h to % -inches thick and cut tr rounds and let rest 20 sdium heat. In batches, cook \t until puffy. Turn over and until cooked through and Myerstown, wanted recipes >r baking. Thanks to Laurie ions. Preheat oven to 425 lutswith a fork before putting r they may explode, exploded for her even when jggests using a covered pot. d a recipe for cream-filled I peanut butter doughnut fill n filling from a reader. Filling cened. Cool. Beat together; Beat until fluffy. Add 1 tea- asm's tings | Big Savings! Now through January 31,1996, buy a John Deere PTO Forage Harvester and enjoy cash discounts, no-interest financing, or use-season waivers! To speed you through loader work, hydraulic pump capacity has been boosted to 23.2 gpm. The increased flow is dedicated to implements, helping you lift more and move faster. Visit your John Deere dealer to check out all the power and performance of a 73-hp 5500 TVactor or three other models: the 40-hp 5200,50-hp 5300, or 60-hp 5400. New Cab Option Now you am dirrmate the elements and work in climate-controlled comfort on all 5000 Series Tractors. Two large glass doors plus big windows provide all-around visibility. Available in early 1996. Ask your John Deere dealer for details. Give the gift of power with our 10/2/55-artip battery charger. It’s fully automatic - simply hook up your battery and leave it. When the battery is charged, the charger will shut off, then start up again if energy levels drop. Perfect for deep-cycle batteries used with trolling motors, motorhomes. 2-amp low range, 55-amp engine-start rate. Holiday priced at $89.95* (TY5154) For a stocking staffer that will please kids, and collectors of all ages, check out our wide assortment of toys. From tractors to planters to combines, these authentic John Deere replicas are perfect for play or display. y ask youm gm* (ConllniMd from Pago B 16) QUESTION A reader would like to know where to get a pattern to make knitted or cloth turban hats. QUESTION Harold R. Stoudt, Hamburg, writes that when he was young, he made a homemade salve or ointment. He’s tried to duplicate it unsuccessfully. Stoudt wants to know the ingredient used to congeal the salve with vasoline. QUESTION Jean Nestler, Halifax, would like to know how to make scented pine cones to bum safely in the fireplace or to set in bowls or baskets. QUESTION—Mrs. David Fisher, 1068 Back Maitland Rd., Lewistown, PA 17044, is looking for "Engine Whistles,” the fifth reader from the Alice and Jerry series by Row, Peterson, and Co. QUESTION Patricia Varchol, Reinholds writes that she has a Turbo Baker II bread machine, manufactured by DAK Industries of Canoga Park, Calif. She wants to order a replacement part.. She was in touch with the company as recently as last fall but now both their phone numbers are out of service. Does anyone have recent information on the com pany or know if another company took over the manufacture of the bread machine? QUESTION Al Freysz, Middletown, Md., would like to know where to obtain parts for a Bonanza apple parer. See these John Deere dealers for great values in parts and equipment ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT, INC. Aduwtown, M 717-404-4301 BARTRDN SUPPLY, INC. TiinkhannoEk, PA 717-035-4011 CARLYLE A MARTIN, INC. Htflwttoiim, HD 901-733-1171 CARROLL’S EQUIPMENT Routt 235 Dtmtron, HD 301-072-5553 CLUGSTON FARM EQUIPMENT M—tfmoft, M 717-573-2215 CLUGSTON AG & TURF, INC. Chtmbtnburg, M 717-263-4103 DEERFIELD AG & TURF CENTER, INC. Wittontown, PA 717-530-3557 DUNKLE& GRIEB INC. Ctntrt Hill, PA 114-3*4-1421 DUNKLE& GRIEB INC. Mill Hall, PA 717-72*4115 ENFIELD EQUIPMENT, INC. Orion), PA •104324151 ENFIELD EQUIPMENT, INC. WhlMord, MD 30)452*5252 FINCH SERVICES HANQVER INC. Hinovor, PA 717432-2345 A.B.C. GROFF, INC. Now HoNand. PA 7174544121 GUTSHALLS INC, RD #2 Box 74-A Loyavllla, PA GUTSHALL'S INC. CailliK, PA 717-341*2313 K A W EQUIPMENT INC. SUCIMMnttSL MoonlMd, WV 25535 3044354003 LANDIS BROS. INC. Laneulw, pa LANDIS BROS. INC. Lrtanon, PA 717-221-2150 LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT AllMtOMfl, PA 510-395-2553 LONE MAPLE SALES & SERVICE NtwAtoundrl*. PA 412455-7172 LOST CREEK IMPLEMENT Oakland Mllla. PA 717-463-2101 TOBIAS EQUIPMENT CO!, INC. MILLER-LAKE INC. MtovNK, PA 717-935*2335 MILLER’S EQUIPMENT RDfl RLS9 Falrmount City, PA NORTHERN TIER IMPLEMENT CO. RD «1 Box 277 MaosfWd, PA 11993 717412-3200 PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. Oloy, PA SlO-M74277 A POLE TAVERN EQ. SALES CORP. 370 Rt4o Elnwr.NJ 309^53*2330 O.C. RICE, INC. 104 North Main St Blgtarvllla, PA 17007 7174774135 SCHEFFEL EQUIPMENT CO. RadQooaaßd. Somaraat,PA 1144454500 GEORGE V.SEIPLE & SON Eaalon, PA 510-250-7145 SMITH’S IMPLEMENT, INC. Marcaraburg, PA 717-325-2244 S.P.E., INC. Rd.1,80a157 Towanda, PA 717-2554440 Halifax, PA 717-352-3132 WALTEMYER'S SALES A SERVICE 10136 Wntantown Rnd Rad Lion, PA 1-600443-3374 WINELAND EQUIPMENT, INC. Martlnaburg, PA 514-793-2109 M.S. YEARSLEY 4 SONS Waal Chaatar, PA 910496-2990 Lancaster Firming, Saturday, December 2, 1995-821 QUESTION Bill Sherwood, Beavertown, is looking for' two items. One is a kid’s wagon made by Sherwood Company with the name Sherwood printed on the side. The other is a goat wagon. Both should be older models that are in good shape and priced reasonably. QUESTION Sandra Laughman, Hardin, Mo., wrote that she read about a woman who creates pickled fabrics. Sandra would like information on the procedure and ingredients to use. QUESTION Lisa Sparr, Upper Falls, Md., would like to know how to get the grates on a gas grill clean. QUESTION Kim Salvatore, Winslow Township, N.J., would like to purchase a Dept. 56 animated, snow dome mus ic box called a "Childe's Pond." One of her twin sons broke her sister-in-law's music box and Kim wants to replace it. She is arepared to pay a fair price. Call her at (609) 567-3447. QUESTION Lena Hoover, Shippensburg, would like to order wigs through the mail. She uses the wigs for doll’s hair. The wigs should be Inexpensive but good quality. QUESTION David Hoover, Ephrata, wants to know if Joseph Barr one dollar bills are collector items. There are five in a set. QUESTION—Mike Williams, Conowingo, Md., would like blue print plans to build a rolltop desk. QUESTION Sue Pardo, Jarrettsville, Md., would like to contact someone who teaches beginning weaving in the Lan caster, Fawn Grove areas of Pennsylvania or Harford or Balti more counties in Maryland. QUESTION Edward Clar, 363 Swedesford Rd., Frazer, PA 19355-1603, would like a special book about terrier dogs. QUESTION—Marie Lorah, Box 299, R.D.3, Tamaqua, PA 18252, has sequined calendars that her sister had made more than 15 years ago. She asks if there are ways to use the calendars by making T-shirts or something else. Send instructions directly to her. QUESTION Ellen Ranck, Cochranville, would like to know where to purchase the first reader book, "Ben and Alice.” QUESTION A subscriber would like to know where to locate a‘1965,1966, or 1967 gas tank (new, old stock) for a 1965 Cadillac. QUESTION Robert Noller, Medford, N.J., writes that some time ago an ad appeared in this paper for plans to build a vegetable stand. He purchased the plans and misplaced them. .Anyone able to help him with a name and address? QUESTION A Lehighton subscriber writes that she is the person who had requested an address for the company of the Merit Quik Chef Fast Grill. Someone sent an address, but when she wrote to it, her letter was returned. Does someone have an up-to-date address? QUESTION—Joan Francisco, Stroudsburg, would like to know where to purchase oil of cassia, used in Italian cooking. QUESTION—Yvonne Lawrence, Newburgh, N.Y., would like to know where to purchase a rhubarb and soda mixture used for indigestion. She used to purchase it in a pharmacy but finds the New York pharmacies don't stock it anymore. ANSWER A subscriber wanted to know where to pur chase the book on “You Are What You Think." Thanks to Mrs. Ray Seidel, Lenhartsville, for writing that the book was written by Doug Hooper who had a regular column in “Grit" magazine in the 1980 s. Mr. Hooper is deceased, but Mrs. Seidel, who had purchased his tapes, suggests the subscriber write to the address where she had received the tapes. It’s worth a try to contact Grit Family Store, P.O. Box 245, Williamsport, PA 17701. ANSWER—Ernest Brown, Klingerstown, wanted to know the words to the song, written in the 19305, ‘Rain, Rain. When You Gonna Come Again?” Thanks to Jack Sullivan, Dundee, N.Y., and to Lillian Reichert, Mays Landing, N.J., who sent in the words. Rain Rain, when you gonna rain again? Rain Grow the golden grain again Shower your blessings on me Rain, Make the rivers deep again Rain, Please don't let me weep again Shower your blessings on me. The cows in the meadow and The sheep in the corn. They know that something is wrong. Old mother earth can never give birth When you're away so long Rain, make it green in Lover's Lane Rain • For my gal and me again. Shower your blessings on me.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers