828-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, December 2, 1995 Public Auction Register SAT. DEC. 9 - 9:3OAM Tractors, Trucks, Farm Equipment. Located' Winchester, VA Take Exit 317 Off l?t. 81. Go North on Rt. 11 to First Road Right, Past Red Light on Redbud Rd. Go App. 3.5 Mi., Turn Left on Woods Mill Rd. Ist Place on Left or Take Rt 7 East from Winchester App. 3 Mi., Turn Left on Rt. 660 Vi Mi. to Sale Site. Sale by- Jeff Jenkins & Other Local Farmers. D. Gossert & Wolgemuth Aucts. SAT. DEC. 9 - 9 30AM Real Estate, Household Goods, Collectibles Auc tion Held on Site at 4 Joy Ave. in Mount Joy, PA on East Side of Boro, Easy Access to Rt 283 7 Miles West of Lancaster City, Along Rt. 230. Auction Held For: Fannie P. Heisey. Petersheim Aucts. SAT. DEC 9 - 9:3OAM Real Estate, Antiques, Fur niture, HH Goods, Fiesta Tools, Riding Mower, 1982 Olds Car. 1516 Book Rd , Lancaster, PA West Lam peter Twp. Dir: Between Pioneer Rd. & Rt, 741 Near Lampeter Strasburg High School. Sale for Elizabeth Livengood Miller & Siegnst Aucts SAT. DEC. 9 -10 AM Food processing equip, office equip. On Site at the Island Poultry Complex, Mill Hall, Pa. Bob, Chuck, & Rich Roan, Inc, aucts SAT DEC. 9 -10 AM Roll ing Stock, Woodworking Equipment, Misc Equipment/Hard woods/ Office Equipment. Rt 243, Rushford, New York (60 Mi. SE of Buffalo) Deer Valley Hardwoods. Cambridge Industrial Liquidators Inc. SAT. DEC. 9 -10 AM Toy Auction. Ridge Fire Co Blue Room, Along Rt 23, Between Phoenixville, PA and Rt. 100 Ted Maurer Auct. SAT. DEC 9 -10 AM Real Estate, Furniture, Bruns wick Pool Table, Tools, HH Goods. Located At 5154 Mine Road, Kmzers, Sads bury Township, Lane Co, PA From Rt 30 & 41 in Gap, Rt. 41 South to Right on Rt 741 (Town Clock), Over Railroad Bridge to Stop Sign. Left on Mine Road to Property Approxi mately Two Miles on Lett Auction Conducted for George L. & Kathy M Rupert Barr Davis Aucts SAT. DEC 9 -10 AM Late Model Combine, Tractors, Trucks, Implements, Cars 5728 George Island Land ing Rd (Rt 366) Stockton, MD is 9 Mi East of Poco moke City, MD Pocomoke is on US Rt 13 Approx 90 Mi North of Norfolk, VA and Approx 132 South of Wilmington From North or South Take US Rt 13 to Pocomoke City, MD Turn East on Rt 366 Go 8 Mi, Thru Stop Sign Auction 11th House on Right Mr & Mrs Richard Ward Peter Richardson Auction Sales & Service, Inc SAT DEC 9 -11 AM 11 6 acres Chester Co Real Estate, East Brandywine Twp, at 1199 Hopewell Rd corner of Rt 282 Creek Rd & Hopewell Rd , East Bran dywine Twp, Chester Co, Pa. For Florence B Ritch ey. Horst Aucts. SAT DEC 9 -12 NOON 135 Acre Farm 461 E Lin coln Ave , Jackson Twp , Myerstown, PA Ethan Krall Estate Klemfelters Auction Service SAT DEC 9 -12 NOON Hummel Auction Cockey sville Vol Fire Co , 11210 York Rd , Cockeysville, Baltimore County, MD 21030. 1-83,.Exit 20, Sha wan Rd. E , R on York Rd to Firehouse on Right (Behind Shaeffer & Strom mger Car Dealership)" Isennock Auction Service, Inc In the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware BANKRUPTCY AUCTION Battle’s Construction Company, Inc. BK No. 95-1210 PJW Location: 38 Albe Drive, Old Baltimore Pike, Indus trial Park, Newark, DE. (Just off 1-95 between 896 & 273 on Old Baltimore Pike) Sale Date: Tues., Dec. 12th, 1995 at KhOOAM 1978 Chevrolet Step Van Truck and power washer (like new), Rahsco 525 gal. tank w/Rahsco 18 HP power wash er on trailer, portable power washer, Sears 6 HP - 60 gal. air compressor, Craftsman 2HP thickness, 12” planer, Craftsman 11/2 HP -10” radial arm saw, electric sander & grinder, Craftsman 3HP table saw, Craftsman 13” drill press, Craftsman 2HP joiner, planer, router, 2 shop vacuums, palm sander, B&D jig saw, 1 1/2 HP circular saw, Kerosene 150,000 BTU heater, 3 ladders, misc. wood & moldings, large amount of paint and stain (one and five gallon buckets). OFFICE: 2 Packard Bell Computers, 1 printer, Sharp & Aurora Calculators, 2 desks, 2 drawer file cabinets, Xerox copier, Tie telephone system (like new with 6 to 8 exten sions), Konica 1015 copier, paper shredder, Formica mod ular desk, Hoover vacuum, Autofolder, security system. INSPECTION: Morning of sale from 8:00 am. TERMS; Cash or guaranteed funds at sale time. TRUSTEE: Jeoffrey Burtch Esquire, 824 Market Street Mall, P.O. Box 549, Wilmington, DE 19899 RUDNICK ASSOCIATES, AUCTIONEERS P.O. Box 3586, Wilmington, DE 19807 (302) 764-3347 The above information was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable; accuracy cannot be guaran teed. In the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware BANKRUPTCY AUCTION FLINT HILL HEATING & PLUMBING, INC, BK CASE NO. 95-1151-HSB LOCATION: Wrangle Hill Industrial Park, 3310 Wrangle Hill Road Bear, Delaware (Between RLI3 & Rt 40 on Rt 72) SALE DATE- Mon., Dec. 4th, 1995 AT 2:00 PM TRUCKS, PICKUPS, VANS, TRAILERS & FRONT END LOADER: 1989 Ford FBOO Diesel Dump Truck 1990 Eager Beaypr 20 ton low trailer “Geci” 1991 Ford FISO XLT Lanat 4WD Pickup 1988 Ford F 250 Custom Pickup 1986 Ford Ranger Pickup 1985 Ford Ranger Pickup 1984 Ford FI 50 XL 4WD Pickup 1989 Case Model 855 Front End Loader ALSO: IDA SCOTT, BK CASE NO 95-847-HSB 1994 Buick Skylark Automobile 2 Door, Like New -1500 miles INSPECTION: Monday, December 4th from 9:00 am till Sale Time. TERMS: Cash or guaranteed funds at sale time. Sale subject to immediate confirmation by trustee. TRUSTEE: Norman Pernick, Esquire Saul, Ewing, Remick & Saul, Attys. 222 Delaware Ave. Wilmington, DEI9BOI RUDNICK ASSOCIATES, AUCTIONEERS P.O. Box 3586 Wilmington, DE 19807 (302) 764-3347 The above information was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable; accuracy cannot be guaranteed. PUBLIC SALE OF 1.3 ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE WOODED & OPEN BRECKNOCK TOWNSHIP SAT., DEC. 9, 1995 At 3 P.M. Located along Chapel Lane, Brecknock Township, Lancaster Co., PA Directions: Rt. 897 to Fivepointville, turn west onto Chapel Lane at Fivepointville Fire Hall. 1.3 Acre Tract of Real Estate Standing timber & open lot. Lot contains 54,567 sq. ft. Open for inspection Sat., Dec. 2 from 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. or call 717-336-6370. No Out Of State Checks Unless Accompanied By A Current Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. Richard C. Funk, Atty. Terms By NORMAN L. FRY ESTATE Horst AUCTS. I; ~ (717) 859-1331 • (717) 738-3080 Timothy G. Fax #(7171738-2132 Thomas A. ‘voices of experience ■ SOUTH CENTRAL PA CONTRACTORS’ AUCTION BETTYSBDBB. PA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15,1995 at 19:00 A.M. Directions: From Rt. 15, Take Hunterstown Exit (Rt. 394 - East). From 394 East, Make Ist Right onto Martin Rd. Sale site is Ist lane on left. Partial Listing Only - New Items Being Added Daily TRACKLOAOERSB BACKHOES CASE 450 loader, GP bucket, Orops, good unc; JD 5558 Trackloader, Orops, 4 in 1 bucket, exc. cond, 80% unc; CASE 580 K 4x4, cab, ext hoe, 2600 hrs, nice tractor, S/N JJG0015016; JD 410 Orops, std hoe; TERRAMITE loader backhoe w/gas eng. MOTORGRADERS 8 ROLLER GALLION T-500 w/Cummins diesel, front scarifier, 12’ hyd. blade; CAT 12 w/diesel eng., 10’ blade; RAYGO 2-36 vibratory roller w/Deutz diesel eng. THE SCREEN MACHINE screener & shredder plant, diesel eng, 1,000 hrs; JD 544 A wheelloader, cab w/GP bucket, S/N 1861661; MASSEY FERGUSON 44C, GP bucket, enc cab. SKID STEER LOADERS 8 FARM EQUIP. BOBCAT 743 skidsteer loader w/diesel eng, S/N 5019-M-17158; JD 125 skidsteer loader w/diesel eng; CASE 1845 C skid steer w/diesel eng; JD 4010 w/diesel eng, 3 pt. hitch; JD 2030, fire damaged; IHC 656 w/diesel eng, 2000 loader; A.C. 5040 w/wide front, diesel eng; (2) MF 35 w/gas eng, wide front, 3 pt.. hitch; (2) IHC 140 lowboys (1) w/belly mower; FORD 2000 w/gas eng wide front w/3 pt. hitch; FARMALL Super C w/gas eng; CO-OP E*3 w/gas eng, wide front; BOLENS 10 h.p. lawn mower w/38” deck; IHC 5 shank, 3 pt. chisel plow; JD 640 hayrake; IHC 400 4 row no-till corn planter; New. 3 pt. Disc;'6’ & 7’ blades; 6’ & 7’ stone rakes; Boom poles. FORKLIFTS, GENERATORS, COMPACTOR 8 STRAWRLOWER TAYLOR 22,000 lb. forklift w/diesel eng; TCM FG-15 forklift; SKYTRAC 4050 4x4 R.T. forklift; BURCO 15 k.w. generator w/diesel eng; GE 40 k.w. generator w/Detroit .diesel power; CAT 816 land fill compactor, enc. cab, diesel eng; FINN strawblower, gas eng, exc. cond. ROAD TRACTORS MACK S/A tractor w/diesel power - No Title - Being sold to collect storage cost. 1982 FORD LN 8000 T/A 20’ flatbed dump, Cat diesel eng, 13 spd., airbrakes; 1990 IHC S/A dump, grain body, DT diesel eng, 5/2 spd. trans; 1987 FORD F-800 S/A dump, gas eng, 5/2 spd, airbrakes, 31,000 miles; 1988 FORD Superduty dump w/tool boxes; 1989 FORD Superduty dump w/tool boxes; 1988 FORD F-700 S/A dump, 5/2 spd. trans, gas eng; 1984 IHC S-1900 S/A dump, DT engine, auto trans, salt spreader 1992 Superduty 12’ stakebody flatbed, gas eng, auto trans; 1989 F-350 4x4 flatbed w/toolboxes; 1989 F-250 Service truck, 4x4, gas eng; 1987 Ford F-350 service truck; 1977 CHEVY C-20 service truck; 1987 FORD F-350 12’ utility body service truck. SPECIALTIES 0 ROLLRACKS 8 GAR 8 CHASSIS 1989 FORD F-35012’ reefer body, gas eng, auto trans; 1986 F-700 w/24’ box V-8, gas eng, 5 spd. trans; 1990 E-350 cube van w/bull nose over cab, V-8, auto trans; 1985 FORD F-350 Jerr Dan alum body roll back, diesel eng, 4 spd. trans; 1989 ISUZU C&C, diesel eng, auto trans; 1987 FORD F-700 S/AC&C, gas eng, 5/2 spd., hyd. brakes; 1982 IHC S/AC&C 1989 FORD F-250 pickup, diesel eng, auto trans; 1977 LINCOLN MARK V, auto trans; 1984 FORD Escort. TRAILERS B SEA CONTAINERS 1977 CITY 32’ T/A dump trailer; 40’ Storage trailers; (2) 1989 Hazelwood T/A equip, trailers; (6) 20’ Sea Containers; (2) 40’ Sea Containers. GUNS 16 Misc. shotguns & rifles (3) Lg. Table saws, Paint Sprayers, Air compressors, Welders, Tools, Tool boxes, ‘94 Dodge wheels & tires, Misc. furniture & office furniture, Power tools. Traffic cones, New chains, Binders, Plate steel & Many misc. contractors’ tools too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: COMPLETE PAYMENT ON SALE DAY with CASH or CASHIERS CHECK. Company and Personal Checks accepted only if accompanied by a VALID BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEED PAYMENT. (Bank letters are obtained through your bank). Inspection: Thursday, December 14,1995; 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phones: 1-800-443-9580 or 334-0066 (within Gettysburg Area) CONSIGNMENTS OF EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES STILL BEING ACCEPTED. Consignments of small items must be delivered before noon on Wednesday, December 13,1995. PA Auctioneers Llcansa #AU-002-335-L VAA.F#I2B VA DLR #8929 PAAuctlon—r» Llconso #AU-002-335-L SCREENER PLANT 8 WHEELLOADER FLATBEDS 8 SERVICE TRUCKS VEHICLES DUMPS MISC, INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS, INC. (800) 443-0580 • (717) 3344)066 545 Martin Road, Qattyaburg, Pannaylvanla 17325
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