CtLancattar Fanning, Saturday, Sepfmbar-23,1995 COLLEGEVELLE (Montgom ery Co.) 4-H’crs exhibited 44 animals with all six major dairy breeds represented at the Mont gomery County 4-H Fair in Creamery. Cathy Pavelski of Susquehanna Judged the cattle for type (body structure) and fitting (how well the animal is groomed). In addi uon, each 4-H’er was judged on their ability to show their bovine during the contest. This year’s supreme champion and juniqr supreme champion of all six breeds were Jerseys exhib ited by Amy Plummer of Chal font. One gallon of the supreme champion’s milk was later auc tioned off to the top bidder, Ro senberger’s Dairies of Hatfield, for S5OO as part of Montgomery County’s Market Animal Sale. Best owned and bred animal was exhibited by Karen Wolfgang of Bechlelsville. Holsieins exhibited by Karen and Seth Wolfgang of Bechtels ville were the Holstein grand champion and reserve grand champion, respectively. Junior and reserve junior champion Hol sieins were exhibited by Seth Wolfgang and Alan Seiptof Lans dale. Grand champion and reserve grand champion for the five color breeds are as follows; Ayrshire, Seth Wolfgang: Brown Swiss, Ka ne Sterner of Bechtelsville; Guernsey, Karen Wolfgang: Jer sey, Amy Plummer; Milking Shorthorn, Lizzie Moser of Gil bertsville. Junior and reserve junior cham if Ur tlr “.d breed. r jq k <gc ery County’s 1995 4-H Dairy Show supreme and Junior su preme champions. Also pictured are Bucks/Montgomery Dairy maid Rachael Moyer, right, of Dublin and show Judge Cathy Pavelskl of Susquehanna. 440 Concrete Ave.. • Leala. PA 17540 • 717-BSE-4878 • Fax. 717-ESG-4BBS Pip Ag-Mobil or Industrial —Give us an application and We'll design a system for you! Montgomery County Holds Dairy 4-H Show as follows: Ayrshire, Chris Mc- Ginnis of Souderton and Seth Wolfgang; Brown Swiss, Katie Sterner; Guernsey, Karen Wolf gang; Jersey, Amy Plummer and Christine Michalik of Sellersville; Milking Shorthorn, Lizzie Moser and Kevin McGinnis of Souder ton. The fitting and showing portion of the dairy show was divided into three classes juniors, ages of 8 to 10, intermediates ages 11 to 14, and seniors ages IS to 18. In the junior fitting. Amber Hallowell received junior fitting honors and Laura Seipt of Lansdale received reserve junior. Fitting honors. Junior Show man awards were won by Alan Seipt and Laura Seipt. For the in termediate 4-H’ers, Sean Hallo well and Lizzie Moser received fitting and reserve fitting awards. Showmanship champion and re serve champions went to Lizzie Moser and Sean Hallowell. In the senior 4-H class, Karen Wolfgang and Amy Plummer won first and second place in the fitting contest, and Amy Plummer and Seth Wolfgang won first and second place in the showman contest, re spectively. All participants of the 4-fl dairy show were required to complete a project book for each animal. The 4-H dairy experience helps teach the basics in how to care for ani mals and the economics involved with raising dairy animals. For more information on Mont gomery County’s 4-H dairy pro gram, contact Tim Fritz at (610) SEE US AT THE TOOL AHD MACHINERY TRADE MARKET ON OCTOBER 2Qth AND girt AT PARADISE SALES BARN Specializing in: • Custom Built Power Units • 12 Volt DC • Honda or Electric Powered Portables • Honda-Diesel or Electric Powered Stationary: Fixed Displacement or Variable Volume Montgomery County 4-H Dairy Show breed champions from left to rlgh, Jersey, Amy Plummer of Chalfont; Ayrshire, Seth Wolfgang of Bechtelsvllle; Guernsey, Kar en Wolfgang of Bechtelsvllle; Holstein, Jonathan Sterner of Bechtelsvllle; Brown Swiss, Katie Sterner of Bechtelsvllle; and Milking Shorthorn, Lizzie Moser, of Gil bertsvllle. Also pictured far right, Bucks/Montgomery Dairy Maid Rachael Moyer o: Dublin and far right, show judge Cathy Pavdskl of Susquehanna. Junior breed champions from left to right: Jersey, Amy Plummer of Chalfont; Hol stein. Seth Wolfgang of Bechtelsvllle; Guernsey, Karen Wolfgang of Bechtelsville; Brown Swiss, Katie Sterner of Bechtelsville; Ayrshire, Chris McGinnis of Souderton; and Milking Shorthorn, Lizzie Moser of Gilbertsvllle. Also pictured far right, Bucks/ Montgomery Dairy Maid Rachael Moyer of Dublin and far left, show Judge Cathy Pa velski of Susquehanna. Highland Cattle Show, Sale Set CORTLAND, N.Y.—The 1995 North East Highland Cattle Asso ciation’s show and sale will be held in conjunction with the N.Y. State Beef Expo. The Expo is scheduled at the Cortland Co. Fairgrounds on Sept 30. More than 90 head of High lands from 25 exhibitors from the United States and Canada will compete. This show has become one of tfie premier Highland shows. The finest Highlands in North America will be competing and some will then be sold at the 1995 Showcase Sale. A full schedule of events is on the agenda for Saturday, Sept. 30. The show will begin promptly at 9 a.m. At 4 p.m., the Beef Expo Sale will begin. The sale will feature 70 head of beef cattle, including 17 Highlands. At 8 p.m., a Highland Unique in Design—Versatile and of Lancaster County Quality Your One Stop Hydraulic Shop Beef Banquet will be held at the Cortland Holiday Inn. The N.Y. State Beef Expo runs, for two days, from Friday Sept 29-Saturday, Sept. 30. The Expo will offer educational and fun activities for the whole family. For more information on the show, sale, or banquet reserva tions, contact Roger Jestet, (716) 392-9062. "V N ' X S >»* *
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