30' Big Jim Unloader 16’ Jamesway VII Unloader 24’ Vill Jamesway Unloader BARN CLEANERS Jamesway 300 Drive Unit (2) Jamesway 500 Drive Unit Farmway Drive Unit SCALE SYSTEMS 6, OOOIbs Animal Scale System Power Drive Unloader For replacement and new installation* with tri-pod suspension systems Meet Cen-Trak! The New And. Better Concept In Single Cable Silo Unioaders. It’s A Winner. • Eliminate* the headache* ol complicated high torque center drive machine*. • Eliminate* dip clutch problem*. • Eliminate* roll pin breakage problem*. * Eliminate* bull wheel and drive traction problem*. And You Get... • Starline* reliability at a price that'* tight. * Simple, tugged dependable dadgn • Le»* maintenance -- fewer trip', up the alio. • Used 16 Ft Van Dale Unloader • New 400 Rollermlll LPM-400 Replacement Pipe And Distributors H DONALD R. NISSLEY RD #l, Willow Street. PA (Comer of Rl 272 S. & Byerland Clturch Rd.) (717) 786-7654 180 Oswalt Trailer Mixer 230 Oswalt Trailer Mixer 2840 Oswalt Trailer Mixer MANURE EQUIPMENT 8’ Jamesway Pit Pump B', 10’ or 12’ Jamesway Pit Pump (elec) Butler 3300 Gal. Tanker LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT 5939 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE. QAP. PA 17527 PHONE; 717-442-8134 SALES ft SERVICE n-Trak > Full Line Parts Department For Starline MiM BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 'i*V - ■H SILOS AND |f 1200 Auto. Ear Ij | Com Mill [j h Good Condition h $5,900 a M 717/»66-*S*7 M ttzizzizzzziizzii H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES Log Home Logs, new, 6x6, 6xB, white cedar, single or double, tongue & groove, inexpensive for self builders $2 75/LF (717)354-3105. METAL ROOFING and Siding We’ll beat any com petitor's regular panal price you mention on orders over SO square Call (717)354-2728 PAINT Highest quality, heavy-duty, industrial grade, cheap pricesll Po lyurethane stfrgal (gray, brown, blue, black, tan, green), enamel $lO/gal. (yellow, light gray, medium gray, white); epoxy $l2-$l4/gal (white, or ange. light gray) 10 gallon minimum (610)942-4116 PAYING UP TO $2 50/sq ft for wide walk smooth attic floor We re move Also paying $.50-$ 1 00 for pine and oak siding 1" & thicker. WANTED Cypress walk boards 800/765-3966 Pre-engmeered steel build ings for Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs Au thorized Gulf States Dealer We will build from your plans or will design WEAVER CONSTRUC TION. East Earl. PA 717-445-5165 Quality steel buildings for commercial, industrial agricultural mini warehouse systems, airp lane hangers, etc Package or turnkey-affordable BEAVER CREEK BUILD ING SUPPLY 814-766-3239 SAVE* Roofing and siding, trusses, pole buildings, farm buildings, building materials, barn equipment, curtains, barn cleaners, concrete slates, T-walls, H&J bunks, alley scrapers, waterers BEAVER CREEK BUILDING SUPPLY 814-766-3239 STEEL BUILDINGS, all types and sizes Call for current "Specials" 410-667-6310 Tobacco shed/ chicken house to be taken down, 42 x6o' Call 717)653-4059, '.53-1740 BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES #3 pine boards rxl2"xlo-IS’, $2 25/each Must take 25 or more 717/764-8337 '4" x4’ x 8' R board, $6/each 717/354-3105 Lancaster Co Antique building materials, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc 717/249-2304 AUCTION Monthly sales of building materials, equipment, supplies. Balti more, MD To buy or sell. Please Call 717-235-7706 BARN FLOORING; new. kiln dried, T4G or plain 2xB's, Y pine, for floors, stalls, studs, rafters 2x4's roofing perlms Can de liver Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717/354-0192 Barn Beams, assorted sizes, chestnut,. s'xl9'xl3' plank, six 4"xl9”x6' planks, will sell all or part. Call 717/432-5058. B grade glassboard and fastening accessories. Glenn Beidfer, Freeburg, Snyder Co , PA, (717)539-8993 Brick-Tile paver bricks, 1/2’ thickness New, in stock Lancaster Co , (610)593-1172 Building Limestone, nice, 100+ tons After 5:30, (717)665-4345 KIRBY CECO ALLIED Steel buildings and components Retrofit steel re-roofing Com merce, Industry, Ag Supply or supply erect Standard or custom Com plete or addition Certified permit drawings Building YOUR business is OUR business A S HOOVER, INC 3125 Manor Rd . Coatesville, PA 19320 610-942-2591 . 717-445-4962, 1-600-942-2591 Cham Link Fence, new, slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized 3'-$ 90/ft, 4'-$1 00/ft, 6-$1 55/ft, 6'-$1 65/ft, 7 -$1 85/tt, 8-$1 95/ft Call 717/822-7820 7AM Or Af ter SPM Dismantled 50x84 truss building w/necessary ma terials to reconstruct $5OOO must move, 5-50' steel trusses $250 ea , 215/855-8190 c armhouse and medium size barn FREE for re moval Call Bam-spm. (717)665-6891 Flagstone all sizes, PA bluestone, broken stone for walls Buyers wanted Small order buyers needed Wholesale prices Can deliver 717'945 7759 Flooring. 4 14” wide plank T&G, timbers, see our dis play ad 610/565 6038 H/H log house, pine, 24 story, mid 1800's, 30x32, stored inside, nice condi tion After 5 30pm; (717)665-4345 a Wide original attic flooring - wide gralnery - wide thick roofer boards. Chestnut and yel- j> M low heart pine beams - old log houses, early timber frame houses, summer kitchens S *j and old stone & brick houses lor salvage Also early factories, barns, and warehouses. J S Built-In cupboards and flreplace mantles ■ g I always pay the most and travel the farthest! g | Always make sure you get a price from me. g I |6l(y 857-5504 anytime g STEEL BUILDING SYSTEM Sava Bi 9 on Construction Garages, Mini-Storage Warehouses, Industrial Shops and Plants, Bams, Horse Arenas, etc. • Custom sizes & designs • Call for sizes and prices • Monthly Specials available on some sizes • Lifetime Certification on each building CLEAR SPAN UP TO 250’ IN WIDTH (NO VERTICAL COLUMNS OR PILLARS) JOHN RICE - LITITZ, PA - (717) 626-4225 w •»» rynv^p^ Uncttter Farming, Saturday, SaptambarJfc3l|H*W ~ ' 11 TO lUyjjjipi Used Qondolf shelving, 'tic flooring apd fAMliles excellent- condition, also tanc Co. 7l7saSfli2o. heavy duty stock room ...■■■ shelving, and heavy duty WA^ T . E .P TO -W. : pallet racking Priced to 7 itm?27S7 sell 71 7 263-3404 Adams Co. 717-334-2757. Used steel buildings. Some Wormy Ohesteut Lunger, w/overhead crane run- 1"-2" $1 SO-52.00 board ft; ways 814-766-3239 Pine flooring; Cut Stone. Barn Beams 814-267-5916 WINDOWS New Construction and Replacement Windows Custom built locally in Ephrata, PA, to your specifications. All vinyl windows with 7/8" Thermopane glass. FREE ESTIMATES (717) 733-7534 STANLEY WOODWORKING HARDWOOD DIMENSION & MOULDINGS fuff service machining of cdC hardwoods EXCESS INVENTORY T&G Hardwood Flooring 21/4” Clear Brown Ash -1100 sq. ft. 502.30 sq. ft. 5” Clear Brown Ash -1350 sq. ft. - 502.40 sq. ft. T&G V-Joint Paneling 3” Knotty Pine - 300 sq. ft. - $01.25 sq. ft. 4”_Knotty Pine -_6OO sq._ft._- $01,25 sg. ft. Clear Casing #376 #366 2 1/4” Basswood - $0.43 l/ft. 2 1/4" Red Oak - $0.62 l/ft. Clear Base #623 31/4" Basswood - $0.62 l/ft. 31/4” Red Oak - $0.89 l/ft. R.D. #3 Box 315-A Middleburg, PA 17842 717-837-6434 FAX 717-837-1637 ;j3|i It-
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