ED SWINE B M/«Gam»£NT W/M& SUPPLIES Registered Hampshire Boars and Open Gilts Todd Cauffman, Miller stown PA (717)444-3232 Yorkshire and Hampshire bo.ns and gilts from healthy and productive herd Delivery available Charles B and Mark W Hall RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian PA 16844 Centre County (814)355-1647 Quality FEEDER PIGS | For Sale | From | Pseudorabies I Free Herds I Fred I Patterson 1615-364-7050 Quality Show Feodor Figs For Sale Just Right for PA Farm Show A-l Hamp sired Duroc/Hamp Maternal Lines Validated Herd Gerald A Sarah Boyd 71142M501 GILTS $40.00 Over Market Swedish York & York x Hamp BOARS YORK-HAMP-DUROC Custom Ordered Bred Gilts WILSON YORKSHIRES RD*2 Box 210 New Freedom, PA 17349 I 717-235-3478 I Give us a call, we’ll deliver jM ARTIFICIAL ■■ BREEDING 14 units of Valiant semen. ( 71 7)776-6540. Peidmontes Semen, 460 Units w/Mach 3 Tank, Will Sell Separate $2OOO. (717)292-4210. Semen Tank w/Black An gus semen. (717)796-1454 Mon.-Fri. Evenings & weekends (717)730-0930. POULTRY A SUPPLIES SYDELL’SEGG FARM, INC. Since 1927 Looking for additional nest run egg production Delivered in or Picked Up Dependable pick ups Good Prices Quick Payment References Available CHECK US OUT!! . 1-800-742-1095 CHUKAR CHICKS 690 Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 10,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa. 15825 (814)849-3430 |EI POULTRY i SUPPLIES 200 Brown Sex-Sal pullets, $3.75/each, ready now. Chester Weaver, 1190 In diantown Road, Stevens, PA 17578. Build Your Own Poultry Feeders. Safe, cost effec tive. You wont believe your eyes. Send $5.95 for in structions; T.W. Gerhart, RO3, Box 257, Couders port, PA 16915. • Waxed Poultry • Octagon Bulk Boxes Icc Pack Boxes • Poly Cups Many Sizes • Tray Pack Boxes and Styles • Stock Boxes Many Sizes • Egg Cases and • Poly Bags and Filler Flats Stretch Film • Brooder Paper and • Adhesives Chick Box Pads • Any Speciality Items Phone: (410) 546-1008 Fox: (410) 546-5341 Large 'Enough 'to Serve you, Small Enough To Care HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING • Breeder Houses • Hog Finishing Bjtms • Layer Houses • Sow Units • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses \ We Spray For All Types Of Beetles and Insects That Cause Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED RATTTES THIS WEEKS SPECIAL EMU chicks for sale 50 at $lOO each 25 at $125 each 10 at $l5O each ELITE GENETICS . 1-800-333-3548 . Pheasants: Ringneck, Chukars, EHiots, Swinhoe, Impeyans, Lady Amherst, Red Golden, Silver, Tem minck, Red Leg Partridge. Gamble Quail, Cockatiels. 609-299-9131. Ducklings; French selected »- *-*y «k*"* aasj^isras K3««S!?SgSSJ: wooden crates. Appoint- (7IBSt«S ment only (717)235-8056. 9ven,nfls I'l')-”*-* 000 ;. FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT. ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY DUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO. FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FREE CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS. CHICKS. TURKEYS, GUINEAS. BANTAMS, PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS. SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129. GRAIZ, PA 17030 FIRST STATE PACKAGING, INC. “Progressive Pockaging For The Pennsylvania Poultry Industry” Service to all of Pennsylvania from our Chambersburg, PA location. Cash for Chucker, Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbits, Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Ducks. BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS. 718-386-1117 6am-3pm. ===== Fanning, Saturday, Odobar 7, IMK^S EQ POULTRY i ■■ SUPPLIES Farmer. Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay era, 4-5-6 docks, 410-833-1840. RATITES (1) Pair Emu’s coming 6 year, bonded, many chicks on ground, $4500. Or will trade anything of equal value (farm equipment, guns, horses, etc) 610-754-6298. Emu Breeder Pair, $l5OO. Emu Chicks, $125. (717)738-2044. Emu's (2) pair bonded breeders, coming 3 year old, both pairs hatched chicks last year, 100% real nice, $2500/pr. 610-754-6298. Emus for sale! Excellent quality chicks, yearlings, breeders. All micro chipped, healthy. After sale support. Call for pricing. Blue Moon Emus 610/584-1286. MOVING MUST SELL) 2 pair breeder emus, 8 pair breeder rheas & chicks. 2 incubators, hatcher, brooder, 4-horse trailer, pickup truck, fencing & shed. Best offer. 717/889-3567. National Seminar by the North American Rhea As sociation, November 11, Lancaster, PA. Information and registration call (717)677-8010. OSTRICHES! Yearlings. Strong large birds. Unre lated pairs. Bird-in-Hand (717)768-3628. Ostriches for sale: South wind stock African Blacks, 15-25 month olds. P&C Ostrich Ranch, Shippens burg, PA. (717)532-2915. Rhea Breeder Trio. 2 White, 1 Gray. $750. (717)336-7375 738-2044. Trio of Ostrich, Mack, red cross, 18 months old out of outstanding layers. Birds 100% everyway, real beau ties! $6500 or trade any thing of equal value (farm equipment, horses, guns, sports equipment, etc). 610-754-6298. —ft EMU info I Mid Atlantic V. L Emu Farm PA(610) 255-5191 >10(410)398-2432 Blue Neck Ostriches 1 pair 7 month old $2500 1 pair 18 month old $5OOO ‘95 Emu chicks 5400/ea '94 Emu $lOOO/ea Dave Kulp (717) 664-3175 E 0 FEED l SEED 900 bushel Behten corn crib, $lOO, you remove. (717)432-4822. Alfalfa Hay Ist & 2nd cut ting, tested; Ist cutting Ti mothy; Wheat straw All 4x4xB bales, stored inside. Can deliver. 814-848-9753. Balboa Rye, Clean or Un cleaned. Bagged. Lancas ter County. After 6pm, (717)7863435. Barsoy and Nomini Barley From Certified Seed, Cleaned, Treated and Bagged, $5.00/Bushel. (717)426-1539. Bright barley straw, $1.50 a bale; 302/398-8754. BUYING BARLEY AND FEED WHEAT. Lane. Co. BUYING_HAY:_Ttmothy SlSfSSSll'wS; Farms. Cheater Co. feS“&,Tr.£ Dollar. Using 18,000 Tons Rye Seed, cleaned and Yearly. Paid By The Load, bagged, $5 per bushel. Call Harry (610)932-9457. 609-267-6656. Cleaned and bagged rye. Lancaster County, (717)653-4123. CORN SILAGE FOR SALE. CFS Waxy com sil age chopped w/Claas harvester w/roller mill. DALE GOOD Lebanon CO. 717-949-2371. Combine run rye, S4.SQ/bushel. Harford Co, (410)452-5657. Combine run rye, $4.25/bushel, Berks County, (215)679-4623. Combine run rye, $4.00/ bushel. Lancaster County. (717)733-8528. Corn Fodder, Round or Square Bales. (717)445-8532 No Sunday Calls. Com silage, top quality and Agri King treated. Deliv ered or picked up. 717-898-7689. Corn silage. Blower and Delivery available. Lancas ter and surrounding coun ties, (717)393-1490. Dry Saw Dust, 50 yard loads, $2/yard at the farm. (717)527-2441. Ear Com. Can deliver. 3 ton loads. 717-872-8818 Lancaster Co. Excellent first cutting of mixed clover and timothy $1.75 bale. 717-334-3727. Forage brand rye seed, cleaned and bagged; 717/733-4516. For Sale: Small grain rye seed, $4.50/bu. bulk. 717/862-3213, 717/927-9483. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. We de liver. L.J. HAY, INC. 1-800-622-9902. Hay and Straw for sale. Can deliver. Call 717-393-4683. Hay For Sale, Heifer Dairy Horse Hay, Small Squares or Round Bales. 0258-5224. You Call, aul. Hay for Sale! 717/862-3213; 717/927-9483 Hay and straw for sale. STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co. High Moisture Com out of field. Can deliver. 717-258-6010. Carlisle. High moisture com out of the field. Straw, Hay, and Baleage. Delivery avail- High moisture corn for sate. Lancaster Co 717-569-8925. „ WANTED Mixed horse hay. Can de liver. (717)532-8601. ; Large Square Real good com silage for I Bales Of GraSS sale. FRESH CUT OUT OF ~ . . fields or cured. Hay for Mulch ISSTS ' Picked U P at y° urfarm 717-464-2894. John J. Murray Round bales of hay; 800 lb. each some broomgrass and mixed, $2O/bale. (908)996-6816. RYE, cleaned, S4.SO/bu. 610/593-5665 morning or eve., Aaron Kauffman, Chester Co. Rye for Sale: Bulk $3.60/Bu. Bagged, $4.00/Bu. Combine Run. Perry Co, (717)789-4513. Rye Seed, $3.50/bushel. 609/859-3554 Vincentown, BUYING WET EAR CORN Wet Shelled Soybeans Contract or Daily Price Picked Up At Field Or Delivered To Manhelm (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 NOLL GRAIN Manhelm, PA Rye Seed, cleaned and bagged, ss.s(Vbußhel. Can deliver. Lancaster County, (717)687-6940. Rye Seed, Large Kamel, Bulk, Combine Run, $4.00/Bushet, Cleaned and Bagged $4.75/Bushel. Berks County. (610)663-6096. Rye seed 50 bushels, cleaned and bagged, $5.25 per bushel; Lane. Co. 717/626-6194. Rye seed, field run, S4.SO/per bushel. Franklin Co. 717-762-9681. Seed Barley, Seed Wheat & Oats for sale. Stump Acres, 717/792-3216 York Co. Seed Wheat, Cleaned. Treated, 61 lb. Test. 717-733-6319. Small Grain Rye cleaned, bagged, possible delivery. Lancaster County, (717)445-5359. STRAW FOR SALE, round or small square bales. 717/258-5224 We Deliver. STRAW; Hesston square bales, 4x4xB. Will deliver. 610-255-5211. SWEET CORN SILAGE: Good protein content, $l3/per ton. Mixed with field com, $23/per ton. Will deliver. CLYDE KREIDER, Lancaster PA 717-898-6927. Timothy & Grass Hay, slightly damaged, not re commended for horses, can deliver. 717/637-4867. Timothy seed cleaned and tested, high germination. 717-632-8619. Adams Co. WANTED. Damaged or moldy corn, grain or soy beans. 717/733-4516. Want to Buy: Moldy grain, feed, or bi-products. (410)833-1847. Idaho Alfalfa Top Quality, High, Protein Call Brad or Kiyo 800-223-7163 [6lo] 444-1 m I HIGH MOISTURE SHELLED CORN Delivery Available John T. Wiker 322 Blver Hill Rd. Conestoga, PA 717/872-4209 USUi
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