M“M DAIRY BH EQUIPMENT 2" glass pipeline, complete w/Umversal receiver and washer for 50 cow barn Dairy circulating fans. (610)687-4286 days, (610)688-0386 eves A Ist Class Team (tTa Together For 25 Years! [pTWIMe! V M Uj£S *o»akw 4** % M* IS tht ret! thing! Scroll-Compressor Technology New in 1994 V Vfau ttteufi jkoy tea* fa* tame 1 d<U*y favim equipment... fat it eetu coat tfeu me*et In the long run, total operating costs of a Mueller' milk-cooling system are generally substantially less than those of “bargain-brand" milk-cooling equipment. Fxample Mueller Competition Cost t >l equipment ()(H) s2K«OO ( osl of electricity 9 OH kW for 12 (XK) Ihs milk/duy for SI7 SSO S22.KSO 10 years Total operating cost for s-tK-Kd SSOHSO ten yean S*vin*a S 2 WO 6 MONTHS FREE FINANCING Southern Service Center 76 Pumping Station Rd. Quarryvilla, Pa. 717-786-1617 Vic Leinlnger ★ Call Today For All WANTED: Good Used Milk Tanks - Any Size No Ice Banks or Girton 1-800-448-4697 Contact your MuoMsr distributor for further comparisons. MAIN OFFICE 1048 North Penryn Rd. Manheim, Pa. 17545 717-665-352 S Km or Ed Brubaker Your New or Used Milk Tank And Refrigerate -r J <^r Service Center 541 Fryttown Rd. Myerstown, Pa. 717-933-4711 Kan Kopp lon Equipment Needs! Q DAIRY EQUIPMENT Northern 1-1000 gal Mueller OH 1-1000 gal Sunset 1-800 gal Surge 1-500 gal Muejler 1-500 gal. Sunset 500.600 gal Milk Keeper 500.600 $1 Zeroes 300,400,500 gal. Mojonnlers 300.400.500.600 gal. Glrtons Many more good used coolers In Stock H LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT Uncut* Fanning, Saturday. Sapfmft* 30,1W5-C2l LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT (4) Square cattle hay feed ers, Frey product; (2) 275 gallon gasoline tanks York 717-229-2210. (5) wooden calf stalls, hold lor2 animals, fits between stanchions, have hay and gram rack. (717)776-6540 '73 Gore 4 horse gooseneck trailer w/ dressmgroom, needs work, $4OOO 080 717-248-3502 73 King 2-horse tag-a long, needs paint, $2500 080. 717-248-3502 95 Hart Aluminum 2-Horse BP w/5‘ DR, 5 Months Old, Paid $14,000 Must Sell, $11,500 080 by 10/8/95. (301)870-8572 Cedar Fence Posts. 5*D, B'L, $4.75/each 717/354-3105. FREE GUIDE -TENSII FENCE, Strong -Lasting -Economical; also portable electric fence. Phone Or der Supplies 1 -800-245-69024 (412-459-8991). Stock trailer- New 16' tag a-long 6'Wx6V4 'H w/chute gate & rear swing gate, front escape door, pres sure treated floor, rubber ride axles, four wheel brakes, spare tire 717/284-2630 “TRAILER HITCHES PARTS SERVICE INSPECTION TOWDOLLIES “CLICKS" 717-656-7027 Weiler 2900# livestock feed mixer 115, 230 volt, excellent 216-628-0931, 216-628-0882 KENCOVE FARM FENCE 111 Kendall Lane, Blairsville, PA 15717 FREE GUIDE 1-800-245-6902 TENSILE FENCE’ 412-459-8991 Crimp Toot - 4 Slot_ QESSU? 13-1/3 Gang* Crimp Slaeve SS/Per Handled MAPLE HOLLOW FENCING Specializing in High Tensile Fence Installation Fence for: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Deer Control Rail Fence - Board Fence Brian Barkley X RR #1 Box A-1 (814) 623-5756 Buffalo Mills. PA 15534 FENCING • High Tensil • Split »«« • Board Fencing • Wire Mesh Horse Fence • Material or Installation Check Our Prices. Call New Holland Fence 717-656-0596 SAWDUST SHAVINGS HOG WOOD Can pick up at Dovmingtoum, PA ED VOGT & SON Millington, lID 21681 3 410-928-3276. WOOD SHAVINGS Bulk/Baled Delivered or picked up Discounts for large quantities Reasonable Prices WILLIAM BEAM Elveraon, PA (610) 286-6981 WHOLESALE Truck load quantities of CCA Southern yellow Pine treated round fence posts 6 W & 8’ lengths 30 year wananty Call or write for prices EDISTO WOOD PRESERVING RRI, Box 44-A Olar, SC 29843 803-368-3011 FAX 803-368-8026
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