C24-UncMt*r Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 30, 1999 y C,m~ 6 Registered Holstein Bulls, top sires, up to 35,0001bs milk damms, bulls in excellent condition, 4 are big enough for cows. $BOO -900 717/284-3562 70 head mostly Holstein steers also beef heifers approx 650-900 lb Your choice (717)758-9186 8 Feeder calves 6 heifers 2 steers white-faced 300 600* Eating feed $ 60/lb (410)836-3123 Al Sired Heifers, 4 to 5 mths old from a 22,0001 b herd top quality, forty head 717/284-3562 Angus Bulls. Cows & heif ers tor sale Stump Acres 717/792 3216 York County Angus Bull. 4 year old, per formance tested Penn State, proven calving ease plus growth nilk 610/486-0789 Angus Bulls semen tested and ready for service, also bred cows (410)795-5688 Angus bull, Angus cross Simmental bred cows, some w'calves $5OO-$9OO. 814-938-6127 Angus/ Chariots Steers 70 head, yearlings, wormed vaccinated, chagrass Can arrange for delivery (540)894-5290 Angus Herd Reduction 48 lots of cows Herd com posed of Wye bred cows, popular A-l sired cattle, 19 cows w/calves at side, 11 spring heifer calves, 7 mixed fall calves, 10 Ist calf heifers in group Call for more information BEE LINE ANGUS, 12747 Bar rett Farm RD , Worton, MD 21678 Call 410-778-6566 ATTENTION CATTLE FEEDERS 1 will provide you the farmer with top quality Virginia livestock DOUBLE J LIVESTOCK 540-574-0535 Attention Cattle Feeders 1 I provide order buying ser vice & trucking Denzil Heisnman, 703-465-5785 Bedford Cattlerfien s Asso ciation Feeder and Club Calf sale Oct 21, 1 pm, Bedford Fairgrounds. Bed ford PA, Consignors wel come For information call, (814)623-2321 (814)733 4307 or |814)839-2044 Buyers = Sellers of Lives tock Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming You II get results 1 717 394-3047 or 717 626 1164 Charlois heifers and bulls tor sale 350-450 lbs 610 933 1000 Cross bred cows due Spring to Hereford bull, $B5O 215-679-0321 evenings Expanding operation wants to buy dairy cows and heifers of all ages Toll tree 1 800 852 2697 Fancy registered Guern sey first calf heifer sired by Frank due Oct 3 by Jasper 4-H project (301)898 7426 FEEDER CATTLE SALE Friday, 10/27/95, 7 30pm 400+ head LEESPORT FARMER'S MARKET Berks Co “Consignments Welcome" 610-926-1307 Feeder steers up to 75 head. Angus, Angus-cross, (717)282 2557 (717)254-9259 FOR SALE 5 cross bred beet cows and calves, young are Simmental, 3 Holstein steers 717 867 1653 FOR SALE Black Imeback heifer (fresh) 1100 her calf red Imeback, 200 Shortbred/Jersey heifer. 400 Two Jersey cows, 1-fresh, 1-4mon at 550 Jersey Bull, breeding age, 475 (610)682-6445 FOR SALE OR LEASE Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires, dams re cords to over 30,000 M Many to choose from Berks Co Stumpland Farms (610)488-1965 FOR SALE Over crowded Reg Holstein cows and heifers 717-758-2136 For Sale Herd of 40 Hols tein cows, low SCC 717/965-2790 Fresh cows and heifers, springing cows and heifers, over 300 to pick from, re gistered and grade Call (717)789-3241 Good quality Holstein heif ers, some close Lancaster Co, (717)284-4618 Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers also Ca nadian Herds For further info, (410)679-7485 Heifers boarded for winter, southern Lane Co Call af ter dark 717/548-2272 Herd of 54 cows for sale 50 Holstems, 4 Jerseys (717)673-3322 Herd Wanted 1 (717)627-0882 HIGHLAND Registered breeding stock, heifers, calves, carefully selected bulls imported bloodlines All vaccinated and broke to halter Reasonably priced (717)937 4497 * Highlanders herd disper sal. 4 cows (1 black, 3 red), 1 heifer and 3 calves (1 black 2 red) Reasonable price (610)942-4224 Holstein Heifers various sizes, some registered and grade No Sunday calls (71 7)798-2842 (717)448-2272 Holstein Bulls service age, records up to 40.000 M, 1500 F 1200 P Sires are Manager, Oscar. & Moun tain Aaron E Stoltzfus, 31 East Eby Road. Leola, PA, 17540 Holstein steers, 200-700 lbs (717)323-1125 Home raised Jersey heifer, freshen early October, good size, $625 (717)367-8553 It's a shame to let this bull go tor meat 1 Hereford/ Simmental yearling, gentle 717-345-8651 Jersey Heifers, Regis tered, Al Served, Available at All Times 703-869-2622 or 703-369 4276 LIMOUSIN CATTLE/ FULLBLOODS Heifers and bulls of all ages West minster, M D (410)857-0176 LIMOUSIN HERD DIS PERSAL 75 head, Mon day. Oct 16, Winchester Livestock Exchange, Winchester, VA The best of 20 years of breeding Into Nicholas Limousin, (703)777-8373 Mature Hereford Heifer due Thanksgiving to ABS Limousin, $650 Robust 717-249-8694 Non-registered polled Herefords, 2 bulls, 9 heif ers bred back, 6 young fe male calves Potter Co , 814/642 2956 days. 814/274-9822 evenings Now buying entire dairy herds and springing heif ers Highest cash price paid Call Reuben Green berg, Inc Columbus. NJ (609)298-1021 WANTED 37 quality Hols tein cows direct from far met B&9pm 71 7 445 4375 WANTED TO BUY 50 Holstein Dairy Heifers 15 Month Old, Open, Good Quality Grade Lane Co (717)445-4090 WATTS LOGAN SPRING ANGUS Yearling bulls and heifers Cows w/calves Growthy, Good-doing Reasonable prices Health and registration papers Call 814/742-81 18 or 814/742-7476, Write Box 10 Bellwood, PA 16617 ’ Will feed dairy heifers 717 733-6319 Polled Hereford Bulls weaned from popular Al sires Registrations avail able Starting $450 Twin Ponds Farm, Mifflin County, (717)899-7787 Polled Hereford Bull, quiet, (215)598-7669 Polled Purebred Simmen tal bulls, bred heifers, com plete vacc . affordable (71 7)865-4420, (610)375-6737 Purebred Hereford cows bred to Angus bull w/or without calves at side (717)683-5820 Quality Polled Hereford Cows w/calves, bred heif ers & proven yearling bulls Sale or lease 215/679-0321 Red white, and roan shor thorn bull calves, very thick Also older bulls (410)861-8237 Reg Holstein bull, dam 2 year vgB7, 28,000 m, I,ooof, grand dam EX93, 35,000 m, 4 3%f, 1500 f, gmd dom 3rd dam EX97, 48,700 m, 4 2%f, 20281, gmd dom Proven breeder 717-354-8327 Registered Texas Long Horn bulls, cows, heifers, reasonable prices Call (717)637-3090 Registered Holstein bulls, any age Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1 200 fat, also 1 red & white Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County Registered Polled Here ford Cows, Due to Calve in March, (908)996-4769 Af ter 6PM Registered Holstein bulls. Sired Gen-ace Marker-ET, records on damm are 25,000 milk, 4% tat, 3 2 protein $9OO 080, 717/354-9370 Reg Scotch Highland bulls, 3 months old, S6SO/ea Near Easton, PA 201-768-9135 after BPM Service age registered Holstein bulls, popular sires, dams to 30.000 M 717/653-5663, Service age bull, 20 mo old, sired by Joy, nice $750 Call between 6-6 30 Dauphin Co 717/365-3563 Show quality registered Polled Hereford calves for sale, excellent bloodlines, shots, halter broken, free delivery Bulls $625, heif ers $526 (717)725-3682 Simmental cattle, quality polled heifers, bulls & club calves 410/442-1546 eves Small dairy herd (20 head) consisting of registered and grade Guernseys, R&W Holstems, B&W Holstems, close springers and bred heifers. $15,000 (301)898-7426 Small herd of 10 Angus cow/calf pairs & herd bull, 7 cows under 4 years old, recognized bloodlines Ask $15,000 610/486-0789 Texas long horns, cows, calves, pairs, yearlings 410-758-1382 TOP PEDIGREE HOLS TEIN BREEDER BULLS WE BUY & SELL ONLY THE BEST Arlene H Keener 717-285-7426 LOOK WHAT’S NEW! We lime chicken house pits. We spray liquid lime on walls, girders ft pit floors. Helps kill SB, darkening beetles ft fly larvae. Brightens up your chicken house pit. All your washing needs. Will Travel. Chicken House Veal Barns - etc. 717-949-3212 Leave Message &gTtcu/tura/ e HbsMowns BUFFALO CALVES (717) 222-9815 Bulls Polled Hereford Yearlings 610/696-1387 I Texas Longhorns ; trophy steers (814) 643-7331 WANTED Open - Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 GERLACH SIMMENTALS Manheim, PA 717/665-6982 Cows, Bulls ■ & Heifers I HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Reg. & Grade A.I. Short Bred Springers & Open CaKhood Vacc. Sold Dairy Cows York, PA (717)225-4511 TMPM HIM CftTTU CO. I MTTVsauM.ni i I tikhi iomnobm I Cattle & Calves for sale at all times (0)717-334-4908 j L(H) 717-334-4138 j fbairy Cows ft 1 Heifers | Bought & Sold i Freddie . «7e OUIIUI I V 703/639-2262 ! | After S PM V | Zimmerman’s v Custom | Freezing | Bulls Collected T On Your Farm T Complete > Mobile Unit $ P.0.80x 43 1 New Holland, PA 17557 £ 1-800-472-2641 $ FOR SALE Open Shortbred and springer ' Holstein heifers 717-789-3003 * Buffalo Y Heifers II and "fi Bull Calves* fl Quality -if . Breading Stock .9 *5(610) 754-9382^ FOR SALE Herd of 43 good Holstein cows, milking 60 lbs., tow ceil count. Also fresh & springing cows & heifers. Small to breeding age heifers. 717-653-S4OB Lebanon Valley Livestock SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE OCX 13,1995 7:00 P.M. 200 to 300 head all weights Also a load of 600 lb. Angus Steers For more information call; Dave (717) 866-5783 Linn (717) 362-3537 Your Consignments Welcome Lots of Local Cattle All Breeds AUCTIONEER: RICK FOREMAN Att: Cattle Feeders if You are Looking for Good Cattle Please Plan to Attend. SOUTH BRANCH(FARMS "DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH" CLUB CALF SALE Saturday, October 14, 1995 at 1:00 PM on the farm SELLING APPROXIMATELY 20 ANGUS STEERS & 5 REGISTERED ANGUS HEIFERS ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Our calves are not fitted, but totally preconditioned to ensure their health and your satisfaction. Here Is a list of some recent winnings by SOUTH BRANCH cattle: ♦ 1995 PA Farm Show; Champion Angus heifer in Junior Show & Reserve Champion Angus steer ♦ 1994 KILE Champion Angus heifer in Junior Show ♦ 1994 PA Angus Breeders Show: Reserve Champion steer & Reserve Champion heifer in Junior Show ♦ 1994 York Fair Reserve Champion Steer ♦ 1995 Harford County Fair Champion Angus steer ♦ 1995 York Fair: Reserve Medium weight Champion steer and Reserve Champion Prospect Steer ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mb ara located off Exit 4 of 1-83 (Loaders Heights Exit), go west on Leaders Heights road to 2nd light. TUrn left on George Street, then right on Reynolds Mill Road. Watch for signs to sale site. For more information call: Bob Livingston at 717-741-8395 or 717-428-3328 OB Vince Smith at 717-428-3091 Save on Ralgro (As low as $22.80/cartridge, plus 1 free with 20) and other cattle health products delivered to your door. Toll-free ordering, same day shipping. Call 800-821-0235 for your free 96-page catalog or to place an order. PBS Livestock 500101 PO Box 9101, Canton, OH 44711 LF9S BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • 3 On Sale .994 Per Lb. c g Maternal Traits On Sale w • \aA Growth Traits On Sale o 3 Easy Calving On Sale S 2 I Plenty of Muscle On Sale n ? x/ Gentle Disposition On Sale • 3 Xo enable everyone to use our c 3 genetics to improve their herds, P ■ Bulls From we are selling some of our bulls " m 600 Lbs. for a limited time for 990 per Lb. » § Take this opportunity to visit us and choose the bull p m to fit your needs. FREE DELIVERY ® » Bred Com & Heifers for Sale ® d Please Call Ed E ? Days 1-800-8784)056 2| Evenings & Weekends 410-275-1239 c g Worrell Manor Farm, 21912 Z
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