822-L«ncntw Firmlnfl, Saturday, Saptambtr 23, 19?" haug sale Sale Reports FRALEY CONSIGN MENT SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery was held September 16 at the Fraley farm 3 miles east of Muncy, Pa. along Kepner Hill Road. Some prices were; J.D. 4000 tractor $6600, InL 1066 tractor $7500, Cawse 310 dozer $3OOO, While 285 trac tor $6250, N.H. 311 bal er $5lOO, N.H. 553 skid loader $9500 and Ford 6600 tractor $5500. Fraley Auction Co. managed the sale. SMITH ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of antiques and jewelry was held September 16 for the estate of Helen D. Smith, in the borough of Herndon, Pa. in N orthumberland County. A I'A story house on a lot in the borough of Herndon was sold for $29,500. Other prices included: walnut bow side china closet $3400, mahogany dining room suite SISOO, teak marble top stand $675, oak library table $2OO, pair of vases signed by Kauf mann $2BO each, 2 Chinese Oriental rugs $l5OO & $ll5O, table lamp with signed Tif fany shade $3OOO, slag glass lamp $650, electr ic Gone-With-Wind lamp $450, unusual floor lamp w/fringe shade $BOO, gilded wall mirror $650, ladies ring with 3 diamonds $1875, ladies watch with dia monds and rubies $lOOO, Indian painting on canvas $325, sterling silver bowl $lBO and beaded mesh purse $l2O. Mark J. Jones was the auctioneer with Jeff Dunkelberger. WHITEWASHING with ADVANTAGE FARM WHITE • DRIES WHITE •NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY BARN CLEANING - “ SERVICE AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR To have your bam cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & . WMW . . . „ lots of the old lime. This will keep Jammu your bam looking cleaner & whiter longer. CALL US ABOUT ON THE FARM FLY CONTROL Serving Southeastern Pa. And More BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 32 Years Experience INSURED 5 Trucks For Air Cleaning And Whitewashing RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Barn Spraying is Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 SEIDEL SALE A Public Auction of real estate and antiques was held September 16 by David H. Seibel, IS Quarry Road, Leola, Lane. Co., Pa. The l'/a story house with Atglen stone and frame and an attached 2 car carport was sold for $109,000 to Gregory Start of Lancaster, Pa. Other prices included: square oak table $320, jelly cup board $375, cedin' chest $lOO, wooden rocking horse $lOO, ironstone teapot $ll5, Bavarian vegetable dish $54, sewing bird $lO5, 1849 cross-stitch linen home spun bolster $650, cast iron bulldog $65, Texas longhorns (mounted) $205, Carnival dish $6O, and blue Carnival cream and sugar $5O. Miller & Siegrist were the auctioneers. ERTH—RITE, INC. SALE A Public Auction of real estate and machin ery was held September 14 by the Fulton Bank at Moscow and Quarry Roads, West Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., Pa. The two parcels of land were sold as one unit for $lBl,OOO. It included a 14 acre par cel with a scale house, garage, office and pro duction building and a 5.3 acre parcel. The pur chaser was Bob Hodge, 900 Thomdale Rd., W. Chester, Pa. Other prices were: hopper bin (Stoltzfus fertilizer spreader) $2BOO, other hopper bins $l4OO to $l6OO, J.D. 644 loader $15,000, pay loader $l6OO, fork lift $2300, Ford truck with spreader $1250 and 1975 Chev. dump truck $l5OO. Homing Farm Agen cy, Inc. conducted the sale. r A Public Auction of antiques was held Sep tember 13 for Robert and Doris Ann Huag, 326 Miller Street, Stras burg. Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices received were; wooden rocking horse $4OO, toy horse drawn wagon $220, Teddy Bear $195, Lion el train with elevator $625, Oriental rug $325, Toro snow blower $3OO, Amish boy doll $llO, Boston Lane & Reed percussion shotgun $3OO, dry sink $575 and 1878 Canon City silver dollar $29. Miller & Siegrist con ducted the sale. MOHR SALE A Public Auction of antiques and real estate was held September 16 by Jay Mohr, R.R. 1, North Hill Drive, Win- Held. Snyder Co., Pa. The 36.75 acres with a 2 story house and a bank barn brought $101,500. Other prices were: Strohman bread metal door signs $2O each, set of Beam & Fratys spring scales $4O, pedal fire truck $300,2 butchering kettles $230 each and 20 quilts brought over $ 100 each. Dennis Hassinger and Ken Smith conducted the sale. Public Auction Register SEPTEMBER SAT. SEPT. 23-2 JD Trac tors, Farm Equipment. Robert & Lois Risser. Rear 361 North Broad St, Lititz, PA. John D. Stauffer Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. 23 - Feeder Cattle. McKeys, 4 Mi. South of Port Trevorton, Snyder Co,, PA. Alvin Wen ger. Nevin Martin & Sons Auct. SAT. SEPT. 23 - Estate Auction, Antiques, House hold, Collectibles & Guns. Located in the Village of Richvale, 8 Mi North of Shade Gap Along Rt. 35. Owner: Mary E. Chilcote, Est. Calvin E. Chilcote, P.O.A.'s Bryan D. Imes Auct. SAT. SEPT. 23 - Mel's Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Turn left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right on Hill Rd. ot sale on left. Mel Hoover, owner. SAT. SEPT. 23 - Tractors, farm machinery, construc tion, salvage. Newark Val ley, NY. Goodrich Auction Service. SAT. SEPT. 23 - 7:3OPM Community Festival of Dock Woods Cofhmunity. Located at; Christopher Dock High School, 1000 Forty Foot Rd., Lansdate, PA 19446. Sanford Alderfer Auction Co. SAT. SEPT. 23-BAM Anti ques, Collectibles, Guns, Knives, Tractor. Tools, Etc., Personal Property. Located in Franklin County, Near the Village of Amber son, 3/4 Mi. Off Truck Rt. 641. Owners: Ellis P. (Abe) & Pat Myers. Steve Price & Earl Sunderland Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 23 - B:3OAM 6th Annual Tractor, farm equip. & gas engine con signment sale. Kinzers, Lane. Co., Pa. Rough & Tumble Show Grounds along Rt. 30 midway between Lane. & Coatesvil le, Pa. Russell Wright, Ralph Brenneman, aucts. The electronic governor on our AGCO Allis 8600 Series just might change your mind about traditional methods of farming. Set it and you’ve got precision ground speed for more productive operations, no matter how the terrain varies. Plus there’s less down shifting and improved fuel efficiency, too. At 103 and 120 PTO hp, these tractors are designed with advances for today’s profit-oriented farmer. Like dependable two-wheel or all-wheel drive, and a synchronized reverser transmission to easily change direction. Plus, a state-of-the-art climate controlled cab, an advanced air-cooled diesel engine for less maintenance, longer life and greater productiv ity. And, they’re backed by a strong AGCO warranty - four years or 4,000 hours as standard. Check out these high powered tractors at your local AGCO Allis dealer. mss&\ And ask about flexible Agricredit financing. For the way you farm today SEE YOUR DEALER TODAY! MANOR MOTORS On Rte. $53 Ptnn Run, P«. 1576$ 412*254-4753 HERNLEY'S FARM EQUIP., INC. Elizabathtown, Pa. 717-367-6667 SAT. SEPT. 23 - B:3OAM 211 E. Roes St, Lane. City & Co., Pa. Rt. 222 N or 8 to 800 block N of Lane City. E on Ross St. to auction. Truck, boat fishing, dock, furniture, glass & china, antiques & collectibles, power & hand tools, house goods, etc. For Ross E. Pearson Estate. Roy & Eric Probst, aucts. SAT. SEPT. 23 - B:3OAM Antiques, Household Goods, Dishes, Glassware, Tools & Automobile. Auc tion to Be Held in the Stew artstown Community Bldg. Along Rt. 851 EastofStew artstown, Next to Ball Field, Stewartstown, P«. Watch for Sign. Selling f v Virginia C. Hodge Est'-.e, Edith Alton, Ruth Collins. Sec hrist Auctioneers. SAT. SEPT. 23 - B:3OAM Furniture, oriental items and appliances, guns and musical instruments, anti ques & misc., equip, tools & misc. For Mr. & Mrs. JOhn B. Warfield located 5 miles W. of Frederick off US Rt. 40 onto Hawfoottom Rd. proceed 1/2 mile to 8885 Hawbottom Rd. J.Q. Cochran, auct. SAT. SEPT. 23 - B:3OAM Tractor, Farm equip & gas engine consignment sale. Held at Rough & Tumble Museum Grounds, Kinzers, Pa. Sponsored by Waterloo BoysofSEPAand Chapter #8 International Harvester Collectors jf SE PA. SANDY LAKE IMPLEMENT B.H.M. FARM EQUIP., Sandy Lain, Pa. INC. 412-376-2459 Annvllla, Pa. 717-667-2211 NICHOLS FARM EQUIP. Bloomaburg, Pa. 717-764-7731 B. EQUIP., INC. Wayntaboro, Pa. 717-762-3193 SAT. SEPT. 23-9 AM Anti ques, furniture A house hold, antique tools, lawn equip. A tools, Famnall trac tor. Estate of John H. Corn man, at 108 2nd St., Bow mansdale, Pa. from 114 south to left on Lisburn Rd. to post office in Bowmans dale. Farnk Pottelger, Glenda Davidson, aucts. SAT. SEPT. 23-9 AM Farm auction. From Collegeville, take Rt. 29 N to Rte. 113, go N on Rt. 113 1 mile to right turn on Mills Rd., IVi miles to Collegeville Rd., turn right ’/« mile to sale. For Estate of Henry W. Robison. Ralph D. Freed, auct. SAT. SEPT. 23-9 AM Anti que Furniture, Household Appliances, Automobile, Guns, Lawn A Garden Equip., Related Items, Col lectibles, Glassware. Auc tion Located in Huntingdon Co. Along Rt. 35 in the Vil lage of Richvale, 8 Mi. North of Shade Gap and 22 Mi. South of Mifflintown, PA. Owner: Maty E. Chil cote Estate. Bryan D. Imes, Auct. SAT. SEPT. 23-9 AM Valu able real estate, farm machinery and personal property. At 508 W. Lexing ton Road, Lititz, Pa. From Lititz taka Lincoln Ave west approx. 2 miles, turn right on Lexington Rd. next to Erbs Mennonite Church. By Order of Metvin B. Shelly, trustee. E.M. Murry Assoc., aucts. GRUMELU FARM SERVICE QuariyvlDa, Pa. 717-766-7316 SAT. SEPT. 23 - OAI Complete liquidation bridge division Coon tndui tries, Pittaton, (Scranton/Wilkes Barr* ARea). Hunyady Auction i Co. SAT. SEPT. 23-9 AM Out> I standing Sale of Antiqu* Paper, Collectibles. Front Hbg., Take Rt. 322 Watt; Approx. 45 Mi. to Port Roy. \ al Exit. Go South on Rt. 75 { to Juniata Markets on tie, Left at the Blinking Light*, i Sale Held Indoors. Front! the Personal Collection of; Ken Henry. Long's Auction' Service. SAT. SEPT. 23-9 AM Ant., Sues, Collectables, Took, fractions: Take Busins** Rt. 30 West of Coatesvitli, PA East of Rt. 10 to Sad*, buryville Hotel, Turn onto North Wilmington Rd. and Follow to Safe. Watch fa Signs. Sale by; Elizabeth S. Miller, Executrix. Kenneth Griest, John Stoltzu* Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 23 - 9AM' Annual fall consignment j auction, quilts, building! material & buggies. Qor-| donville Fire Hall, Gordon-, villa, Pa. Ron Funk & Locil' aucts. SAT. SEPT. 23 - 9AM Anti-t que & classic cars, trucks 1' motorcycles, carriages, buggies, carts, sleighs 1 harness. At 140 Laursl; Ave. Middletown, NJ. VI smeier Auction Co. HOLTRVS EQUIPMENT Roxbury, Pa. 717-532-7261 C.J, WONSIDLER BROS. Quaktrtown, Pa. 215-536-7523 Naw Tripoli, Pa. 215-767-7511 Olay, Pa. 215-967-6257
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