MERCER LIVESTOCK AUCTION MERCER, PA February 3, 1998 CATTLE 446 [PDA] ..Compared with last week's sale .small supply si steers mostly steady, si cows 1 50 to 3 00 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS. Choice 1170/1380 lbs 62 25-66 00, Select 55 00-61 25, Standard 43.00-55 25 HOLSTEINS- few Choice 1115/1520 lbs 55 00-60 00, few Select 52 25- 53 50, few Standard 43 50-49 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: few Choice 1205/1330 lbs 6) 00-65 50, Select 54 00-61 25, Standard 45 50-55.00 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 33 00-40 25, Cutter and Boning Utility 29 00-37 00, Canner and Low * -*| With the Hydro Cow Flotation System you can float a down cow back onto its legs harmlessly without using clamps, belts or chains. The Hydro Cow is a natural way to get a cow back on its legs using only warm water. "wnjuy «, Hydro Cow Flotation Service is available in Lancaster, York and Chester Counties, and northeastern Maryland From: 1 Solanco Veterinary Service I 496 Solanco Rd., Quarryville, PA . 717-716-1303.1-800-262-7331 . 1 717-786-6550 Evenings 1 Cutter 25.00-30.00 Shells down to 15.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade Nr I 1200/2575 lbs 43 00-45.50, few No. 2 1165/1540 lbs 4100-44.25 FEEDER CATTLE- STEERS Medium & Large Frame No I 225/700 lbs 58.00- 78 00. few @ 85 00, Medium & Large Frame No 2 675/1035 lbs 42 00- 59 00 HEIFERS Medium Frame No 1 300/600 lbs. 60 00-73 00, Large Frame No 2 700/875 lbs 45 00-53 00, Me dium Frame No 2 325/775 lbs 44 50- 53 00 BULLS Medium Frame No 1 300/750 lbs 58 00-72 00, Medium Frame No 2 375/850 lbs 48 50-60 00 CALVES 122 VEALERS Standard and Estate Planning for Farm Families • Wills, trusts and tax planning • Charitable giving Business Planning for Farm Families • Farm partnerships and corporations • Succession Planning/Farm Transfers Real Estate • Tax-free exchanges of real estate • Real estate settlements • Tax planning for sale of conservation easement Estate Settlements 1198 Division Hwy Ephrata, PA 17522 (717)355-2800 S Good 80/105 lbs. 20.00-22 00, Utility 55/85 lbs. 5.00-20.00 FARM CALVES; No 1 Holstein bulls 95/120 lbs 97.50-112 00, 85/90 lbs. 70.00-100.00, No 2 90/120 lbs. 40 00-92.50; few No 1 Holstein heifers 90/110 lbs 112.50-125 00, No 2 80/120 lbs 30 00-100 00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 60/110 lbs 30 00-125 00. HOGS 46 BARROWS AND GILTS one small lot US 1-2 250 lbs 40 50, one small lot US 1-3 233 lbs @ 36 00 SOWS US 1-3 350/520 lbs 33 50- 37 00 BOARS few 420/655 lbs 16 00- 18 00 FEEDER PIGS 0 NO MARKET TEST' SHEEP 0 NO MARKET TEST' GOATS 0 NO MARKET TEST' NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK NEW WILMINGTON, PA February 2, 1998 CATTLE 104 [PDA] si cows 100 to 2 00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS few Select and Choice 1315/1410 lbs 60.00-66 25 HOLSTEINS few Standard 44 25-48 25 FAMES *r . 1 Mark L. James • Prompt settlement (most completed in 3 months) • Tax planning during settlement James R. Clark Lancaster Famting, Saturday, Fsbruary 7.1998-AlB HEIFERS' one Select @ 59.00, few Standard 42.00-50 50 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 34 75-38.00, Cutter and Boning Utility 29 50-37 25. Canner and Low Cutter 25 00-3175 Shells down to 19 50 BULLS lew Yield Grade No 2 1135/1385 lbs 35 00-41 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Medium & Large Frame No I 370/665 lbs 64 50-69 00, HEIFERS few Medium Frame No I 340/620 lbs 69 50-89 50 CALVES 125 VEALERS couple Choice 150 & 210 lbs 96 00 & 97 50, Standard and Good 75/110 lbs 23 00- 37 00, Utility 50/95 lbs 5 00-20 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 95/135 lbs 105 00-123 00, few 85/90 lbs 67 50-92 50, No 2 90/115 lbs 90 00-98 00, few down to 40 00, few No 1 Holstein heifers 95/120 lbs 115 GO -135 00, one No 2 95 lbs @ 80 00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 85/190 lbs 60 00-120 00 HOGS 222 Barrows and gilts steady to 2 50 higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 210/270 lbs 39 00-42 00 some to 46 25, US 1-3 210/270 lbs 36 00-39 75, US 2-3 280/400 lbs 35 00-44 50 SOWS US 1-3 280/660 lbs 25 00- 33 00 BOARS few 205/400 lbs 17 00- 36 00 FEEDER PIGS 32 Few US 1-3 30/40 lbs 12 00-14.00, 50/70 lbs 22 50- 24 00, 100/135 lbs 32 50-35.00 per cwt Lancaster Poured Walls • Agriculture • Commercial • Residential 1^ Call for Prices On: • SCS approved Manure Storage Pits • Basements • Retaining Walls • Footers • Floors , Customer Satisfaction is Our Goal Lancaster Poured Walls 2008 Horseshoe Rd. • Lancaster, PA • (717) 299-3974 No Equity Deductions? No Co-op Dues? Farmer Owned-Farmer Controlled? No Bull Talk-Straight Answers? Secure Milk Market? No Gimmick Milk Prices? Top Competitive Milk Price? Fewest Deductions? Top Notch Trucking? Milk Check Never Late? Member Services? Fair Treatment to all Members? 10 11 12 If You cannot say YES to all of the above about ur Milk Marke Call: *■-. SHEEP 49... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Chice 95/110 lbs. 80.00-85.00, 70/95 lbs 97.50-130.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: few Choice 68 lbs 133 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP' few 34 00-50 00 GOATS 7 Few Medium & Large 35 00- 62 00, one Small @ 39 00, couple Large Kids 20 & 29 00, pertead. New HoUaad Sale* SUbica Wedaeaday, February 4, 199« Report supplied by auctiou US DAIRY COWS, 169 HEIFERS. 10 BULLS. MARKET STEADY. LOCAL FRESH COWS 450.00-1000.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 510.00-1050.00. FRESH HEIFERS 375.00-1010.00. UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 675.00- BETTER 1100.00- LOAD OF CANADIAN FRESH ft SPRINGERS PUREBREDS 1000.00- SPRINGING HEIFERS LARGE 985.00- SMALL 450.00-850.00. SHORTBRED 225.00- OPEN BREEDING ACE HEIFERS 585.00- SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 185.00- BULLS 410.00-525.00, PUREBREDS 55000635.00. New Holland Dairy FRESH COWS HEIFERS
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