Reg. Poflod Hertford Bute, low birth weight*, milk * muscle, Guidelines breed ers. $B5O-$1250. Stone Ridge Manor, Adams 717/642-9199. FOR SALE Open Shortbred and springer Holstein heifers 717-789-3003 Fresh and . Springing cows and heifers. Reg. and grade. 300 on hand. Perry Co. (717) 789-3241 Buffalo For Sale 6 month old heifers 2 year old cows 814-542-9940 814-542-1216 TRIPLE RING CATTLE CO. TEXAS LONGHORNS Quality Cattle at Economical Prices Gettysburg, PA (0) 717-334-4908 (H) 717-334-4136 FOR SALE Herd of 50 Quality Holstein Cows, Al Sired. Also Fresh & Springing Cows & Heifers 717-653*5408 2 Holstein Herds FOR SALE (1) Tie Stall (45 Head) 1 Free Stall (100 Head) 717-393-0930 Dairy Free Stall Sand Pink Horse Arena Sand Serving Central PA and Northern MD Call for delivery and pricing. Pruitt Trucking (717)677-6275 jggi . .us it pay; for itself in profits from increased weight gains. Our special TOX-A-WIK Insecticide is 1 edwin hoover edmund dutterer compatible with the animals natural [aso inoiantown rd 2340 frizzelburg RD body oils, skin and hair and keeps [ ephhata, Westminster, them free of flies, lice, grubs, ticks, , pa 17522 M 0 21157 mange and pinkeye 1 717-733-8313 410-848-8638 * Insecticide tank wick faedt automatically, no 1 valvaa, Jets or pumps to clog. 1 * Mineral feeder 1 * 1 to 4 applicators per unit. 1 * TOX-O-WIK Insecticide is the only insecticide 1 recommended for TOX-O-WIK Cattle Oilers. 1 £ Dairy units also available. 1 70 cow holstein herd Low SCC, all stages of lactation, Avg. 55 lbs., 4.0 butterfat, possible financing (410)778-1230 J BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop LIVESTOCK HAULING "1 To & From New Holland Sales, Areas slaughter plants, etc. "ALSO DOWN & CRIPPLE CATTLE" Serving Berks. Bucks, Chester, Lancaster, Lehigh & Northhampton Counties, PA TOM MULVANEY JR. & SON I-SOO-759-"COWS" (2697) \ 7-DAY SERVICE BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. WELK-CREST HOLSTEINS Matthew T. Welk 717-548-2597 CUSTOM SEMEN COLLECTING Bulls collected on your farm. Semen frozen In French straws at $1.45 per unit 14 years freezing experience. Complete mobile lab. and will travel. ZIMMERMANS CUSTOM FREEZING 131 Redwell Road, New Holland, PA 17557 1-717-355-2048 Evenings w 1-800-472-2641 Evenings 1,111 1 - * ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ f* FOR SALE Holstein Dairy Herds 1) 36 Cow Reg. Dairy in Canada, 18,000 M, Low SCC, Not Pushed 2) 32 Cow Reg. & Grade Dairy in Canada 3) 44 Cow Wayne Co. Dairy, 2/3 Reg., 21,000 M, 100,000 SCC 4) Pick 40-50 From 66 Grade Herd, All Al, Home Raised, Worth the Money Transportation available to view any of these herds John H. Wetmore - 717/253-6995 717/253-5329 ANS. 717/470-3364 Car Do you have grades that are as good as Registered Holsteins? If so, why not prove it by registering them. Increase the value of your Holsteins! We have several new software programs available and have reduced prices on our Registry program. We can also help you buy or sell your Holsteins Clarence Stauffer or David Lentz or Dave Paddon TOX-O-WIX PRODUCTS, PARTS AND SERVICE DAVID MARTIN S. MARKET ST, P.O. BOX 134 SCHAEFFERSTOWN, PA 17088 717-949-2411 TOLL FREE: 1-800-530-5759 717-738-2406 717-834-6786 716-584-8145 AVAILABLE FROM: SLICK CONCRETE? Scabbling is the answer. Groove 2" wide 2-1/2" apart will pro\idc good looting (or yeats to come Hour texturing and I' gioovc available The Scabbier Man 800/692-0123 Cal! Amlimr Service and Rentals & r 1 1 Holstein Springer Heifers 10 due in 30 days or less 10 due in 30 - 60 days All raised on this farm Good size & udders Will sell 1 or all FREE delivery within 100 miles Will trade for open heifers or steers PLEASANT HILL FARM James E. Horak 717-637-7586 1998 PA BEEF EXPO STATE COLLEGE, PA MARCH 27-29,1998 COMMERCIAL HEIFER SALE and SPECIAL ALL BREEDS PUREBRED SALE Accepting consignments from all producers entries due Feb. 14,1998 For info, contact managers; JOHN MYERS (717) 428-2309 DAVE SEAMANS (814)238-8909 ■ E FOR RENT FLOAT-A-COW ! ’ ! 5 r : 1 ■'" *fi,. * * •4k ** - ■-«* - t - '( i With The Aqua-Cow Rise system f \ Get that down cow up on her feet with warm j t water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a \ (/ cow stretcher - a well designed cart to get i down cows out of bams. ? £ For More Information: f LEE-MAR FARM 2724 Conestoga Creek Rd. PA 19534 t Morgantown, ? t, (610) 286-9052 J RT Mat & Flooring 731 Nottingham Road Peach Bottom. PA 17563 Phone: 717-548-3837 Phone Hours: Mon. 7-7:30 PM & Wed. 7-7:30 PM Ask for John King Mat Sizes Available: 2”x48 ,, x66” or 2 ,, x48 ,, x72 M Farming, Saturday, February 7,1996-Dl7 O HORSES 4 If MULES V WANTED X Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or grades (610) 28“909T " ”(717)656-8420 ' Leroy Smucker No Sunday Calls X ar E&E Barn Spraying Introducing “All White” barn spraying. Easy clean up. Compatible with fly sprays. Disinfects. Washes off windows & pipelines with ease. 717/949-3212 ** 45 Cow Herd All purebreds All A-I No B.S.T. 22,800 herd avg. Avg. 60 lbs. Very good type SCC 120,000 avg. year 717-354-4376 717-768-3320 « Herd of cows 35 head, avg. 68 lbs , 23,900 herd avg. Grades & purebred All A-I No B.S.T. Young & good type 717-354-6274 717-768-8497 No Silage ■ ■ ■■ ■■ t!f=l EXOTIC ANIMALS 22 Cali bur tranquilizer dart gun w/tcoop, never used, new in box. 717-656-7760 717-661-2867 Classy 8 month and nice 22 month old registered fe male llamas, $1,500 each. (717)762-1805. Colorado Elk, raised in New Jersey; 80 elk to choose from. DeSapio Elk Farm, Baptistown, New Jersey. 906-986-6515. Deer for sale, bred doe, bucks & fawns, assorted colors. 717/656-2574. Llamas: 2 females, one 1 year, one 3 year, reg. shots, mod wool, $l5OO/Pr. 609/261-8195 NJ. Registered Llamas: 1 male, 6 months; 1 female, 2 years, possibly bred. Call tor details. (717)786-3126. (610) 868- H | 0186 White Tail Deer Ex. P & Y and B & C bucks, bred does & bottle fed fawns 'all for photo & price sheet showing bloodlines (trades considered) (717) 686-3480 11 yr rag. dk. chestnut gelding saddtobrad, classy tetter, holds hard, $2lOO. Call 610/273-2047 3:30-4:00. 14 year old bay quarter horse, 15H, used as excel lent trail or cutting horaa, $l3OO. 0 year old black, APHA, mare, 15.1 H, excel lent trail horse or breeding stock, very geotie, $l7OO. 717-252-3810 after 6pm 2 pair big 3 year old mules, acclimated, ready for work. 3 pair shipped mules, big. Ben Kauffman, 1113 Park RO., Honeybrook, PA 18344 610-273-9224 Bam-B:3oam (2) Reg. QH mares: 3 years, bay, green, very quiet on trails. IF 4 year sorrel, nice broke, also sound on tails, with a dash of spirit. Asking $l5OO 080 for either. Sch. Co. 717-682-8703 3 Belgian# for tale. Will work anywhere. Alto Mor gan#. 610/273-9211. 3 year old bay morgan mare, by Ultimata Com mand and out of Trophy Daughter, $2500. 412-946-2306 4 Year old Quarterhorse filly, very gentle, green broke; 4 year oU Belgian filly, vary gentle. 814/784-5896. 6 year old 17H mare, traffic cafe, tound, one-of-a-kind trotter, tired by Niatrocc. 717-354-3018 6 yr. old Standardbred Trotter, carriage horse, cafe, tound, felt of snap, needs work. $1450. 717/7866154. 8 Blonde Sorrel Work Horses including 2 reg. mares. To be at Harrisburg Sale 2/18. Benj. Stoltzfus 717/687-0977. 8 year old standardbred, solid trotter, acclimated, ready for long tripe, in the lines. 717-656-8115 6am-7am Belgian drafthorse, geld ing; harness, blanket, (2) carts. All in very good cond. Asking $4500/Jl. Will di vide. (717)872-3659. Belgian geldings, 6y, 16.2 H, 17.2 H, offside work ers, lots of snap. John Esh, 326 Osceola Mill, Gordo n viDe, 17529 Coming 4 year old bay gelding, 16+H, needs driv ing, drives real nice, $lBOO. David King, 72 Quarry RD., Paradise, PA 17562 FOR SALE: Gaited Horses, Kentucky ML, Ten nessee Walkers, Spotted Saddle, etc. 13.2-16 Hands. SPOTTED FEVER FARM 717-582-7831 717-582-6808 (fax) Click horse trailer, quarter horse size, newly rebuilt, bumper hitch, twin axle, $B5O 080. 717/687-6806. Haflinger mare, good brood mare, drives single & double. Pick from 3. 717-656-7760 717-661-2867 Jack, black, coming two, keen head and ear, heavy boned. Leesburg, VA, (703)777-8373. Miniature horse colt, brown, dark mane, filly, shots, wormed, $7OO. (215)723-7693 Miniature and small pony carts, harness, miniature horses, miniature donkeys. 717/442-9248 leave message. Mules, choice out of 7, big well built mules, 5-7 years old. Samuel A. Click. 2556 Lincoln Hwy East Ronks, PA 17572 FOR SALE: Ortho-Flex saddles. Hours 4:30-9pm weekdays. Weekends by appointment. TNT Horse Equipment, dealer for Ortho-Flex Saddle Co. 717-582-7831
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