BlMancastw Farming, Saturday, July 1, 1995 Peterman Captures Crown In Lycoming County CAROLYN N. MOYER Bradford Co. Correspondent MUNCY (Lycoming Co.) Yvonne Peterman secured the Lycoming County dairy princess crown as part of a two-day dairy festival held recently at the Lycoming Mall. Peterman was crowned by 1994 Lycoming County Dairy Princess Kathryn JarretL The 19-year-old daughter of Kendall and Cheryl Peterman of Muncy, Petferman will enter her sophomore year at Penn State this fall, where she is majoring in agri cultural business management Selected as alternates were Roberta (Bobbi) Fogleman and Danielle Swisher. Fogleman is the 17-year-old daughter of the late Ralph and Ellen Fogelman, of Muncy. In the fall, she will be a senior at Muncy High School. The daughter of Scott and Sue Swisher, of Unityville, Swisher will be a senior at Hughesville High School in the fall. Peterman was selected after each contestant had an interview with the judges, presented a pre pared presentation and answered an impromptu question. Posing as a television show host, Peterman informed the audi ence about the benefits of drinking milk during her presentation. “Today on healthy cooking, we’re going to leam about nature’s most nearly perfect food, and that’s milk,” said Peterman. “You may be wondering why I picked milk to be the topic of today’s show. It’s because milk is such a nutrient dense formula. It has nine essential vitamins and minerals.” In her presentation, Fogleman, posing as a veterinarian, tried to convince her Holstein, Daisy Lou, that her diet of junk food was wear ing her down. “Your treatment today is for you to begin eating real dairy foods,” said Fogleman. In clearing up some misconcep tions about milk, Danielle Swisher noted that there are six major Sewn dairy maids will help promote the dairy Industry In Lycoming County this year. Pictured, from left, are Randl Fogleman, Mary Ann Cline, Stephanie Ulmer, Sara Ulmer, Heather Swisher, Melissa Daly and Julie Groff Kathryn Jarrett, 1994 Lycoming County Dairy Princess poses with newly crowned Lycoming County Dairy Prin cess Yvonne Peterman, seated, and alternates Bobbl Fogle man and Danielle Swisher. breeds of dairy cows. “No, chocolate milk does not come from brown cows,” she joked. The final stage of the pageant came after each contestant had to answer the question, “If a foreign girl came to visit you, what would you like her to know about your state?” “I think the first thing I’d do is take her to a travel agency and pick up a lot of pamphlets. Then I’d take her all the local places and of course I’d show her my home sur roundings on the farm and I could tell her the facts about Pennsylva nia and it’s milk production,” answered Peterman. Showing her the area’s dairy farms, taking her to see the capitol and Hershey Park, were among the things that Fogleman would like to show to a foreign visitor. Swisher stated that she would like the visitor to know that Pen nsylvania is one of the leading dairy producing states in America. She also said she would show them what a dairy farm is like and how different each dairy farm is. As in many counties, dairy maids make up an important part of the dairy promotion team. Serv ing as dairy maids in Lycoming County are Randi Fogleman, Mary Ann Cline, Stephanie Ulmer, Sara Ulmer, Heather Swisher, Melissa Daly and Julie Groff. Local radio personality Todd Stewart served as master of cere monies for the event, while pageant judges included Paul Nichols of the American Dairy Association, Dee Courier, Clinton County Dairy Farmer and Carolyn Moyer, Tioga County. SEE YOUR NEARE DEALER FOR DEPENDABLE EQUIPMENT & SERVK Annvllle. PA Honey Grove. F BHM Farm Norman D. i Equipment, Inc. & Son, Inc. RDI, Rte. 934 Honey Grove, P 717-867-2211 Cwtiile. PA New Holland, p R&W A.B.C. Groff, Equipment Co. 110 South Railrc 35 East Willow Street 717-354-4191 717-243-2686 El babe th town. PA fflgy. PA Messick Farm C.J. Wonsi Equipment, Inc. Bros. Rt. 283 - Rheem's Exit R.D. 2 717-367-1319 215-987-6257 Halifax. PA Sweigard Bros. R.D. 3, Box 13 717-896-3414 Honty Brook. PA Tamtam. PA Dependable Charles S. Motor Co. Snyder, Inc, East Main Street R.D. 3 215-273-3131 717-386-5945 215-273-3737 West Grove. PA S.G. Lewis & Son, Inc. R.D. 2, Box 66 215-869-2214 Frederick. MD Ceresville Ford New Holland Rl. 26 East 301-662-4197 Outside MD, 800-331-9122 HEW Bridgeton. NJ Leslie G. Fogg, Smith Tract' Inc. Equip., Inc. Canton & Slow Creek 15 Hillcrest Ave Landing Rd. 908-689-7900 609-451-2/27 609-935-5145 % kwhouaud :s' 717-734-3682 Loysville, PA 717-789-3117 Pitman. PA Schreffler Equipment Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 ERSEY in. NJ Wooditown. NJ Owen Supply Broad Street & East Avenue 609-769-0308
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