A2B-Lancatt*r Fanulno. Saturday, Octcbar 21, <995 Manheim Exceeds EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor MANHEIM (Lancaster Co.) The youth Uvastock sale at the close of die Manheim Fair last Friday evening featured the parti cipation of many local businesses in the bidding fora fiut-pnced auc tion of' 19 goats; ‘MR hogs: 29 lambs;aad 20 steen. The grand tot al, to the amazement of sale offi cials, exceeded last wear’s record total hy nearly $3400. The goats avetagpd $2.04 per pound; the nogs, $2.14; the lambs, $2.81, and the steen, $1.47, to makeatotal this yedtaf $106,727. In fte goat raltoflidi Gcbhard sold fier champioono Manheim Auto Auction for s€3s per pound for a Mel of $429.25 on the 101 poun#|unb. M: Jacey Fisher’s relive champion goat brought $2.25 per pound for a lottl of $240.75 from Lebanon Valley National Bank. Several other goals brought $6. Amanda Grube sold her light weight champion for $6 per pound to Sensenig Construction, Man heim; Brian Geib sold his lamb for $6 per pound to Conestoga Auction Service, Manhiem, for $6 per pound, and Joel Geib sold his lamb fors6.2S per pound, also to Cones toga Auction for $6.25. Manheim Auto Auction also bought both the grand champion hog and the reserve grand champ ion steer. They paid $6 per pound for Derick Bollinger’s 261 pound hog for a total of $1,366. And they bought Melissa Becker’s 1203 pound reserve champion steer at $3.73 for a total of $4,318.73. Hoss’ Steak and Sea House bought Casey High’s grand champion steer for $4 per pound and a total of $3,108. They donated the steer back to be resold with half the proceeds to go to4-H and half to go toFFA. Stiegel Construction, Manheim, bought the champion the second time for $1.23 per pound to make a total 0f51,596.25. Hoss’ also bought the reserve champion lamb for $4.30 per pound or a total of $963. The reserve grand champion hog shown by Jonathan Haldeman sold for $3 per pound to Philips Ford, Manheim, for a total of $2,286 on the 254 pound hog. The grand champion lamb sold for $3.30 per pound to Speedwell Construction, Manheim, for a total of $698.50. Of special significance. Katye Allen, who had been given a bottle lamb to raise by Kirt Diffenderfcr, Manhiem, donated all the proceeds from the sale of her lamb to Clare House, a home for battered and abused women in Lancaster. The lamb was purchased by Dorothy Heistand in memory of her late husband Walter. The Heistands were long-time, well-known 4-H leaders in the community. Mrs. Heistand paid $9 per pound for a total of $846. She thm donated the lamb to be resold, again for Clare House. And Lancaster Ford bid $2.75 per pound and added $258,50 to die gift. The net pro ceeds to Clare House was $1,1045. Needless to say, things got a little emotional in the middle of the lamb sale. (See editoral page A 10.) Other sales for charity, Casey High, owner of the grand champ ion steer, bought Jill Hotlines lamb for $1.85 and donated it back to be resold with proceeds going to the Lancaster 4-H judging team travel fund. The lamb then sold to Man heim Auto Auction for $2 or a total of $l7B. Youth Livestock Sale Last Year’s Record The Seibeit family, Manheim, bought Jamie SeUanTs lamb for $2.85 per pound and donated it back to be resold for the FFA Greenhouse construction fund. The 87-pound lamb then sold to Larry and Carol Huber, Manheim, fr Jngbyßyai. qi .. William Campball, Hosa* Staak and Saa Housa, buyer, and The grand champion hog shown by Darlck Bollinger was sold to Manhebn Auto Auction. From loft, Erin Huber, fair queen; (Carolyn Gehman and Chuck Plcko from the cuto gt . gov jy sold to the Manhelm Auto Auction. In the photo from left, Chuck Plcko and Karolyn Gehman from the auto auction; Gebhard, and Erin Huber, fair queen. man, owner; Erin Hubar, falrquaan, and Rick Martin, Philips Ford, buyer. $2.75 to Ken Witmer, Manheim. Total to the Greenhouse fund was $478.50. The annual auction went accord ing to schedule. For example, the 102 hogs were sold in about one hour. An evening meal was avail- telly to(rquMn;Ztogtor. and Gary My«r. SpMdwM Construction! owner; Chuck Plcko, Menhelm Auto Auction, buyer, end Erin Huber, Mr queen. The reserve champion market lamb. From left, Erin Hub er, lair queen; Travis Donough, owner, and William Camp bell, Hose' Steak and Sea House, buyer. and Erin Hubar, fair c^uaan. yw;
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