D44-Lancaatw Fanning, Saturday, Juna 24,1995 HBHHBSBE' HI 'SUPER-EXT PERFORMS PERFORMS RESULTS • Scott’s comments are: “I can’t get a concentrated energy source as convenient or economical anyplace else. Super EXT helps the cows keep body condition, and reproductive efficiency has not been hindered, even with the higher production. ” • Purina would like to thank Scott and Mr. Johnson for sharing their records. • In 1994, the top 4 Jersey herds in Virginia for milk fed Purina. To learn more about Purina dairy products and how we can help you achieve top production, contact -- EDDIE MORAN R.D. #1 Box 320 Jeffersonville, N.Y. 12748 914-482-4199 UMBERGER’S MILL R.D #4 - Box #545 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-867-5161 FRANKLIN FEED & SUPPLY 1977 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg, PA 717-264-6148 BEDFORD FARM BUREAU Bedford, PA 814-623-6194 Everett. PA 814-652-2313 New Enterprise, PA 814-766-3328 Warriors Mark, PA 814-632-6834 OLEY VALLEY FEED RD2 - Box 271 A Oley, PA 610-987-3568 Paradise, PA 17562 717-442-4183 1-800-635-3592 Umonville, PA 19375 610-347-2377 SI ® Trademark of Ralston Purina Company PURINA MILLS, INC. Feeds designed with you in mind. HHHHHHHHHKKHHSaKKKKBMffIggmffIaKBgKKKKgBggKHKHBKKKKKKKKKK I 4 t I Hktmutt* /.tmm w.m// "*** .Wr Mil! U,.( M um ml Call Your Dealer Listed Below to Learn Mora About Purina Mills Super-EXT Benefits DATE OCT 93 OCT 94 MAY 95 ANTHONY’S FEED MILL P.0.80x 212 Strausstown, PA 19559 610-488-6211 FARMER’S UNION CO-OP 30 East Walters Avenue Greencastle, PA 17225 717-597-3191 DETRICH ELEVATOR, INC. 5458 Cedar St. Williamson, PA 17270 717-369-3724 STEVENS FEED MILL Stevens, PA 717-336-2150 GERMANSVILLE FEED & FARM SUPPLY, INC. 17130 Bake Oven Rd. Germansville, PA 18053 610-767-9650 WOODSTOWN ICE & COAL CO., INC. 50 East Grant Street Woodstown, NJ 08098 609-769-0069 K & K FEED, INC. 23 N. Park Street Richland, PA 17087 717-866-2324 FAT RHA 703 14491 15820 745 769 17068 NORTH GLADE FEED & SUPPLY 12435-A Woodsboro Pike Keymar, MD 21757 301-898-3414 Clover Hill West, owned by the Bill Johnson family and managed by Scott Spencer, milk 150 Jersey dairy cows on their farm in Stuarts Draft, VA. The cows are fed a TMR con sisting of corn silage, alfalfa haylage, alfalfa hay, ryelage, and Purina Super EXT Complete. Pictured here is Scott Spencer, Purina dairy agent Jon Almarode, and Dynamic Sooner Vicki, who is in her third lactation, with a 305 day projected milk of 24,224 lbs. PRO LBS. MILK 539 556 596 KREIDER’S MILL, INC. P.O. Box 146 Loysville, PA 17047 717-789-3535 rHECKHBDAWn 239 W. Main St. Knoxville, PA 16928 814-326-4178 HIGH BROS. MILL 441 Centerville Road Gordonvllle, PA 17529 717-354-0301 H.C. SUMMERS, INC. 4002 Jefferson Pike Jefferson, MD 301-473-8300 WELLCO FEED RR 2, Box 1-A Wyalusing, PA 18853 1-800-326-9651 717-746-3442 FARM CREST FEEDS Litltz, PA 717-626-0331 800-432-3040 DIM 159 (Started Purina) 41.6 140 52.2 151 58.7 WILLIAM GOWER & SON Rt. 1, Box SO Williamsport, MD 21795 301-582-2818 MARTIN’S FEED & FERTILIZER, INC. Coburn, PA 16832 814-349-8787 DRAFT FEED & SUPPLY Jon Almarode PO Box 621. Rt. 340 Sturarts Draft, VA 24477 703-337-0408 NISSLEY FEED CENTER Mill Rd„ Box 377 Morgantown, PA 19543 610-286-9029 BROOKLAND MILLS, INC. McVeytown, PA 17051 717-899-6772 R D BOWMAN & SONS, INC. MELVIN WHEELER Moscow, PA 18444 717-842-8271 Englar Rd. Westminster, MO 21157 301-848-3733 J.B. FEEDS Berrysburg, PA 17005 717-362-CHOW
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