842-L>ncwtw Fwmtofl, Saturday, Scptembw 23, 1995 Public Auction Register Cloflng Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’* publication RAILROADIANA AUCTION Private 25 Year Collection of NRHS Member Robert S. Hartman of Pottstown, PA Early RR Passes RR Periodicals & Books Rail Ephemera Saturday, September 30,1995 10 A.M. Ridge Fire Company Along Rt. 23 Between Phoenixville, PA & Rt. 100 An Extensive Collection of Early Railroad Passes From All Over the Country. Good Selection of Passes from the Late 19th Century and Many Desirable Examples Prior to 1920. Mr. Hartman’s Library Includes Numerous Out of Print Titles and Rare Copies of Sought After Volumes on the Subject of Railroads & Railroading. Brochures, Souvenirs, Collectibles, Time Tables, Ephemera. There are Hundreds of Magazines, Many in Duplicate, Which Have Been Organized in Lots to Accommodate Dealers & Collectors. AlO% Buyer’s Premium Will Be Added to all Purchases Along Rt. 23 Between Phoenixville,.PA& Rt. 100 * TOYS • TRAINS • TRACTORS • DOLLS • GAMES * Lg. Wyandotte Reo Dump Truck (Like New), Early Structo Dump Truck, Cast Cab Structo Dump Truck, Wyandotte Close Coupled Coupe, 1937 Lin coln Mystery Action Sedan, Wyandotte Air Flow Tanker, Restored Kings bury Sharkvose Sdn., Marx Magnetic Crane on Truck, Lg. Wyandotte AAA Service Truck, Structo Mobile Communication Center-0.8. Selling A Consignment of Marx Trains: Glendale Depot, Tin Litho Grand Central Station, Several Electric Train Sets in Their Boxes Plus A Good Selection of Boxed Accs. Battery of Toys, Character Toys, Japanese Wind ups, Games, Collector Dolls, Fisher Price, Nylint, Tonka, Ertl, Burago, Soli do, Eligor, Other Die Cast Ertl Tractors & Farm Toys, Racing & Advertising Cars & Trucks, Like New in Boxes, Train Layout or Putz Houses. TED MAURER (AU-000593-L) Successful Auction Management Phone 610-323-1573 or 610-367-5024 UNCATALOGED TOY AUCTION 500 WILD LOTS WED., SEPTEMBER 27 10 A.N. RIDGE FIRE CO. PAVILION 10% Buyer’s Premium. TED MAURER (AU-000593-L) Successful Auction Management Phone (610) 323-1573 or (610) 367-5024 Maryland Fall Contractor'! Auction. Cochran Auction Complex, Boonaboro, MD FRI. OCT. 27 & SAT. OCT. »°~ C ° Chran Auc,# ' * 28 - 12th Annual Support for Prison Ministries. Auo- FRI. OCT. 27 don and Chicken Barbecue 12:OONOON BEI-LAN at Runs Auction in Far- Registered Holstein Dairy mersville, PA. (Lane. Co.) Herd A Bred Heifer Disper- Local Aucts. sal.Located RRS.Box 51, cai nrr vr a cat nr'f Mlfflinburg. PA. Owners: « on Elam W. A Nancy Seller. 28 - 2 Day Annual Western Bryan D , meB Au £ t oil X A n /!* r Spr,nfl Rd - FRI. OCT. 28 - Juniata Co., FRI. OCT. 27 - I:3OPM 24a ~ 4511 - 80 Act* Farm, 'idd Stria Graded Feeder Pig fr|. OCT 27 -7-30 PM * Collectibles. Located RD Sale. Carlisle Livestock Feeder Cattle Sale Lees- 1. McAlHsterviHe, PA. Own- Markot. Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 port, PA. Leesport Far- sr: Dorothy P. Arnold, turn South then left onto meCs Market, Inc. Bryan D. Imee, Auct PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, TRUCKS, RIDING MOWERS, CAR & TRUCK PARTS, TOOLS, MISC. OF THE FRANKLIN G. RINEHART ESTATE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1995 LOCATION: Near Shrewsbury, southern York Co., PA. From 1-83 exit #1 (Shrewsbury) take Rt. 851 E 1 mi. Turn R onto Windy Hill Rd. for 1.2 mi. Bear L onto Whitcraft Rd. for 0.8 mi. to sale. Follow signs. ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES Green pine jelly cupboard, 8-day oak mantel clock, parlor chunk stove, Columbia cook stove, pine harness box, wicker rocker, pine feed boxes, Wm. Foust & Sons drinking cup, 1930 Comfort mag, egg scales & baskets, New Home Walnut treadle sew mach, meat hooks & saw, Enterprise #22 meat grinder, copper washboiler, horse weather vane, kegs, wooden barrels, chick crates, adv. tins & items, sheath & pitch forks, wooden rake, 1944-45 Irvin Mundis JD pocket ledger, Cl frypans, cross cut saws, baskets, dt boxes, cookbooks, slawboard, shoe lathe, clover seed sower, corn grader, floor lamps, postcards - some local, straight razors, hog scrapers, blue mason jars, books, butcher steel & knives. TRUCKS, RIDING MOWERS, CAR & TRUCK PARTS 2 1949 Ford V 4 ton pickups w/flathead V-8 engs, 30s-50s flathead Ford trans, flathead Ford parts: radiators, hub caps, generators, springs, brake lining & parts, distributors, alumn. head, starters, carbs, 1937-46 Ford whls, 40s-60s car parts, drive shafts, radia tors, carbs, 6-lug Chevy whls, 56 Ford trans, standard shift trans, 1932-37 Ford hub caps, NOS car parts, oil filters, air cleaners, switches, dist caps, brake lining & parts, spark plugs, valves, tie rod ends, VW door, 1940 s & up Repair manuals & parts catalogs, 1955-64 Chevy pumpkin rears, MF 12 Hp hydro riding mower, MF 10 Hp riding mower - needs work, MF snow plow, WH 8 Hp riding mower, MID 22” push mower, Clinton 2-whl garden tractor, 16’ alumn farm elevator - LN. TOOLS, MISC. Coats 10-10 tire changer, 'A ton & 1 ton chain hoists, sledge ham mers, picks, drawing knives, carp tools, garden tools, oil cans, McCulloch 2827 weed eater-LN, McCulloch 16” chain saw, small acetylene torch, 1% ton & VA ton Hein/Weiner floor jacks, misc hand tools, cases of oil, vises, hyd jacks, pullers, Dole rad cap tester, battery tester, armature growler, port air comp, Ford wrench es, radio tube tester, gas tanks, Wikomi PTO tractor seeder-LN, DB 16-hole feeder-NEW, metal eater troughs, chick feeders, iron piles, much more. TRUCKS WILL BE SOLD FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE. NO INSPECTION UNTIL DAY BEFORE SALE. TERMS: Cash or good approved check. AUCTIONEERS: Russell Wright Lie 1353 L 717-567-6852 Ralph Brenneman Lic7oBL 717-757-5130 EXECUTOR: Paul D. Rinehart ATTY: Raymond L. Hovis **A 71.65 acre farm will also be offered for sale at this location at 12 Noon. Refreshments will be provided. Owner & Auctioneers not responsible for accidents.** @ 8:30 AM ImiMhl Hi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers