ClO-Unctttof Farming, .Saturday, JSopmwbq 30,1>95 Top Pennsylvania DHIA Herds By County For August SL™ Ktttn 1 CHITUU “ iiiiit norms (Continued from Pago C 9) 22027 113 21212 717 21032 000 21(33 771 2DIK 745 vnuco 230(3 7)4 224(7 005 1)747 710 20310 719 20204 755 19702 712 19140 740 1(930 (19 1(714 (50 15490 5(5 13440 54( 2040 75 Mini 21071 707 21974 009 21702 027 21131 7(1 21010 741 2004) (90 20290 752 20702 (93 20256 739 19571 (31 19144 (97 19425 750 19371 (73 19((3 (2( 11192 (00 MtHIKTOI 24304 070 21744 774 20(0( 705 19407 725 20252 (95 19970 713 1(075 703 191(5 023 19014 733 19710 733 10354 (0( 3(.3 39.1 31.7 51.1 41.2 JOB I lUTII huh i nossii JOU lIBIIL DUIII t NUIII Jl MOL t HIM DICI-NU MBS IOUIK SPIIK PUN SUIT I TtTLOI NITCIIU DAIII JIIIMATIT lIAIY GAILOID I UGIII MOL I uniKii nni Dimi t sons NIIIUL tlfiCt PAIN scnus ism JOI NC COT lIAINI N IIDINIIip IICIAIO lAUIKTOI Till STATU PAIN INC PLOTS lIAUSLIT lIDCI ISDZII LIIDILL FOGGY NIAOOIS PAIN DIINIS LIIDIIL NAPLI PLACI PAIN IONALD HOITII Pill TON PUNS NAII LANSOI JUID LIIDILL DOOGtDIAII BASTINGS 6LA DON PAINS lIVII LONG lU-DILL FAIN MIIII Mil IMILTOI MOS lUVIITOII PAHS CO-BILL PAMS ONIII PAM POILI BOtlOl PN lIC lAIIII PAM mill PAMS lie SAPII BIOS. JOII A J I HARCBIZAI I (HI A I 111 SMITH The reserve champion market lamb sold to Quakertowr Vet Clinic f6r $3.50 per pound. Pictured are Da'e C. Streams and Katie Sterner. for $5.50 per pound. Pictured are Bill Rosenberger and I1ID(0I OMIT MIN Niuunu FUN lIDMISn FUNS gioigiidafi iuicii mow FUN out loioin mil IDIIIIGI TON 1010111 IIGIUID FUNS CUUFIIID FUNS CON ICIIS ion uos DAM 10111 I «UI lIAVRSIT ALTON C OIVII IOIAID J NATISII him scnutnno UNIT I NUIII JOU A lOIIIT GIAMN JANIE I NC QOAIDI JAMS 0 lOGI lILLIAN IDTTIINOII HIT! C NAITIIS AOU 8 ( JUKI Dill lICIAID G STOMI GIIH III! FAINS JOII I HIGH CATALINA DAIIT ALVIN VMCI Jl. FADI I lINIIII I SOI mi i nci hut DA VDI IOISTIIIS lATU-lOGII SIIINOOD I ♦ I IDSM FUN 10611 S IllllANS lICIUD FLACI JOII t PAN ATIIISOI JOII CIIIST lAIII C CIUI Jl BIONI FAIN INTIIFIIS SNUFFS FAIN Montgomery County Posts Sheep Results CREAMERY (Montgomery Co.) The 1995 Montgomery County 4-H sheep show was judged by Joe Hixenbaugh from weatem Pennsylvania. The senior shepherd award was won by Isaac Garges with the junior shepherd award going to Jacob Garges. The supreme champion ewe went to Isaac Garges with a Suffolk. The supreme champion ram went to the Comedale ram of Jacob Garges. The champion market lamb went to Jacob Garges and the champion pair of market lambs went to Chris Muse. The champion market lamb sold to Rosenber gcr’s Dairy, reserve champion to Quakertown Vet Clinic, champion pair went to Mac Calla Masonic Lodge, and reserve champion sold to Alderfer Transport. Following is a list of show placmgs. Results: Senior Fitting 1. Isaac Ganges, 2. Jill Bair, 3. Katie Sterner, Intermediate Filling 1. Jacob Ganges, 2. Zachary Bean, 3. Cayce Bean Junior Filling 1. Jacob Hughes Senior Showman 1. Tabitha Landis, 2. Isaac Ganges, 3. Jill Bair. Intermediate Showman 1. Jacob Ganges, 2. Derek Landis, 3. Cayce Bean Junior Showman 1. Wendel Landis, 2. Jacob Hughes Individual market lamb Light weight 1. Jacob Ganges, 2. Zachary Bean, 3. Cayce Bean Medium weight 1. Isaac Ganges, 2. Jacob Hughes Heavy weight 1 Katie Sterner, 2. Jill Bair, 3. Jason Bair Champion market lamb: Jacob Ganges Reserve champion market lamb: Katie Sterner Pair of market lambs Light weight 1. Chris Muse, 2. Jacob Ganges, 3. Jason Bair Medium weight 1. Isaac Ganges, 2. Jill Bair Champion Pair of market lambs: Chris Muse Reserve Champion pair of market lambs: Isaac Ganges ADSI PAY OFF! 19140 19350 19501 NAIM 33453 22577 21714 22320 21771 21330 20714 31(01 20507 19999 19912 30133 19520 19414 lISTNOIIIAID 24333 102 23509 777 22070 002 212(2 1(9 21312 736 21251 7(0 209(0 752 20909 009 20705 770 20043 (l( 20425 111 19(30 725 10357 (53 10(13 732 NTONIIG 23341 130 22726 111 224(4 172 19941 790 209(5 712 19397 (7( 19391 701 10340 ((4 104(4 (01 10209 (91 14.0 SS.S (1.4 40.2 51.1 SNISIIS lICIIAII FNE ITMNOIF Sill IK IFIIK FNINC lINIOIt FUNS lANIIT I COOFII Jl lIOIAID GIUI lIIIIAN KTIIS IDIII I CAUODI MTU I NTIIS lumis Mil FDIIMI IDSIOI FUNS OAll I UNCI MU LI lOLinilS ILYIN I Dlim CSU, STIFIII ITIIROOD FUNS TUALTIUIS, IDNUD lIUUDALL, lILLIAN Gllll TALLII FUN DDCnOITI, DONALD NISniOOI, JACOB ( I COSI, lAIOLD BOOGI, FIID/TON LITTLI, NUTII Gin Din FUNS snsiM, cun STTSIM, lICIAID VAIDII GIOIF, JIFF SnSIM, lILLIAN 351.9 15.3 213.7 40.3 1) 3 ITIIITT NOSIII CAIL i VITIM FIHI B ( L IOIIKIBOI 111 NOSIII, JOII lOIIIGISOI 112 I ( I PHONfi 717-42*- 1 144 or 717-394-3047 li£| CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1985, 450 Pucket Paver, engine rebuilt 1995 All hyd cylinders replaced, new adjusting screws, ready to pave, $5995 080 717-872-4897 1994 Ford NH skid loader L 565, like new. 25 hours $16,500 (610)458-5712 5000 lb pneumatic tire forklift, triple mast, side shifter, $3900, Skid loader for sale Call for more de tail 717-225-3798 DISTMANTLING FOR PARTS Just arrived for parts AC HD-6 dozer w/ straight blade Carco winch, 344 diesel, U/C fair All parts available BALANDA EQUIPMENT P O Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070 1-800-322-8030 Allis 545 rubber tire loader. $14,500, Trojan 2000 rub ber tire loader, $12,500 Cae W3O rubber tire loader $18,500, JD 6908 excavator, $22,500 610-944-9871 610-944-7005 Barber Green 873 Paver (tow-behmd type) w/ heated vibratory screed -1 ton roller- plate compactor s3soo/package or will swap for commercial type chipper or tractor w/3pt & mower 215/822-7633 no Sunday calls DISTMANTLING FOR PARTS Just arrived for parts CAT 922 94A loader complete less loader boom and bucket, rest of parts available BALANDA EQUIPMENT P O Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070 1-800-322-8030 Case4Boß TLB Low Hours, Excellent Condition $6500 080 Chester Co (610)857-3949 International 7000 rough terrain forklift, good shape, $6500 080 717-866-7565 Huff 60 Wheel Loader, Art $5,500 Case 18358, good condition $6,800 Case 5808, extend-a-hoe, ex. cond $7,500 JD 450, excellent condition $7,000 Ford 1910,4x4 $6,000 JD 400 Backhoe, diesel $5,000 410-429-1927 or 410-857-7102 115(4 tM 17101 s>( 11119 (34 1H34 (SI 11242 (10 1011 2SIS2 945 23444 135 23(39 130 23011 164 24050 ((( 221(7 030 23209 10(2 223(7 034 21759 (00 217(0 05( 22011 74( 210(6 (74 21193 730 20535 7(7 20039 743 no jiisii 22(03 7(( 213 K 743 209(0 (91 20331 (97 19306 (73 10(02 (S 3 1(4(7 707 19473 (91 19173 740 19((0 614 10(03 (93 17(22 (30 1(3(3 (31 1(3(( (20 17806 597 m tou 31423 147 19512 745 11554 (IS 15219 5(9 12111 (39 Case backhoe 5800, extend-a-hoe, 2700 hours, cab, air, $14,500; Ford 555 backhoe, great shape, $9500, roll off truck. 1983 Ford 8000, single axle, w/1986 Galbraith 30,0001 b hoist, $15,000, 1985 Ford F 250 4x4, V 8 auto, plow, salt spreader, tool boxes, ladder racks, new paint & everything else, $5BOO 610/630-6067 Cat 951-B loader $B,OOO Ford 550 loader/hoe $B,OOO JD 450-B dozer, 6-way, new motor, rebuilt trans, $9,500 (717)698-8311 Clark forklift, 20001 b , prop ane 2 stage mast, $1750 717/733-2740 Deutz F5L912, 600 hrs like new, $4500 215-572-7700 Diesel Air Compressor 180CFM, screw-on trailer $3750 717/354-3105 Lan caster Co Farmi Knuckleboom loader w/graple and hydraulics. 3pt hitch, Fitz farm tractor $4200 215-572-7700 Forklift Wholesalers 2000 to 92000 Lb Lifts Avail able 70 in Stock Sale- Rental-Finance w / Warranty Cha*k Equip ment (410)686-6800 Forklifts, Good selection of used forklifts 3000# to 8000# 717-354-3105 Lanco For Sale John Deere 690 A track hoe, excellent condi tion less than 100 hours on overhauled motor Call 717/273-7269 Lebanon Gas Air Compressor 150CFM, screw-on trailer $2500 717/354-3105 Lan caster Co Hitachi EX2OO track hoe Komatsu DS7S-1 loader JD 7 5 0 E dozer (610)488-7418 Ingersoll Air Compressor, 40hp w/motor $2250 717/354-3105 710 3 1 ((1 3 2 (71 3 2 646 3 2 (32 3 3 (30 3 4 (25 3 4 (19 3 2 (17 3 2 (OS 3 1 591 3 2 593 3 3 5(5 3 2 5(1 3 2 5(( 3 2 (11 3 (49 3 513 3 492 3 413 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers