Tan JOr&t « <f ■ JL w ill Mg»TBAMBy« .■ ■ ■ 1,1 H ill I j lUII _ _ Vol. 41 NO. 7 Relive The Experience Of Cutting Your Own Tree At Christmastime During the Christmas season, the Potts family—Lynn; Wesley, 10; Devin, 8; Jenna, 21 months; Doug; and the Meek labrador Sarge was busy cutting trees, making wreaths and ornaments, arid prewiring the 100-y ear-old restored barn for the many visitors on weekdays and on the busy weekends. The Sinan Herd Wins Top State DHIA Management Award RANDY WELLS Indiana Co. Corrcapondenl PLUMVILLE (Indiana Co.) Milos Sinan has a theory about why the number of family farms in America is decreasing. Some farmers, he said, have not made enough improvements and have not kept up with technologi cal advances to keep their farms competitive and earning enough money to support succeeding gen erations. Modernization is an on-going process at the Milos and Sandy Sinan farm near Plumville in First Calves Produced From Predetermined Sex Technique FORT COLLINS, Co.—A research team led by Colorado State University has devised an artificial-insemination technique to produce the first calves of pre determined sex using sexed semen—a breakthrough that could be worth millions of dollars to the dairy and beef cattle industries. This research project can be broken down into three key com ponents. First, researchers from the U.S. Department of Agricul ture developed methods to sort semen by sex. Second. Colorado Advertising/News Deadlines For Holiday, Farm Show Issues The New Year holiday and the annual Farm Show issue are fast approaching. This means many of the advertising and news deadlines for Lancaster Farming will need to be early to accommodate the publication of the December 30, 600 Par Copy South Mahoning Township, Indi ana County. A new heifer bam and manure storage system were added a few years ago. And now dump trucks, front end loaders and construction crews from two companies are hustling in a taw, winter wind to complete two new buildings. But all the activity has not dis tracted the Sinan family from its number-one goal; To efficiently produce some of the state’s best milk. The Pennsylvania Dairy Herd Improvement Association this State researchers and Atlantic Breeders Cooperative of Lancas ter, were able to develop tech niques to produce calves with only a fraction of the 20 million sperm normally used for a single artifi cial insemination by depositing sperm deep into the cow’s uterus. Third, these techniques were com bined to produce a practical method of predetermining the sex of cattle. The semen used in this study was first separated into X f female) (Turn to Peso Xi 2, [Turn to Lancaster Farming, Saturday, DaeamboPM, IMS month announced the Sinans won the statewide Herd Management Award for Holstein cows for the year that ended on Sept. 30. The Sinan farm garnered the honor by posting increases in milk produc tion, protein and butterfat content and by making improvements in mastitis control over the previous In the spirit of Christmas, we wish you a Joyous holiday season and a prosperous new year! ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Fanning Stair MOHRSVILLE (Bedes Co.) Some people seem perfectly con tent to stop by a roadside stand or drive to a big retail store parking lot and purchase a Christmas tree for the holidays. But they might miss the experi ence of the family get-together at tree picking time. And they often miss the inviting smells of freshly brewed hot chocolate, the scent of pine needles, and the thrill of the wagon ride at the edge of the forest. They could be missing the fun of simply seeing how the tree they select was grown. All of this adds up to the experi ence that Doug and Lynn Potts and family of North Wind Farm in Mohrsville want to convey to those who stop by at their “choose and cut’’ farm deep in the hill country near Mohrsville. During the Christmas season, the Potts family Doug and Lynn with children Wesley, 10, Devin, 8, and Jenna, 21 months was busy cutting trees, making wreaths and ornaments, and preparing the 100-year-old restored bam for the many visitors on weekdays and on year. Other criteria included the herd’s reproductive management, the cows’ average age to first calv ing, sustained milk production and other factors. The Sinan name frequently ris es to the top of DHIA charts. In addition to winning many Indiana County DHIA awards, their cows —The Lancaster Farming staff. Four Seetlonr the busy weekends. The philosophy of (he 20-acre North Wind Farm is simple: allow people to experience what Christ mas is and how Christmas trees are grown. Don’t just push them through a parking lot with a num ber with no sense of how the trees got there. “It’s not a ‘push them in, push them out’ experience,’’ said Doug Potts. “We try to talk to every (Turn to Pag* A2B) 20,000 Acres Preserved Ahead Of Goal LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) The Lancaster County Agricul tural Preserve Board announced that 20,000 acres of farmland in Lancaster County have been pre served for future generations. Tom Daniels, director of the program, said, “We recently surpassed the 20,000-acre goal, which we had hoped to reach by the end of the decade, and we’re hosting a reception on January 12th to celebrate this achieve (Tum to Pag* A 27) in recent years have also won top state honors for Holstein milk pro duction, and for protein and but tcrfat production. Their success is the result of commitment and long days of hard work. The Sinans milk three times each day 4 a.m„ 11:30 (Turn to Pago A 29) $25.00 Par Year
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