DUAL 5100 (Id* dump wagon (tain* ta Rlchardton) NEW IDEA 4171 Hay Rakt w/Dolly Wheal, Hydraulic Driva, Right-Hand Delivery FARM TRACTORS JD 4040 Cab, Powershift, Low Hours, Sharp JD 4230 Open Station, Quad Range, 100 HP JD 4020,72 Model, Syncro, Cab. Sharp, 95 HP 1968 JO 4020 Syncro, Cab, Immaculate JD 2150 Ind. PTO, 1 Remote, 50 HP CIH 5120 Maxxum, Cab, 16 Speed, Creeper Gear. 77 HP IH 986,77 Model, Weights, Cab, Immaculate, 105 HP IH 986, Rollbar w/Enclosure, Dual Remotes, 18x38,105 HP IH 886, Rollbar w/Enclosure, Low Hours, Sharp, 90 HP IH 686 Diesel, 2R. 3 Pt., V. Nice IH 264 Gas, Compact, 28 HP IH 274 Diesel Offset w/3R. IH 185 Lo Boy,-Yellow, Fat Turf Tires, S' Belly Mower Ford 291011 w/Loader Ford 2810 11 4VyO Ford 776 F Loader. 32 HP Case 4890, 225 HP, 3 Pt. PTO, Good Condition Case 4490,175 HP 3 Pt PTO, Good Condition Case 630 Gas, WF, 1 Remote, 60 HP White 2-155, Cab, 20x36,3 Remotes, 160 HP Farmall Super A w/ Cult. FarmaH C w/Cultivator Farmall Super C 2) Farmall 100 Hi Clear (Poor Cond.) 2) Farmall 130 Hi Clear (Poor Cond.) 2) Farmall AV Hi Clear (Poor Cond.) Farmall M Farmall M ROTARY MOWERS New Woods 21414' Mower/Shredder New Woods Cadet 7’3 Pt Rotary New Woods 59 for Cub, Super A, 140 New Woods 306 6’ for Super A, 140 New Woods Ml 50 5' 3 Pt, Rotary Woods 8320 20' Wing Mower Woods MD80" 3 Pt Mower Bush Hog 3109 9' Pull Rotary Mower (Sharp) Bush Hog 13' Rotary Mower Brilllon 15' Stalk Shredder BEFCO 17’ Wing Fold Estate Mower King Kutter 5' 3 Pt. Rotary Mower JD 609 6' 3 Pt. Mower, Sharp Land Pride 6' 3 Pt. Mower SKID LOADERS NH 455 28HPDiesel 5’ Bucket JD 6758, 44HP Diesel, 62" Bucket Bobcat 743,36 HP Diesel, 54” Bucket Buah Hog 13' Rotary Mowar 540 PTO, Solid Tlraa, w/Llft Cyllndar, Good Condition 1*75 White 2-155, 4,535 Hours, 20.5x35, weights, Triple Remotes, 1000 PTO, AGood 157 HP Tractor I Bobcat 743 W/35 HP Kubota Diesel w/S' Bucket ROLLER HARROWS AND PACKERS Brillion 14' Cultimulcher Bearcat 10’ Cultimulcher Chatanooga 8' Cultimulcher Dunham 12’Cultimulcher Dunham 10' Cultimulcher Poplarville 10' Cultimulcher JD 12' Cultimulcher (2) Brillion 10' Packer w/4" Axle Brillion 16' Cultipacker, 4” Axle w/End Transport Dunham 14' Packer w/End Transport Brillion 14' w/End Transport Brillion 10' Sprocket Packer Several Sets of Pups 3' to 5' JD 12' Packer Dunham 28' Flat Fold Packer Hesston 9T Soilsaver can be 7T Glencoe 9T Pull Chisel Brillion 10TPull Chisel JD 1600 10T Pull Chisel MFIOT, 12T 3 Pt. Chisel Brady 12’ Pull Field Culti. JD 1000 12'Transport Field Cultivator (2) IH 45 18’ Vibra Shank Field Cultivator JD 36 w/5’ & Valve to Fit Utility JD 48 w/5' and Valve, Fit 3020 Etc. JD 146 w/7’ & Valve, Fit Utility JD 148 w/7’ & joystick JD 158 w/8’ Fit 4020 etc. JD 265 w/8’ Fit 4430 etc. (3) Woods Dual Loaders To Fit Most Any Tractor IH 2350 w/B’to fit 1086 etc. IH 2350 w/7’to fit 1066 etc. (2) JD 8-Row Front Mount IH 80 2R Front Mount JD RM 4R 3Pt. IH 183 6x30 Danish Tine IH 183 4x30 Danish Tine Noble 3 Pt. 6x30 Danish Tine Bush Hog 4x30 Danish Tine Noble 8x36 Danish, Hyd. Fold (6) Ford 2 Row 3 Pt. Cult. Farmall Cub Cultivator JD “L" Cultivator Farmall “C” Cultivator JD 420 2R Front Mount IH 265 Offset Cultivator (New) IH Super A Cult. Farmall H Cult. (Nice) John Dnk 3*70 Harvaatar, w/ or w/o 2R Wlda Corn Haad. Haa Long Tongua and Elac. Controla and a 7' Hay Haad. Wa will Tirado Machine For Loat, Excellent Versatility, Gat The Moat Sevinge Haral L 7& -•< IM4 Ford 8610 w/Terreln King 4' Hammer 1974 John Daara 4400 Dlaaal Knife Mower, PTO Pump, Oil Coolere, 11.9)04 Combine w/Cholca of Grain and Duale, Approx. 20'Hydraulic Arm, 72 HP corn Haada DISC HARROWS JD 23518’ Centerfold, Nice White 271 18' Rockflex Wing Disc Bush Hog 12’ Cutting Disc (2) IH 500 14' Cutting Disc IH 35010’Wheel Disc Miller 3Bar 11'Offset White 281 12'Offset, Sharp JO TWA 10' Cutting Disk Farmall Cub Disk IH 475 18' Hydr. Wing fold JD KBA 24 Blade Disk (2) IH 720 7xlB Auto Reset, On Land IH 720 sxlB Auto Reset (sharp) IH 710 6X16 Trip Back IH 710 3x16 Auto Reset IH 314 3x16 3 Pt. Rollover White 548 6xlB Auto Reset White 348 4x16 Cushion Trip 3Pt. 3x Base White 348 3xlB Pt. Auto Reset Oliver 546 6x16 Auto Reset JD 8350 4x Rollover JD 4600 4 or sxlB on Land Rollover JO 2700 7X Toggle Trip, On Land JD 1450 4xlB Semi-mount Ford 2X 3 Pt. Plows (3) 1 Bottom 3 Pt. Plows HAY EQUIPMENT New Idea 405 Rake w/Dolly Like New New Idea 4171 Hyd. Drive Rake w/Dolly Pequea 760 Rake Inverter Pequea 710 PTO Tedder NH 477 Haybine JD 1219 Haybine (Almost New) JD 338 Baler w/ 40 Ejector NH Super 68 Baler JDI4T Baler W/Chute NH 450 7’ 3 Pt. Sickle Mower Ford 501 6’ 3 Pt. Sickle Mower (2) NH 24’ Corn & Hay Elevators Farmco 18x8 Steel Hay Wagon aE HARVESTERS IH 881 w/ 2RN & Hay Head IH 781 w/ 2RN JD 3970 w/ 2RN & 7' Hay Head IH 2 RN Snapper Head NH 3 RN Auger Base w/ Hay Head JD Direct Cut Head JD 2 RN Corn Head JD 2 RW Corn Head NH 770 E 1R Snapper Head NH 770 W Hay Head * HAS Single Axle Livestock Trailer „ 4 * jjjlfe - W • # Lancartar Farming, Saturday, July 1, 19184) John Door* 175 B w/44 HP, Yanmar Dlaaal Englna, S' Buckat Bush Hog 3109 9' Hoavy Duty Rotary Mowar, Vary Nlca CORN PLANTERS AND GRAIN DRILLS JD 7000 4Rx36 w/Dry Fert. (nice) JD 1240 4Rx3B w/Dry Fert. (nice) 3) JD 246 2R 3 Pt. Planter 2) Ford 309 2R 3 Pt. Planter (Sharp) Oliver 2R 3 Pt. Planter 2) IH 2R Fast Hitch Planter AC 2R 3 Pt. Planter w/No Til Coulters 2) IH 56 2R Pull Planters IH 51016x7 SD Drill w/Grass & Fert. JD Van Brunt 15x7 SD w/Qrass & Fert. JD FB 17x7 DD w/Grass Seed Tye 13’ Pasture Pleaser No Till Drill MISCELLANEOUS Worksaver HD 16 3 Pt. Post Pounder Qehl 7190 Feeder Cart NH 354 Grinder Mixer v (2) Gehl 95 Grinder Mixers (6) Gravity Bin Wagons 6’ Fast Hitch Blades Howard HD 50” Rototiller New 52”, 63” and 72” 3 Pt. Rototillers Westfield 4xll and 6x16 Uty. Augers (2) Holland 3 Pt. Transplanter Brillion 11' Packer Seeder (2) 10’ Lime Drill JD &IH B'3 Pt. Blades New and Used Post Hole Diggers 1R Ground Drive Potato Digger Oliver 2 R Potato Digger Westgo Hydraulic Rock Picker Side Dresser For JD 900 Side Dresser Attach, for Cub and Super A 8' Flexible Cham Harrow Several Used Tractor Cabs WIC 2700 Tandem Axle Tank Spreader w/3 Pt. Injectors Woods Rear Blades for up to 150 HP NH 328 Spreader w/Top Beater NH 514 Spreader w/Tailgate, Top Beater 2) McCormick Ground Dnve Spreader New Idea 3816 Solids Plus Spreader Tailgate for NH 514 Spreader New Idea 206 Manure Spreader (nice) New Idea 12A Ground Dive Spreader 2) JD 400 15’ Rotary Hoes 50' Roofing Materials Elevator LAWN & GARDEN JD 265 w/48" Deck JD 240 w/48" Deck Cub Cadet 1020 w/36" deck Haban Sickle for Cub Cadet, etc Snow Blade for JD 240 etc JD 112 w/48" Deck (yellow hood) 161 [llka nawl
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