Vermeer Front Load Bale Wrapper. 717/442-9148 WOODS CBO, nice, $5OO. V-Plow for snow, nice size, 6:30 ~ 7am - 410-833-9091 mounting 3pt hitch, $290. Vermeer round balers, new 717/786-2839. and 9 used, many models. WOODS SPLITTER 3 pt, vertical, $450 and up. 410-833-9091 YARD TRACTOR IH 706, gas w/Farm Hand loader, boom, QT bucket & rear forklift, $6,000. Will Separate. 410-833-9091 r- ——— ——— n BWALTEMYER’S p|, SERVICE INC. '®Si I k TRACTORS NEW 5300 2WD w/reverser 5200 MFWD w/loader 5300 MFWD w/loader 6400 MFWD w/SGC USED AC 6080 MH Model 30, WF, 3 Pt. AC C w/Plow & Cultivators HAY EQUIP. NEW JD 335 Round Baler JD 350 sickle bar mower JD 240 disc mower TR 86 Parmiter Bale Wrapper 818 Pequea Hay Wagon 385 Round Baler USED Vicon KM32I Mower Conditioner NH 69 Baler w/Thrower TILLAGE NEW 825 6RN 3 pt. cultivator Kvernland plows HAR USED 1H 303 Combine 10' G.H. 2 RWC.H New JD 3950 SNOW BLOWERS UP TO 8’ IN STOCK 4We Appreciate Your Business & And Would Like To jjßf Continue To Serve You In 1995 Route 24, 2 Miles South Of Red Lion 717-244-4168 « 800-225-6314 ZETOR’S New line of ZEBRA TRACTORS Zebra tractor model 3522 delivers 35 HP with its 3 cylinder, 143 cu in. diesel, water-cooled, wet sleeve engine. No toy, this rugged tractor only drives like a sports car. The 45 HP model 4522 is the Big-boy of the Zebra line of tractors. If the 2522 and 3522 ride like convertibles the 4522 is like a chauffeured limousine, with you at the wheel. So dress for the part, the neighbors arc watching. All Zebra compact tractors are sold and serviced h\ Zetor Tractors, a division of American Jawa, Lid ZEBOArt 7301 Allentown Blvd, Harrisburg. PA 17112 (717) 540-5618 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE; IH 179, diesel. 3 cylinder. 410-833-9091 White Tractors; 120, 128 hp, 775 hrs.; 140, MFWD, 140+hp, both ex cellent. 717-867-4896. 7200 4RW Dry 7200 6RN Dry JD 450 Grain Drill JD 750 10’ No Til Grain Drill USED JD 8350 Grain Drill, single disc JD 8300 Drill w/harrow attachment 7000 6RN Planter 494 JD Corn Planter MISC. NEW JD 3pt Blades 7’ thru 9’ Cherokee Post driver 1018 Rotary Cutter 709 Rotary cutter 616 Rotary cutter 413 Rotary cutter 613 Rotary cutter 513 Rotary cutter 717 Rotary cutter 709 Pull-Type Rotary Cutter Unverferth Gravity bin JD Wagon gear Unverferth header wagon JD #27 flail chopper Westfield 80-51-auger IN( USED (2) JD F935/72” front deck JD £"915/60" front deck 5’ 3pt. Rotary JD AT4O cult, for 3020 Heavy duty scraper blades, wood chipper/shredder, rakes, tedders, round bale choppers and wrappers and film. Field cultivators. C.W. Neiderhiser Sales, (412)423-4076 or (800)715-5586. PLANTING le Zebra Tractor Model ',522 is a real tractor I down in size, but not in Its 25 HP 2 cylinder like its big brother the handles chores a traditional full-size 2 wheel drive tractor handles. For a fraction of the cost. In a fraction of the space. TRACTORS* """ n IMF 1020. 21 hp. diesel tractor w/warranty & new loader I MF 275, diesel, good tractor " I IMT 577 DV Diesel. 4WD. 67 hp I * MF 175 Diesel Square Axlew/ MP ■ I MF 135 Gas. overhauled, new paint power steering I *MF 135 Diesel, good running tractor ■ I MF 50. gas. w/loader I ■ MF 50. diesel. WF good rubber ■ IMF 35 diesel, motor overhauled, new paint & power steering I ® Ferguson 20 w/englne overhaul ■ IMF 846 loader, qulck-lach ■ Ford Jubilee Tractor, new paint 1 I I EQUIPMENT I NI 3626 manure spreader * NH 847 round baler, auto lie I JD 8200 7xlB drill w/press wheels & seed box * (2) IH 510 7xlB drill w/grass seed box I MF 880 hydraulic reset plow. 4x16 * Athens 7 tooth chisel plow I Taylorway 7 tooth soli saver JD 14' transport packer I Dunham Lehr 12' transport packer Cultlpackers 12', 14' and different sizes ||2) Gravity box and gear Used Brllllon cultlpackcr and cultlmulcher parts ■ Packer pups New gates & hay feeders I MF Tractor parts Dismantling 20. 30. 35 40, 50. 65, 85 90. 135. 150 165, 175, 178, 180. 265, 283 285, 399 4WD, 1080, 1085, 1100, 1130, 1105 1135. 1150 w/cab, 1155,2805 3680. MH 22 44 NOLT’S EQUIPMENT 403 Centerville Rd . Newvllle PA 17241 off 81 exit 11 2 miles N on 233 | (717)776-6242 No Sunday Calls | Out-Of-State Personal Checks Ve Ship UPS j j Don't Miss This One! IH 986, cab & air, 1300 j original hours, showroom new $22,500 JIHIOB6, 75% rear rubber, 3600 hours, I j good mechanical condition, I { needs TA $11,500j jIH 886, 'Bl model, cab, air, new TA i j & clutch, new rubber and paint $16,900] JIH 1086, 'Bl model, cab, air, new rubber | | & paint $18,9001 jIH 700 5-bottom plow, new paint $2,300 {IH 5088,4WD, cab, air, new rubber, { new paint $32,500 jIH 966, new paint & rubber, new | J TA& clutch $11,5001 iIH 1086, cab & air, new paint, | j excellent condition $17,900 {IH 2-post roll bar w/roof. $950 •Year-round cabs for IH tractors s7so] jIH 2-post rollbar w/roof, fits 544 to 686 $9501 jIH hydro 70, rebuilt engine and hydro, new j j rubber & paint $11,500! !IH hydro 86 $5,900i jIH 450 3-bottom plow $1,950{ [Year-Round Cab, fits, 544 to 686 $1,2001 [IH 2350 Loader, New Paint $3,900j 4 Financing Available m 4 [ 717-776-5515 lAm \ JEFF SHOWAKER l^j Clean off-the-farm, field lest tractors J Most Reconditioned And Sold With Warranty ' Positively no out-of-state Personal checks ! w wv w wvwv w wvwv r A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :< LESTER HORNING >< FARM EQUIPMENT >< ►< LAWN & GARDEN *< >3 EPHRATA, PA 17522 >< >< 717-738-1677 > < IJD 140 Ridding Mower $875 IH 484 Diesel, PS, 42 HP $5.950 JD Snow Blede, Hyd. Fits JD'a $375 JD 318 hydro, PS, 18hp, ridirfjSiUfl $2,600 IH 682 Riding Mower, hydro, 17 51,650 Gehl 100 hyd. drive, excel. condJBSBD $4,000 •m ■ Aae e#M iiaurur f Brillion 12'cultimulctwr $975 f Landoll 7T disc chisel $2,800 {’ $950 f Lsndoll 3 Pt., ST, Chishel Plow $875 |> Brillion 10' Cultimulchsr w/ln-Bosrd Wheels $2,450 |> Brillion 9’ Pecker $4.575 f White 5100 no-tlll corn plenter 4R, liq. iauJUi-.52,900 f Brillion 6R cultivator, s-tlne $950 |> Brillion 4R cultivator, no-till $B5O f Bush Hog 6R cultivator, s-tine $875 Oliver 348 plow, 3x16 spring reset $950 |$ JD KBA disc, 24 blades $550 { HAY EQUIPMENT { NH 258 rake, very good cond i Bush Hog 3 pt 6’ Rail Mower { NH 489 haybine 5 NH 478 hayblne 5 NH 275 baler wAhrower ft NH 276 Baler wTThrower, Good Cond.... ft NH 320 baler w/chute, late model ft NH 311 baler, no SS pickup, nice. ft Ford NH 156 tedder, nice ► NH 489 haybine f Gehl 260 rake spin type, nice i NH 273 Baler w/Chute 5 ■ §u. 4 JD 3940 Harvester w/Elec. Controls, nice $4,800 B Ditch Wi*ch digger walk-behlnd, good cond $B5O \ K Nl 323 com picker, very nice $1,950 \ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dscembsr 23, 1995-01,1 We Manufacture 2-3-4 Row Air Corn Planters rz 9 tv tv*'**’ W t Jm*. ' .$1,950 ....$950 .$2,500 .$2,700 ....$950 $2,950 $2,600 53,500 51,250 • $2,900 51250 s9so STOLTFUS WELDING & REPAIR 76 S. Vintage Rd., Paradise, Pa 17562 call 717-442-9148 6:30 ■ 7am Rugged 1/4 Inch Steel Hay Feeders Available from 16'to 27*6’riSkldS 2 wheels or.4'wheels. Available also with self-locking panels J&L Equipment RR 3, Box 538 Stoystown, PA 15563 814-893-5086 ■ Order a Stoltzfus Planter Now! or Rent a 3 Row Stoltfus Planter ✓ /* ♦*
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