848-LanoM(*r Farmktfl, Saturday, Saptambar 23, 19J8 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication WED. NOV. 15 & THURS. NOV. 16 - Large Two Day Sale of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. One Mile East of Marion along Rt. 914, '/. East Off Rte. 81. Exit 4. Owners, Jerrotd BREEZILANE HOLSTEINS COMPLETE DISPERSAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, * II AM BUCK, PA 220 Head HERD ESTABLISHED IN 1931, ALL Al BRED IDENTIFIED GRADES HERD AVERAGE 2X 18,200 MILK 3.7% 673 FAT 3.2% 582 PROTEIN ALL FREESTALL TRAINED * NO BST. * 100 COWS * 45 BRED HEIFERS * 45 YEARLINGS * 30 CALVES * Many Selling Fresh or Springing! A Good Place To Buy Base Milk! * Heifers Sired by Belltone, Aristedes, Bell Joy, Leadtnan, Bell Extra, Steady & More! Many Sired By +1,200 Lb. Sires! Sale Managers Note: A Good Sound Production Herd That Has Never Been Pushed! All AI Sired & Atlantic Bred! A Super Set of Calfhood Vaccinated Heifers In Excellent Condition! Herd Has Been On Routine Vaccination Programs & All Cattle Will Be Inoculated Against Shipping Fever, Pregnancy Examined & Tested For Immediate Interstate Shipment. Directions: Farm Is 2 Miles South of Buck, PA On Rt. 272 On East Side of Rd. Farm Sign Out Front. * Catalogs At Ringside * Lunch Available * Long Distance Trucking * Don Walk 1541 Lime Valley Rd., Strasburg, PA 17579 Ph: 717-687-7475 FAX: 717-687-8824 PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 106 ACRE DAIRY & BEEF FARM FARM MACHINERY - CROPS - PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., SEPT. 30, 1995 Auction Time 9 AM, Real Estate 12 Noon LOCATION: 1845 Mill Rd., East Earl, PA, Caernarvon Twp., Lancaster Co. From Blue Ball take Rt. 23 East approx. 3 'A mi., turn left onto Pool Forge Rd. to T. Turn left onto Churchtown Rd., go approx. Vi mi. turn left onto Mill Rd. to Auction. Caernarvon Twp., Lancaster County. WKBBmm Real Estate consists of 106 Acres M/L with approx 85 Acres tillable Conestoga Creek flows thru approx 20 Acres of pas ture Dwelling is 27: story Native Sandstone 4 bedroom house & attached wash house. Ist floor eat-in kitchen, dining, family & living rooms w/fireplaces, large foyer w/open stairway Full attic &bsmt area BARNS & BLOGS Frame bank barn w/38 tie stalls & misc pens & block milkhouse Corn barn, frame steer/helfer barn & misc frame out bldgs Block & frame equipment building 32'x60' Silos ■ 18'x70' stave. 16'xSO' stave S 14'x50' stave REAL ESTATE SOLD At 12 NOON Terms 10% down pay ment. settlement March 1, 1996, however seller shall give an approved buyer Immediate possession. NOTE This is an ideal opportunity to purchase a very highly productive Lancaster County farm w/good stream. Call auc tioneers for farm plot plan auction brochure, details, etc, 717-445-4309 or 717-733-1006 Inspection by appointment. Farm Machinery White 508 4B Auto Reset Semi MTD Plow, AMCO Fl 7 14’ Trans Disc, IH 56 4R Cornplanter w/Dlsc Openers; NH 479 Haybme, NH 56 Hay Rake, JO 336 Baler w/Thrower; NH 269 Baler; (2) 16' Hay Rack Wagons, Zimm. 30' Bale Elevator, IH 1150 Gnnder/Mixer, NH 782 Forage Harvester w/2 Row Adi. Hd. Mod. 824: (2) Stauffer 16’ Silage Wagons; Ford Blower, Nu Hawk 170 Side Slmger Manure Spreader, Woods Flail Chopper, JD 16 Disc Grain Drill w/Alf Box; 3 & 4 Section Harrows. JD Cultivator, 25KW Generator: Flat Wagon; Wlard Walking Plow, 300 Gal. Fuel Tank w/Pump; Hyd. Cylinders; & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc tion Service. WED. NOV. 15 - 7:3OPM Feeder Cattle Sale, Hager stown, MD Four States Livestock Sales. SALE MANAGED BY FRI. NOV. 17 -11 AM Dansville, New York. C&R Farms (Charles and Robin Potter), Herd dispersal of Milking herd, bred heifers, and breeding size heifers, 180 head sell. Pirrung Aucts. FRI. NOV. 17-7 PM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. FRI. NOV. 17 8 SAT. NOV. 18 - Martin's Annual Fall Auciton of Horse drawn carriages, sleighs and anti ques. at Leb. Area Fair grounds, Leb., Pa. Martin Aucts. OWNERS: ROBERT & DONNA KRBIDBR 717-284-4776 The ‘n ATTLE Dave Roma RD 2 Box 79 Delhi, NY 13753 Phone 607/746-2226 Fax: 607/746-2911 AU-002463-E *. j . TO. ‘ £ «* - I » *■» 500 Gal Majonnier Bulk Tank & Washer; 3 Feed Carts, (3) Surge 50 lb Milkers, Stewart Clippers; Surge #7O Milker Pump, Elect & Batt. Fencers, 31 Milk Cans; Clover Seeder, Tobacco Spears, Bag Wagon: Sm Air Compressor; 1500 Tobacco Lath. 30 Gal Hyd Oil, Plus Approx 2 Wagons Sm. Items Personal Property Set of Pots & Pans, Nest of Bowls; Hall Meal Platter; Water Set w/8 Glasses, Tupperware; Oak Dresser w/Beveled Mirror; Oak Hi Back Bed, Margin Cookstove, (2) Space Oil Heaters: Plus Other Items Note Auction will begin w/sm wagon Items, household goods, followed by Ig. farm machinery. Real Estate 12 Noon followed by standing com, hay & straw Terms are cash or good PA ck No out of state checks unless accompanied by current bank letter of credit addressed to this particular auction. Food stand. Coma early, not many small Itamal Starting machinery before noon. NOAH M. & LENA G. SAUDER Auction conducted by Randal V. Kline, Lloyd Kralder, Roy Good Jr., Auctioneers AU2II6L 717-445-4309 AUCTIONEERS SAT. NOV. 18 - Farm Machinery, Shop Tools, Household & Produce. At Doylesbura, Pa. Benuel & Mary StoTtzfus, owners. Bryan D. Imes, auct. SAT. NOV. 18 -12 NOON Real Estate. RD #3, Pine Grove, PA. From Traffic Light in Pine Grove, Travel East on Rt. 443 for 5 Mi. or From Schuylkill Haven, Travel West on Rt. 443 for 8.3 Mi. and turn South on Flat Hill Rd. Go .8 Mi. to First Macadam Road and Keep Bearing Left for 1.2 Mi. Sale Ordered by: Anna Lou & John Siegel. Ray mond P. Stump Aucts. “n iXCHANGEI Terms by 717-445-6967 Dairy and Livestock Sales .61 ACRE LANCASTER CO. FARM. (West Donegal Township) PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1995 Auction Time 8:30 A.M. REAL ESTATE 11:00 A.M. Location: 655 Stone Mill Dr., Elizabethtown, Pa. 3 Miles West of E-Town. Take Rt. 743 So. IVi miles to Stone Mill Dr., turn right 2nd farm on right. W. Donegal IVvp., Lancaster Co., Pa. PROPERTY OFFERED AT 11:00 A.M. 45 ACRES TILLABLE. BANK BARN. 38 STANCHIONS. 52 Free Stall Barn: MILK HOUSE, 3 SILOS (20X72-12x55-12x50) 60x80 Ft. Shed; (2) 32x40 Ft. 2 Story Sheds (1-100 AMP) Corn Crib; Bunk Feeder; 3-Car Garage; Paeture w/Stream & Woodland. Lg. 2V4 STORY Stucco & Frame Dwelling, Slate Roof, Ist Floor-Lg. Modern Eat-In Kitchen - Dlshwaeher - Range w/Eye-Level Oven; DR; Double LR; Family Room; TWo Stairways; 2nd Floor; 4-Bsdrooms - Hall; Full Bath; Attic, Laundry w/Cloaeta; Enclosed Porch; Attached Furnace House; Lausch Coal Stoker Hot Water Radiator Heat; Well & Septic System, Road Frontage. DX 120 DEUtZ TRACTOR w/Cab, Air & Heat, New Rubber, 1734 Hours; 2840 JOHN DEERE Rabbit & Turtle Range, 2000 Hrs.; 265 M.F. w/Quick Tach Loader, 1844 Hrs.; 530 John Deere w/Factory 3 pt; 520 John Deere Factory 3 pt., New Rubber; 420 John Deere w/Sauder Loader 3 pt. Wide Front; Farmall 200 w/Culti., Fast Hitch; Farmall Super C w/Cultivators; JOHN DEERE 125 SKID LOADER (D) 3 BUCKETS & PALLET FORK; Nl 709 UNISYSTEM Power Assist 4 Wh. D.; Nl 717 Combine - 744 w/Corn Head - 838 Corn Husker w/16 Roll Husking Bed, 740 Fast Hitch Feeder House. FARM EQUIP.- N.H. 489 Haybine; NH 451 Sickle-Bar Mower; 346 JD Baler w/Thrower; NH 258 Hyd. Rake (dolly wh.); 2 18 ft. Bale Wagons w/10 Ton Running Gears; 2 Flat Wagons; 4 Bin Wagons (3 McCurdy); 24 Ft. & 36 Ft. Farmec Elevators; 20 ft. Skeleton Hay Elev; AC Corn Drag w/Motor; Harvest Handler; Woods 500 Finish Mower; Woods 6 Ft. Rotary Mower; N.H. 336 Flail Chopper; Massey 12 Tooth 3 Pt. Chisel Plow; White 548 5 B. Auto Reset & White 348 3 B Auto-Reset Plows; 2 B. J.D. Roll-Over Plow; 14 ft. Int. Trans. Disc; 14 ft. Brilllon Trans. Field Harrow; 3 pt. Weeder; Athens 137: Disc; 4-Row Massey Cultivator; Pull Type McD; Disc; Int. 4-Sec. Rotary Hoe; White 4-R Corn Planter w/Liquid Fert. & Monitor; J.D. Grain Drill; Hanson 3 pt. Field Sprayer; TWO 550 Gal. Nurse Tanks;, Helix Grain Cart; Grove Dump Wagon; J.D. 54 Manure Tool-Bar Cultivator; 3 Pt. Power Buster Log Splitter; Lincoln WWror; Air Comp.; Torch Set; Roll-Away Jack; Drill Press; 3/4" SodßSl; Platform Scales; Reddy 30,000 BTU Heater; Hand Pallet Jack; PTO Cement Mixer on Wheels; Sauder Snow Plow; Wheelbarrow; 36 ft. Ext. Ladder; Stepladders; Silo Pipe; 4 Sections 4xB Meson Scaffolding; 3 Pt. Crane w/Cyl. Tractor & Truck Chains; Suitcase Wts; J.D. Top Link; Rockwell Table Saw; Radial Arm Saw; 5 hp. Rototiller; Echo Weed Eater; Hedge Trimmer; Etc.; 610 McCullough Chain Saw; Plus Items Not Listed. H.H. GOODS & ANTIQUES OLD ROLL-TOP DESK: Mirrored Hall Rack; BR. Suite w/Dresser; 100-Yr.- Old Poster Bed; Blanket Chest; 2 Oak Washstands; Marbletop Chest of Drawers; Dough Tray; Auto Harp; Early Victorian Chair; Sq. Claw Foot Table; Cane & Plank Chairs & Rockers; Drop-Leaf Table; Clothes Tree, 2 Old Cribs; Old Child's Sq. Playpen; Croquet Set; Sleds; Seth Thomas Mantel Clock; Child's Rocker; Carpenters Toolbox; Sm. Sprinkling Can: Porch Swing; Benches; Clothes Dryer; Enterprise Grinder Etc.; Cast Iron Trough; Agate; Old Tin Cans; Smoked Lard Tins, Milk Strainers; Old Rnd Chick Feeders; Butcher Tables; Green Jars, Space Heater; Berry Crates; Corn Dryer; 1914 Farmers Directory, Lane. Co.; Towel Rack, Meat Hooks. \, I | v 4 - 4 AMANA 25 S/S Refrig-Freezer; Frig. Dryer; Apt. Size Coal/Wood Cook Stove; 2 End Tables; Plus Useful Items Not Listed. ‘B4 DODGE RAM PICKUP. Heavy Duty 360 4-wh. Drive 50,000 Miles; 76 FORD 900 Cab-Over Dump Truck, 477 Motor (LP Gas); 70 DODGE 600 Truck w/Closed Bed, Equipped w/Dump (LP Gas) One Owner 66,000 Miles: 12Va Ton Tandem Duals Tag-Along Trailer; ‘BO 4-D Buick Century Car; 1020 Truck Tires 900x20 w/Rims; 12-4.36” Tractor Tire, Ford 900 Truck Rear End.; Most Farm Equip. Purchased New By Mr. Kreider & Is In Excellent Condition. SALE ORDER - 8:30 A.M. H.H. Goods & Sm. Tools; 9:30 Furniture; 11:00 Reel Eststs; 12:00 Fsrm Equip. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS Unlsss Accompsnisd by s Bsnk Lsttsr or Known By Auction Firm. Announcements Ssle Dsy Take Precsdence Over All Printed Material. TERMS*IO% Down Day of Auction. Balance Jan. 1,1996. Owner Financing Upon Prior Approval. Conditions read day of sale take precedence over printed material. SALE BY WILMER H. & LOIS J. KREIDER ATTORNEY: ALSBACH & RYDER LANCASTER, PA AUCTIONEER; WOLGEMUTH AUCT. SERVICE MANHEIM, PA PH. (717) 733-8192 LIC. #2357 Dennis Bob (717)733-8192 (717)665-6684 OPEN HOUSE DATES Thurs., Sept. 28 - 6 to 8 P.M. Other Tlmee By Appointment CALL (717) 733*8192 Or (717) 367-2113 8 TRACTORS - SKID LOADER TRUCKS John Hess App
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