These two market reports were not updated this week because LANCASTER livestock AUC- Vintage Livestock Lancaster Livestock of the holiday. TION Tueaday, Dm. 23, 1997 AUCtIOH w „ , MONDAY DECEMBER 22, 1997 No report from USDA available. No Wedaeaday’i market report hM bee* yf ■UOUana CATTLE CALVES HOGS SHEEP report from auction available. dlacootlnuad until further notice becauae LIVCStOCk GOATS MONDAY'S AUCTION 525 45 143 299 278 LAST WEEK 410 385 LASTYEAR 408 ' 119 203 626 457 CATTLE Slaughter steers firm to 50 higher, slaughter heifers fully steady.cowi fully steady, bulls firm to 100 higher Supply included 38 per centslaughter steers, 24 percent slaughter heifers, 30 percent cows, and Bpercent bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1250-1400 lb 68 50- 69 60, onelot 7100, couple lots 1410-1460 lb 67 25-68 25, Choice 2-3 1100-1400 1b64 85-68 50. Select and low Choice 2-3 1025-1425 lb 60 50- 64 50 HOLSTEINS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1375-1500 lb 58 75-59 60, one lot6l 00, Choice 2-3 1275-1500 lb 53 75-58 50, couple Select 1-3 1100- 1475 lbsl 00-53 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1100-1300 lb 66 75- 68 00,Choice 2-3 1050-1300 lb 62 00- 66 00, Select 1-3 950-1175 lb 50 50- 55 00 COWS LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Brkg Util ity/Commercial 2-3 38 00- 41 00 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 33 00-37 00 Canner and low Cutter 1-2 27 00-30 00 30 00-32 00 BULLS Yield grade 1 1200-2100 lb 42 00-47 00, couple 50 50-53 00, Yieldgrade 2 1050-1600 lb 38 00- 42 00 CALVES Vealers and slaughter calves not fully tested, couple Good 250-3251 b vealers 65 00-75 00, few Good and Choice 400-550 lb slaughter calves 48 0-58 00 SHEEP Slaughter lambs and slaughter ewes fully steady SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 1-2 30- 40 1b 150 00-160 00, 40-50 lb 122 00- 135 00,60-80 lb 110 00-118 00, 80- 90 lb 95 00-110 00, 90-110 lb 88 00- 96 00, few 125-135 lb 88 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 45 00-53 00, Aged Bucks 38 00-42 00 GOATS All goats sold by the head Billies Medium 80 00-95 00, Large 98 00-110 00 Nannies Large 65 DO -78 00, Medium 45 00-52 00 Yearlings Good and Choice 68 00-80 00 Kids Prime 60 00-75 00, Choice 40 00- 55 00, Good 25 00-40 00 Quality Feeder Cattle Specializing In: Fresh Off The Farm Stockers and Feeders Order Buying caii Eugene Martin 717-336-2690 Office 717-336-3676 Home Licensed & Bonded Get more capacity and better service from Chore-Time’s Generation bin TUESDAY DECEMBER 16, 1997 654 55 0 CATTLE SHEEP GOATS TODAY 58 LAST TUESDAY 2 2 LAST YEAR ■> CATTLE Slaughter steers 50-75 lower, except for ;mall supply Choice and Prime steady, cows steady, slaughter heifers and bulls not fully tested. Supply included 28 percent slaughter steers and 65 percent cows SLAUGHTER STEERS: Few Choice and Prime 2-3 1200-1475 lb 68.00-69 25. 10 head7o.oo-72.25; Choice 2-3 1070- 1500 lb 64.00-67.50, few 67.50-68.10; Select andlow Choice 2-3 1075-1450 lb 59.75-65.00 HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1350-1550 lb 55.50-56.00, Select 1-3 1300-1450 lb 47.75-53 25. one lot Select and Choice 2-3 1445 lb Heifers 44.85. of unsubstantial receipts. New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, December 22, 1997 Report Supplied By Auction 242 HEAD. MARKET LOWER. WORK HORSES 850.00-1325.00. DRIVING 500.00-885.00, 40 HEAD 675.00-3300.00. RIDING 410.00-750.00, 1 AT 1125.00. KILLERS, 1 AT 800.00, HEAVY WEIGHTS 560.00-675.00, LIGHT WEIGHTS 325.00-485.00. PONIES 110.00-375.00. LARGE PONIES 1 AT 1000.00. COLTS 150.00-265.00. CALVES 779 5 744 736 858 New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday, December 24, 1997 Report supplied by auction 37 DAIRY COWS. 92 HEIFERS, 4 BULLS. MARKET STEADY. LOCAL FRESH COWS 500.00-1225.00. SPRINGING HEIFERS LARGE 985.00- SMALL 400.00-850.00 FEW 900.00-925.0 a SHORTBRED HEIFERS 285.00- OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 585.00-700.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 115.00-450.00. _ B&R CATTLE CO RDI, Marietta, PA 17547 Office Phone (717)653-8164 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN (717)653-5728 RON RANCK (717)656-9849 HAY, STRAW, & CORN &«a|P Sale Starts Every Friday At 10 AM GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyera-Cash or Certified Check Only New Holland Dairy BULLS 450.00-510.00. KIRKWOOD HAY AUCTION Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 11:00 Located Rt 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford corner of Rt 472 and Noble Road Lloyd H Kreider, Auctioneer AU-000513L No out of state checks New Holland, Pa. Thursday, Dec. 18, 1997 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 1363 696 847 1019 Lea t Thuisday 1410 Last Year 1078 CATTLE: Shunter steam steady at the week's dedlne„best demand oouUedcs for heifers scarce; cows 1.00-2.00 bulb firm *o 1.00 higher. Supply lia blind 31 percent slaughter steem and 43 pement cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choke aid Pttne2-4 1250-1475 lb 68.00-7030. oou- P*e Choke 2 71.00-71.75; Choke 2-3 1173-1460 lb 64.0061.00; Choke 3 few 4 1470-1600 lb 61.50-64.85; Select and low Choke 2-3 1100-1450 lb 39.00-64.00. HOLSTEINS: High Choke and Prime 2-3 1190-1450 lb 57.75-59.23; Choke 2-3 1130-1500 ft) 53.75-57.00; Select 1-2 ■5O-1400 l> 49.00-52.00. COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK BOH DRESSING: Hiking Utility/ Ooeipcsdel 2-3 313042.00 42.004430 Outer and Boning UUHty 1-3 3330-3730 37303830 Cstskt and low Cutter 1-2 25.002830 28303200. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1230-2100 lb 41304730; Yield grade 2 930-1600 lb 30504130; around 25 bead 860-1220 k; mainly aold as /sedan, 49005330 CALVES! Vealan and dangbeer cabas QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • interest Due when Cattle Are Sold • No Monthly Payments SCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealers • Licensed A Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Scarff Farm (410) 877-0370 Fax (410) 877-7802 ■ Contract Feeding Programs « Marketing of Finished Cattle « Deny Heifers qULLLLLLXJ c c to c c 0 B B to B B to B E E ggtauiuiuiiiiLniiiuiuiLiiiiuiiaaiaaaiaiaiataiaMcuayLuiimaiqiaqqiauiuiuiiaiaiauiinuitfiuiLnuiiau Willier, Incorporated i Your Source for Quality Cattle Licensed and Bonded Cattle Brokers Inside Pennsylvania: 717-626-3113 FAX: 717-626-1260 Toll-Free Outside of PA: 1-800-485-2233 :IHU:U:U:U:IHU:U:U:Un VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10:30 A.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COWS, FEEDER CATTLE Selling Feeders Every Tuesday At Approx. 1 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT L. ROBERT FRAME, SR., PRESIDENT BUS (717) 442-4181 BUS (717) 768-8204 HOME (610) 458-8518 IRWIN MARTIN, FIELD REP. (717) 733-7434 KENNETH E. HERSHEY, FIELD REP. This Week Last Week Laat Year CATTLE: Slao£ilc( Mb aoevea, Ugh Choke *od Prime moMty steady, Select to avenge Choke 90 to meetly 1.00 low, ehnghtn hdfen steady, cows doeed 1.00-2.oohigher, bulb firm to 1.00 higher. Supply fariwdffl 35 pffffnt lUnghter been, 5 percent daughter hdfeo. 43 per cent cows, 6 percent balk, with die bahnoe feedea. 637 279 165 602 451 SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice mi Prime 2-4 1200-1473 lb 6790-7090. feir 1110-1423 fc 70907225; Choice 2-3 1100-1473 lb 64.30-67.30, few 679061.10; Choice 3 few 4 147016001 b 6190-64.13; Select end low Choice 2-3 1073-1430 lb 39.0063.00. C. Howard Scarff, II Home (717) 445-4355 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (717)940-2633 iltr^uQriLQiiLitauitawtfiintauiauiuitriuiuiiiiuimmeiuiutuiumuammumimjjtuiutuQ^tg SALE TUESDAY! Lancaster County Weekly Lancaster, Pa. Friday, Dee. 19, 1997 Cattle 2604 3220 3046 HOLSTTEINS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1190-1623 lb 57.25-59.25; Choice 2-3 1130-1373 lb 53.73-37.73; Select 1-2 1100-1330 lb 49.00-34.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: High Choice end Prime 2-3 1000-1 ITS lb 66.50-6730; Choice 2-3 1030-1430 lb 61.25-6635; Select 1-2 930-1130 lb 38.00-61.73; one lot Select and Choice 2-3 Holitein 44.13. COWS; LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Bifcg Utility and Com mercial 2-3 37.0041.00 41.004430 Cut ter and Boning Utility 1-3 31.0034.00 34.003730 37303830 Canner and low Cutter 1-2 23.002830 283032.00. W. Conly Scarff Home (410) 838-5883 Mobile (410) 790-2650 6:00 P.M CALVES. SHEEP, GOATS •GET CALVES IN EARLY OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. VjLr TRUCKING SERVICE AVAIL-LOCAL & Calm 1673 1363 167 t
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