C2-Lancaatar Fanning, Saturday, Octobar 21, 1995 SOURCES OF EGGSHELL STRENGTH Dr. Carol V. Gay Professor Of LAND PRIDE ESj CUTS FARM MAINTENANCE DOWN TO SIZE. 15’ ROTARY CUTTER • 15’folding unit • Reinforced 10 gauge deck • Wings fold up for 96” transport width • Mowing height from 2” to 14” • Cuts material up to 2” thick The Land Pride family... quality from the ground up. Bangor Implement 6 Flicksville Road Bangor, PA 18013 610-588-5922 Betts Er r^ment 3139 Windy Bush Road.Rt 232 New Hope, PA 18938 215-598-7501 C.B. Hoober & Son, inc. Mam Street Intercourse, PA 17534 717-768-8231 Cannonsburg Supply & Equipment Co. RD 247 Cannonsburg, PA 15317 412-746-2500 Deerfield Ag & Turf Center, Inc. RR 2 Box 212 Watsontown, PA 17777 717-538-3557 Oetlan Equipment, Inc, 141 East Mam St Silverdale, PA 18962 215-257-5177 Dunkle & Grieb Inc RR 2, Box 14 Centre Hall, PA 16828 814-364-1421 Caldwell Tractor & Equipment, Inc. 48u U S Route 46 Fairfield, N J 07006 201-227-6772 Rodio Tractor Sales North White Horse Pike Hammonton, N.J 08037 609-561-0141 The avian egg is a notably well- Pennsylvania Eckroth Bros Farm Equipment Rd 2, Box 24A New Rmgold, PA 17960 717-943-2131 Hines Equipment RT 220, Belwood, PA 814-742-8171 Keller Brothers R 7 Box 405 Lebanon PA 17042 717-949-6501 1950 Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 717-569-2500 Lost Creek Implement, Inc. Route 35, Box 123 Oakland Mill, PA 17076 717-463-2161 M.S. Yearsly & Sons West Chester, PA 610-696-2990 Marshall Machinery, Inc. Route 642 Honesdale, PA 18431 717-729-7117 Nicarry Equipment Co. RD2, Rt 61,3 Miles S. of Leesport, Reading, PA 610-926-2441 New Jersey Frank Rymon & Sons, Inc RD 3, Box 355 Washington, N J. 07882 908-689-1464 Warren County Service Center 228 Route 94 Blairtown, N.J. 908-362-6916 Molecular And Cell Biology And Poultry Science ' A <*’ •** 't Norman D. Clark & Son, Inc. Honey Grove, PA 717-734-3682 Pikeville Equipment Inc. RO 2, Oysterdale Road Oley, PA 19547 610-927-6277 Sollenberger’s Equipment, Inc 80 State St. Everett, PA 15537 814-652-6990 Stoltzfus Farm Service Cochranville, PA 610-593-2407 Stouffer Bros Inc. 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-8424 Thomas L. Dunlap Rt 220, Mam St Exit Jersey Shore, PA 17740 717-398-1391 Tractor Parts Co. 335 Central Road Bloomsburg, PA 17815 717-784-0250 Triple H Eguipment, Inc. 2368 Robert Fulton Hwy. Peach Bottom, PA 17563 717-548-3775 designed structure. Sources ot eggshell strength include overall shape, shell membrane quality, and composition and design of the calcified shell. At ovulation, a spherical yolk is literally engulfed by the funnel shaped end of the oviduct (I’ve seen movies of this). During pas sage through the first 12-inch sec tion of oviduct, called the mag num, the yolk is encapsulated in a thick mass of egg white. During passage down the loose, stretch able oviduct, the egg takes on its characteristic oblong shape. Shape is a very important factor in eggshell strength. Since an egg is rounded in all directions, high stress points, where fractures would easily occur, are avoided. Obviously, the strongest shape would be a perfect sphere. In fact, some birds, such as ostriches, humming birds and Japanese quail, lay more nearly spherical eggs. The spherical shape allows these birds to make thinner shelled eggs relative to egg size, conserv ing body materials. Approximately two hours after ovulation, the egg has traversed the magnum and the white has completely formed. The egg then enters the isthmus region of the oviduct. In this region the shell membranes (there are two) are formed over the egg white, a pro cess that takes about an hour and a half. Shell membranes arc well known to all who have peeled hard boiled eggs I find it quite dis couraging when trying to whip up a platter of grand-looking deviled eggs, to have the membranes so firmly attached to the white that whites get tom. (I would like to hear from readers who know of tricks to prevent this" problem. Please call me at 814-865-6722.) Shell membranes consist of a crisscrossed network of protein fibers that look like a multilayered Pg|g!ll Agriculture - Residential - Commercial Invest In Concrete, Quality Work That Will last A Lifetime CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CONTACT AND SEE HOW AFFORDABLE ROY BENBENIG CONCRETE WALLS CAN BE 717-355-0726 Authorized Dealer For Keystone Concrete Products CONCRETE WALLS, INC. 601 Overly Grove Road, New Holland, PA 17557 filter when magnified I.OOOX by a scanning electron microscope. These fibers arc linked to each other by chemical bonds to form a very tough sheet. The shell mem branes are thinner in older birds. Upon entry into the shell gland, fluid is added through the shell membranes. This causes the egg white to swell and push the shell membranes into a fully distended position. Next, calcium carbonate is secreted by the shell gland. Clus ters of calcium carbonate crystals form at fairly precise distances from each other on the outer sur face of the shell membrane. From these clusters, columns of calcium carbonate grow outward and para llel to each other to form a calcified layer. Only microscopic spaces exist among the tightly packed col umns of crystals. It is not known what controls the spacing of the first crystals formed from which the columns grow. Tough Growing Year Requires Harvest Management COLUMBUS, Ohio—An early killing frost in late September slammed the last nail in the coffin of what was a very tough growing season for Ohio’s com growers, said an Ohio State University agronomist. In some cases, the Sept. 23 freeze in northwest Ohio was irrelevant given that much of the com had prematurely died under the combined stresses of late scason drought and leaf diseases, namely gray leaf spot, said Peter Thomison. ‘The plants just shut down and died with kernels prematurely forming the black layer stage,” he said. Producers will see the com- that corn was in the late dent bined effects of the season’s sites- stage, which would result in a 4 ses as they begin to combine their percent to 8 percent yield loss fields, requiring extra manage-' because of the freeze. SCS Approved Manure Storage Facility Finally, a layer of pigment fol lowed by an impervious material, the cuticle, is laid down on the eggshell surface. The cuticle is microscopically thin and contri butes very little to overall eggshell strength, but it is important for pre venting dehydration. The total time spent in the shell gland is 20 hours. The combina tion of shape and the integration of the several different layers of which the eggshell is comprised contribute to its strength. It is interesting that reptiles such as turtles and snakes form eggs by a similar process. However, their eggs are not calcified. Instead, the shell membranes are thicker and have a leather-like composition. It might be possible to select, by genetic manipulation, hens that make substantially thicker shell membranes so that the thickness of the calcified portion would be a less critical factor in overall eggs hell strength. ment to handle the damaged and high-moisture com. Yield losses from freeze dam age depend on how much stalk tissue was killed as related to the stage of kernel development. Stalks that are green after a frost can mobilize sugars from the stalk to the car for continued kernel development. However, some Helds didn’t have that chance because stresses damaged stalks, which depleted the green color. Thomison said in the worst cases of freeze damage, fields in the fully dented stage could have had up to 31 percent yield loss, although those cases were probab ly rare. The likelihood was greater For All Your Concrete Walls And Construction Needs
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