DlO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 1995 LOADER TRACTOR FARMALL H, runs well, $1,500. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR AC Dl7, WF w/Kelly loader, belt pulley, jumps out of 3rd, $2,200. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR AC 175, diesel, WF, good rubber, $6,800. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 354, tandem w/top beater & endgate, ready to work, $2,200. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 218, tandem, slop gate, top beater, works daily, $1,200. 410-833-9091 Manure Spreaders: Nl ground drive. Buy, Sell, Trade, Repair.) Lancaster County. (717)786-3387. MF 1100 (NR) $2,000. Bushog S' rotary motor, $250. 4RW s-tine cultiva tor. $450, 6RN $750. (610)944-7529. MF 15' rigid grain table w/6-bar aluminum reel. 302/422-2930. - MF 410 combine, gas. quicK-tach, 4RN corn head, 30", shed kept, $2,000 080. (410)838-9040. MF 510 Diesel Combine, w/13' Floating Grain Head and 4RN Corn Head, Very Good Condition Asking $6OOO. (717)589-3459 Evenings. MF 550 combine, 1980 model w/2000 hrs., 1143 corn head, $l5OOO. 814-364-1349. MF Hay Pick-Up Head to Fit 200 Harvestore. An swering Service 8:30 til 9AM (717)949-9869. MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE PARTS NEW AND USED AND TRACTORS. EVERETT BROS. 614-922-3335. MOBILRAP silage film 20"x5900', from $55. B & L Wholesale, Elderton, PA (412)543-4300. , MOWER WOODS 60" pull type, good condition, $5OO. 410-833-9091 Mustang 345 skid loader, Deutz diesel motor, $3850; Farmway feed trailer, will feed 30 head, $1275. 717-653-5733. NEW HOLLAND ELEVATOR COMPANY New 24', 30', 36', 41' ele vators; I’-5‘ extensions for all model 155. CaH for bro chure on accessories, op tions and parts. Recyclers, we build belt elevators tool We will rebuild your New Holland 155 for 'A price of new. We will trade or buy your used or damaged ele vator. THANK YOU. Thom Wheary, JR. 717-687-0102. Need a combine or heads or self propelled chopper? Call Larry Stalter, ‘The Combine Man.’ 1-800-248-2151. New Brillion 6R S-tine culti vator, $2,400. (717)752-7131. New Holland bale wagons: 1003, 84 bales, excellent, $4,750; 1033, 105 bales, good, $5,100; 1044, 120 bales, not used much, $4,100 Roeder Impl., Seneca, KS, (913)336-6103 New Holland bale wagons: 1988 1069, diesel, 693 hrs , heavy front axle, shedded, like new, $44,900; 1033. 105 bales, good $5,200; 1034, 105 bales, good, $5,500; 1044, low acreage, 120 bales, $4,100. Roeder Imple ment, Seneca, KS, (913)336-6103. New Holland trail behind sickle bar mower, nice con dition, $B5O. Monroe County. 717-992-4178. New Pequea 818 bale thrower wagon box, steel sides, $1225; Pequea 606, 806, 1086 near. NEWS, WANGER FARM SHOP, Kutztown, PA 610-683-5970. Nl 402 5 bar hay rake, $6OO. <301)896-7426. New Pequea 710 PTO ted der, $1595; New gravity box, 220 bu., $685. NEWS WANGER FARM SHOP. Kutztown, PA 610-683-5970. NH 1033 Bale Wagon w/% Turn Bale Chute for Baler. $4BOO. (717)922-4571. NH 256 rake, nice oond., $1200.; Levi K. Fisher, 190 High Point Rd, Cochran ville, PA: From Cochran ville S. on RT 10, to High Point Rd, turn Right, Ist farm right. NH 260 roll-a-bar rake, converted to hyd. drive, $2OOO 080. 717-426-2659. NH 268 baler w/thrower, field ready., $l2OO 080. 717-838-6191 ask for Rick after 9PM. NH 273 Baler Super Sweep, S4A Thrower, $2200. (215)795-2281. NH 273 baler with kicker, shed kept, field ready $4500 080. 410-756-6724. NH 273 chute baler, field ready, good condition. 717-235-1766. NH 275 baler w/thrower, very good condition, 16' Bale King hay wagon w/ racks. (814)275-4390. NH #2B forage blower, ex cellent shape, $1100; 970 Gehl forage wagon, 1 year old $7500. 610-682-6089. NH 28 Whirl-A feed blower, $1450; AC G w/loader, $4000; 20x26" combine rims, 12% "center $125.00 ea.; 717-272-0041. NH 311 baler, electric con trols, pan type kicker, like new condition. Baled less than 900 bales. (215)598-3768. NH 311 baler, like new $8,000.; Farmall M, runs good $1500.; Utility trailer 4xB $100.; 717/757-4459. NH 311 hay baler, super sweep, 70 thrower NH hay elevator, like new. (717)899-6002. NH 316 baler w/70 thrower, excellent condition. After 6pm, (717)328-5655. NH 363 side delivery flail manure spreader, good shape. Shippensburg area. LEINBACH FARM MKT. $975 080. 717-532-5511. NH 37* bale elevator on wheels w/motor or gasoline engine, good condition. (610)869-2135. NH #450 mower, $850; JO #39 mower, $250. 814/542-4450 Mifflin Co. NH 520 manure spreader, 2 beater w/litter pan, $l,BOO. (301)898-7426. NH 782 chopper w/1,000 RPM and electric controls, 770 W hay attachment. Also has new paint, belts and feed roll. (610)869-7359. NH 850 round baler, field ready, 5x5 bale. 717-235-1766; 717-993-6901. NH Baler model 268 w/ chute, $1050; NH rake model 256 rolabar, like new, $2300; SOOgal. poly tank w/valve, $5OO. Dau phin Co. 717/362-9515. NH Hay rake, painted; JD Chuck wagon w/roof; 610/469-9633. NH Super 66 hay liner; Int. 1300 3pt grass mower, nice; Farmall 100 tractor, Cultivators for attachment Super A tractor 100 or 140; Fertilizer attachment for Super A tractor; Tub fertil izer attachment; MF 3pt mower. 717-786-3087 NH Super 717 chopper, 2R corn head, late model pickup head, $1,500. (301)898-7426. Nl 12A excellent, $1350; Nl 14A rewooded, $l7OO. Nl manure spreader parts, new & used. We ship UPS. Thom Wheary Jr., 717/687-6553 Nl #272 out conditioner, 7, $1250; NH #66 baler. $450; Little Giant 38' eleva tor, $825. 610/562-4464. Nl 6 Log Wagon Gear, Ca pacity 6 Ton, Excellent for Horse Farmers, Answering Service 8:30 til 9AM (717)949-9869. Nl Forage Harvestore w/ Grass and Corn Head, $BOOO. Badger Tandem Forage Wagon, $2BOO. 3 Dion Forage Wagons. IH 56 Silo Blower, $BOO. Hay/ Dump Wagon, $5OO. IH Flail Chopper, $3OO. (610)681-4134. Nl late model 323 corn picker, (2) gravity flow corn wagons, (1) 6-ton gear, (1) 10-ton gear. All for $2,500. (301)898-7426. SKID LOADER NH L 35 w/ new Wisconsin engine, nice, $5,200. 410-833-9091 Small knife (44) kit for Deere SP choppers, $4,975; Late 4400 diesel. $7,750.; Deere 6600 diesel, sharp, $7,950.; Deere float & rigid heads, $1,200 & $1,675.; Deere 215 flex, $4,450.; Deere low tin 643, $8,450.; Late model Case IH blower, $2,450.; NH 1000 RPM blower, $1,475.; Big Fox pickup header, $1,475.; Gleaner 15' rigid table for M 2 or L 2, $2,300.; Late IH 715 diesel and 2 heads, $6,950. Call Stephen, 717-249-2317 Smoker bale and corn ele vator $6OO. Lancaster County. (717)733-3267. Sprayer, FMC 40RC, 2 axel tandem, 500 gallon water, air blast, Chrysler motor, $3,500. Harrington, DE. (302)284-8774. FORKLIFT... MUST SELLII Hyster SBO, solid tire, 8000 lb. cap, LPG gas, auto trans, 9' lift, runs O.K. $lBOO. 410-337-3570. Super A Farmall, PTO, belt pulley w/plow & cultivator, snow plow, new 5' Woods mower, $4,275. Lancaster County, (717)336-2031. TRACTOR TIRE Firestone 18.4x42, new, $2OO. 410-833-9091 Tractor Pull Special Show Plow, 560 Cockshutt diesel 4-B-trail plow, runs good. 717/582-2483. Two 28x26 combine tires, one 10-ply, one 12-ply, 35% rubber. Call 717-788-1486. USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hill- T Farm Sales - Sendee, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio 45346. 513-548-0718. Vermeer 5041 Baler, 4X5 Bales, Electric Tie. (717)539-8993. Snyder County. Vermeer 60S-H baler, used very little. Dry/Uquid bale perservative applicators. 717/733-4516. Vermeer round balers, new and used. Rakes, tedders, wood shippers, round bale choppers and wrappers and film. Flexi-bale mover and field cultivator. C. W. Neiderhiser Sales, (412)423-4076. WANTED: AC golf cart and Terra Tiger vehicle, any condition. 301-845-8929. White 140 MFWD; White 120; White 2-180, $12,900. 717/867-4896. Wilrich 24' field cultivator, very nice, $4950. 717/437-2604. WOODS MOWING MACHINE 12 h.p., 44- deck, brand new, $3,400. Only 2 Left) 410-833-9091 IH 400 air planter, 41? $2,500 E-Z Flow gravity wagon, 8T $ 1,750 NH 358 grinder mixer $8,850 12' Glencoe disc $4,450 IH 720 4 bottom, 18" auto reset plow, $4,800 14' Bnllion cultipacker $1,850 NH 36 flail chopper $3,595 Nl 323 11? corn picker $4,600 All Equipment garage kept, excellent condition fill) 547-6027 Nl Model 214 Spreader w/ Model 217 Rearend, Extra Nice. Answering Service (717)949-9869 8:30 Til 9AM. Nl UNI SYSTEMS: 707 power unit; 708 power unit; (2) 767 Super choppers w/ Wide narrow corn h6ad; narrow corn head, (2) pickup heads; 717 com bine. 4RN corn head, 13' grain head, misc. parts. Delivery available. 804-286-3831. Oliver 351 Pitmanless 7' sickel bar mower, $975. Evenings, (717)437-3547. Oliver 77 farm tractor with saw, runs good, $1,700. Call (908)920-7334. Oliver OC6 crawler dozer, gas, remotes, hydraulics, PTO, $1,750. (410)658-2886. PAVEMENT BREAKER Arrow SP, gas, will drive fence post, $2,000. w/extra machine for parts. 410-833-9091 Perfects II S-tine cultivator STPH-11, heavy duty 11', bought brand new 1994, used only 1 season, $2295. 703/837-2451. Porterway tomato harves ter, converted to brush shaker, new hyd. pump, excellent belting and over all condition, $3500 080. 717-426-2659. SAWMILL, $3795. Free in formation. Silvacraft Saw- mills, 90 Curtwright Drive, #3, Amherst. NY 14221. 800/661-7746. Save over 50% JO com bine parts. Dismanteled, 66005 H, augers, pulleys, shAftss, pumps, axles, transmissions, hydro unit. Lebanon Co. 717-867-4538 717-867-1227. Schoessow Arrow Front Feeder Wagon, Excellent Condition. $lB5O. (717)836-1907. Sh» ■P' Di HDB .jver Post Drivers: . $1125, HDIO $1750. Ta neytown Farm Equipment, 410/751-1500. Shoe polishing machine, Landis Line Finisher, $l5OO. Call 410-337-3570 anytime Signode Power Strapping Machine, Product ton Line Model, $9OOO. Call 410-335-0131 anytime. ■JQfc’ massey-ferduson Where farmers ideas lake root MF 285 tractor Ford 54SA tractor loader, 300 hours NH 488 haybine exc. NH 40 blower Qehl CB 400 harvester, 2 heads MC HD 6’ flail cutter Woods CBO rotary cutter NH 668 left hand tank spreader 10’ 3pt. chisel plow (2) Woods 15' batwing NH 570 baler w/72 thrower NH 520 manure spreader MF 236 loader MF 10 Baler NH 254 rake tedder NH 770 W pickup head NH 851 Auto wrap baler MF 10 baler w/thrower Coming In NH LS33 Skid Steer Hesston 6450 SP Wmdrower & KVUHOLLAW SCHREFFLER EQUIPMENT Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 717-648-1811 Yale Forklift, 4 stage mast w/20' lift, LPG, Chrysler slant 6 engine, auto trans, excellent condition, $6OOO. Call Alan 410-337-3570 anytime. Van mar 165 D, 4WD diesel tractor equipped with roto tiller, loader, rake, mower, log splitter, dump cart, brush hog, $4,500. (717)698-8311. Zetor Tractors, Now 52HP 4WD $14,900. (717)428-3280. 1 NH Baler Model 311, Standard Pick-Up and . shoot, $3,000 International #35 Hay Rake, $ 1,350 Both In Excellent Condition (717) 759*9211 IH 3588 2+2 IH 756 IH 656 IH 460 IH cub C-IHSBS T gMM? IH 784 with 2250 Loader American 620 Fork Lift Skid Loaders Case 1840 low hrs. Case 1835 C Case 1845 FordCL4o Balers NH 2000 3x4 Big Square IH 435 Small Square NH 310 Small Square JD 410 4x5 Round NH 851 5x6 Round IH 1490-12’ Nl 5112-12” CMC 235-12’ NH 411-10' disc NH-489-9’ NH 469-9’ NH 479-9’ Hesston 1120-9’ Csmbluii IH 1190-9' JD 1219-9’ C-IH 1680 w/15’ Rex Head, 6 RN Corn Head IH 1460 w/15' Flex Head, 6 RN Corn Head IH 1440-rebuilt w/13' Header, 6 RN Corn Head NH TRBS w/16’ Header, 6 RN Com Head NH 1400 w/13' Header, 4 RW Corn Head MF 300 w/13' Header, no Corn Head MF 300 w/10’ Header, 2R Corn Head JD 9400 w/15’ Flex Head, 6 RN Corn Head (Coming In) Nl 818 Uni w/15' Flex Head, 6 RN Corn Head Wlndrowers C-IH 8830 Diesel Self Propelled, cab & air, 14' Header, 975 hrs. Blowers C-IH 600 NH 30 Flail Choppers IH 8 JDI6A Gehl 600 Rakes Vicon V rake 3 pt MF 29 wheel IH 153 6 RN JD 630 6 RN IH 5511’ IH 5500-9' CHAMBERSBURG FARM SERVICE INC. 975 S. Main St., Chambersburg, PA (717) 264-3533 • 1-800-447-6830 CASE HI | 1 Ferguson TE 20 Very Good Condition $2,700 Runs Weil York Springs (717)5*8-4557 eeccGcccoeee 1850 Gal. , Anhydrous Ammonia Tank and Wagon, John Blue meter and cold flow box, Excellent Condition $3,500 610-687-4286 IH 1086 cab IH 966 cab IH 766 cab IH H Ford 8N IH 5100-21x7 IH 510-16x7 JD FB-13x7 C-IH 450 4x16 IH 710 sxlB MF 3x16 Case 5x16 Badger 3000 gal Gehl 315 V Feed Easy 2000 gal Martin 2400 V IH 560-rebuilt NH79I-TA NH36' Zimmerman 32' Forage Wagons Badger 950-16’ roof, 3 beater, TA gear Gehl 940-16' roof, 3 beater, TA gear Meyer 618,18’ roof, 4 beater, TA gear Danco 16' roof, 3 beater, TAgear JD 216-16’ roof, 3 beater, single gear JD 216-16' roof, 2 beater, single gear JD 216-16’ roof, 2 beater, single gear Pequea 910-9’ Pequea 786-7' PI«K Hirrcw Athens 131-11’ TMR Mlxtri Knight 2300 reel Knight BAI4 Leaden Bush Hog 2400 Spravan Demco 500 gat 40' boom Lely 500 gal 36' boom Century 500 gal TK mt C-IH 510 705 Uni 838 Husker 702 Uni 818 Combine 701 Uni 727 Husker 713 S Platform 815 Platform 735 3 RN Head 740 Feeder 768 3 RWN Head 741 Feeder 766 Pickup 6220 Feeder 863 6 RN Head 767 Chopper Miscellaneous IH 1250 Grinder Mixer 3 pt Bale Chopper Winco Alternator 20 KW Fox 731 3 RN Corn Head Fox 2 RN Corn Head JD 2 RW Corn Head JD 50 9' side mt mower Brillion 8' 3 pt seeder IH 56 NH 28 NH 616 JD 40 4 RN JD 40 4 RW JD 1600-10' JD 1710A-10' WOODS 121, 10', pull $ 7i 0 0 3 type, new, 410-833-9091 BLUB MOUNTAIN •I DIESEL NEW TRIPOLI, PA 18066 Minor Repairs, Major Rebuilts, Fully Equipped Service Truck Tractors, Power Units, Combines, Harvesters, Skid Steer Loaders, Construction Equipment Call us for Emergency Service Leon Lembach n (610) 298-3483 _ IH 10-16x7 JD FBB 17x7 JD FBB-15x7 IH 450 3x16 IH 710 3x16 White 588 5x16 IH 311 - 2 pt Ml 245-TA Nu Hawk 200 NH2B' Rhino 131-9’
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