f. M-Lancastar Fanning, Saturday, Fabniary 7,1998 wanted: Concrete sum silos, will removs. Fair prices pik 610-2763993, ier’sfy New & Used Silos, Tear Down & Rebuild, New & Used Roofs, Distributers, Filler Pipes, Cage Ladders, Extensions, Replaster Shotcrete (717) 776-3624 (717) 776-5700 CENTRELINE Dependable farm OfiCPC equipment since 1945 C lly AUGER/MIXER FEED WAGONS • Hay Staffers • Bale Wrappers * Hoof Trimmers • Silage Bags 1 Used Bale ADAM’S SUPPLY P.O. Box 821, Brownstown, PA 17508 717-656-6508 AG PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. 234 Johnstons Lane Mercersburg, PA 17236 Tel. 717/328-3177 World s Cho, Ce aSShx 1 ‘S'* Silage Bags Call Now For Early Order Pricing Until Feb. 25, 1998 Delivery by May 1, 1998 or Earlier If Needed \ DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN} \ ON YOUR FARM... i \ RELINE YOUR SILO | ( WITH SHOTCRETE! | • Manufacturing & Building of New Stave Silos • Tear Down, Rebuild & General Repairs On Silos r Contact: } I S 8 S SILO REPAIR I i 3114 Compass Rd., Honey Brook, PA 19344 f t 610-273-3993 \ A ▼ * • is Years Experience In Rellning Silos j “74 years combined experience” Wa pay lop dotar for used Harvaatoras and Slurryitom. 717-354-4051. Will tear down and rebuild siioa. Alao reHna sNoa with shotcrete. 610/273-9211, HBUtONGSAND SUPPLIES 10* Delta table aaw, con tractors grade, $4OO 080 good condition. 717-652-7294 120 BTU gee hot air fur nace, 717/464-2354. 23'x31' Dovetailed log building w/timbar frame, loft & roof ayatem, $B5OO. 717/435-2468. #3 pine boards, I’Xl2*XlO-15', $2.25/each. Must take 25 or more. 717/764-8337. 53'xiaO' Bam for sale, you ramova, Bedford, PA All steel buildings, 2Vx24’ to 150'x300’. Factory de als. Save Big! Quality con struction. 717-367-2688 Antique building materials, beams, wide pme boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/249-2304 Antique lumber- resawn heart pine, white pine, chestnut, and native yellow pine, wide plank flooring. Timbers and frames avail able. (717)374-7122. PAYING UP TO $2.50/sq.ft for wide walk smooth attic floor. We re move. Also paying $.50-$l.OO for pine and oak siding 1* * thicker. BARN FLOORING: new. 800/765-3966. kiln dried, T4G Y-pine 2xB'c for floors and stalls, also plain 2xB's 2x6's 2x4's. Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717/354-0192. Bam, 50x75', sound struc ture, good condition, un painted, you remove en tirely, best offer. 814-632-2164 Barns, Factories, Ware houses, Log Cabins WANTED for Salvage. We buy building. Fully insured since 1983. Call 717-993-9037 Bam w/slate .roof, antique 40x66' on U.S. *ll, WV. best offer. 304-2294)394 B grade glass board and fastening accessories. Glenn Beidler, Freeburg, Snyder Co., PA, (717)539-8993, BUYING Boards and Logs. 1" boards, Oak and White Pine. $l-$1.50 bd.ft. Chestnut $2-$2.50 bd.ft. and UP. Buying timbers and logs. Call for quote 717-993-9037 Building for sale. Antique post and beam, bam frame available to rebuild on your property. Other restoration materials. (888)261-4284 i) Building for taking down, 4 60x90, trusses and roof. \ FREE for dismantsling and I removal. Chester County, $ (610)458-5222. A CECO... KIRBY... CORLE... Steal buildings and components. Retrofit steel re-roofing. Com merce, Industry, Ag. Supply or supply erect. Standard or custom. Com plete or addition. Certified permit drawings. Building YOUR business is OUR business. A.S. HOOVER, INC. 3125 Manor Rd., Coatesvilla, PA 19320. 610-942-2591 1-800-942-2591 Voice Mail or Fax White Cedar Log Home. Build yourself! CaN for log prices. 717/354-3106. Chain Link Fance, new slightly imperfect, heavy ", 8-gauge galvanized. 3' W 90a/ft; 354 ’ 4’ |j $1.20/tt; 5' $1.50/ft; 6’ {* $1.60/ft; T $ 1.80/ft; $• l< $2.00/fL Vinyl coaled alto !; available. {717)822-7820 I 7-Bam or after spm, leave j message. •' Flooring 3/4' T*Q. 3-7* li width*, OAK $2.25/ aq. ft, I knotty pin* $1.60/ *q. ft. [‘ We*tmin*t*r, MO, i< (410)875-1321. Hewn pine bam frame, Flooring, 4-12" wide plank, 44'XSO', documented and T*Q. llmb«. Cypreea de dismantled, 910,000/obo. eking, aiding, teoce boards. (717)435-2468 See our display ad. ' 610/565-6038. Log houso, approx. 110 year* old, must be moved. Lebanon Co. 717-867-1959 Lumber: oak, poplar, sea soned, random width 5/4*-2’, $l/ft 080. Ryan Royer, (610)760-1474. Metal Roofing; 2% dis count for house roof, plus 2% Delaware. Installation available. 6101593-1140. Metal Roofing & Siding for houses/ barns. IncredUe proven product Super at tractive. Low cost easy in stallation. Guaranteed 20 years. We cut to the inch. Fast delivery! Free litera ture. (717)656-1814. Old frame farmhouse for salvage by 3/10; cast iron radiators all sizes, 20 year old EFM boiler, doors, win dows, light fixtures, daw foot tub, modem cast bon tub. 717/808-2382, 717/808-7812. IRNACES Classic staves are a safe efficient answer to your heating needs. Please call for free literature. Installa tion and accessories avail able. Ken Stauffer (717)539-4606, (888)539-4606, (717)539-4703 fax. Paint $4/gallon. Latex, cfl & stains. Interior 8 exterior. 717/944-5389. Plywood, some light stains, luwan, 4xB sheets: 3/16* $5, '/. * $6. V,- $2l. ’/. * oak sliced 4xB $9. 14 * Fir COX 42x90 $7.50, K * $lO, M* $l2. Call for skid lot prices. 717/354-3105. Pro-engineered steel build ings, designed, built, turn key, commercial shops and buildings, horse bams and tractor storage. Runway Constrtuction (717)854-8803. Pre-engineered steel build ings for Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs. Au thorized Gulf States Dealer. We wil build from your plans or will design. WEAVER CONSTRUC TION, East Earl, PA. 717-445-5165. Steel Arch building, 40' wide by 56' long, 12’x12' opening both ends. New, ready to assemble, $7650. 717-786-3872 WANTED FOR SALVAGE old bams, mills, houses and outbuildings. (410)357-5236 WANTED TO BUY; Old at tic flooring and log houses. Lane. Co. 717/626-4520. WANTED TO BUY: Locust Fence Poets, 3"x6’, Tor S'. P' $5.75 Heart pine lumber, 16' planks, 2V< * thick, 7-10* wide, ex. structural or cub tom cut. Call (717)373-3138 NATIONAL SALVAGE Free demolition plus cash for the right barns or farmhouse. (330) 922-9844 DON'T IGNORE IT RESTOREm Masonry/Restoration specializing In restpnng old stona/brick houses and bams. Also doing all types of Stone work J&J Restoration 717-442-4773 Fiberglass WALLBOARD PANEL White & Colors 0908 Grade 4xB 4xlo 45c —48 c Ft. ODD SIZES & COLORS 15C —40 C Ft. Also. Full Line Of Roofing & Siding Large Inventory in Stock l Call For Low Prices! A.B. MARTIN ROOFING Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 445-6885 Pennyan, NY (315) 536-0944 (BABftßAQftßftaftQAiftßftg I [wanted] 5 Old barns, } < granaries, \ { outbuildings, 5 \ FOR PAY, FOR } < SALAVAGE, OR ( $ TO BUY $. We recycle \ history, 23 year 5 5 experience. } < Terms neg. ( { INSURED and 5 i REFERENCES, } < (Will travel anywhere) { iaj ( 301 > \ { 724-4333 5 The Mule ( Woathar and omargonoy ralatsj repair* of bam, houses, garagas. Call Woodford woe., Inc. for straightening, leveling, foundation, repairs. 800/653-2276 www.dreamscape.com/Wo, odford PVC FHpe For Sale New Schedule 40 20 ft. Lengths - 6”, 4”, 2”, 1-1/2” Hundreds of Various Fittings Schedule 40 PVC , Bulk or by the piece. (717) 748-1095 298 Meetinghouse Rd. Gap, PA 175*7 7X7-768-7446 Atts Aaron Complete remodeling and new construction of Agricultural and residential buildings. CONSTRUCTION Construct,on Reiter Barns • Equipment Sheds • Garages • Decks Metal Siding and Rooting Jerri Rohrer 2459 Noble Road phone 717-529-0936 Kirkwood. PA 17535 fax 717-786-7872 Industrial Paint Liquidation Just received thousands of gallons of highest quality industrial grade WANTED White Pine Logs Paying 335 to S4O per ton or by the Scale 717-535-5711 FOR SALE Soft Wood Building Lumber In Stock or Cut To Order
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