultural economy. The increased level of support will provide the tools to successfully compete on a global scale and to promote Pennsylvania’s agricul tural products around the planet,” Hayes said. He noted the value of Pennsylvania agricultural exports is more than $976 million. An additional $lOO,OOO has been proposed for die school cafe teria food-safety program, and to expand training in food safety for school personnel and others who provide food to the public. An other food-safety component of Ridge’s request is for a bottled water protocol. Livestock, open dairy, junior dairy and 4-H shows held at the Horse Barns, Equipment Sheds, Etc. Authorized Dealer For Keystone Waffle Slats ImcMtif Finning, Saturday, February 7, 1998-Al9 m BUILDI Paul B. Zimmerman Wide-Loop Stalls & Gates Empire Curtain System 50 oz. Rubber-Filled Mattresses Keystone Waffle Slats Ritchie Energy-Free Waterers Custom Design And Construction 0f... Dairy Barns, Heifer Facilities, CONCRETE WALLS, INC. 601 Overly Grove Road New Holland, PA 17557 717-355-0726 Fann Show Complex are recom mended to receive an increase of $38,000, along with FFA pro grams. “These competitive expositions and activities are important for our livestock producers andn for our youth to promote their animain and increase their market value,” Hayes noted. Agricultural re search initiatives also are part of the budget, with $3 million pro posed. This is an increase of $500,000. “New and effective research is fundamental in helping the agri cultural community meet the chal lenges of profitability as we pre pare for the next century,” Hayes said. New research projects would explore the suppression of agricul tural odors, new nutrient-manage ment systems and a market analy sis of export opportunities for agricultural products and services produced in Pennsylvania. Featuring
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