MB-Unosfr Farming, Saturday, July 1, 1995 It’s Easy To Get Attached To A Bobcat Loader! 753 13001 b rated capacity 40 hp liquid-cooled diesel engine 763 15001 b rated capacity (16001 b with optional counterweight lull 46 hp liquid-cooled diesel engine 773 17001 b rated capacity (18001 b with optional counterweight kill 46 hp liquia-coond diesel engine 853 17001 b rated capacity 58 hp liquid-coded diesel engine >■l * i*i n .t V' k WHY THE NATURAL HARVESTERS ARE THE NATURAL CHOICE. Model R 42 In Stock Now! BHM FARME, & l^AWf sales * j»arts - siimpis Route OS4 • 3 UUm Rort* of AuwrtUe. PA ''' '• ■. Telephone 717«557»22t1 " ; Bobcat 9 Skid-Steer Loaders Feature: Excellent breakout force and quick loader cycle time, unsurpassed service access, The BOSS* (Bobcat Operation Sensing System) which alerts the operator of mechanical malfunctions before they become costly breakdowns, push button auxiliary hydraulic controls, 30-plus versatile attachments and optional hand controls See Your Bobcat Dealer GRUMELLI’S FARM SERVICE INC. 929 Robtrt Fulton Hwy. Quarryvlllo, PA 17566 1.5 Ml. S. of Quarry villa on 222 & 717-786-7318 bobcat £ - 1 I "■ ' 1 “* I' < ' '% f v When harvest rolls around you want a harvester that will keep you rolling through it That s why you want GLEANER Our unique Natural Flow Harvesting System feeds your crop from /leader to spreader with no damaging twists and turns Plus you can qet the Natural Flow System m all four of our models more than any other manu/ac/urer so you always have the right horsepower and capacity for your farm size and crop needs Choose from the R 42 with a 170 bushel gram tank the R 52 with a P 25 bushel gram tank the R 62 wth a 225 bushel bin or the optional 300 bushel or the 330 bushel class seven R 72 the largest capacity combine built in North America Plus only CLEANER gives you a choice of engines a Deutz air cooled or the Cummins liquid cooled diesel Either way you II get the harvester you want and the harvesting system that s best for your crop At your GLEANER dealer now naturally 'sy ’ "t* V/4> • f ft I* ' 'r-A (jjjlni Used Farm Equipment Sales & Service 10 miles S. of Lancaster along Rt. 222 TRACTORS JD 4240 SGB quad, very nice JD 4040 quad SGB, very nice JD 2940, fender, 2 wheel, 16.9x38 tires JD 2440 w/canopy, row crop, nice JD 4430 SGB, quad, very nice JD 4230 fender, syncro, 3329 original hrs JD 4230 fender, quad, w/rebuilt engine in our shop 38" tires, original & very nice JD 2030, diesel w/rebuilt engine & clutch JD 4320 w/year-around cab, very nice JD 4020 D WF, nice Case IH 7140 MFWD, 42" tires w/duals, weights, 4-spd, reverse, radar, very nice Case IH 7110 cab, air, 1500 hrs., 2WD IH 3088 POPS, 1960 orig. hrs., 1 owner, nice IH 1486 cab, air, 1980 model, 20" rubber IH 1086 cab, air, new TA, nice IH 986, factory cab, air 1 owner, 1940 original hours, very nice IH 1466, factory red cab. air, very nice IH 1066 factory cab, air, very nice and original IH 1066 Fender Tractor, NewTA H 1066 cab, air, new TA, nice IH 966 w/cab & air w/rebuilt engine in our shop IH 966 factory red cab w/air, 2 point fast hitch IH 766,1976, black stripe, fender tractor, nice IH 1256 fender tractor IH 484 diesel, utility, rebuilt engine IH 340 gas, 2 pi hitch, NF Farmall 300 gas, utility w/loader & backhoe Farmall super MTA, straight sheet metal, runs good Case 4890,20.8x38 duals, 3pt PTO White 2-105 fender 1984 MF 3525, cab w/air, 2048 hours, nice, 1- owner MF 3505 w/cab & air, 1800 hours, 1 owner, nice AC 6080 fender tractor, nice Lawn & Garden JD 212 w/46" deck JD 111, nice condition Cub fWHlBbg. power steering, 46" deck w/bagger, 375 hrs. Cub Cadet 582.44” deck WoodHBWBIxl chipper,gas engine powered Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1606 Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-12 FAX 717-786-4773 HERR & QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT/REASONABLE PRICES/SERVKED S AVAILABLE WITH AlOO% WARRANTY ON ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN DELIVERY AVAILABLE TRIPLE H EQUIPMENT Wakefield, PA 717-548-3775 or 717-548-2094 NEW VICON EQUIPMENT 800-Gallon Sprayer w/4S' Hydraulic Fol 800 Gallon w/62' HydranUc Fold (1) PS 803 Spreaders (3) PS 803 (6) PS 303 (2) RS32O Rake (2) RS 350 (1) AM 242 Mower IYLOR-WAY (1) 15 Ft. Batwing Mowers (1) Blumtaardt 500 Gal. Sprayers (3) Ag Cbem 500 Gal. Tank and Frame (5) New Vermeer 906 Brw Chippers, 3 Pt. (Trail Available) (1) 1575 No-Till Drill, 15' (3) 606 Brush Chipper (2) 107 No-Til Drill 10’ (1) 60SK Round Baler ED (1) Vermeer 8040 (1) Oebl 522 I2.wbeel rake (1) Kuhn GMD-88 Mower (2) Niemyer Power Harrow* (1) Bale Boater (1) NH 4 Star Tedder (1) IH 810 Drill. 21x7 LEAMAN Combines Case IH 1660,1500 hrs., very nice condition IH 1440 hydro, very nice 1987 JD 6620 Titan II level land, very nice 1986 JD 6620 Titan II side hill, loaded 1985, JD 6620 Titan 11, side hill, rear wheel drive. Loaded, Nice JD 7700 diesel, hydro late model 1975, JD 6600 Diesel, air, Nice JD 6600 D w/Air MF 850, Hydro, 2100 Hrs. MF 550 hydro, very nice Heads (2) MF 1163 6RN com heads MF1144 4RW; MF43.4RN Case IH 1020 flex head, 15’, Nice 1H8434RN, Good IH 943, nice JD*643 low tin, 6RN; JD 643, low tin. oil bath (2) JD 643 hi-tm, 6 RN, nice (2) JD 443 com heads, very good JD 444 hi-tm, 444 Lo-Tln JD 213 (lex head, black reel & yellow reel JD 13’rigid head [entente & Misc New Koyker Quick Attach Loaders For most JD & IH Farm Tractors JD 148 Loader, Used NH 489 havbine. low acres IH 720,4S3Saand plow IH 720 5x18” auto reset, hill side hitch IH 720 6x18” auto reset IH 720 6x16” auto reset lIH 700 auto reset sxlB plow, hillside hitch Kraus 27’ model 2416 rock flex disc Kewanee rock flex wingfold disc, 21 'A' White 253 manual fold 20' disc Kewanee 7 tooth, 3pt chisel plow, nice Glenco 91 soil saver, low acres IH #68,4R front mounted cultivators AC 3pt, 2R cultivator FNH 155 manure spreader w/hyd. endgate Case IH #6O stalk chopper IH 60 stalk chopper IH 50 stalk chopper, nice IH 510 drill w/grass seed, 18x7 Case IH 5100 drill w/5300 Series press wheels, gi seed, like new 21x7 New wide fronts to fit 3020 thru 4020 Nl 324 2 RW w/12 roll husking bed, real good Dual wheels-34's and 38's Tractor Weights JD & IH Ysar-a-round cab w/air to fit IH 766 thru 1566 IH dual PTO units 3 pt. snowblowers, 7* & 8’ (j/SSi) (1) HRB2I Tedder (1) HR7II Teddei IUIPMENT
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