Public Auction Register doling Date Monday sioo P.M. of each week’s publication WED. DEC. 20 & THURS. *> Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc- OEC 21 - Laima Two Day lion Service. Sale of Farm Equipment. fR) DEC 22 - 1:30 PM Etc. Located 6 Mites South state Graded Feeder Pig OfChambersburg, Pa. One sale. Carlisle Livestock Mll ° !? st ,/° f Market,lnc.,Exit 12off 1-81 Rt- 914, A l East Off Rle. south then left onto 81, E/>lt 4. Owners, Jerrold FRIDAY. OCT. 20. 1995 AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. 12 Miles East of Lancaster, Pa. just off Rt. 23, New Holland, Pa. Horses Hitched At 12:00 Noon Note: Tack Sale 6:OQP.M. Wagons, Sleighs, Hameiss, Etc. 1 Load Work Horses DRIVING HORSES • Elam B. Stoltzfus, Christ Z. Stoltzfus, Jonas Belter, Ben K. Stoltzfus, Reuben G. Stoltzfus, Jerome Wanner & Clayton Waterberry. Terms: Out of state or new buyers need current bank letter of credit or cash. For more information call; Norman or David Kolb -61 L 717-354-4341 - Bam • Home - 717-397-5538 FAX # 717-355-0706 BROWNCROFT FARM DAIRY DISPERSAL BILL & JANET BROWN AND FAMILY ROME BRADFORD CO. PENNA. FRL, OCTOBER 20TH @ 12:00 Noon at the farm on Sugar Cabin Road - from Rome & Rt 187 go north to Orwell Hill Road Ist left is Sugar Cabin Road go to farm - from West Warren take Sugar Cabin Road west to farm. Watch for Arrows 36 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS 36 33 mature cows - "3 bred heifers of this top herd DHI-RHA 24317 M 1018 F 766 P the first herd in the nation to go over 1000 F State leader on milk for many years. All Sirepower bred - herd B.A.A. 106 - herd from which 15 bulls have been sold to A.I. Popular ones as Browncroft Jetson and Browncroft Frontier - daughters in herd of Jetson, Bova Glow, Vanguard, Leader. Encore and other sirepower bulls. Watch for VG Bova Glow 3 yr. old with record over 25,D00M and a maternal sister bred heifer by Encore plus many other fancy cows bred for milk, type, and longevity. 24 fresh by sale time, 6 due Nov., 2 due Dec., 3 Jan. & Feb. 30 day blood & T.B. tested - vet examined - Shots Catalogs - Somatic Average 163,000 SEMEN TANK & QUANTITY OF SEMEN including a “JETSON” AUCTIONEERS NOTE: A real pleasure to work with this herd of quality animals to be sold on the 20th of October. Take advantage of Bill and Janet’s many years of breeding and bring a few home to your herd. OPEN HOUSE sponsored by Sirepower - October 19th • 12 to 4 PM Light Refreshments - Representatives of Sirepower on Hand. Take advantage of this opportunity. TERMS: Cash or Good Check BILL AND JANET AND CURT BROWN, owners 717-247-7094 Lunch Available SALES MANAGER AND AUCTIONEER Glenn P. Shores Howard W. Vlsscher Towenda, PA AU9S9L 717-265-8280 Nichols, N.Y. 607-690-7250 Consigned by Earl Stoltzfus Dairy and Livestock Sales Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511. FRI. DEC. 29-Real estate, 54 acre diary farm, from Akron take Rt. 272 S. approx. Imile turn right on Cocalico Creek Rd., go 1/10 mile turn right on Mill way Rd. to 307 Millway Rd, Epnrata Twp, Auction by Henry & Elsie Weaver. Aar on b. Martin, auction service. FRI. DEC. 29 - Real estate, house and bam on 3 acre lot from Akron take Rt. 272 S. approx. 1 mile, turn right on Cocalico Creek Rd, go 1/10 mile turn right on Mid way Road to 389 Midway Rd., Ephrata Twp. Auction by Henry & Elsie Weaver. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. MELVIN KOLB, INC. p “Hi IPDa©® ft® iiy ®®iiMfty SPECIAL DAIRY AUCTION 150 - QUALITY HOLSTEINS - ISO Thursday, October 19,1995 LOCATION: West of Lancaster on Dairy Road. Take Route 283 West to 741 West and go left at exit. Turn right at Flory Mill, go under railroad overpass and right on Dairy Rd. Barn is within sight of 283 West. 25 Top Fresh Cows picked out of a New York herd. 1 Load of Fancy Canadian Cows 1 Load of Good bred purebred cows from Bradford and Tioga County 1 Load of Big Strong Canadian Heifers *2 yr. CAL-LILL BELLTONE Dtr. Fresh milking 65 lbs., Dam 305 d 22,147 3.7 855 683 * 4 Yr. MEL-DELIN BOUTONNIERE Dtr. VG-85 due to EAST CUPCAKE AMADEWS - full pedigree coming * 4 Yr. BROWNCROFT FRONTIER Dtr. Fresh milking 100 lbs. a day 2-10 330 d 24,038 4.0 970 3.4 826, Dam 305 d 26,609 4.3 1148 f 3.6 956 pit. * 3 Yr. JUBILEE Dtr. (Big Fancy) will go VG due by sale, (not on test) * 2Yr. SUNRAN SUNDANCER Dtr. Fresh milking 65 lbs. * 2 Yr. HANOVER-HILL INSPIRATION Dtr. due to SANDWATER CHARGER * Several Good Cross Bred Cows * Purebred Heifer Calves * 2 Good Service Age Bulls Please call (717) 569-6800 or (717) 569-2106 before noon Thursday, October 19,1995 Sale managers: Dennis & Mel Kolb Auctioneer: Pedigrees: FREE FOOD FOR ALL DAIRY FARMERS FEBRUARY TUES. FEB. 20 - 9AM Full line of horse drawn farm machinery, 6 draft horses, White horse plow, Chester Co. 1 mi. S. of Honey Brook on Rt. 10. By Daniel S. & Rebecca Stoltxfus, Peter sheim, aucts. FRI. FEB. 23 - Dairy Herd, farm equip., milkers. 3 mi. E. of Newvide, Cumberland Co., Pa. Owner: Walter & Mary Ann NewSwanger. Andrew & Nevin Martin Aucts. MARCH THURS. MAR. 7 - 9:3OAM 7 Draft Horses, 30 Head Holstein Heifers, 12 Bred for 96 Freshening, Full Line SAMPLE OF PUREBREDS SELLING Mel Hoover (AU 003111-L) Henry Kettering of Horse Drawn f-arm Machinery. 8 Mi. S. Setins grove, PA. Snyder Co., PA. Terms by: Roy S. & Arlene S. Horst. Petersheim Aucts. SAT. MAR. 30 • 9AM Farm equip, 661 Otwig Rd, Stew ardstown, Pa. 1-83 to Exit 1, E on Rt. 851 2 mi. to Saw mill Rd. turn L approx. Vi mi. to Otwig Rd, turn R sale on left. Kenneth Keenyt Auct. APRIL SAT. APR. 27 - 9AM Household & Antiques, 661 Orwig Rd, Stewardstown, Pa. 1-83 to Exit 1* E on Rt. 651 2 mi. to Sawmill Rd. turn L approx. Vi mi. to Orwig Rd, turn R sale on left. Kenneth Keenyt Auct. 7:30 P.M. UncMttr Ruining, Saturday, OdOfatr 14. 1995-855 2? BELLEVILLE TO LIVESTOCK MARKET^ Wednesday, Oct. 18,1995 wi I:3OPM 45Hd-HolstdnHerd-45Hd.^ -P>We will be selling on consignment Home raised herd of 45 cows. Cows A.I. Sired and bred. Certified *rVi accredited. Cows are bred to fresh year round For more info: G«ne GUck (717) 667-2703-£s Sale Barn (717) 935-2146 H 2220 Dairy Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 PA FARM; MEL KOLB RES.: (717)393-7459
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