PUBLIC AUCTION | —; REALESTATE IIII nI PubUc A"' 1 ' 0 " Re « is * er I IMQI (Productive I rCCUEK I B illlll MBIMmM I I <**, d.u M«d., sme.M. I W 97.7-AcreFaruO | | | AUCTION I 1 I SAT., OCT. 7,1995 at 1:00 P.M. Loc.: 430 Baumgardner Howl, Willow St, Pcquea Twp, Lancaster Co* PA. (Dir.: Just South of Willow SL on Rte. 272 South, veer right on Baumgardner Rd. approx. 1/4 milt to farm on left). pc fr ATI IRKS: 07 7 acres w/85 acres till. Nice stream thru farm. Sol id 10-room brick film house w/lg. mod. kitchen nnd full both. Oil hot-water heat Spring house water. Large 97' x SO' bank bent w/tobacco scaffolding, built-in com crib (fixed for steer feeding). Tobacco shed w/3-acre scaffold ing and stripping room. Det 2-car garage. Nice 30’ x 48’ cement block workshop & garage. Other outbldgs. (4) attached wire com cribs. RJJ. sold at IP. Open home dates: Sats. Aug. 12 & Sept 9 (tom Noon to 2 P. 10% down. Settle on or before Apr. 1,1996. RE. IS COVERED BY PERPETUAL AC EASEMENT. Sale by CHRIST E. & ETHEL M. HARNISH JAMES H. THOMAS, Attorney BLAKINGER. BYLER & THOMAS ROY & ERIC PROBST, Aucta. AUOOO73OL, Ph. (717) 464-3190 & 464-3700 Jk ***** FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13TH • 11 AM Featuring a complete herd dispersal for Glenmore Holsteins, from Salt Point, NY! Tremendoua High Production & Deep, Deep Pedigreeai A QUICK SAMPLE OF WHAT SELLSI A VG-87 Michael DTR sells Bred to Leadman Milking 75 lbs. & making 25,D00M! Dam is 3E-93 W/29.980M 4.0% 1213 F & Grdam 2E-93 w/160,000LT! her Mascot DTR born 2/95 also sells w/PTA +44P & PTPI +ll2B Steady DTR sells bred 3/14 to Marvel Milking 59lbs & finishing w/20,000M 750 F. Dam is 2E-92 Starbuck w/31, 420 4.1% 1282 F 3.5% 1097 P! GP Cleitus DTR sells fresh milking 108 Ibs/day w/3 records over 1050 fat & backed by VG-88 Dam w/30,910M 3.9% 1200 F. Grdam is VG w/22.000 VG-85 Marathon DTR sells fresh w/3-03 317 D 19.696 M 3.9%772F 3.2% 631 P Dam is VG-87 w/105,000LT! ** A Top Group of Deep Pedigreed Open Heifers Sell ** Several Service Age Bulls From 1000 LB Fat Dams Don Welk 1541 Lime Valley Rd„ Slrasburg, PA 17579 Ph:7l7-687-7475 FAX: 717-687-M24 • Fresh or Close Springers • Cows or Heifers 150 HEAD SELLING AT OUR LANCASTER FARM Phone 717-569-6800 - Mel & Dennis Kolb 717-569-2106 Melvin Kolb Residence 717-393-7459 INTERCOURSE, PA SALE MANAGERS *~iThe MELVIN KOLB 9 INC. PUBLIC AUCTION TWICE A MONTH 350 Head On Hand SALE IDES. EVE Sept. 26 Approx. 7:00 PM WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION 410-848-9820 HAY SALE EywyTUeiaMlflOAM .ATTLE Dave Rama R0280x79 Delhi. NY 13753 Phone 607/746-2226 Fax: 607/746-2911 AU-002463-E LANCASTER, PA • Grade or Registered • Stock Bulls Available HERDS FOR SALE ANY SIZE NEXT PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY NIGHT OCTOBER 5, 7:30 PM All Weights/All Breed! Fri., Oct. 13,199 S at 7:00 PM VINTAGE SALES STABLES Paradise, PA For Information Contact: L. Robert Frame, Sr. 717-442-4181 Barn 610-458-5060 Home >1 'n'n ■iXCHAN GE| MIDDLEBUR6 LIVESTOCK AUCTION = State Graded Feeder Sale Friday, Oct. 6th, 1995 7:00 P.M. Consignments taken Oct. Sth 7 AM to 5 PM, Oct. 6th till 12 Noon. Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522 3 miles East of Middleburg, Pa. 5 miles West of Selinsgrove, Pa. For information call: 717-BJ7-MM or (717) 837-25X2 Middleburg livestock Auction Sales, Inc. RR #3, Rt. 522 Middleburg, PA John Shirk 966-0145 Larry Benfer, Barn Mgr. 837-5638 Clarence Shirk & Bryan Imes, Auctioneers (717)656-8793 527-2449 . ' . , »4. art- • v, v •.-*k i. w Special Heifer Sale Sat., Oct. 7 10 AM New Holland Sales Stables Inc. ge New Holland, PA 500 - 600 Head Heifers - All Ages A jj Small Calves • Breeding Age - r Springing Heifers and Service Age Bulls. Your Consignments Welcome. . r lAH please have your animals at Sale Barn Friday. Preg. checked and shipping shots are done at New Holland. 25 Head of Lineback Cows - Heifers and Bulls sell. 4 fresh 2 yr. olds - 1 due Oct. 12 Animals 6 Mos. to 1 Yr. Old - 3 Calves - 1 Red Lineback 5 Bulls, 6 Mos. to 1 Year Old. X* 1 Several Of These Animals are I.D. Grade or Reg. in the Lineback Assoc. More Info. Contact Bernard Bally 610*793-1861 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 23,1895-851 SAT. DEC. 16 -11 AM WED-DEC. 20 & THURS. Opportunity Sale .11 The £ E . C ’ *1 * L * r o* T *° D *y Influence of Canada. The Sa'e of Fam Equipment Cattle Exchange and Ete-Locrted 6 Miles South Stonehurst Farm. Of Clwmherebura, Pa. One "■ Mile East of Marion along TUES. DEC. 19-7 PM Pigs Rt. gu. ’/. East Off Rte. Graded Sale. Westminster, 81. Exit 4. Owners, JerroW MD. Westminster Livestock & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc- Auction. tion Sendee. TUES. DEC. 19 - BPM FRI. DEC. 22 - 1:30 PM Feeder Cattle Sale. Carlisle State Graded Feeder Pig Livestock Market, Inc., Exit Sale. Carlisle Livestock 12 off 1-81 turn South - then Market Inc.. Exit 12 off I-81 left onto Alexander Spring turn South then left onto Rd. 249-4511. Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511
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